Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT| The only ATB here is Active Time Battle.

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Ayup. It looks like it's getting time to put this game out to pasture.

I haven't looked into the Lenna event, but yeah, I'll be really bummed if Retaliate remains the de facto method for any difficult content. It's more fun when the community theorycrafts different skills and setups.


that puzzling face
Nevermind, I'm on crack

Everything is MASSIVELY cheaper.

3* orbs are 500 each. Holy shit.

Those were 1500 on Aerith event, and that was already considered a piñata.


If you don't have bladeblitz and quake at the end of it you only have yourself to blame
and Dr.Mog for his shitty UI
Nevermind, I'm on crack

Everything is MASSIVELY cheaper.

3* orbs are 500 each. Holy shit.

Those were 1500 on Aerith event, and that was already considered a piñata.


If you don't have bladeblitz and quake at the end of it you only have yourself to blame
and Dr.Mog for his shitty UI

Sounds great, guess I can't make excuses after this event ends


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Oh man, these rewards, these prices. It’s on!




PSA: if you use two fingers on Dr Mog the scrolling is faster.


Pulled off another 50 mythril draw trying to get Sentinel Grimoire, got Giant's Gloves -_-

Also got another Swordbreaker and Zanteksuken though, so I now have 2 6* FF6 weapons, which is nice... I suppose...


The current banner seems horrible. A staff when many people already have judgement staff, and two 5* armor that has been the common drop for every previous banner.


I know complaining about the UI is so last month (or was it March?) but why have the items you can buy more than 3 of right at the bottom of the list? At least they could have fixed that!


The current banner seems horrible. A staff when many people already have judgement staff, and two 5* armor that has been the common drop for every previous banner.

So you are saying I should pull from the Four Hero banner? Also I have no Judgement Staff.
So if motor trap is as good on hard as he is on easy + this is gonna be an amazing event. Average foe drops 6 shards on easy+, motortrap drops 60! 10x the average guy! If that 10x holds on hard we might have a real winner here
cpp and I were discussing this. I concluded that the stage-to-stage novice/expert/champion were 50% and 83.333% based on exposed code, but Roto13's post threw us in a loop regarding Mastery.

The fact that it shows Mastery if you've already done it explains that, and confirms that based on other data, it's the same two percentages as well.

Well, maybe I should add, that the game is always showing the golden Mastery-Chocobo once you have mastered a dungeon is only a conclusion I made based on my observations during 'autobattle' farming without caring about the result. So no guarantees given ;-)


Did two single relic pulls on a whim.

Would have loved a melee 5 star, but I'll take it!

Healing staff adds Light holy damage, and with Lenna having the highest MND stat, I guess I have a Dia monster.

Lost Fragment

Obsessed with 4chan
I only picked up the game a day before the Celes event ended and I grinded pretty hard to get her since she's one of my favorite FF characters. So, I guess I'm pretty surprised that I got Lenna (and the hyper wrist!) so quickly into this event.

So are any of the "grants resistance to blahblah" rings worth it or is this event just an orb grind now?
Did two single relic pulls on a whim.

Would have loved a melee 5 star, but I'll take it!

Unless Royal Devotion removes the penalty of someone dying from your score it really doesn't seem that useful.

I only picked up the game a day before the Celes event ended and I grinded pretty hard to get her since she's one of my favorite FF characters. So, I guess I'm pretty surprised that I got Lenna (and the hyper wrist!) so quickly into this event.

So are any of the "grants resistance to blahblah" rings worth it or is this event just an orb grind now?

Can't hurt to have if you've got the time to grind them, never know what kind of crazy stuff may come up


Did two single relic pulls on a whim.

Would have loved a melee 5 star, but I'll take it!

Healing staff adds Light holy damage, and with Lenna having the highest MND stat, I guess I have a Dia monster.




Unless Royal Devotion removes the penalty of someone dying from your score it really doesn't seem that useful.

Added the light damage thing to my post, though I think someone mentioned before that Raise becomes really handy to have later (and have boosted Dias doesn't hurt). Either way, its still a pocket full-life in case shit goes down.

Still better than getting a Giant's Glove, heh.
Added the light damage thing, though I think someone mentioned before that Raise becomes really handy to have later (and have boosted Dias doesn't hurt). Either way, its still a pocket full-life in case shit goes down.

Still better than getting a Giant's Glove, heh.

I mean at least Giant's Glove has the advantage of being a strong fist weapon which we don't seem to have that many of... but yeah that's a soul break no one wants... well maybe if you combined it with Royal Devotion :p
I got 410 from stage 1, then about 200 for every other stage. If that 410 was not just an anomaly, then farming stage 1 repeatedly is better than doing the whole thing.


that puzzling face
Okay having run through almost all of it, final verdict/comparison

Aerith Event had a very predictable Memory Crystal rate - 400 for each of the first 6 stages, 500 for the last plus another 900 for clear, totaling 3800. Enemies always drop ~33 Memory Crystals, and possibly gil.

Lenna Event is more random, going anywhere from 50 to 200+ per stage, plus 500 for clear. I'm going to assume a ~150/stage*** for calculation for now. Enemies can drop between 15 and 255 (Motor Trap) Memory Crystals, and assorted 2* orbs.

AERITH EVENT: 71 Stamina, 3800 Memory Crystals, ~54 crystals/stam
LENNA EVENT: 51 Stamina, 1250 Memory Crystals*** ~25 crystals/stam

AERITH EVENT: 1500 Crystals per 3*, ~28 stam per 3*
LENNA EVENT: 500 Crystals per 3*, ~20 stam per 3*

AERITH EVENT: 3000 Crystals per 4*, 56 stam per 4*
LENNA EVENT: 3500 Crystals per 4*, 140 stam per 4*

*** While I need more data to more accurately determine this average crystal per stam value, it seems that elites are still more lucrative for 4* orbs, although Lenna event is more consistent (at a worse rate, obviously) so if you don't feel like tangoing with RNG for the last few orbs it may be worth it.

Sorry guys! No cheap 4*s. Unless my Hard clear Memory Crystal/stam is way off.

edit: nevermind, maybe I was really unlucky on my first run? cpp's overall data will give a better idea, and I'll update this post.

edit2: Refilled stam with Mythril in the name of science. the *** 150/stage seems like a very lowball value for now, but I won't update this post until we have a better standard deviation. Just be aware that I'm erring on the low side right now.


I got 410 from stage 1, then about 200 for every other stage. If that 410 was not just an anomaly, then farming stage 1 repeatedly is better than doing the whole thing.

One of the enemies that randomly shows up (it's the only one that shows up alone) drops 255 instead of 33.


How many crystals does Motor Trap drop on hard? He seems to be the biggest x factor in how many you get from an average stage

Right, Motor Trap. It dropped 255 for me.
How strong does your team need to be to auto battle hard mode for this Lenna event those of you who've tried it? I'm kind of hoping the newbie team (Gordon, Luneth, WoL, Snow) can largely auto battle it low 20s.
How strong does your team need to be to auto battle hard mode for this Lenna event those of you who've tried it? I'm kind of hoping the newbie team (Gordon, Luneth, WoL, Snow) can largely auto battle it low 20s.

The rub is the crew dust all blind attack, that can quickly derail a round down to expert or worse. My noob team like yours didn't do well, so I have a mix of 40s and lenna.
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