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FINAL FANTASY Community Thread: XV Mainline Entries and Counting


There are people who enjoy FFX-2?

I don't want to live on this planet anymore

Why not? It's a fun game.

Fun is sort of the reason people play games.

Most of the people who hate FFx-2 seem to have the same reason, the "It's too girly jpop" excuse.


Why not? It's a fun game.

Fun is sort of the reason people play games.

Most of the people who hate FFx-2 seem to have the same reason, the "It's too girly jpop" excuse.

It's not fun to me and despite not enjoying the music, it has nothing to do with it being jpop

Opinions, how do they work?


Moving past all that, the question is still "why not?"

The battle system was great, it felt like an updated Chrono Trigger. It was a bit too easy, I admit, though.

Music is subjective, understandably, but I find it hard to believe that NONE of these songs have any quality to you:





http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmjanIdpWKM Bosssss figgghtt muuusiicc

As for the characters, well, that's also subjective, but I found FFX-2 to be one of the few FF to legitimately explore a female character's growth in depth. How often do you get a female POV and hear her thoughts and fears? Reminded me a bit of Squall; people may not have liked him but they got to UNDERSTAND him.

And the "bad" ending is one of the best of the series.

You're missing out on a good experience by dismissing X-2.


It's been quite a few years since I've played that game. I remember really really enjoying the song from the intro cutscene.

Gotta find that game and give it a try


I thought the music helped at least...and just think of the dope stuff you can get later on.

The music is okay and the price isn't that bad but I mean COME ON. The point system is out of whack.

There's a certain point in the game where you're not allowed to find anymore Chocographs due to a glitch in the early versions of the game that made it so you could no longer progress if you kept exploring with a Gold Chocobo. Just keep going with the game until after Ipsen's Castle.

Is Ipsen's Castle Kuja's, or is that where I get the pseudocrystal things?

Also I forgot how annoying it was for Garnet to waste dungeons of game time emo. People give Squall crap but at least his emotions never prevented him from doing anything for a turn. Which fucking Gym do I need to beat to get this Pokemon back in line? Battles are too slow for you to waste turns crying, honey.
The music is okay and the price isn't that bad but I mean COME ON. The point system is out of whack.

Is Ipsen's Castle Kuja's, or is that where I get the pseudocrystal things?

Also I forgot how annoying it was for Garnet to waste dungeons of game time emo. People give Squall crap but at least his emotions never prevented him from doing anything for a turn. Which fucking Gym do I need to beat to get this Pokemon back in line? Battles are too slow for you to waste turns crying, honey.

Nah, Ipsen's Castle is a dungeon where everyone's weapon power is inverted.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
FFII ain't fun. :T

Fun: IV, VI, VII, IX (yes, I know the battle system is slower than FFXV's development), X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2
Unfun: I, III, V, VIII
Despicable: II


FF4 doesn't belong that high.
FFII ain't fun. :T
Despicable: II
Definitely weird. But why?

You know what's funny, Chocobo Hot and Cold was my favourite side quest in FF9. (><)

About FFX-2.
I can understand why people don't like this game, not that I approve, because it is very fun game to play, even if it's a bit too pop, too fansericy and story isn't really interesting. But saying it's no fun?! You must have very strange definition of fun.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Definitely weird. But why?

You know what's funny, Chocobo Hot and Cold was my favourite side quest in FF9. (><)

About FFX-2.
I can understand why people don't like this game, not that I approve, because it is very fun game to play, even if it's a bit too pop, too fansericy and story isn't really interesting. But saying it's no fun?! You must have very strange definition of fun.

The problem with II (not the SNES IV rename) is the core gameplay. It's easily broken because the fact you can attack your own party members without ever attacking the enemies and gain a number of levels for strength, defense, etc and be overpowered by the end of the game.


The problem with II (not the SNES IV rename) is the core gameplay. It's easily broken because the fact you can attack your own party members without ever attacking the enemies and gain a number of levels for strength, defense, etc and be overpowered by the end of the game.

ya, but do you need to do that? It's still one of greatest games of its time and I did nothing of the sort first time playing till the end of game, remember a game being rather hard, engaging and kinda depressing, what was a new thing too.
So many games can be broken (FF8 for example), but that not necessary is intended to be done while you know nothing of the game, i.e. play it for the first time. And even if you become aware of it, it happens too late in game to sully impression, no?
The music is okay and the price isn't that bad but I mean COME ON. The point system is out of whack.

