Square has pretty much said they would never do a FF7 remake until they return to their height.
XV may be a fresh start for them. They seem to really be trying to gain a new footing with the FF franchise because they are realizing that is is becoming fragile despite of it's success.
I don't want a remake unless it's done in the orignal's anime style, doesn't try to force all the compilation into it(I don't mind if they want to expand on certain characters like Zack but no Genesis) and doesn't censor anything.
The more plot "details" are shown about LR's side characters, the more I think the decision to make it a solo character game is hurting it.
Noel is still around! Help solve his newfound issues with Lightning!
We redesigned Snow for the third time! Duke it out with him while playing as Lightning!
We made Hope a kid again for some reason! Watch as he utters cryptic nonsense at Lightning.
Fang is in the game! She's not playable, you use Lightning instead!
Since Genesis is asleep/sealed up during FF7, there's no real need for him to appear.
Though arguably since there's nothing really game-canon about his CC --> DoC activities, he could conceivably be around.
Since Genesis is asleep/sealed up during FF7, there's no real need for him to appear.
Though arguably since there's nothing really game-canon about his CC --> DoC activities, he could conceivably be around.
I joked about it on Twitter, but I'm for the Poochie-fication of Lightning if it means she's in the eventual FF7 remake and not Genesis.
Indeed, you could probably do it just fine without referencing much from CC. I'd prefer them to keep Zack's death like the original for instance.
I'll take Gackt over Lightning, thanks.
Gotta disagree there, CC did one thing amazingly, and that was Zack's last stand.
I don't know, I sort of liked the powerlessness conveyed without any words during the original even if the sprites do look a bit silly. The CC version is good of course, but it's just my preference.
I did forget how CC's ending literally leads right into FF VII. I sometimes do think they are strongly considering it. Maybe they even have plans set aside or something.
My biggest problem with Zacks last stand is it's trying too hard to be epic. I prefer the simple death from the original. They didn't need this huge battle and speech to make his death epic. The thousands of soldiers was silly.Gotta disagree there, CC did one thing amazingly, and that was Zack's last stand.
I agree completely Wazzy. In other news.
How dare they. That guy are sick.I agree completely Wazzy. In other news.
Not hard at all. Getting Lionheart can be kind of a pain, but it's worth it just to steamroll a lot of stuff.
Card Mod is also VERY useful for getting certain items and stuff from Cards you get.
Honestly, like Angry Grimace said, if you have some semblance of how the Junction system works, you can break the game wide open with the stuff it gives you.
The sprites look totally silly and that style wouldn't fly today. Nostalgia and the original feeling is understandable, but yeah...times have changed.
Also, they didn't actually change the original--Zack still gets shot at point blank, we just see it from his POV in CC.
They get FF7 remake requests ALL THE TIME. They've had it in the books for probably a decade now, but they also know they have to do it right, and have said so.
They've "strongly considered it" ever since the Compilation was a twinkle in Nomura's eye.
My biggest problem with Zacks last stand is it's trying too hard to be epic. I prefer the simple death from the original. They didn't need this huge battle and speech to make his death epic. The thousands of soldiers was silly.
I really do think Zack dying immediately would have been a stronger ending.
My biggest problem with Zacks last stand is it's trying too hard to be epic. I prefer the simple death from the original. They didn't need this huge battle and speech to make his death epic. The thousands of soldiers was silly.
I really do think Zack dying immediately would have been a stronger ending.
I'll take Gackt over Lightning, thanks.
But I'll be damned if Zidane and co don't have a good story going, and Zidane and Garnet aren't the best couple in the series.
Final Fantasy IX is charming as hell and a great game but I'm not a fan of Zidane/Garnet. Yeah, they're a cute couple but I'm a bigger fan of the less conventional Steiner/Beatrix.
In fact, I tend to like the side stories a lot more for some reason. I remember when I was growing up I was much more invested in rooting for Lulu and Wakka than I was in Tidus and Yuna.
For the people that played the original game, is there any connection regarding the lore between the "Agito" of Type-0 and the "Agito" ("Saviour" in our version) of LR:FFXIII?
I don't think we'll know for certain until LR comes out. To what extent did "Agito" even get named in Type-0, though? Was it anywhere in the script, or was it just the scrapped title for the game?
Agito (アギト, Agito?) is a term from Final Fantasy Type-0. The Agito is a messiah prophesied in ancient mythology to appear at the time of Finis, an apocalyptic calamity. Class Zero are said to be Agito.
For the people that played the original game, is there any connection regarding the lore between the "Agito" of Type-0 and the "Agito" ("Saviour" in our version) of LR:FFXIII?
The following is what I understand from having spoken with Magius and others and played through Type-0 several times:
The following is what I understand from having spoken with Magius and others and played through Type-0 several times:
The Agito, in Type-0, is the Saviour of the world, meant to overcome the Cycle imposed by Pulse and Lindzei on Orience. They're meant to show up at the time of Finis. The main cast, Class Zero, are the Agito. Since the world of Orience is caught in this Cycle, it means that Class Zero has failed repeatedly throughout history to prevent Finis and/or open Etro's Gate. Likewise, though, one might assume that Lindzei has failed repeatedly in opening Etro's Gate since the Cycle is on going.
