Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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Eh, that's quite a bit of a leap. For one, there's no evidence that the developers are creating content with the intention of it being used. Second, I very much doubt that SE is personally approving all content and strategies included in this "official" site. They paid someone to set it up and run it, but that's probably it.

The strategy exists, but I think it's a bit lame and hope they remove it.

Sorry, you're right, it's not that they're creating content with the intention of it being used... but they are actively telling people to use it. My point earlier was that it's not a glitch or something which should actively be frowned upon, you're told to use it.

As for your other point neither of us have any idea, but if it's on the official site I'm taking that to mean SE and DeNA are fine with us using it, backed up by the fact that they haven't "fixed" it, like they did pretty quickly with the VIT/RES0 trick.

I agree with you though, it's silly and should be taken out of the game. But if we're being prodded in the direction of using it (and at some point who knows, maybe it will be mandatory) then I'm going to keep using it... especially if the alternative is spending money for a chance of picking up good gear.


Those moving goalposts man...

Next I'm going to say I have a Ripper 3*+ that gives 100 ATK in FFII realms and you're gonna say 'it must be nice to have 3*+ items in every realm'


edit: Oh! Or how about, a Mythril Sword 2*++ that gives 105 ATK in FFIV realms? "must be nice to farm the weapon daily and get RNG drops"?

Those are nice and they are what players without your luck with pulls do on those realms to make due. Unfortunately Realms like FFVIII exist were farming for 2* combinable drops isn't an option, and not all of us lucked into a 4* FFVIII Gacha pull.


Well, I rolled my third 11-pull today and got my first 5*. It's a Healing Grimoire.

In the same pull was my second 5*: another Healing Grimoire. So far that's all.

Anything I should do other than combining the two? Anyone else use books?


that puzzling face
Unfortunately Realms like FFVIII exist were farming for 2* combinable drops isn't an option, and not all of us lucked into a 4* FFVIII Gacha pull.





Then what are the other 4 characters supposed to do other than get KOed...

You can only hone retaliate and double strike so many times and you still have to be able to absorb an attack in order to use them in the first place.

So yeah it must be nice running around every realm with Weapons that are very comparable to 4* weapons with RS.


Well, I rolled my third 11-pull today and got my first 5*. It's a Healing Grimoire.

In the same pull was my second 5*: another Healing Grimoire. So far that's all.

Anything I should do other than combining the two? Anyone else use books?

Tyro is the only character thus far able to use books, so feel free to combine them. The Healing Grimoire Spell Break is very useful (just keep him in the back row with an armor equipped: Tyro still has horrible stats).

Also, no, Books aren't ranged weapons (sadly).

On a side note: chill guys.


Tyro is the only character thus far able to use books, so feel free to combine them.
Thanks! Boy, this is going to take more scarletite than I thought. I definitely wish I would have drawn two distinct character items, but when my luck gives me two fives in three 11-pulls, I'll take whatever they are.
It is very disappointing that all of these new dungeons and we still don't have any regular drop gear for FF8, 10, or 13. I lucked out and got a 4* katana for FFX (Nodachi) and luckily the FFX and 13 dungeons really aren't that hard so far to me (only one I haven't mastered of 8 is the damn spider tank, still working on FF13, only have the final one to go which I might have problems with).


Well, I rolled my third 11-pull today and got my first 5*. It's a Healing Grimoire.

In the same pull was my second 5*: another Healing Grimoire. So far that's all.

Anything I should do other than combining the two? Anyone else use books?

I believe someone asked earlier in the thread and the answer was no so go for it :)

Then what are the other 4 characters supposed to do other than get KOed...

You can only hone retaliate and double strike so many times and you still have to be able to absorb an attack in order to use them in the first place.


I cleared the first 8 FF8 elite dungeons with just a Galbadian blade user using retaliate and everyone single/double cutting him. It's definitely doable. 3 characters each had one Galbadian Armor equipped.

I just pulled the Sentinel Tome. Tyro finally useful?

Books aren't ranged/back-row weapons, right? Such a shame.

Consider me jealous :(


that puzzling face
Then what are the other 4 characters supposed to do other than get KOed...

You can only hone retaliate and double strike so many times and you still have to be able to absorb an attack in order to use them in the first place.


