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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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Oh we can win....



After 44+ pull, I still haven't gotten a single character weapon. But the game sure love giving me literally 20+ 3* IV rods though.

FFS video game


that puzzling face
Actually I do believe that since Zantetsuken isn't character specific, it goes into the 'generic filler pool' like Genji, etc rather than the 'lol 0.001% chance' pool like the other character weapons.

It's finally less than 1% since there's so many generic 5*s now, though.


http://imgur.com/a/zydzE Retaliate stronk

(Gil Heroic solo'd by Tyro)
Actually I do believe that since Zantetsuken isn't character specific, it goes into the 'generic filler pool' like Genji, etc rather than the 'lol 0.001% chance' pool like the other character weapons.

It's finally less than 1% since there's so many generic 5*s now, though.


http://imgur.com/a/zydzE Retaliate stronk

(Gil Heroic solo'd by Tyro)

Oh my... That just gave me an idea for Cyan. I'm fit to clean up son!


Is it better to pull singles or do the 11 for the price of 10 deal? Has anyone compared their chances?

I did three relic draws and managed to get good stuff each time. But i now have enough for the 11 deal. Hmm...


Is it better to pull singles or do the 11 for the price of 10 deal? Has anyone compared their chances?

I did three relic draws and managed to get good stuff each time. But i now have enough for the 11 deal. Hmm...

Are you asking whether 10 pulls is better than 11 pulls? If you have the mythril, there's no reason to cheat yourself out of a free item.
Is it better to pull singles or do the 11 for the price of 10 deal? Has anyone compared their chances?

I did three relic draws and managed to get good stuff each time. But i now have enough for the 11 deal. Hmm...

Hmm... If you have enough to do the 11 pull, I would definitely do it because you are getting one free pull. The results I've seen from others has varied drastically though.


Hmm... If you have enough to do the 11 pull, I would definitely do it because you are getting one free pull. The results I've seen from others has varied drastically though.

Ah okay.

Are you asking whether 10 pulls is better than 11 pulls? If you have the mythril, there's no reason to cheat yourself out of a free item.
Nah i was asking which was more luckier. To pull 11 at once nets you better or worse then just doing it in single format.


Ah okay.

Nah i was asking which was more luckier. To pull 11 at once nets you better or worse then just doing it in single format.

I don't think there's a verifiable difference between the odds of a single pull and an 11 pull. If you look around this thread or the FFRK subreddit you'll see people with insane 11-pull hauls, people with nothing but 3* 11-pulls, and people getting repeat 5* on single pulls.

RNG gonna RNG. Just depends on whether you want RNG to happen all at once or over the span of individual pulls.


I don't think there's a verifiable difference between the odds of a single pull and an 11 pull. If you look around this thread or the FFRK subreddit you'll see people with insane 11-pull hauls, people with nothing but 3* 11-pulls, and people getting repeat 5* on single pulls.

RNG gonna RNG. Just depends on whether you want RNG to happen all at once or over the span of individual pulls.
Got it! I'll just go for an 11 pull then!


that puzzling face
The results I've seen from others has varied drastically though.

If I may give an analogy, the extreme variance you see is a sign of true diversity. Having each pull give exactly 1 5* isn't a sign of diversity, it's a sign of predictability.

Sorta like Final Fantasy casts. Having an all-girl and all-guy cast once in a while is true diversity, despite how many people will kick and scream and demand every title represent every gender orientation/ethnicity/etc. ever.



Around what level should I be before trying Hard dungeons?

About 30 maybe 28+ depending greatly on gear. Its actually better to retreat after the first battle on hard, than it is to clear it on medium. So just try it, burn abilities, retreat if need be and go from there.


I've really only been playing the events until I unlock their characters, and then breaking away to other games. I've not bothered messing with my team since getting Aeris.

I'm currently using Sephiroth, Cloud, Tifa, Aeris, and Rydia.

I now have Celes and Rinoa to think about. Do either of them serve as optimal replacements for Aeris or Rydia?

What's the ideal team makeup looking like right now?

Lastly, I've got enough for a 10 pull again, but is Rinoa's weapon worth getting, or should I wait for a different rate up?

Thanks so much!

