Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
(._. )
I saw one once.
It was called FFXIII.
It made me appreciate "As The World Turns" on CBS for some reason.
I'm a terrible person
(._. )
This Four Job Fiesta thing got me back into the series, and I was wondering: is FFXIII 'required' to play FFXIII-2? I've heard relatively good things about the sequel, but the first is apparently a lovecraftian monster that eats stars and hope, judging by the internet (note: 'internet' may stand in for 'GAF'). It is safely skippable?
This Four Job Fiesta thing got me back into the series, and I was wondering: is FFXIII 'required' to play FFXIII-2? I've heard relatively good things about the sequel, but the first is apparently a lovecraftian monster that eats stars and hope, judging by the internet (note: 'internet' may stand in for 'GAF'). It is safely skippable?
This Four Job Fiesta thing got me back into the series, and I was wondering: is FFXIII 'required' to play FFXIII-2? I've heard relatively good things about the sequel, but the first is apparently a lovecraftian monster that eats stars and hope, judging by the internet (note: 'internet' may stand in for 'GAF'). It is safely skippable?
I'd ask how someone arrives at the conclusion that Leyla from FFII is a lesbian when the only attraction she shows toward anyone is Firion, but I'm still stuck on how Lavos is a lesbian or a part of the Final Fantasy series.
Didn't you hear?
"This comes from Hironobu Sakaguchi's life long belief that lesbians are up to no good."
Obviously Leyla thought Firion was a woman, an honest mistake when you are drawn by Amano.
I'd ask how someone arrives at the conclusion that Leyla from FFII is a lesbian when the only attraction she shows toward anyone is Firion, but I'm still stuck on how Lavos is a lesbian or a part of the Final Fantasy series.
So wait . . . Lelya was a lesbian because she was a pirate?
This is the Opera in FF6.
Lavos wants to get closer to the core of Gaia, the world of Chrono Trigger and Gaia is always female...sooooooo yeah.
Leyla however is not
Something awful.I'm not saying it's flawless logic.
But it's something?
Is the CT world called Gaia? And also, the world is like, The Entity, not Gaia. And even if it was, how do we know Lavos is female? And I'm not comfortable with the idea of viewing a parasitic relationship as an analogy for a lesbian one.
Something awful.
To be honest, I don't know lol. I think the author of the vid has their mind in the same strange places as Amano
The ultimate troll would be to not include Vanille and Fang on the list.
That's precisely what he did.
Lightning was the lesbian he listed for XIII.
Fan speculation is a terrifying thing
It has to be a troll. I mean come on. You put Lightning for lesbian over Fang x Vanille?
Everyone knows Lightning only has sex with Toriyama.
That one concert they did in Japan were they made a lifelike hologram of Hatsune Miku...I bet you that is what Toriyama will happen
No wonder we don't get many Lightning fans in this thread
I like Seven;Not Lightning
Lightning will become the official mascot of Squeenix
Mmmmmm Seven. Seven is great, but I still think Sice winds up with Trey. Comedy before reason.
Mmmmmm Seven. Seven is great, but I still think Sice winds up with Trey. Comedy before reason.
Eh. Novel implies Trey x Cinque.
Sorry Corvy.
I love his art, but damn it's amazing how trippy it is sometimes. I wonder if he is ever surprised at how a piece ends up.
I really hope my copy of The Sky ships soon. Still says August 6th for me.
Was Four Heroes of Light any good? Wasn't it supposed to sort of be a remake of the original technically?
I watched the entire thing.
It was incredibly disturbing.
But Trey and Sice were like, always hanging out.
Didn't you hear?
"This comes from Hironobu Sakaguchi's life long belief that lesbians are up to no good."
Obviously Leyla thought Firion was a woman, an honest mistake when you are drawn by Amano.
After beating the original FF three times, it becomes a chore to complete it. Luckily I only need 2 more crystals.
The true test if replaying II
The Famicom version would definitely test the limits of your sanity.
-"Why does my magic suck?"
-"Ooo, this seems like an interesting door, I'll just go in her-*ENCOUNTER*"
-"Why isn't my HP going up? I have to hit my dudes to get HP or something?"
-"Why does Ultima only do a few hundred damage?"
And so on.
At least you can turn the Emperor into a Toad.![]()
The official mascot is Ultros and not Gilgadouche whether you like it or not.