Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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I know the lag shop didn't have chocobo loading, but I had to:


All right, all of FF8 is now mastered on elite... God damn that spider boss... 6 thundara, 4 thundaga, 6 thunder strike, 6 armor break, and I still only managed because Terra leveled up half way through and reset all of my abilities.


You just know that the way Wazzy got like a billion 5* VIIIs via the power of love, HawthorneKitty is gonna get a billion 5*s from the XIII banner.

Except he probably actually quit D:
And I hope to do it again with Squall. ;D

T-Rex Elite strategies please. Should I blind and poison him? That seems like the safest way. Or should I go all out with Blizzara/aga spells/strikes and hope for the best? My Cloud isn't high enough level to be a Retaliate bot with the Galbadian Sword.
Throw Ice skills on everyone but make sure to have people who can throw poison, sleep and blind into t-Rex. Getting blind to land is the painful part.
I think it's time that I quit this game. Everytime I play, it feels like a chore. It has really pushed me to actually replay the SNES rpgs I haven't beat, so I guess I should thank DeNa/Square for that haha.

I'm losing interest in this game. The difficulty is way too high now.
Shit they're dropping like flies, :(

I hope you guys stick it out! If you keep saving mythril you can keep trying for better gear from the relic draws.
Throw Ice skills on everyone but make sure to have people who can throw poison, sleep and blind into t-Rex. Getting blind to land is the painful part.
T-Rex time except everyone is almost dead and I have very few abilities left. (I did Champion every round leading up to it though, so I might have to break my no Mythril rule...)

I got poison and blind ready to go, and some blizzagas left. I'm gonna try and cheese him to death.


I made a gif to work through my Humbaba farming frustration


What exactly is savescuming? Is it just doing levels constantly until you get the 9/9 champ results? Getting ready to take on the Trex, gonna try retaliate bot strat as well and I think ive got what I need to get the job done... I hope.

Cloud - Blitzsword/Balamb/Hyper - Retaliate and Blizzara sword abilities.

The rest of the team sits back and poisons and blinds and then double cuts cloud with retaliate?


I went into Cavern of Earth 1 this morning and I'm only just now emerging from it. Got lots of EXP. Lots of Fire and Earth orbs. Didn't get as many black orbs as I wanted. Oh well. That's what tomorrow's daily is for.


that puzzling face
What exactly is savescuming?

Another term for S/L, both of which are a little misleading. You basically close the app during a round, and restart it, and it asks you if you want to continue from the start of that round.

In practice, it's mainly for rerolling faster ATB on trash for stars, or rerolling if debuffs like blind/silence/paralysis/etc don't stick on a boss, either as part of a strat, or as part of boss requirements for stars.


All right, all of FF8 is now mastered on elite... God damn that spider boss... 6 thundara, 4 thundaga, 6 thunder strike, 6 armor break, and I still only managed because Terra leveled up half way through and reset all of my abilities.

I had pretty much the same setup, but only 4 thunder strikes and 2 armor breaks. Even with Terra leveling up, I failed.

Then I did it again sparing my thundagas and most thunder strikes till the last stage. With mental break I didn't have much trouble.


Finally Lenna's Event! It was about time. Time to see if I can hone Blizzaga/Blizzara/Blizzard strike just a bit more.

At least I will get the Earth and Wind orbs necessary to craft Quake and Blitz. Don't really care about Lenna to be honest, though I guess she can level-up instead of Aerith now.

Rewards will be identical to JP's event? (Except for the cost which should be reduced).

However, I will probably skip the item banner. I prefer to keep my Mythril for Vanille's event and banner.


that puzzling face
Rewards will be identical to JP's event? (Except for the cost which should be reduced).

We still really don't know at this point.

Well, at the very worst, it'll be a 'week off' to farm whatever you want off Elites lol.


How feasible is it to attempt getting Mastery on the Presidential Residence Elite if I had an ok-ish time against Archeosaur? I only have level 1 Quake, but I think I could maybe retaliate spam the rest of their HP down assuming they don't fuck me with Magma Breath.

Just the ol' Galbadian Blade and Armor available for record synergy.
I sometimes feel like the only one without quake or bladeblitz. Don't even have any Greater Earth/Wind/Dark Orbs so I don't think I could even make them before the event ends if I wanted to. Oh well, lets see how far this retaliate cheese gets me.
I sometimes feel like the only one without quake or bladeblitz. Don't even have any Greater Earth/Wind/Dark Orbs so I don't think I could even make them before the event ends if I wanted to. Oh well, lets see how far this retaliate cheese gets me.
I don't have either yet, and my only good Retaliate bot is Cyan. There are other ways.
Regen-all without blowing an ability slot (or summon orbs) on Kirin sounds great.

