Vivi is, though his crystal is not.
Oh yeah, I forgot you can get him from the regular dungeons.
I went ahead and used growth eggs to get her up to 16. I also got a pretty decent 3* whip for her from a relic draw, so that's nice. I think she's overall better than my Black Mage now.
Only have three more Squall event dungeons to go. Barring NORG kicking my ass, I think I'll be able to get it done.
EDIT: Speaking of that, any advice for normal NORG? Since I'm going to have to use mythril to refill my stamina to even fight him, I'd rather not lose to him. :lol All the strats I can find seem to be for Elite NORG.
That's because Elite Norg is an asshole. He's a lot easier on Classic. He's weak to wind once you manage to get him out of his shell, but it's probably ok if you don't have any wind attacks yet. The shell has high defense so bring Armor and Mental Break if you have them. Always always always make sure the orbs on either side are at yellow or blue. Do not let them turn red, whatever you do. Smack 'em to reset 'em.
I don't know if you know about this trick, but if you quit the app in the middle of a battle, you can open it again and go back to the start of whatever round you were on without spending any more stamina. Feel free to do this if things go horribly wrong with Norg.