It all depends on what equipment and abilities you have. I personally think Aerith or any dedicated WHM in a party is overkill for most of the content currently available. Rydia's summons aren't that great unless you level them up so if you have access to higher level BLM I would consider Terra or Rinoa over her.
If I may give an analogy, the extreme variance you see is a sign of true diversity. Having each pull give exactly 1 5* isn't a sign of diversity, it's a sign of predictability.

Sorta like Final Fantasy casts. Having an all-girl and all-guy cast once in a while is true diversity, despite how many people will kick and scream and demand every title represent every gender orientation/ethnicity/etc. ever.


Hmm... If you have enough to do the 11 pull, I would definitely do it because you are getting one free pull. The results I've seen from others has varied drastically though.

As it should given a random number generator. A chance of 10% doesn't mean that in every run of 10 you'll get exactly 1. In fact, you can prove mathematically that in any arbitrarily long sequence of numbers rolled from a fair dice, you will be able to find sequences of arbitrarily long length where a certain number never occurs. So if you roll a 10-sided dice an infinite number of times, for any number you can think of, even if it's a gillion quintillity dillion, there will be a sequence of numbers that long where no 1s occur.

People always think "I'm not getting any drops, the system must be cheating us!" but it's exactly what you would expect out of a fair system.

(I'm not saying that you don't already understand any of this, I've just seen lots of posts on reddit and other places speculating and pondering over the ways in which the drop system might be cheating people. Always annoys me to see that kind of speculation getting actual consideration)
That Heroic XP dungeon can be pretty tough. Especially if they get an AOE Fire and Earth on you. Fire attack does about 1500 on everyone. But 55k worth of XP per round is worth it.


Just fired off a 10+1 pull under the FFVIII rate up. Got 8 3* and 3 4*. I don't even have a use for anything I got.

GG RNG, good thing I've never spent a dime on this game, otherwise I'd be extra salty right now.
As it should given a random number generator. A chance of 10% doesn't mean that in every run of 10 you'll get exactly 1. In fact, you can prove mathematically that in any arbitrarily long sequence of numbers rolled from a fair dice, you will be able to find sequences of arbitrarily long length where a certain number never occurs. So if you roll a 10-sided dice an infinite number of times, for any number you can think of, even if it's a gillion quintillity dillion, there will be a sequence of numbers that long where no 1s occur.

People always think "I'm not getting any drops, the system must be cheating us!" but it's exactly what you would expect out of a fair system.

(I'm not saying that you don't already understand any of this, I've just seen lots of posts on reddit and other places speculating and pondering over the ways in which the drop system might be cheating people. Always annoys me to see that kind of speculation getting actual consideration)

Yeah, it's definitely working as intended. I wasn't able to explain it as well as you though, so I just kept it brief. The theories of the RNG cheating always irks me as well.


that puzzling face
Flans are actually still more by a tiny sliver per stam. A lot more mind-numbing though. I just did XP Heroic once through for the mythril.


As it should given a random number generator. A chance of 10% doesn't mean that in every run of 10 you'll get exactly 1. In fact, you can prove mathematically that in any arbitrarily long sequence of numbers rolled from a fair dice, you will be able to find sequences of arbitrarily long length where a certain number never occurs. So if you roll a 10-sided dice an infinite number of times, for any number you can think of, even if it's a gillion quintillity dillion, there will be a sequence of numbers that long where no 1s occur.

People always think "I'm not getting any drops, the system must be cheating us!" but it's exactly what you would expect out of a fair system.

(I'm not saying that you don't already understand any of this, I've just seen lots of posts on reddit and other places speculating and pondering over the ways in which the drop system might be cheating people. Always annoys me to see that kind of speculation getting actual consideration)

We don't actually have enough data to declare whether this is a truly an unbiased system or not. Only DENA have the full data and they should be careful since they have to refund tons of mythrils for the JP players due to a failed increased rate on one of the relics. It had happened before.


Did my first 11 relic pull!

Got 2 5* (the FFVIII outfit and White Mage 5* Staff), 1 4* dagger and a lot of 3* stuff.