Too bad Lenna's ability affinities kinda blow though. Situational, I guess.

Regen-All w/o Kirin sounds fantastic.

Falk, do you know if Lena will be obtainable as Terra/ Celes (you don't have to finish the event) or like Rinoa - you have to finish it?

And is a LVL32 party with 0 5* and 0 4* weapons enough for Lenna event? I hope it is not made for LVL50 chars...


that puzzling face
Falk, do you know if Lena will be obtainable as Terra/ Celes (you don't have to finish the even) or like Rinoa - you have to finish it?

We still really don't know at this point.

All I'm going off is JP event data along with hypothesis based on how DeNA have changed things in the past, but there's really not been enough events for a consistent, predictable pattern/design to the changes.

(I don't have any insider info regarding this game if that's what you're asking)

What I CAN tell you though, is that on JP Lenna was before 3rd dungeon/painting set, and thus before Heroic modes and Record Synergy was added in Japan, and also before Sorceress Assassination (which was actually JP's first event after they had Record Synergy), so it should be easier than Sorceress, by far.

Again, since DeNA has changed things in the past (although not event difficulties) that's a speculation, not a guarantee.
Regen-All w/o Kirin sounds fantastic.

Falk, do you know if Lena will be obtainable as Terra/ Celes (you don't have to finish the even) or like Rinoa - you have to finish it?

And is a LVL32 party with 0 5* and 0 4* weapons enough for Lenna event? I hope it is not made for LVL50 chars...
Lenna's event is a Collection event (like Aerith) so you don't have to "finish" it to get her. You'll earn event currency from every battle you do within it, so if the harder stages give you trouble, you can just keep repeating the easier stages until you get enough "points" to trade in for her.
Thx guys. I finally upgraded all my weapons/ armors because I hit the Inventory limit (too many upgrade materials) and it makes some difference. I can finally do Hard Mode dailies and clear (Expert only) some of the beginning Rinoa Elites.

This game is like digital crack :( So far did not spend even $1 on it, tho.


Farming the Hard mode Daily for Lesser orbs. Sadly, drops are rather scarse, and Power ones are going to be a pain to acquire (they mainly drop in part 3).

At least it is easy enough to bring low level characters to level up (/poke Wakka).


If I have 5* weapons, is there any reason to keep my (native) 3* weapons? Even with combining and synergy they wouldn't get as high stats right?


If I have 5* weapons, is there any reason to keep my (native) 3* weapons? Even with combining and synergy they wouldn't get as high stats right?

To take an example with staves:

Aura Staff 3*:
  • Starting stats: 11 Magic, 21 Mind
  • Upgraded to 10/10 (still 3*): 18 Magic, 35 Mind
  • 10/10 + Synergy: 40 Magic, 81 Mind.

Judgement Staff 5*:
  • Starting stats: 38 Magic, 76 Mind
  • Upgraded to 20/20 (still 5*): 55 Magic, 109 Mind.
  • 20/20 + Synergy: 98 Magic, 195 Mind

Yes, a 5* will always be superior to a 3* (at equivalent level), and even a 3* upgraded to 10/10 with synergy will be weaker than a 20/20 5*. However, that doesn't mean you should get rid of your 3* weapon. Firstly, they may not share the same synergy. Secondly, it is best to keep more options to equip your characters with (unless you can equip your whole team, no matter their weapon restrictions, with 5* weapons, there is no reason to sell your 3* ones). Thirdly, native 3* are rare and hard to come by, I would strongly advise against selling them.
The only pieces of equipment you can fuse or sell without any regrets are 1* ones, since they are very easy to get. That being said, there are exceptions, such as accessories. As for 2*, it depends.


Yes, a 5* will always be superior to a 3* (at equivalent level), and even a 3* upgraded to 10/10 with synergy will be weaker than a 20/20 5*. However, that doesn't mean you should get rid of your 3* weapon. Firstly, they may not share the same synergy. Secondly, it is best to keep more options to equip your characters with (unless you can equip your whole team, no matter their weapon restrictions, with 5* weapons, there is no reason to sell your 3* ones). Thirdly, native 3* are rare and hard to come by, I would strongly advise against selling them.
The only pieces of equipment you can fuse or sell without any regrets are 1* ones, since they are very easy to get. That being said, there are exceptions, such as accessories. As for 2*, it depends.