Is Ipsen's Castle Kuja's, or is that where I get the pseudocrystal things?

Also I forgot how annoying it was for Garnet to waste dungeons of game time emo. People give Squall crap but at least his emotions never prevented him from doing anything for a turn. Which fucking Gym do I need to beat to get this Pokemon back in line? Battles are too slow for you to waste turns crying, honey.

I started using Eiko here and never bothered with Dagger again.


FFII ain't fun. :T

Fun: IV, VI, VII, IX (yes, I know the battle system is slower than FFXV's development), X, X-2, XII, XIII, XIII-2
Unfun: I, III, V, VIII
Despicable: II

You were doing okay till you dissed V. I could have accepted your dislike of 8 as a difference of opinions and was willing to admit that from a technical standpoint 1 and 3 weren't that special.

But 5? C'mon man it's 5.

I started using Eiko here and never bothered with Dagger again.

I hate Eiko. She's awful. Worst character in the game. Only truly bad member of the entire cast.
That's kind of cheating, though. Doing the 'last mile' in IX is harder than any other FF, and by two miles.

I was actually ranking the games. I fixed my post a bit to avoid more confusion.
As for IX, I recently did another playthrough of VII,VIII, and IX is next. Let's see how that goes.
You were doing okay till you dissed V. I could have accepted your dislike of 8 as a difference of opinions and was willing to admit that from a technical standpoint 1 and 3 weren't that special.

But 5? C'mon man it's 5.

I hate Eiko. She's awful. Worst character in the game. Only truly bad member of the entire cast.

I don't mind her...she is a brat but I thought she was kinda hilarious and she is a great healer. Only character I could never find a use for was probably Aramant.


I don't mind her...she is a brat but I thought she was kinda hilarious and she is a great healer. Only character I could never find a use for was probably Aramant.

Being useful is one thing. Krile was useful. She was still the worst character in the entire series until Genesis and Snow came along.
I feel like making a list, hopefully it's not forbidden. Please, bear wit me. The reason I decided to do this lies in weird FF2 and F4 hate on gaf. I wonder how it started... Because you know... I remember those being 2 most loved FF games back in the day, and I liked them a lot, great games for their time.
So here we go

God tier

never could choose between those 2 and don't know how people can like one and hate other, seems tad hypocritical to me, because you see, these two game have so much in common, especially how perfectly they blend story and gameplay. I still wait for such a varied game as FF7, to this day, and so smooth in progression game as FF6.

Greatness tier

well, ya, you see all those games were mindblowing for their time inspite of having some flaws.

Really fun tier

you can ask what they have in common? I think it's pretty obvious, they excel in some things, gameplay related, and falls a lil short in story department.

Good tier

All around good games, but not really exceptional as above games are

not so fun tier

FF11 is there because I don't like MMOs anymore, and that's only reason really. FF12 is only really boring FF for me in all accounts and with FF13 games, simply not enough FF for my tastes, not enough diversity in gameplay, bad pacing, story going nowhere and being there just to be there, lack of likeable characters, development and characterization too and way too combat heavy. As I already wrote what I think about 13 and 13-2 in this very topic, I'll stop there.

I don't understand how you can put FF12 down there. It's the most innovative and forward thinking Final Fantasy game since Tactics. Seriously.

I don't think the story was all that, but quite of the other games where redundant anime cliches as far as their story and character went. Matsuno got robbed. Unforgiveable!


I don't understand how you can put FF12 down there. It's the most innovative and forward thinking Final Fantasy game since Tactics. Seriously.

Because he didn't think it was very fun. I don't understand why it's so hard to understand.

If you were to ask me, I'd rate XII pretty low too, somewhere behind FF VII-X. I really liked XII too though, the battle system is just perfect.


Is it time for the monthly rating already???

Persona 4, Devil survivor 1, Persona 3, Devil Survivor 2, Persona 2, Persona 1,


Playing through ff7 at the moment. I still think the backgrounds in this game are gorgeous. I love the way they played with the angles. All you get now is fps view or over the shoulder. I love when they backdrops are semi animated with the lighting and stuff.

