I think it restores usage to one ability, not necessarily an empty one.Ether does not give a summon back? I was at 0/1 Leviathan, 2/2 Protectga at the end of Mimic Queen, next fight I start with the same... There goes my tactic...
I think it restores usage to one ability, not necessarily an empty one.
This Balthier event is like Greater Wind Orb Christmas. God damn. Happy Month Day indeed.
ok so, Jenova birth.
What are my damage mitigation options? Does protect work? I only have 2 casts of berserk and I want to at least get the first time clears on her and the boss rush before the end of day tomorrow.
Thinking I'm gonna go Cloud, Seph, Wakka, Aeris, Garnet. Will probably give up and vit0 if she's not immune to breaks. I noticed the ff12 dungeon was resisting breaks.
3 of her 4 damaging attacks are physical, so focus on that. The other one (Gas) is her strongest move, though.
Do not hit her with Berserk.
Does berserk not prevent her from using gas?
That (more attacks) sounds contrary to what I'm reading here: http://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/3bie8w/the_jenova_project_enemy_stats_and_ai/. Doesn't it just limit her to tail laser and stop?
Or is it tail laser, then 2 more attacks?
Looks to say she will tail laser and then attack normally, which I'm fairly sure is what she does.
Though Berserk apparently turns AoE attacks into single target for some weird reason.
Oh I noticed that on Ghis. Definitely bringing that then to try it out.
Also I made a server on discord to use as a general ffrk chat if anyone is interested in a real time chat / voice chat.I'll link it as soon as I figure out how to do "quote to reveal" links.
There we go, all set up. It's kinda like a ventrillo / skype ish thing, has a web interface. Link should be good for a while, once it expires anyone who hops in the room should be able to make new ones.
Oh?! Is there a new Stamina dump spot that I didn't know about?
lol tiamat weak to break
ohkoed that scrub
What's the little hammer beside weapon and armour?
What's the little hammer beside weapon and armour?
Equipment forging level.
Deathgaze has Level 5 death and you have to fight him three times.
Pay attention to your autobattles, kids.
Tried taking on Jenova in the final non bonus battle of Sephiroth event with my level 50+ party, still got pasted.
I don't think I'm gonna keep trying on this event, time to move on.
Yeah, moving on is a valid solution.
I moved on even from Balthier's Judge Gish battle. I brought 4x Quake, 2x Bladeblitz and destroyed his lackeys in 2 rounds + blinded him in the 2nd round (luck!). Then wailed at him for about 10 minutes, blind went off so I blinded him again (mega luck!!!) and wailed at him again for another 10 minutes (full party, full health because of TONS of Curaga/ Curajas stocked on my Tyro). His blind went off again and he killed me in the end... 2nd time I lost ~80 Stamina on this dungeon :/ and countless minutes save scumming the trash mobs so that they do not hit me at all (possible).
I simply cannot beat him - I hit him for 400-600 damage near the end and without HP BARS I have no idea if he has 1000 HP or 10 000 HP left... and I read here some guys kill him before the first Blind ends...
I can upgrade Blind Strike (3*) to R2 but then I will have to use 80 Stamina *again* and pray *again* this time for 3 Blinds to stick on him. And the whole save scumming the trash mobs ehh... not worth it.
Party consists of LVL50 Tyro, LVL49 Wakka, LVL 46 Vivi, LVL50 Cloud and LVL49 Tidus.
Cannot beat: Materia Keeper, Jenova, Two Judges and Judge Gish. Swimming through Heroic Dailies w/o Save Scumming.
No shame, no fucks given.
Yeah, moving on is a valid solution.
I moved on even from Balthier's Judge Gish battle. I brought 4x Quake, 2x Bladeblitz and destroyed his lackeys in 2 rounds + blinded him in the 2nd round (luck!). Then wailed at him for about 10 minutes, blind went off so I blinded him again (mega luck!!!) and wailed at him again for another 10 minutes (full party, full health because of TONS of Curaga/ Curajas stocked on my Tyro). His blind went off again and he killed me in the end... 2nd time I lost ~80 Stamina on this dungeon :/ and countless minutes save scumming the trash mobs so that they do not hit me at all (possible).
I simply cannot beat him - I hit him for 400-600 damage near the end and without HP BARS I have no idea if he has 1000 HP or 10 000 HP left... and I read here some guys kill him before the first Blind ends...
I can upgrade Blind Strike (3*) to R2 but then I will have to use 80 Stamina *again* and pray *again* this time for 3 Blinds to stick on him. And the whole save scumming the trash mobs ehh... not worth it.
Party consists of LVL50 Tyro, LVL49 Wakka, LVL 46 Vivi, LVL50 Cloud and LVL49 Tidus.
Cannot beat: Materia Keeper, Jenova, Two Judges and Judge Gish. Swimming through Heroic Dailies w/o Save Scumming.
No shame, no fucks given.
Anyone got cyan record yet? The stage looked hard
The two Cecils' event can't come soon enough.
It's bad, Cyan is bad, and that is the hardest elite painting so far.
So no, screw that.
What are the odds a new event starts today? Have they ever released an event without public ally announcing it first? Pretty new so not sure about this.