Thanks, guess I will hold on to them then. I still have 45 open inventory slots, so I do not need to clear space right now.


14/15, 1 orb away from blitzblade x4 ! I really want to get this done before the event starts. After that Humbaba won't see me for a veeery long time.

edit: Done ! Farming the 15 orbs got me 1.2mils richer; which amounts to 15% droprate. Also, 30 orbs for the x6 !? I'm never touching that one.
I have fought hunbaba (no kid) 30 times and not seen a single orb... I gave up on him and the hopes of ever getting any decent 4* spell/ability.

Also, fuuuuuuuck the final FF13 elite. Fuck death! In my rage-y state I created and honed haste and now I'm just waiting for my stamina to tick down so I can own his ass this time.

(edit) Holy crap, even with 6 hastes cast on all my damage dealers I still only barely won (8 seconds remaining on doom).
What's the easier heroic daily today to compelte? BWP/Gil? I've been farming the first round of BWP and usually my whole team makes it through. Could probably do round 2 as well...think my spells will be quite low once I hit round 3 though. I'd like to pick up 3 mithril shards today(have 2 free ones coming in an hour and half)...but I don't think I can beat any of the elites I have left(FFX, FFV)...perhaps a X(Lucca or Highroad)...made it to the Lucca fight before and now I have that should thunder spells aren't the greatest though. I want to roll for my 11 pull...just need 1 earned mythril. My best bet is probably a is Gil easier than BWP?


that puzzling face
If I have 5* weapons, is there any reason to keep my (native) 3* weapons? Even with combining and synergy they wouldn't get as high stats right?

While it's a moderate data entry time investment at the start, CPP's spreadsheet or Item Keeper is worth it to keep track of your items. Lets you look through your inventory with each realm's synergy with a simple dropdown menu (as an alternative to going into worlds manually then longpressing items one by one ughgghghghgh), and also automatically lists all items as if they've been upgraded fully, which can also save you some time on decisions regarding what to blow upgrade mats on.

Some of the Record Synergy results were very, very surprising.
What's the easier heroic daily today to compelte? BWP/Gil? I've been farming the first round of BWP and usually my whole team makes it through. Could probably do round 2 as well...think my spells will be quite low once I hit round 3 though. I'd like to pick up 3 mithril shards today(have 2 free ones coming in an hour and half)...but I don't think I can beat any of the elites I have left(FFX, FFV)...perhaps a X(Lucca or Highroad)...made it to the Lucca fight before and now I have that should thunder spells aren't the greatest though. I want to roll for my 11 pull...just need 1 earned mythril. My best bet is probably a is Gil easier than BWP?

Seems gil is much easier...3 rounds away from 11 pull. Yessssssss!


My two maxed Broadsword (3*++), my Javelin (3*), my Runic Axe (4*) and my Judgement Staff (5*) are ready (all FFV synergy - too bad I don't have a rod). Blizzaga, Blizzara and Blizzard Strike honed. Have plenty of level 40+ characters. I'm gonna farm that event so hard.

Lenna first, then stuff, then what I need to craft Quake and Blitz, then Thunder orbs (need Intimidate, and to hone Thundara and Thunder Strike for Vanille's event), then everythiiiing.
Got 2 five stars, healing grimoire and more genji armor. Got a four star hypno crown and the rest 3 star.

If i combine a four star with a three star it remains a four, right? Have to combine two fours to make a five? Thanks.

Im happy with what i got. :)

Got another flame I combined it. Got another 3 star harp but I had used that one for a desperate upgrade material...think another item I had done the same for...oh well...not too concerned. The flame mail has "moderate resistance to ice", so that might come in handy against Shiva in FFV(sadly, it's a FFIV item however). Took a picture of my it is...



Got 2 five stars, healing grimoire and more genji armor. Got a four star hypno crown and the rest 3 star.

If i combine a four star with a three star it remains a four, right? Have to combine two fours to make a five? Thanks.