Wait, what, first it was shit luck with gacha, then about not having 4* luck either, then about not being able to farm 2*s, then about you missing the fact that the event gives you a 105ATK weapon for the realm, and then now about defensive gear?

Like SunGod said, the dungeon VIII elites are 100% clearable with just Galbadian blade (Sorceress Edea Elite is a completely different story). Other than that, savescum the shit out of the game. Healer gets 1shot? Savescum. Debuff you don't want like petrify lands? Savescum. Mob that could have done a normal attack decides to use an AOE before you get a turn? Savescum. Debuff like paralysis or various stage goals don't stick on the boss? Savescum.

Of course, this is now going to be about savescumming so now we're gonna be talking about something completely different yet again.

Or we can move the goalposts in the other direction and now talk about Sorceress Elite, which wasn't even the context of the original post. Your choice.

You can save the condescension.

It was directed at a certain someone with his equally condescending replies while being wrong with his moving goalposts. Apologies if I offend you.

I just pulled the Sentinel Tome. Tyro finally useful?

Books aren't ranged/back-row weapons, right? Such a shame.

It's one of the most sought after Guard Breaks for the friend summon in future, alongside Wakka's Ball and a few other AOE percentage buff/debuffs.


I cleared the first 8 FF8 elite dungeons with just a Galbadian blade user using retaliate and everyone single/double cutting him. It's definitely doable. 3 characters each had one Galbadian Armor equipped.

Did you do it with Tyro? There isn't a lot of crossover between characters that can use the Galbadian Blade and the Retailiate skill.


It's one of the most sought after Guard Breaks for the friend summon in future, alongside Wakka's Ball and a few other AOE percentage buff/debuffs.

Nice. I had read earlier in the thread that it was good (and the only thing that justifies using Tyro in a party), but that's also good to know. Wakka's unique break seems incredible too.


that puzzling face
ah, I didn't see he could use 3* samurai abilities, assumed it was a Seph/Cyan thing.

I think we came to the crux of why you've been bitching about this.

I made the exact same mistake too earlier on. Yes, Cloud can use Retaliate and it was an epic facepalm moment for me when I found out.

Maybe we can be friends now?


I think we came to the crux of why you've been bitching about this.

I made the exact same mistake too earlier on. Yes, Cloud can use Retaliate.

Maybe we can be friends now?

Sure, but I'm still saying there is definitely a difference in play when it comes to those that have 5* equipment (especially weapons) and those that don't. Screen flipping until just the right turn order appears is a different way of playing when compared to having more options when your team is not reliant on one attacker. It may not be impossible to complete all of the elite dungeons without 5* weapons, but it may not be enjoyable either.

Either way time to farm a couple hundred or so lesser power orbs.


that puzzling face
Sure, but I'm still saying there is definitely a difference in play when it comes to those that have 5* equipment (especially weapons) and those that don't.

I never disagreed on this point. All I said was it was perfectly possible to clear all the elites (in the game right now, this doesn't include events, and doesn't include future painting elites, of which I have no personal experience) with just the equipment available as rewards and drops in the game, and a reasonable-within-standard-deviation amount of loot from the gacha, with zero 5*s.

Screen flipping until just the right turn order appears is a different way of playing when compared having more options when your team is not reliant on one attacker. It may not be impossible to complete all of the elite dungeons without 5* weapons, but it may not be enjoyable either.

You're likely to screenflip even if you have 3 5* weapons. Admittedly less, but best-practices still call for it (if you're so inclined) because shit can always hit the ceiling regardless.

Either way time to farm a couple hundred or so lesser power orbs.

I've personally found Figaro Castle 1st Floor to give a good return. Average of 1-2 per 5 stam - they drop off the Wererats.


And how much damage does Dark do? It's probably not as powerful as Comet or another -aga spell..

Dark actually has the same damage modifier as Comet, 500%, and both of them are better than the -aga spells, 490%, unless the enemy is vulnerable to one of the elements.


I've been grinding Humbaba since sunday in hope to hone blitzblade, and this is soo long and boring. I'm at 7/15 orbs. I didn't count the number of kills, but I know I had around 400k gil before, and I'm now sitting at 1.2mil. At 12k the kill, that's around 66 kills. Is the droprate supposed to be that bad, around 10% ?
Hmm, why are you testing on a battle that costs 15 stamina? FF4 Fabul Castle is the designated place to rest stuff, only 1 stamina per battle. =p

Your tool is looking great, just need to get more people now.

