Jesus, nice draw dude. Makes me want to drop the cash of the gatcha. Dena has earned the money from me.
How long does boost and retaliate last?
I'm curious about this too. Is there a visual indicator for when Retaliate is active? I assumed that it wore off when the ATB gauge started recharging, but I guess that's not the case
I hate everything.
Jesus, nice draw dude. Makes me want to drop the cash of the gatcha. Dena has earned the money from me.
Am I seeing 5, FIVE 5* RELIC!?
Don't do it! It'll only lead to disappointment compared to that god draw!
Good lord Wazzy!! XD
This is fucking bullshit. I hate this game
lmao :3Brb, deleting the app and then eating my phone.
Nice. But now you'll probably stop using Angelo Cannon.![]()
Congrats! This is encouraging, I'm going through some preparations in the game at the moment but I definitely want to at least master the Elite T-Rex in this event.![]()
Did it! And without using Mythril to heal too!
I just skimmed the past few posts and hadn't seen the reddit posts. I don't have any 5* gear so it's definitely not necessary to spend any mythril/money to beat this guy.
I managed to get through the dungeon just single attacking Cloud (who had Retaliate and Boost up) and for the final round in each stage I used Bladeblitz in order to clear it quickly (and because Retaliate wears off by then) but I only got 8/9 medals for stages 1 and 2 (took too many turns) but cleared stage 3 with 9/9 medals as I used Bladeblitz twice there (I've honed it once so had 4 total uses)
For the boss Terra used Dark Buster to blind it and then had 6 Blizzaga to use, Sephiroth used Poison and then Paladin Cecil (who used Armor Break too), Sephiroth and Tidus used Double Cut on Cloud while he himself attacked too. I got lucky with the boss trying to attack Cloud a lot so I got a bunch of free counter attacks too.
8 elites down, 2 to go (more like 1 since #10 is seemingly impossible for now lol)
Kind of bummed that this is the first event where I won't master everything and get all the rewards, but I guess that will start to become the norm from here on out. The dream is over.
I'm still gonna hold out I think, but this Mythril is burning a hole in my pocket.
Your character slightly changes his stance, but thats it
In Japan they let got an update that lets you use special Weapon exclusive ones with whatever equipment you want once you've "mastered" it or something but you should still be able to use Angelo Cannon since it's her base Soul Break, if you want too. Or is it just because her new one is too powerful to pass up?Only downside.I love AC.
You can choose now! I'll stick with the special Soul Break but I'll let AC back once in awhile.In Japan they let got an update that lets you select your Soul Break. Hopefully we'll get that one soon too. Or maybe you already can? I don't remember...
I think the update lets you use special Weapon exclusive ones with whatever equipment you want once you've "mastered" it or something.
Here's my relic get. I guess it's okay.
Edit: uwahhh Wazzy!!! Awesome luck you got there! Congrats!!! :3
Thanks!Insane luck there.
Yeah, I had a brain freeze moment there. I don't have any cool SB weapons yet besides the few for the Core characters, and I haven't given those a spin yet. I'm glad it's an option.You can choose now! I'll stick with the special Soul Break but I'll let AC back once in awhile.![]()
IDK when we will get the update, but, yup, it's both. You can learn Soul Breaks similarly to FF9's ability system and characters with multiple SBs can choose which one to use midbattle.In Japan they let got an update that lets you use special Weapon exclusive ones with whatever equipment you want once you've "mastered" it or something but you should still be able to use Angelo Cannon since it's her base Soul Break, if you want too. Or is it just because her new one is too powerful to pass up?
That's still a great draw Oni.I'm just so happy that I got such a good pull for an VIII event. What are the chances of that for someone's favourite game?
I wanted to try for SeeD uniform so I did one payed 11 pull and I got another Blitzblade and Genji helm plus some other 4 star items.
I wish I got some more VIII items but I obviously have good enough ones already xDW T F
Two blitzblades AND a Valkyrie means you have the best shot out of any of us for clearing Edea Elite lol
edit: don't take this the wrong way though but I'm not sure you've been playing long enough to have the abilities honed to the level required.
edit2: curse you, you finally made me cave and blow $30. Judgement staff (lol, oh well, the number of 5*s I pulled doubled at the very least. I have two now!) and two Ten-gallon Hats.
The sad part is there's so few VIII items that I'm not sure if I even want to combine the hats or stick them on two people. You'd think that dilemma is reserved for 5* items.
60000 Memories currently. Should I slog through the rest? I'm so over this event now but maybe I should just stick it out.
Ugh, that's 4 or 5 more runs. :/The ring is probably the best accessory available right now, not counting whatever's in the Sorceress event.
Ugh, that's 4 or 5 more runs. :/
It wouldn't be so bad if I could just autobattle, but the fights are just hard enough that I still need to actually do them manually.
Ugh, that's 4 or 5 more runs. :/
It wouldn't be so bad if I could just autobattle, but the fights are just hard enough that I still need to actually do them manually.
Man, Edea has a ton of HP in the first fight with her on Elite. She must take forever to go down the second time.
OK my goal is to get the Angel Wings now, I have almost everyone in that one screenshot and all the gear they posted.
mind lending me your official ball
i'm Chinese
i'm good at bootlegging