Good luck trying to platinum Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Collection. The platinums for XIII and XIII-2 (and presumably LR:XIII) are probably going to be the easiest you'll ever encounter.
Might as well ask the question: what was your favorite scene in FFVIII?
No I made that.
Mine was the ending.
Probably the best Final Fantasy ending (including the credits). Well... Probably second to FFX's.
I hated this cutscene, I wanted Lulu.
Final Fantasy needs to bring back the "cheesy" romance.
I could use some good Final Fantasy battle remixes for the gym. Got any good suggestions, anyone?
Not as a main thing though imo. I really like romances that just kind of are there and don't affect the plot. They feel more natural to me. If the romance affects the plot in a major enough way, I'm probably going to hate it.
Something like Persona 3/4 is the perfect example. It just works.
The first scene that comes to mind whenever I think of FFVIII is the. All of segment
It is one of my favourite scenes in the series.
Final Fantasy needs to bring back the "cheesy" romance.
But the cheesy romance never left? Just look at XIII. No way Troy Baker and Laura Bailey didn't laugh their heads off after that.
Good luck trying to platinum Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Collection. The platinums for XIII and XIII-2 (and presumably LR:XIII) are probably going to be the easiest you'll ever encounter.![]()
This is for you Dark Schala:[IMG][/QUOTE]
This outfit looks familiar...
FFIV is one of the greatest games in the series, and I will defend that point to the same insane degree seen in recent Final Fantasy threads for a certain other game by certain other people.
In my perfect universe, Cecil and Terra are the star protagonists of a goddamn Super Robot Wars game.
well at least you agree that it's insane
This is for you Dark Schala:
The degree to which I am willing to defend how awesome a game in which you fly a goddamn whale to the moon so you can punch Darth Vader in the face is insane.
That's an FFV illustration, isn't it?
Except you never do. It's one of the biggest FF series fakeouts that you never get your finale with Golbez, FuSoYa just zaps him.
Distant Worlds was awesome. Four Fiends battle (FFIV) was superb, Susan Calloway's Suteki Da Ne was wonderful, and the Battle Medley was hype.
Just, excellent all around.
And then he just comes crawling back.You get to punch him out in a dwarf inhabited hellscape, though.
And then he just comes crawling back.
His hand, anyway.
For crying out loud, Cecil.
Cecil's so afraid that he steps away from it instead of stabbing it with his light sword like NORMAL people would.
Now you're just making me remember how much I don't like that game. I'd post the update where that happens in here but I'm too lazy. >:|
It's great not to be the only person who doesn't like FF4 around here these days.
Meanwhile I'm the only one who doesn't like FF6. But it's ok, it means I get plenty of time by myself.
No one likes any FF anymore!
It's fine.
I actually like all of them. I just like 4 the least and it's probably the only one I wouldn't feel too bad about if I never played it again.
This is how I feel about II and XIII. I like Firion and Mateus in Dissidia, but II is definitely one of my least favorites.
Also I probably won't be playing FF4 any time soon, either. I played the DS version and then the PSP version and also the Wii and PSP versions of TAY almost back-to-back so I'm pretty burned out on playing it atm, and I'm kinda burning out on the series in general. I have to play through X, though, because I promised my brother I would.
I like 2 more and more every time I replay it. Incidentally, every time I play 2, I like 4 less. Just because I think a lot of what 4 set out to do, 2 did in a way that annoys me less.