I needed a battle where the same item could be dropped by multiple enemies to repro this bug. I'm sure it happens in lots of places, but the only one I knew for sure was the daily and I tried like 50 stamina in other places and it wouldn't happen so I bit the bullet and did the daily.


I've been grinding Humbaba since sunday in hope to hone blitzblade, and this is soo long and boring. I'm at 7/15 orbs. I didn't count the number of kills, but I know I had around 400k gil before, and I'm now sitting at 1.2mil. At 12k the kill, that's around 66 kills. Is the droprate supposed to be that bad, around 10% ?

I farmed him for both Greater Wind Orbs & Mythril Swords and 10% doesn't seem too far off. The vast majority of runs had no drops at all.
Thanks from the tips here at GAF I cheesed through Elite Odin with 2 seconds left. Thanks guys. Retaliate(only 2 uses I had) is ridiculous when I have Tyro double cutting. Now I just need to beat an elite FFX or FFV dungeon and the 2 mythril from tomorrow I'll be collecting and I'll have 50(currently at 47). Think I'm going to roll on the Tyro/Cyan banner. They're both up there in level(44 Tyro, 49 Cyan) and if I get a weapon I might stand a chance at the elites I have left barring I get one decent armor piece as well.


The VIII Elites aren't even hard. o_o

Someone on reddit made a thread about Cavern of Earth 1 Stage 3 elite. It has about 1k exp/stam and drops 2/3* Fire/Earth/Black orbs. Pretty good when you want to farm a little bit of everything.

I want both 3 star fire and black orbs, so I'm going to be doing this today. Thanks for the tip. :p

This is really bad news if that's the case... balancing around such tactics creates an "exploit or fail" environment...

I have never used the retaliate trick and I am awesome.

Just combined perhaps the most useless 5* I'll ever have in this game, a 5++ golden staff XII. I need 5++ dps weapons, not staves and rods.

Rods are the best for dps. Spells 4 lyfe.


Just combined perhaps the most useless 5* I'll ever have in this game, a 5++ golden staff XII. I need 5++ dps weapons, not staves and rods.

Well, I have the same problem with rods and staves as you. Seriously, why so many XII items?:
  • Rods: Rod 3*++ (IV), Healing Rod 2* (XII), Light Rod 4* (III), Gravity Rod 4* (VI).
  • Staves: Wizard's Staff 3* (XII), Storm Staff 3* (XII), Glacial Staff 3* (XII), Light Staff 4* (III), Sage's Staff 4* (IV), Judgement Staff 5* (V)
  • Instrument: Silver Harp 4*+ (V). Yeah, got one from the gatcha. And we have absolutly no interesting character able to use instruments right now.
At least the Gravity Rod is incredibly useful for FFVI Elites and Daily dungeons. But gosh, why did I pull so many staves?


I have way too many staves, too. And my first five star ever was a judgement staff from one of my first single rare relic pulls so it's not like I use any of them besides that one.
Rods are the best for dps. Spells 4 lyfe.

Oh yeah, but my one char weapon is the guard stick and my non char is the judgment staff, honed to6+, so I believe even with rs the maxed golden staff is worse than the 6+ j staff. Of course, if I had used one of those handy spreadsheets, I would have realized this before blowing the gold and mats to hone it to 5++. I also have way too many 3 star vi swords waiting to see if I ever get more drops to combine them up.


that puzzling face
Well, XII in 20 days.


Frankly, my wish list right now is something like this:
  • Something for Snow to wear as an armor. That doofus is incapable of wearing anything remotely interesting to boost his defense! At least Josef can wield shiels. Snow? Hats (but no Helmets), Robes, Bracers and that's it. For a front-liner, that's really problematic. Oddly enough, the official website says that he can equip Light Armors, yet he can't. I wonder if it is a bug or if he will get buffed in the future. Really, Snow's weapon and armor selection sucks.

You just have to tell yourself "I don't want to roll a Regal Gown because that's a useless 5* and I'd rather have 5* weapons."

Next pull you'll get a Regal Gown, guaranteed, and Snow will have Jesus-tier defense.