You know, I feel like I'm the only one who couldn't stand those two. I always thought the game was building up Wakka/Rikku because of Wakka's bigotry towards Al bhed. I think they would have been a more interesting couple/subplot. It was just weird having Lulu go from loving Chappu to loving Wakka.Final Fantasy IX is charming as hell and a great game but I'm not a fan of Zidane/Garnet. Yeah, they're a cute couple but I'm a bigger fan of the less conventional Steiner/Beatrix.
In fact, I tend to like the side stories a lot more for some reason. I remember when I was growing up I was much more invested in rooting for Lulu and Wakka than I was in Tidus and Yuna.
No more silly than any other aspect of the game. Cloud takes out a group of soldiers and backflips away onto a speeding train, all cool-like, in the beginning of FF7.
Hey, is that dude dead or what? When's he coming back?
Is this a spoiler of Type-0's main story or just background infos from the datalog? Hopefully you didn't spoiler anything significant to me T.T You know... I still hope for an international version one day -.-'
Hey, is that dude dead or what? When's he coming back?
I can totally see why someone would enjoy that since I also thought it was very creative, however, what was stopping them from doing something similar with less of the flash? Why not have him be shot by two soldiers and have his last fight be trying to fight against them? You could still implement that narrative to gameplay.I liked the over-dramatic Zack death. The Angeal bit may have been a bit much, but the part before that withis one of the most creative integrations of narrative to gameplay I've ever seen.the Digital Mind Wave breaking down as you fightAs a huge Zack fanboy, it legit made me cry over a death I completely expected, but was totally unprepared for how they presented it.
That ending seriously made me, the player, want to change the ending even in the face of the inevitable. You best believe I tried to last as long as I could.
It's actually the biggest problem I had with Crisis Core that Zack's role became way more important than it originally was. I love him, he's one of my favourite VII character's but did they really need to make him the reason for say, Aerith wearing pink(I'm almost sure he was a reason she started something else but I'll have to check) or Cloud repeating things he did like falling through the roof of the church or jumping on the train?
I can totally see why someone would enjoy that since I also thought it was very creative, however, what was stopping them from doing something similar with less of the flash? Why not have him be shot by two soldiers and have his last fight be trying to fight against them? You could still implement that narrative to gameplay.
I think if they removed the Angeal part, the cheesy speech to Cloud and..well the entire part of him being alive to tell Cloud what to do, I could have been more accepting of the soldier fight.
It's actually the biggest problem I had with Crisis Core that Zack's role became way more important than it originally was. I love him, he's one of my favourite VII character's but did they really need to make him the reason for say, Aerith wearing pink(I'm almost sure he was a reason she started something else but I'll have to check) or Cloud repeating things he did like falling through the roof of the church or jumping on the train?
Anyway, to end my semi-rant I'll just say, Zack's shorter hair is better than his long hair.![]()
Why was jenovas body at the nibelheim reactor anyway?
Maybe. But those comments were always directed at his appearance and actions, not him falling through a roof or the train jump(something she never see's from either) and to me it takes away from Cloud's cool moments in VII.Certainly makes Aerith's comments about how eerily similar Cloud is to Zack a lot more accurate.
Well, I find the whole Gackt stuff horrible anyways so I like to pretend it doesn't existPersonally, I'd find it extremely dissapointing if after raising a Zack that can beat Bizzaro Final Form Gackt and even the Goddess of the Earth to get downed by two dudes that aren't even SOLDIERs.I kind of saw it as an apology for that one non-canon animation whose name escapes me where Zack goes out with a wimper instead of like a boss. Dumb snipers.
And yeah, like Jax said, those traits are stuff that FF7 already established as canon. Aeris ends up falling for Cloud partially because of it.
Maybe. But those comments were always directed at his appearance and actions, not him falling through a roof or the train jump(something she never see's from either) and to me it takes away from Cloud's cool moments in VII.
I believe the animation you're talking about is Last Order which I also agree was terrible. Too many retcons for me to enjoy it. Especially the Tifa being awake when Cloud rescues her.
Why was jenovas body at the nibelheim reactor anyway?
Why was jenovas body at the nibelheim reactor anyway?
Who knows. Hojo frequented the area and had a laboratory there. Plus the Shin-Ra manor was there. Nibelheim was apparently a fairly important research area for Shin-Ra, but it was also obvious they wanted it kept on the dl.
The real question is why that reactor and the super valuable contents within were not better guarded. Why was there no security there at all? Granted that changes after the Nibelheim incident when the whole town is security, but there it is.
Who knows. Hojo frequented the area and had a laboratory there. Plus the Shin-Ra manor was there. Nibelheim was apparently a fairly important research area for Shin-Ra, but it was also obvious they wanted it kept on the dl.
The real question is why that reactor and the super valuable contents within were not better guarded. Why was there no security there at all? Granted that changes after the Nibelheim incident when the whole town is security, but there it is.
Is anything ever truly properly guarded in a Final Fantasy game?
Actually, yes. FF7 is one of the few FFs that have areas that really ARE unreachable due to there being too many guards to beat. There's at least 2 times in game where you fight unlimited soldiers until you give up.
Who knows. Hojo frequented the area and had a laboratory there. Plus the Shin-Ra manor was there. Nibelheim was apparently a fairly important research area for Shin-Ra, but it was also obvious they wanted it kept on the dl.
The real question is why that reactor and the super valuable contents within were not better guarded. Why was there no security there at all? Granted that changes after the Nibelheim incident when the whole town is security, but there it is.