You are making the story even more worse.
And Aerith was drowned by Cloud Strife.
Hey, it'll give the 'Even if the world's against you, I'll be your knight.' thing more meaning.
You are making the story even more worse.
And Aerith was drowned by Cloud Strife.
You are making the story even more worse.
And Aerith was drowned by Cloud Strife.
I like FF8 for reasons unrelated to the story. It's not FF6, so its story doesn't have to be great.
And Aerith was pretty dead by that point. Even if the sword-stab doesn't kill her, she'd have bled out during the boss-fight.
Narolf, I don't think there's any indication that Squall was even interested in Rinoa in Disc 1. All he care about was his orders and was even annoyed at Rinoa because it appears that's she not taking her campaign seriously enough. Hell there was complaints that his outbursts for when Rinoa was in a coma comes as abrupt and out of nowhere.
Wait, what? I just played FF7. Sephiroth most definitely does do that. Unless we're going to dance around the merry-go-round of. And then it's a matter of asking how much a Doom Bot is a Bot and not actually being a Sephiroth Clone
Actually, you're incorrect.Wait, what? I just played FF7. Sephiroth most definitely does do that. Unless we're going to dance around the merry-go-round of. And then it's a matter of asking how much a Doom Bot is a Bot and not actually being a Sephiroth Clone
Man, I want Dissidia on the PS4...
Actually, you're incorrect.Each time you see Sephiroth in FF7, until you reach the Planet's Core, it's actually a piece of Jenova.
The party doesn't know, but the player has enough pieces of the puzzle to make an assumption at that point. It's been a while, but I don't think the party figures that out until around the Mt. Glacier incident.I said that in my post, though. That's the entire reason I brought up Doombots. Hasn't it been established at this point that Sephiroth was controlling Jenova, though?
The party doesn't know, but the player has enough pieces of the puzzle to make an assumption at that point. It's been a while, but I don't think the party figures that out until around the Mt. Glacier incident.
X-2 Yuna?
After playing XIII again, I'm feeling more partial towards Fang and Lightning. Despite the shoddy writing of course. Not to say they are the best, especially since I haven't fully played XII.
Fang is abusive and horrible. At one point she nearly punches Vanille in the face.And nearly stabs her to death between the first and second Orphan fights
I'm ok with all of this
But XIII is a romance between Toriyama and Lightning
I was pretty upset because people told me the game had a lesbian relationship and I got that
I'm not seeing a problem with any of that.Fang is abusive and horrible. At one point she nearly punches Vanille in the face.And nearly stabs her to death between the first and second Orphan fights
You were lied to. They are faux (aka subtext) lesbians at most, which don't count.I was pretty upset because people told me the game had a lesbian relationship and I got that
I liked XIIIYou expected anything in FFXIII to be pleasing to anyone not named Toriyama?
I'm not seeing a problem with any of that.Vanille is shit. Being serious, their (platonic) relationship is unhealthy. Still, the bar for Final Fantasy characters isn't that high.
You were lied to. They are faux (aka subtext) lesbians at most, which don't count.
Nope.Are there any decent relationships in FF that are actually present on screen?
You were lied to. They are faux (aka subtext) lesbians at most, which don't count.
The party doesn't know, but the player has enough pieces of the puzzle to make an assumption at that point. It's been a while, but I don't think the party figures that out until around the Mt. Glacier incident.
Are there any decent relationships in FF that are actually present on screen?
Says me. Anything less than overt confirmation is unacceptable, especially when it comes to Japanese media. (Not to say overt relationships are problem free either.)Says who? Fang seemed like a total jealous girlfriend the entire time. Nothing contradicts it.
I was referring to this scene:I'm not sure about that bit - at least I can't remember it - I do remember Squall said he respect him as a fellow soldier after his supposed 'death' but I never get the vibe that Squall looks up to him or anyone in that matter. He's too busy surviving on his own.
And my favorite heroine's Rinoa too though I would like it if she wasn't out of commission for an entire disc.
Squall is definitely interested in her in disc 1. He's visibly upset when she walks away and is enjoying himself when they're dancing. He also get's annoyed when Rinoa tells him that Seifer was one of the reasons she was at the dance.Narolf, I don't think there's any indication that Squall was even interested in Rinoa in Disc 1. All he care about was his orders and was even annoyed at Rinoa because it appears that's she not taking her campaign seriously enough. Hell there was complaints that his outbursts for when Rinoa was in a coma comes as abrupt and out of nowhere.
As for Seifer/Squall, Wazzy is right: there is a reciprocal jealousy. Squall does "look up to Seifer" because he is jealous of him for his relationship with Rinoa...
CTRL+F "Just stay close to me" on:
... while Seifer is jealous of Squall for his charisma.
Rinoa gives little to no shit about Squall until the very end of the first disc, while it's a crush for Squall. At the end of the day, he doesn't want to be a replacement, not even the dog's, because he would rather see Linoa happy... similarly to Vincent with Lucrecia in FFVII. Eventually both Seifer and Hojo let their craziness get the best of them and that's when justice is served.
Says me. Anything less than overt confirmation is unacceptable, especially when it comes to Japanese media.
So no, no one lied to anyone. You may personally not like the idea, but that doesn't mean you have facts.
What if Fang was male, would you have the same opinion?
Shippers are crazy.I really don't understand Lightning x Hope at all. How is that possibly a thing!? no, no one lied to anyone. You may personally not like the idea, but that doesn't mean you have facts.
So lesbians are basically men.What if Fang was male, would you have the same opinion?