Frankly, my wish list right now is something like this:
  • A good Fist weapon. Right now I have Tiger and Wyvern Claws, both 3* (III) weapons. I hope that when the Vanille's event shows up Snow's weapon will be included in Vanille's banner.
  • At least a natural 4* sword. Only got one natural 3* (Icebrand) and three 4*++ (though I guess I can't really complain about that).
  • A good throw weapon for Wakka. Well, we do have the 4* (V) bow, but I'd like to have something better.
  • Something for Snow to wear as an armor. That doofus is incapable of wearing anything remotely interesting to boost his defense! At least Josef can wield shields. Snow? Hats (but no Helmets), Robes, Bracers and that's it. For a front-liner, that's really problematic. Oddly enough, the official website says that he can equip Light Armors, yet he can't. I wonder if it is a bug or if he will get buffed in the future. Really, Snow's weapon and armor selection sucks.


I have made pretty good progress today:

- finished the last elite in III
- finished all of VIII eiltes. I had 3 or 4 left.
- upgraded my Kiku-Ichimonji from lv12 to 20

So next step will be the V, X and XIII elites I still lack. Honestly, they scare me a bit.


that puzzling face
There's a good while to the next set of paintings ;p

And hopefully Lenna event drops, free orbs. (I know I keep saying this, but seriously Aerith event was a motherlode because they adjusted the costs)


There's a good while to the next set of paintings ;p

And hopefully Lenna event drops, free orbs. (I know I keep saying this, but seriously Aerith event was a motherlode because they adjusted the costs)

I'm actually going to appreciate farming 4* orbs this time around, can't wait.


I want them to announce the next eventttttt
Considering your massive fortune with the relic pull, do you honestly have a reasonable concept of what is difficult for the average player in this game at this point? How many 5* weapons and armors natural and upgraded do you have in your inventory? 20? If everyone had your luck, they would bump up the difficulty like the initial elites for every level.
I've been playing this since day one and I was lucky enough by the time VIII's event rolled around to get great pulls. I understand the game can be challenging(what, do you think it was easy before the VIII drops?) but complaining about difficulties for elites when you're not ready for them ability, party or level wise isn't the games fault. They're the harder versions for a reason and the best thing to do is go back to them once you're ready.

Also, I won't deny the games challenge at this point isn't much with my gear and party but it's also been helpful having the party I do and abilities I've worked on(most aren't even honed yet) which get me the conditions for mastery.

Anyway this arguing already went on for a page and I don't really want to escalate it further. I just wanted to point out that my gear hasn't applied to me the whole time I've played.


Is there some place I can get greater dark orb? I need to make quake before the event ends.

Also, how well does Hold work compare to intimidate?


Is there some place I can get greater dark orb? I need to make quake before the event ends.

Also, how well does Hold work compare to intimidate?

Blade Bash: 10%
Intimidate: 50%
Hold: no idea, unable to find the success rate, but it seems to be rather low (lower than Intimidate, that is).


I'm actually going to appreciate farming 4* orbs this time around, can't wait.

My biggest regret is not getting as many rare orbs from that event as I could. I thought "Eh, there will probably be a way to farm them when they become useful." And there is. But it sucks.
My biggest regret is not getting as many rare orbs from that event as I could. I thought "Eh, there will probably be a way to farm them when they become useful." And there is. But it sucks.

I'm still kicking myself for not farming more of them. But I was overwhelmed and didn't really know which ones I needed. And that menu lag for trading was irritating and made me check out early. I've learned my lesson now though. Bring it on!


I got quite a few of the 4* orbs but neglected greater earth orbs... which ended up being one of the most useful ones (quake and protectga with shellga/armor breakdown to come)


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)


p.s. repeat reminder that you'll want to farm the shit out of orbs for thunder abilities in prep for XIII event.
I know the lag shop didn't have chocobo loading, but I had to:

Just read on reddit that there is a slight bonus when using the same equip type to upgrade, so a dagger is better used upgrading another dagger than it is for a sword. This would have been handy to realize early on and not this deep into the game.


Just read on reddit that there is a slight bonus when using the same equip type to upgrade, so a dagger is better used upgrading another dagger than it is for a sword. This would have been handy to realize early on and not this deep into the game.

I don't ever use gear for upgrading other gear anymore anyway. You get way less xp per item, even if it's a dagger for a dagger or whatever, than you do from scarletite/adamantite but you pay the same amount of gil, so it's inefficient.
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