I'm about to get Celes. She is a magic knight right? So she should be able to use a lot of stuff. I'm thinking about switching her for Kain. He isn't bad per se, but he can't use many skills and his weapon selection isn't that god for what I've seen.

I have far more decent swords than spears. The only decent spear I have is a 3* one I got on a rare pull. It's from FFV.


that puzzling face
We don't actually have enough data to declare whether this is a truly an unbiased system or not. Only DENA have the full data and they should be careful since they have to refund tons of mythrils for the JP players due to a failed increased rate on one of the relics. It had happened before.

JP version's gacha mechanics are actually required to be revealed in-depth due to certain gambling-related laws.

That aside, for EN there honestly isn't any reason to believe that the percentages are different than the datamined values. What would DeNA even gain from it? Juvenile satisfaction in tricking the userbase?


JP version's gacha mechanics are actually required to be revealed in-depth due to certain gambling-related laws.

That aside, for EN there honestly isn't any reason to believe that the percentages are different than the datamined values. What would DeNA even gain from it? Juvenile satisfaction in tricking the userbase?

Oh they would have plenty to gain from it. If the rates were actually lower than advertise, it means that they can squeeze out more money from the 'whales' they so love. There's already a guy who spent $3000 on gacha because he didn't get what he wants. Note that I'm not saying this is currently the case as it would be outright illegal and scummy as hell. Then again, the only people who would actually know this is Dena themselves so.. meh.

Most of the people who complained about pulls (like me) are just being salty about RNG as how these kind of things always goes. There's nothing else to it.


that puzzling face
Two points:

First, like you mentioned, it's illegal, scummy as hell, and DeNA are one of the few mobile developers that actually have a positive reputation overall - all It takes is for one misstep and that's gone forever.

Secondly, the rates datamined aren't exactly for public consumption. Having a set of numbers hidden from public eye, which are also inherently wrong just to be misleading, seems needlessly complex and pointlessly devious. While not technically a solution, Occam's razor is screaming in full force here.


just tried Heroic XP Dungeon
1st round, hit by 3x thunderbolts/quake and my team only left with 1 char barely standing

most my team is 46/47 with 4* and 5* armor
how do you guys survive the AOE attacks?

now I do love Flans more than ever


that puzzling face
Heroic dailies right now are more savescumming and getting the first hits off really. :V

(which is mildly less boring than autobattling)


Apparently, Flans are still more efficient than the heroic daily lol. 750/stam vs 730/stam or something like that. Plus flans is much easier and less save scumming


This game is making me want to play Final Fantasy VI.

...and IV and VII, I have both but haven't played them yet either.
Record Keeper is doing a good job of advertising these games to me.


that puzzling face

No kidding, you want to get started. At the very least on VII - having that game spoiled by an iOS caricature is something you'll likely regret for the rest of your life.



No kidding, you want to get started. At the very least on VII - having that game spoiled by an iOS caricature is something you'll likely regret for the rest of your life.
VII being such a cult game and being talked about so much means that I've pretty much passively absorbed the whole plot.


I was hoping for Rinoa's Valkyrie, but this will do! (especially since I'm working on FFIV dungeons and elites at the moment)

My first 5 star draw, yesss


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Mastered 6/10 of To Slay a Sorceress Elite. Meaning Deling City Sewer - Exit is next.



that puzzling face
Boost and Retaliate is pretty fun. Not only would they be useful for the boss itself (after all the other abilities are used up) and really easy to hone, theorycrafting suggests that a boosted Cloud/Sephiroth (depending what your best weapon is) with Retaliate up should be able to 1shot most trash, AND retaliate lasts through 3/3 waves if you're fast enough, meaning you use two ability slots to clear trash (and those abilities come in useful for the boss itself too)

Nothing is more satisfying than having a healer/BM's ATB start near full and taking out a mob via Retaliate.

edit: This seems to work on T-Rex stage (though some mob types require one last thwack) but falls off in usefulness for strict all-starring past that since you need too many actions to clear trash.


Skipped the Dino and just Quake/Summoned my way through the one after. That trash is nasty.

7/10 done, which means only two more left (lol)
I'm stuck at the Presidential Residence on the VIII event at the moment. I have no protection against petrify. I've just crafted Stona, hopefully that's enough?
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