I really don't understand Lightning x Hope at all. How is that possibly a thing!?
I guess I should rephrase. I understand shippers gonna ship but why do so many ship Hope x Lightning? Just because they're both single and have a decent amount of screen time together. Crazy.
It only gets worse in XIII-2 where they age Hope up for no reason.
She taught him how to be a man. Even gave him a phallic object.I guess I should rephrase. I understand shippers gonna ship but why do so many ship Hope x Lightning? Just because they're both single and have a decent amount of screen time together. Crazy.
oh god i thought i was done with him
Judging from the trailers for LR, I should think not.
I was referring to this scene:
"It's a good opportunity to test out my training. Thanks to you, I feel like I can take on anyone. Even if they do fight dirty like you."
And then Zell get's mad because he thinks they're being buddies.
Squall is definitely interested in her in disc 1. He's visibly upset when she walks away and is enjoying himself when they're dancing. He also get's annoyed when Rinoa tells him that Seifer was one of the reasons she was at the dance.
I haven't see the trailer for LR yet because it apparently spoils XIII-2 so this is really disappointing.
I dunno, all it spoils is the ending, which is awful.
So lesbians are basically men.
It must be experienced in the proper way!
There's nothing sarcastic about it. He's telling Seifer the reason he's willing to disobey standby is because he feels confident enough to fight after fighting Seifer. The comment at the end is just him getting a cheap shot at Seifer for cutting him. Why do you think Zell is so mad that they're being friendly? Heck, Seifer opens up a little bit to Squall in the following scenes.I interpreted that quote with a sarcastic tone, Squall's not really grateful that Seifer scared him for life. He just pointed out that since he managed to beat someone who resort to dirty tricks like Seifer, he feel like 'he can take on anyone.' Again, Squall acknowledge Seifer's ability but that's a far cry from looking up to him.
Explain him smiling then? How about him dancing properly even though for most of it he faked bad dancing so that she would leave? Even Quistis took notice of the impression she left on him.Of course he would be upset when Rinoa walks away from him at the dance. Here's a girl who's literally dragged him against his will with to the dance floor then left at a moment notice. I think a 'wtf' is not out of the ordinary here. If Rinoa did make such an imoression on him, you would think that Squall would've mention her once or twice in his thought afterward. Instead, he seem to completely forget about her until Quitis brought her up.
Where are you getting this bad blood idea? Seifer and Squall have issues and a rivalry but they still have mutual respect for each other. There's no reason for him to react like he does to her mentioning Seifer. I'll pull up the exact quote, it's long so bear with me:About getting annoy When Rinoa mention Seifer. Are you referring to the scene when they first met in Timber?
Squall: 'Were you there to meet headmaster Cid?
Rinoa: 'You know of Seifer?'
Squall: '... Yeah'
I reason why I remember this so well's because I just got to this bit after replaying FF8. Here Squall's certainly annoy that Rinoa brought up Seifer but that's due to all the bad blood between them, not because he was jealous of Seifer.
It's a disingenuous question.I'm not sure why you're being unnecessarily rude. It's a pretty simple yes/no question.
There's nothing sarcastic about it. He's telling Seifer the reason he's willing to disobey standby is because he feels confident enough to fight after fighting Seifer. The comment at the end is just him getting a cheap shot at Seifer for cutting him. Why do you think Zell is so mad that they're being friendly? Heck, Seifer opens up a little bit to Squall in the following scenes.
Where are you getting this bad blood idea? Seifer and Squall have issues and a rivalry but they still have mutual respect for each other.
Explain him smiling then? How about him dancing properly even though for most of it he faked bad dancing so that she would leave? Even Quistis took notice of the impression she left on him.
Another thing to point out is that he never shakes hands with people but immediately does with Rinoa.
Properly horrible.
I did not say it would be a good thing!
It's a disingenuous question.
I'm afraid this is where our interpretation differs. Squall's clearly upset with Seifer for scarring him and sent him to the infirmary in the opening FMV. The fact that Seifer also uses dirty tricks to do so while Squall had the upper hand didn't help. Furthermore, Seifer's the one who initiated the duel even though Squall had other plans that day (Fire Cavern) shows that Squall didn't really care about what Seifer is up to unless provoked. It's a known fact that Squall and Seifer don't get alone - Quistis even commented on it at the beginning 'I knew it'll either be you or Seifer.' Zell's mad because he thought Squall would hate Seifer like him but was shocked that Squall actually agree with Seifer on something. Squall and Seifer are alike sure but they certainly don't like each other.
Yes he tried to leave but when Rinoa persists and even defends his dancing mistake, that's when he starts to change his attitude with her and start dancing properly. If he wasn't impressed by her he wouldn't have cared that she walked away but the scene is showing he's bothered by her leaving abruptly. He was enjoying himself with her.You forgot the part where he did tried to leave... and failed. That tactics certainly wasn't working. In that situation, it's better to just get it over with than continue to make an ass of himself again and draw more attention. As for him smiling, is it hard to imagine that Squall could have enjoy that dance in the moment? I'm no enthusiast but I'm sure even Squall can find something enjoyable.
He ignored Zone and Watt's when they tried to do a handshake and they're both his clients. He does it to other people too but I can't remember at the moment who they are.Rinoa isn't just anyone. She is his client on his first job. What is he going to do? Ignore her handshake and make himself look like an ass to his employer? Squall may be anti-social but he does know how to be diplomatic when it need to be.
He ignored Zone and Watt's when they tried to do a handshake and they're both his clients. He does it to other people too but I can't remember at the moment who they are.
Did you count Zell?