I'm at the glacier right now and it's so pretty. Would be nice if they had an hd version of it. Looks kind of stretched on my tv


What was the problem with Krile? I have to admit to not paying much attention to her when she showed up lol

Schala posted my reasons for not liking her a few pages back. Lemme go check. EDIT: Here's one post, but it isn't the one I'm looking for.

V: You know why I hate Krile? Because she pulls stupid bullcrap that isn't right at all. Ex-Death is hopped up on Crystal Power, commanding four of them, has the Light Warriors at his mercy, is INSIDE his home turf of the Guardian Tree, so by all means, he ought to be mother effing invincible at this moment. And then Krile hits him with ONE DAMN SPELL and it KOs him until the Crystals revive him.

Mind you, Krile has had NO access to job classes, and cannot have any spell better than Thundaga, since that's the highest level magic her world has, and Galuf, casting those same spells on Ex-Death, didn't have enough to KO him in a single spell. Oh, and her Wind Drake FLEW her to Moore, which is surrounded by mountains that my OWN WIND DRAKE couldn't reach. Also, where did she get this Wind Drake that flew her there? It can't BE the one that was hers that we went and saved, because I JUST LEFT THAT THING all the way on the shores of Ex-Death's Continent, and the one she's using was still in Bal. This is why I hate Krile: She breaks every damn rule the game has, and she always has to one-up your entire party. Freaking, FOUR WARRIORS OF LIGHT can't do CRAP to Ex-Death while he's freaking mainlining Crystals but ONE SPELL from Krile and OH NO EX-DEATH IS DEAD!

UGH UGH UGH. Go join Genesis in the club of FF characters who get away with bullcrap.

Also, I mastered Hunter with Bartz, so now I can basically do Dual-Wield Rapid-Fire Spell-Blade. So boss. But even though Bartz is a walking killing machine, KRILE WILL BEAT HIM WITH ONE BLOW BECAUSE SHE IS THE SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE.


Now I don't remember if it was in this thread, the Sonic one or the Megaman one. But the idea is that Krile isn't just a perfect Mary Sue, but she's one who is better than the cast at their own things. Like, Bartz is a talented swordsman whose father was a world-renowned soldier. Krile is a little girl who manages to best him in a fight. Also her grampa was a legendary hero, too! Lenna is all about dragons. She couldn't mutilate one to save her mother's life. Krile has one too! Faris is grieving the death of her animal friend. KRILE CAN HEAR ITS THOUGHTS. Ex-Death is a magical demon sorcerer. She breaks his spell with one attack! Galuf and his followers can't land a meteor worth a damn, but Krile can land it on a floating city! Lenna is a princess! So is Krile! ETC, ETC.

And so on. She isn't her own character, she's just a Mary Sue stitched from the qualities of better characters.
Now I don't remember if it was in this thread, the Sonic one or the Megaman one. But the idea is that Krile isn't just a perfect Mary Sue, but she's one who is better than the cast at their own things. Like, Bartz is a talented swordsman whose father was a world-renowned soldier. Krile is a little girl who manages to best him in a fight. Also her grampa was a legendary hero, too! Lenna is all about dragons. She couldn't mutilate one to save her mother's life. Krile has one too! Faris is grieving the death of her animal friend. KRILE CAN HEAR ITS THOUGHTS. Ex-Death is a magical demon sorcerer. She breaks his spell with one attack! Galuf and his followers can't land a meteor worth a damn, but Krile can land it on a floating city! Lenna is a princess! So is Krile! ETC, ETC.

And so on. She isn't her own character, she's just a Mary Sue stitched from the qualities of better characters.


Good thing the story of V isn't worth paying attention to except for laughing at!



Good thing the story of V isn't worth paying attention to except for laughing at!

That's all well and good, but it doesn't excuse Krile from being a horrible character, especially since she doesn't contribute to the comedy and is played completely straight. If the game lampshaded her or anything that'd be one thing, but it doesn't. It just wants you to suck on the fact that Krile gets to have a dragon and fly around in the ending while the end of the game focuses on her, her, her.

I ALWAYS kill Krile during the final battle so that the ending will be better.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
I didn't really like FFV because the story was completely average compared to VI and yes, IV. Plus I was mixed on the job system. I'm not a fan of job systems so yeah, that's probably why.

Final Fantasy X-2 has an amazing soundtrack, and by extension, the music from the PlayOnline user interface.

