Yeah. I remember someone in this thread saying the Classic dungeons would remain completed. I gave Dark Cecil Zealot and let him solo the whole thing.
What's the trigger rate for Bard and Ranger 2nd RM? I play with them in my party for all the classics now and most of the FFXII event and they still haven't triggered.
To acquire them, low drop rate on like every enemy you kill. Tidus refuses to drop for me.
Zealot itself is 100% proc rate for the all attack.
So they have to perform an action to have the RM triggered?
Should I just put one character alone on easiest Classics until it is dropped?
Banish him to reddit
Not long after the Balthier event probably. announced on Monday perhaps?All story classics and elites masteredand I'm finally starting the Cecil event!
Does anyone want to guess when the next event might start? Hopefully I have time to finish the Cecil one before then...
All story classics and elites masteredand I'm finally starting the Cecil event!
Does anyone want to guess when the next event might start? Hopefully I have time to finish the Cecil one before then...
Not long after the Balthier event probably. announced on Monday perhaps?
yuna, i think? might be the selphie/quistis party.
EDIT: misread your question, d'oh.
Can't we take those FFX and FFVIII events and average them and get a FFIX event?
I just want my Garnet RM2
If I championed Ghis on elite, is it pretty safe to assume I can take on the EX battles too?
This is the first time I finished the Elite sets of an event. I am kinda initmidated by the Boss Rush.
If I championed Ghis on elite, is it pretty safe to assume I can take on the EX battles too?
This is the first time I finished the Elite sets of an event. I am kinda initmidated by the Boss Rush.
Finished the event. The Gauntlet is a pretty good accessory. The boss rush should be pretty easy.
The FF4 event trash in the last 2 stages hits way too hard. Have synergy armor on everyone, can 1 hit kill it all, yet I always lose 1 star to damage taken.
Most of it is magic damage and I don't have shellga. It's not even in the game yet.Protectga?
Also now that the KING HAS RETURNED (Cecil PLD) he's staying in my party forever.
Most of it is magic damage and I don't have shellga. It's not even in the game yet.
*sigh* Guess I'll get back to those Elites.
EDIT: I think I'm ready to quit this game. I'm out of patience for bosses with eight gazzilion HP that drain all of your Actions Taken medals just because they refuse to die. And I'm sick of dealing with this slow-ass interface to tweak and perfect my party before going into every single overpowered boss battle. I just spent like 15 minutes fighting Lost Number and I beat him after a huge slog and only got silver on the dungeon because everything has too much HP. And I lost two damage medals because of reasons, despite the fact that he spent most of the battle stopped and/or paralyzed and barely got any attacks in.
That's a fucking stamina shard I missed out on. Christ.
Are the characters you're bringing 60+ and with gear to match? Just come back later when you have more synergy stuff or levels if you're lacking in either dept. I'm not bothering with most the FF7 elites until I have at least an aeris memory crystal.
I brought Wakka with Status Reels for the defensive breaks. I'm decked out in 5* gear. That should be enough. But fuck it.
I keep forgetting that optimize doesn't take into account the equipment other characters are using. Keep having to de-equip everyone which is painfully slow.
IIRC Status Reels has an incredibly low duration -- like 6 seconds. Better off with Vanille or Fran if you just want armor break.
I keep forgetting that optimize doesn't take into account the equipment other characters are using. Keep having to de equip everyone which is painfully slow.
Fran's soul break is exactly the same as Wakka's -- effect (-50% res/def), damage (3.8x) and duration (10s). Vanille is only -50% def, but lasts 30s.
I think Wakka is wasted on Roto13 party too. Maybe if he had another black mage.
I make sure all my skills are at least 4/5 unless they are 4* abilities. Your skills aren't honed enough and that is what the problem is.
This is my party that I am bringing to Tiamat. I fucked up, don't bring quake, most od the trash is immuneThis is a typical party that I bring for everything.
Tyro is in for Garnet because she is level capped.