Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
That sucks. I assume you didn't upload your save data with facebook/game center/code at least once? If you did that at any point you could try loading it on another device and your save would be carried over from where you stopped playing.

Yeah,it actually works pretty well. I have two iphones, and they are both always sync'd up perfectly without me doing anything other than the initial gamecenter connection.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Yeah,it actually works pretty well. I have two iphones, and they are both always sync'd up perfectly without me doing anything other than the initial gamecenter connection.
I started using the feature recently with an iPhone and iPad and I was pleased by how seamlessly it works, it's an advantage of the constant online checking the game does.

Red Mage

Mt. Kolts' Elite stage is still stupid hard. :mad: I guess you really need a party of level 50s more or less to get past it.. Ipooh and Vargas' damage output is just absolutely exorbitant. Level 31 Aerith dead in 1 gale cut (1900 dmg on 1702 HP). Even my FF6 chars (36, 40, 37) can barely last with one of Ipooh's hits doing over 4k damage to Terra. Craziness. Mastered all of the other stages on it with the exception of Darill's Tomb.

You need Synergy.Get some VI armor and watch the damage drop. = o
Mt. Kolts' Elite stage is still stupid hard. :mad: I guess you really need a party of level 50s more or less to get past it.. Ipooh and Vargas' damage output is just absolutely exorbitant. Level 31 Aerith dead in 1 gale cut (1900 dmg on 1702 HP). Even my FF6 chars (36, 40, 37) can barely last with one of Ipooh's hits doing over 4k damage to Terra. Craziness. Mastered all of the other stages on it with the exception of Darill's Tomb.

I beat it last night with a level 48 Cyan, 47 Terra, 43 Celes, 43 Cecil and 39 Rinoa.

It took a LOT of save scumming because Rinoa entered the final batte with no HP left. I had Terra with a Poison Rod, Firaga and Fira and Celes had a Zantetsuken and Fire Strike. They dispatched the Ipooh's pretty quickly (about 10k+ HP). Then I just used armor/mental/magic/attack break on Vargas until he fell.

Question, I know people have reported getting Coral Swords in FFXIII but I have yet to see one drop. Is the rate just bad or did DeNA patch it out?

Red Mage

I beat it last night with a level 48 Cyan, 47 Terra, 43 Celes, 43 Cecil and 39 Rinoa.

It took a LOT of save scumming because Rinoa entered the final batte with no HP left. I had Terra with a Poison Rod, Firaga and Fira and Celes had a Zantetsuken and Fire Strike. They dispatched the Ipooh's pretty quickly (about 10k+ HP). Then I just used armor/mental/magic/attack break on Vargas until he fell.

Question, I know people have reported getting Coral Swords in FFXIII but I have yet to see one drop. Is the rate just bad or did DeNA patch it out?

Bad rate. It's one of those zombie things.


I started using the feature recently with an iPhone and iPad and I was pleased by how seamlessly it works, it's an advantage of the constant online checking the game does.

Yes, when the sync is setup it's really seamless. I sync'd through google platform, and I can switch from my phone to Bluestacks to Droid4x whenever and they're all always sync'd up. Even when I forget to kill the app on my phone and do stuff in Bluestacks, I'll get my phone with updated profile when I pick it up.

On the new elite dungeons I'm down to the last FFVII and the last 4 FFV dungeons remaining. I think I'll wait for the Lenna event and hone some stuff (I want quakex4) before I go back there. I don't want to risk ~70 stamina like I did on that annoying plant boss when I went unprepared.


that puzzling face
Holy shit, fuck this DENA. My phone was stolen and I Couldn't recover my game save... So I email them since they have the saves in their servers... And they tell me they can't offer support on recovering the save. I've put 100 bucks into this. Jesus fuck.

That sucks.

Also, maybe try Square Enix? It's their logo plastered at the start of the app after all, maybe there's some leverage to be had that way.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I'm glad the blizzard skills I created/honed for the T-Rex will be useful during the next event. The rewards interface will be my true nemesis from the looks of it. I'll make sure to spend the magicite as soon as possible since I presume it will be the same as the previous one where you can't exchange for more than 1 thing at a time.

I still have some Elites to master, but since they won't make much a difference to my stamina (from 99 to 100) I'll leave those for later. I have Quake but I still need Bladeblitz. After I have both, Sinspawn Geneaux and Shiva will feel my wrath.

Red Mage


I made a gif to work through my Humbaba farming frustration

I got enough to make BladeBlitz in a single night. o_o;


Holy shit, fuck this DENA. My phone was stolen and I Couldn't recover my game save... So I email them since they have the saves in their servers... And they tell me they can't offer support on recovering the save. I've put 100 bucks into this. Jesus fuck.
Ugh this is my fear. Sorry to hear that. :( I would try persisting since you spent money.

I'm on Tab S but my phone is iphone so I'm not sure best way to make sure my save is backed up.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
And right after I post about needing Bladeblitz I get another 4* wind orb, so let me post about it again to boost my chances. Humbaba, pls...




Mt. Kolts' Elite stage is still stupid hard. :mad: I guess you really need a party of level 50s more or less to get past it.. Ipooh and Vargas' damage output is just absolutely exorbitant. Level 31 Aerith dead in 1 gale cut (1900 dmg on 1702 HP). Even my FF6 chars (36, 40, 37) can barely last with one of Ipooh's hits doing over 4k damage to Terra. Craziness. Mastered all of the other stages on it with the exception of Darill's Tomb.

I had Trance Fira as a crutch for that fight and Vargas still almost killed me by using gale cut 3 times in a row. He's still one of the hardest elite bosses, so you're probably a little underpowered for it.