The piano tracks were amazing.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Corvo, it was in the FF 25th anniversary thread when you wrote that wonderful Ode to Krile.

Man, Ultros finds the games I like unfun. :(
That's all well and good, but it doesn't excuse Krile from being a horrible character, especially since she doesn't contribute to the comedy and is played completely straight. If the game lampshaded her or anything that'd be one thing, but it doesn't. It just wants you to suck on the fact that Krile gets to have a dragon and fly around in the ending while the end of the game focuses on her, her, her.

I ALWAYS kill Krile during the final battle so that the ending will be better.

Darn, is your heart as black as the raven you have for an avatar?

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Right, but I can't find where in that thread.

In terms of FFV, I made it to Galuf's world. Which also means I met Krile, and she's already started pulling bullcrap. Freaking, let's talk about that. Everybody else lands their meteor with some level of danger involved. The werewolf gets attacked and Galuf LOSES HIS MEMORY. But Krile, who can't be more than fifteen, lands her daggum meteor EXACTLY where the party is. The meteor is visible even after Gohn crashes, meaning that either it LANDED on Gohn, or the crashing city just missed it (suck it, XIII-2, Gohn didn't even kick up enough dirt to be seen from Jachol) and Krile beamed her ass up to the city in seconds, which makes no sense, since the damn thing was so high our airship needed adamantium coating to get there. But she's KRILE and EVERYBODY LOVES HER so the obvious answer is CHOCOBOS GENTLY LIFTED HER TO THE CITY and the monsters all high fived her as she went by. Oh, then she beats Tycoon with a single spell.

Just to be clear what's wrong with that: Nobody can use magic until AFTER they get the Crystals. Sure, it's sold all over two different worlds, but none of your party can use magic, not even Galuf. But Krile can, because she's KRILE. Then she uses a single Thunder spell to knock Tycoon flat on his ass. The guy is possessed by EXDEATH, who took four dawn warriors to stop last time, and is at 75% power for the moment. But she's Krile, so she does it. She'll soon beat the crap out of accomplished swordsman Bartz, fly a dragon better than Lenna, kill her pappy, become captain of a pirate band and get into Dissidia as she quotes Loveless and is actually Jenova's mother (half) because freaking she's Krile.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Corvo, it was in the FF 25th anniversary thread when you wrote that wonderful Ode to Krile.

Man, Ultros finds the games I like unfun. :(

At least we like Suikoden!

Suikoden ;_;


I don't understand how you can put FF12 down there. It's the most innovative and forward thinking Final Fantasy game since Tactics. Seriously.

I don't think the story was all that, but quite of the other games where redundant anime cliches as far as their story and character went. Matsuno got robbed. Unforgiveable!

I don't play innovation or intents, I play games and FF12 is no fun, seriously. Well, that's not entirely true, first 10-20 hours are fun, and a world looks great, but that's about it, Matsuno or no Matsuno. I actually forced myself to finish it.

Suikoden gets mentioned! Oh Suikoden, where are thou! :(

Anyway, how often do you replay FFs people, if at all?

I used to replay FF6 pretty often, but last time I replayed was already long time ago. I used to play FF7 annually, for about 10 years, then took a break, still last year replayed it and it is still awesome. Amazing, when one thinks how old this game is.
Played FF4 DS remake, not really fond of art style but it was fun to play.
I plan to replay X and X-2 (HD versions) too.
Often I have urge to replay 5 but something gets in a way all the time!
Oh I replayed FF8 several times too, all others I replayed at least once, excluding 12-13-13-2.
I have never replayed XII but only because I don't have the energy to do all the sidequests again...and I refuse to replay XIII and XIII-2 for obvious reasons. Everything else gets replayed.

Except for 2...


I have never replayed XII but only because I don't have the energy to do all the sidequests again...and I refuse to replay XIII and XIII-2 for obvious reasons. Everything else gets replayed.

Except for 2...
So you never liked 2, even when played it for the first time? Mind if I ask you when was it? I mean, how long after it's time.
So you never liked 2, even when played it for the first time? Mind if I ask you when was it? I mean, how long after it's time.

Couple years ago...I hate the battle system like the plague and there are also other things that tick me off like the empty rooms or how the game severely punishes you for walking off the beaten path...that darn game...
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