Im happy with what i got. :)

No, you have it wrong.
Every item can gain 2 more stars (once you get a "++" item, it can't get any more stars). For that, there are two conditions:
  • You need to bring the item you wish to enhance to max level (3/3 for 1*; 5/5 for 2*; 10/10 for 3*; 15/15 for 4*; 20/20 for 5*; etc).
  • You need an identical item to sacrifice in order to improve the one you want. That item doesn't need to be enhanced or at max level.
Example: You have 3 Broadswords (1*, FFV). First, you need to bring one of them (any of them) to 3/3. Once that's done, you can combine it with another Broadsword (any of them: it doesn't matter if they are 1/3, 3/3, 2/3 or if it is a 2*+ one).
Once your weapons are combined, you get a 2*+ Broadsword. That Broadsword can be once again leveled up and enhanced. Level-up that Broadsword to 5/5, and then choose combine. You just need another Broadsword, and that Broadsword doesn't need to be 3/3, 5/5 or whatever: you just need to have one. After combining, you will get a 3*++ Broadsword (level 10/15). You can then level it to 15/15. You won't be able to improve it further.

Long story short: you just to level up one weapon. Those that you will need as combining materials don't.
No, you have it wrong.
Every item can gain 2 more stars (once you get a "++" item, it can't get any more stars). For that, there are two conditions:
  • You need to bring the item you wish to enhance to max level (3/3 for 1*; 5/5 for 2*; 10/10 for 3*; 15/15 for 4*; 20/20 for 5*; etc).
  • You need an identical item to sacrifice in order to improve the one you want. That item doesn't need to be enhanced or at max level.
Example: You have 3 Broadswords (1*, FFV). First, you need to bring one of them (any of them) to 3/3. Once that's done, you can combine it with another Broadsword (any of them: it doesn't matter if they are 1/3, 3/3, 2/3 or if it is a 2*+ one).
Once your weapons are combined, you get a 2*+ Broadsword. That Broadsword can be once again leveled up and enhanced. Level-up that Broadsword to 5/5, and then choose combine. You just need another Broadsword, and that Broadsword doesn't need to be 3/3, 5/5 or whatever: you just need to have one. After combining, you will get a 3*++ Broadsword (level 10/15). You can then level it to 15/15. You won't be able to improve it further.

Long story short: you just to level up one weapon. Those that you will need as combining materials don't.

Okay...I knew most of that. So I combine my 3 star galbadian armor(10/10) with my 2 star(galbadian) it will be the same as if I combined a 1(probably doesn't exist) or 3 star galbadian with the 3 star(10/10)? That's basically my question. I thought I had to combine like items of the same star to reach the next star...but I guess not.
T-Rex I think has me beat. Second attempt on it after completing it and missing out on Master. But again I have a complete and 2 Masters leading up to him so a completion on the boss is probably going to not net me Master :((

Only other one I haven't done in this event though is the final floor, but I don't think I'd have much fun there, especially after Iguion.

I'd have really liked Angel Wings but I think the game has the better of me on this round.

Edit: Mastered XD


that puzzling face
Okay...I knew most of that. So I combine my 3 star galbadian armor(10/10) with my 2 star(galbadian) it will be the same as if I combined a 1(probably doesn't exist) or 3 star galbadian with the 3 star(10/10)? That's basically my question. I thought I had to combine like items of the same star to reach the next star...but I guess not.

All items have a fundamental star rating. Galbadian Armor for example is always 2*. You won't find any 1* or 3* Galbadian Armor ever. The 3* you have is a Galbadian Armor+.

a Galbadian Armor+ fused with a Galbadian Armor will net you a Galbadian Armor++, which is fake-4* (fake as in, the stats aren't as good still as an item that is a natural 4*)

edit: incidentally, while it can't be done because the event only gives you 3 Galbadian Armors, if you were to hypothetically fuse a Galbadian Armor+ with a Galbadian Armor+, you'd still only get a Galbadian Armor++, which is a waste lol. All weapons/armor can only go up to ++. Accessories can't ever be combined.

edit2: Also incidentally, not to confuse you with an overload of info/terminology but as far as the EN community goes, there's two methods that people refer to star ratings to differentiate combined items from natural items, since natural items are generally more powerful.

- On GAF, we tend to refer to them by their fundamental star rating, e.g. we call a combined Galbadian Armor++ a 2*++, since it originally was a 2* and is combined twice.

- On reddit, they tend to refer to them by their combined star rating, e.g. Galbadian Armor++ is a 4*++ to them.

It's confusing, but you get used to it as long as you are aware. I personally prefer the GAF way because a 2*++ inherently sounds less powerful than a 4* item, which is correct as far as the game goes.
T-Rex I think has me beat. Second attempt on it after completing it and missing out on Master. But again I have a complete and 2 Masters leading up to him so a completion on the boss is probably going to not net me Master :((

Only other one I haven't done in this event though is the final floor, but I don't think I'd have much fun there, especially after Iguion.

I'd have really liked Angel Wings but I think the game has the better of me on this round.