And right after I post about needing Bladeblitz I get another 4* wind orb, so let me post about it again to boost my chances. Humbaba, pls...

Nice ! Here's to one more bladeblitzer ! I don't think I'll ever gather the courage to go for 6x, but 4x has made dealing with the new heroic dungeons so much better.


that puzzling face
Yeh, there's so many other 4* abilities that I can't justify going past r2 for 4* abilities at this stage of the game's life. The amount of stamina or other opportunity cost you spend farming the r2->r3 honing cost would probably be like 2 r2 hones of other 4* abilities or creating 3-4 new ones.


Yeh, there's so many other 4* abilities that I can't justify going past r2 for 4* abilities at this stage of the game's life. The amount of stamina or other opportunity cost you spend farming the r2->r3 honing cost would probably be like 2 r2 hones of other 4* abilities or creating 3-4 new ones.

Yeah the latest dungeons really gave more importance to abilities like intimidate or blind strike instead of the usual elemental ones, and they made the few aoe abilities much more powerful by throwing at us trash packs with 5 mobs. Right now I'd rather have many 4x instead of a few 6x.


that puzzling face
Also: Protectga, Shellga, Armor Breakdown, Mental Breakdown and one of the 4* summons. Raise for cheesing undead bosses.


Ugh this is my fear. Sorry to hear that. :( I would try persisting since you spent money.

I'm on Tab S but my phone is iphone so I'm not sure best way to make sure my save is backed up.


Link your account with Facebook instead of google/gamecenter/whatever.


Also: Protectga, Shellga, Armor Breakdown, Mental Breakdown and one of the 4* summons. Raise for cheesing undead bosses.

Does raise actually instakill some undead bosses ? I've been avoiding getting it, thinking it was mostly useless.


The cie'th and robots and stuff looked great. But you get to a point where new colours of generic soldiers stop looking interesting.

Cool thanks! how do I set it up to my facebook?

Same way you link it to the other thing. :p Settings > Preventing Data Loss or Whatever (may not be the actual name of the menu item)



such a nice day!

I have 12 mythril gems left and havn't done the FFV elites yet, I'll go do those
I'll try some more pulls under Rinoa's banner before she expires
need more VIII gear
Which round were you getting these on? I've been really struggling to net many certainly vs White ones.

I think I got a smattering out of each of the levels. I really wasnt paying attention, but I've gotten about 35 lesser power orbs today and a handful of the 3* power orbs. I had numerous rounds go 6 for 6 for orbs with a couple each time being lpo's.


7 mythril in the event, if you are saving up for an 11 pull.

Reading up on the event, R E T A L I A T E B O Y S in full effect.
If you got 'Mastery' in a dungeon once, it always says so in subsequent runs even if they are not good enough.

Wow, took me a long time to notice... I play since day 1 and a lot. Well, I guess that I was feeling like I was mastering everything on subsequent clears anyway, at least until the heroics. It might have been harder to notice before that. Thanks! Haha!
Wow, took me a long time to notice... I play since day 1 and a lot. Well, I guess that I was feeling like I was mastering everything on subsequent clears anyway, at least until the heroics. It might have been harder to notice before that. Thanks! Haha!

Well, the same happened to me a just a couple of days ago ;-)


The cie'th and robots and stuff looked great. But you get to a point where new colours of generic soldiers stop looking interesting.

Same way you link it to the other thing. :p Settings > Preventing Data Loss or Whatever (may not be the actual name of the menu item)

Ahhh okay thanks! I'm just scared of somehow deleting the save while doing it. xD
Man, I'm totally using wakka with killer bow and mental breakdown, synergy plus the occasional instant ko on trash. My main other damage dealer is Kain with a 4* rune axe and genji helm. I don't see me needing the retaliate cheese on this one. hell, may bs my way through this with the bars and his shitty rs silver harp.


Man, I'm totally using wakka with killer bow and mental breakdown, synergy plus the occasional instant ko on trash. My main other damage dealer is Kain with a 4* rune axe and genji helm. I don't see me needing the retaliate cheese on this one. hell, may bs my way through this with the bars and his shitty rs silver harp.

Yo. Imma switch Cyan with Wakka now that you said that. I got Status Reels that should blow everything up. I bet the stat glitch works on the boss because he has forms he switches too.
This Leena event should time out well for me, I'll be hitting the FFV classic dungeons just when it opens up so I can quickly recruit Leena and get her some easy exp from clearing the classics out. Between my hypno crown and judgement staff Leena should be an incredible healer/support in FFV worlds

Edit: I think mastery must be % based by the number of % stars you could get vs how many you actually got IE one of the FF1 masters (the one where you need to get blind and sleep to connect on the boss) I was perfect minus the 6 stars for stats I couldn't afflict and got expert, redid it and got only one status to stick but lost some stars to damage due to not attack until one of them went off... got mastery.

That or it's lose 5 or less = mastery and lose 6 or more = expert, though with how short some areas are I feel it's probably % based


that puzzling face
If you got 'Mastery' in a dungeon once, it always says so in subsequent runs even if they are not good enough.

cpp and I were discussing this. I concluded that the stage-to-stage novice/expert/champion were 50% and 83.333% based on exposed code, but Roto13's post threw us in a loop regarding Mastery.

The fact that it shows Mastery if you've already done it explains that, and confirms that based on other data, it's the same two percentages as well.


remember me
Is there a guide on the most consistent and reliable method to kill the trex on elite? need to give it a shot before the event ends.
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