Am I just the unluckiest guy in the world when it comes to Lightning orbs and Wednesday's daily? Week after week there is way more Wind orbs. Last 2 battles, 10 winds and 2 lightnings... Always like that. I know that RNG gonna RNG but damn...
wow, i just loaded up FFRK on galaxy s3, and it runs so much better than on my LG G3.
what da fuk
wow, i just loaded up FFRK on galaxy s3, and it runs so much better than on my LG G3.
what da fuk
I updated my Galaxy S4 to Lollipop recently and the game runs much worse than it did before the update.
They really do need to do some optimizing.
ok I just got really insanely lucky
my 100 gem pull:
don't hurt me
Got the same thing with my 15 mythril pull. Tifa's special is fucking awesome.
Yeah, only allowed to lose two medals and they have insane amounts of HP.Well, both boss rushes were actually rather easy. However, the EX++ fights are another story altogether. I am not looking forward to them.
Well, people are just gonna Luneth RW the physical boss anyway.
Magic boss on the other hand is basically being able to zerg him before you lose two damage taken medals. (It's virtually impossible to kill him in 30 actions for 0 actions lost)
I have cleared most of "A Fateful Coin Toss" event but these ~200k HP bosses are impossible. How can I clear them? Any tips?
I have tried yuna + black mage + cloud retaliate together with edgar and sabin. Everyone 50+lvl and cloud 60+. My team dies at boss. I have tried to use magic\power\armour breaks too.
Is it always 30 actions per medal for bosses?
It's a boss rush. Without ethers. With trash mobs. If all the bosses were practically the same.Cyan memory crystal get!
$1 dollar
So whats better level 65 tifa with crystal glove for vanille with deprotectega for my friend summon?
Naturally the 2 5 star weapons I get are for characters I don't really like <___<
Vanille for Sundays and Tuesdays.
Hell I'd be already happy pulling a Myhtril Saber during Lightning's banner to make it at least ++.
Is the sabre actually in the pool?
Oh god this QOL implementation during maintenance is so welcome. HP bars, remove all, soul break mastery etc.
Would love to know!
This is crazy! So happy!
Looks like 200 Mythrils could be obtained through the "Invite a friend" campaign in Japan. 50 Mythrils a month until they took it down. I wonder how it works, Bluestack abuse by friending yourself on and on?
Via an in-game announcement.Where are you guys seeing that the QoL changes are coming?
Via an in-game announcement.