Edit: Mastered XD


Fake-Edit: Got mastered


Holy shit, fuck this DENA. My phone was stolen and I Couldn't recover my game save... So I email them since they have the saves in their servers... And they tell me they can't offer support on recovering the save. I've put 100 bucks into this. Jesus fuck.
All items have a fundamental star rating. Galbadian Armor for example is always 2*. You won't find any 1* or 3* Galbadian Armor ever. The 3* you have is a Galbadian Armor+.

a Galbadian Armor+ fused with a Galbadian Armor will net you a Galbadian Armor++, which is fake-4* (fake as in, the stats aren't as good still as an item that is a natural 4*)

edit: incidentally, while it can't be done because the event only gives you 3 Galbadian Armors, if you were to hypothetically fuse a Galbadian Armor+ with a Galbadian Armor+, you'd still only get a Galbadian Armor++, which is a waste lol. All weapons/armor can only go up to ++. Accessories can't ever be combined.

edit2: Also incidentally, not to confuse you with an overload of info/terminology but as far as the EN community goes, there's two methods that people refer to star ratings to differentiate combined items from natural items, since natural items are generally more powerful.

- On GAF, we tend to refer to them by their fundamental star rating, e.g. we call a combined Galbadian Armor++ a 2*++, since it originally was a 2* and is combined twice.

- On reddit, they tend to refer to them by their combined star rating, e.g. Galbadian Armor++ is a 4*++ to them.

It's confusing, but you get used to it as long as you are aware. I personally prefer the GAF way because a 2*++ inherently sounds less powerful than a 4* item, which is correct as far as the game goes.

Thanks for the info. I get it know.


While it's a moderate data entry time investment at the start, CPP's spreadsheet or Item Keeper is worth it to keep track of your items. Lets you look through your inventory with each realm's synergy with a simple dropdown menu (as an alternative to going into worlds manually then longpressing items one by one ughgghghghgh), and also automatically lists all items as if they've been upgraded fully, which can also save you some time on decisions regarding what to blow upgrade mats on.

Some of the Record Synergy results were very, very surprising.

CPP's spreadsheet seems to be awesome. But is there a updated version of the DB though?


Mt. Kolts' Elite stage is still stupid hard. :mad: I guess you really need a party of level 50s more or less to get past it.. Ipooh and Vargas' damage output is just absolutely exorbitant. Level 31 Aerith dead in 1 gale cut (1900 dmg on 1702 HP). Even my FF6 chars (36, 40, 37) can barely last with one of Ipooh's hits doing over 4k damage to Terra. Craziness. Mastered all of the other stages on it with the exception of Darill's Tomb.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Holy shit, fuck this DENA. My phone was stolen and I Couldn't recover my game save... So I email them since they have the saves in their servers... And they tell me they can't offer support on recovering the save. I've put 100 bucks into this. Jesus fuck.

Wow, sorry to hear it. It's one of my biggest fears with these types of games. Did you connect your phone to your gamecenter id?


Mt. Kolts' Elite stage is still stupid hard. :mad: I guess you really need a party of level 50s more or less to get past it.. Ipooh and Vargas' damage output is just absolutely exorbitant. Level 31 Aerith dead in 1 gale cut (1900 dmg on 1702 HP). Even my FF6 chars (36, 40, 37) can barely last with one of Ipooh's hits doing over 4k damage to Terra. Craziness. Mastered all of the other stages on it with the exception of Darill's Tomb.

This fight relies heavily on luck. I was lucky enough to never see Vargas use Gale Cut during my Elite run. That being said, I also had a lot of FFVI equipment to wear and Firaga, so killing the bears then Vargas was rather quick (also managed to stop him IIRC).
Nova the bears (Fira/Firaga/Fire Strike), Magic Break Vargas to reduce damage from Gale Cut, use Seal Evil to stop him, Dark Buster to blind him, and nova him with your abilities (he is weak to Bio btw).

On a side note: does Gravity/Cripple works on Odin? What are the success rate of those abilities (100%?) ?
Edit: Nevermind. If a boss is immune to instant KO, it is also immune to Gravity. It sucks.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Holy shit, fuck this DENA. My phone was stolen and I Couldn't recover my game save... So I email them since they have the saves in their servers... And they tell me they can't offer support on recovering the save. I've put 100 bucks into this. Jesus fuck.
That sucks. I assume you didn't upload your save data with facebook/game center/code at least once? If you did that at any point you could try loading it on another device and your save would be carried over from where you stopped playing.
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