Since I wasn't able to master regular Jenova-BIRTH in the regular Elite painting, I'm not that confident that I'll be able to master this one... Not to mention I will have Sephiroth as a deadweight (yeah for 4*+ Maneater dagger~). I can certainly keep Jenova under the effect of Power Break for a long while, and I do have Tyro's Sentinel Grimoire, and the FFXII shield which grants Protect on everyone, but this battle is definitly going to take a while, and I'm not really looking forward to it. At all. Still will be more interesting than Norg.
So, team building: Tidus (regular SB for Slow), Cloud (with FFXII shield equipped; might want to use Retaliate for once), Sephiroth (only there for medals and Power Break - I hope he liked those Growth Eggs), Vivi (best Magic user... sadly he will run out of spells to cast before Jenova bites the dust), Tyro (healing spells Sentinel Grimoire, 'nuff said).
Which begs the question: which RW to bring? I guess Red XIII would be the best choice.