What does Shadow Flare do?
Attack all + blind chance
Did 3 pull. Got OWA. Boom. RNG favors me.
OWA seems like a common drop with the amount of people getting it.
OWA seems like a common drop with the amount of people getting it.
I blew everything I had on the pulls for this banner. 6 11 pulls. Guess what I wanted? Guess what I didn't get. Much sadness.
The 5 stars received in my pulls were;
2 Diamond Swords
Butterfly Edge
Kaiser Knuckles
Full Metal Staff
Genji Sheild
Gold Armlet
So that's 8 natural 5 star items in 66 pulls. I somehow feel upset and sick to my stomach. This "game" is eating me up. Yet I'll continue "playing" until it eventually is pulled from the servers. I feel like I have a disease.
I blew everything I had on the pulls for this banner. 6 11 pulls. Guess what I wanted? Guess what I didn't get. Much sadness.
The 5 stars received in my pulls were;
2 Diamond Swords
Butterfly Edge
Kaiser Knuckles
Full Metal Staff
Genji Sheild
Gold Armlet
So that's 8 natural 5 star items in 66 pulls. I somehow feel upset and sick to my stomach. This "game" is eating me up. Yet I'll continue "playing" until it eventually is pulled from the servers. I feel like I have a disease.
I blew everything I had on the pulls for this banner. 6 11 pulls. Guess what I wanted? Guess what I didn't get. Much sadness.
The 5 stars received in my pulls were;
2 Diamond Swords
Butterfly Edge
Kaiser Knuckles
Full Metal Staff
Genji Sheild
Gold Armlet
So that's 8 natural 5 star items in 66 pulls. I somehow feel upset and sick to my stomach. This "game" is eating me up. Yet I'll continue "playing" until it eventually is pulled from the servers. I feel like I have a disease.
Not a bad haul, but was really going for OWA of course.
That's a little disappointing after that mysterious ellipsis.
You'd get lots of new followers I think, but I use your Rinoa a lot too.I might actually but I love Rinoa as my RW. I was planning to switch her out if I got Squall's later relic but maybe I'll start with Red!
It is Non-elemental damage. Not NE physical or NE magical, just Non-elemental, period. I.e. enemies cannot reduce the damage.
Second event in a row that offers a support specialist character who is next to useless without his relic weapon.
Sorry, Red. It's not your fault.
Second event in a row that offers a support specialist character who is next to useless without his relic weapon.
Sorry, Red. It's not your fault.
But now you can get a full FFVII squad! Eh? EH!?!?
To be fair, he's also still kinda useless with his relic weapon compared to other options.
Makes a great roaming warrior though :V
JFYI Red XIII can use fists.
So two VII fists aren't completely terrible.
Which is really hilarious if you think about it.
My three pull and gem was meh, xii 4*sword that I upgraded to 4+, two 3s that I had one and two of respectively and a new 4* vi royal crown that I didn't have yet. I've certainly had much much worse pulls. This was my limit for this event as I already have masamune and don't want another katana with vii synergy,
Played through to get red and break sephiroth, back to granado do until that event is through I think.
Does anyone still have the webpage where that guy gives a review of every single soul break weapon?
Second event in a row that offers a support specialist character who is next to useless without his relic weapon.
Sorry, Red. It's not your fault.
It's physical damage.
11 pull netted me Hair Pin, and $.99 netted me Edincoat.
Really wanted OWA ;_;
Cloud can use katanas too. If you run both Cloud and Seph two katanas with VII rs isn't bad. At least this is what i'm telling myself since I already have the 5* Masamune also and I just got a 4* Masamune Blade from the 100 gem pull.
It is physical for the sake of reach, but it is not really affected by DEF like a straight physical attack would be.
Don't know why they're saying that as it's demonstrably incorrect.
Shadow Flare is essentially Hell's Gate + Blind:
Is Red worth using without his pin? I'm thinking not.
Hmm... Oh well, it's my first character specific SB so I still love it. >: (