Subete no aware
Well, I play Love Live and Kancolle, with Japanese games designed to get you to spend money through the various f2p methods. Love Live is "fair" because they guarantee the equivalent of at least one 4* item in a draw, and Kancolle is "fair" because you only pay for the equivalent of item slots or memory crystals. You are at the mercy of RNG, but you don't feel like your performance in the game is hampered by it.Well, that's the point. You get psychoed into 'just one more pull'. Regardless of whether it's a good or bad design (it's bad) it's making them a shit ton of money off people like that one crazy Reddit guy who pulls until he gets one of each relic.
Like I said until a critical mass of people start leaving, nothing's going to change. We all knew earlier on that there's going to be a gacha % change up in future* and it's one's individual decision to splurge on this banner.
Not victim blaming. Just putting things in perspective here. My first two 11-pulls on this banner hit 0 5*s after all so it could very well be me making your rant.
* which, while not solving the problem, mitigates it as 12.5% is mathematically ~half as likely to hit a 20 streak with no 5*s than a 10% rate, even if it's only 25% more 5* items in a completely average, large-sample-size pull. It's still a bad system, don't get me wrong.
And yes, I don't understand people who don't get use out of 4* items. Those can easily go into the ~140 stat range, which is far better than non-RS 5* gear. Heck, as a very recent example, had I not been able to beat Proudclad due to shitty mage weapons, I was ready to farm Mythril Rods from Gizamaluk's Grotto to make a bunch of 2*++ rods just to get 100+ MAG on my casters. Record Synergy is an insane boost.
I think my obsession with 5* gear is that I only have three items with Soul Breaks, only two of which I can use since I have two spears and only one character who can use them. So I'm stuck with the bad SBs that come with the default characters plus whatever roaming warrior that I can hire. So even though I like Lightning and say I went through the effort of leveling her up to 65... What's the point if I don't have her weapon and unique SB?
I'll admit that a lot of it is salt right now. But this is literally the only thing I've been looking forward to in the game and now I have no reason to play it anymore.
Wow, I don't even know how I would feel if I were as deep in as you are. For you, all those 3* items literally are just trash items taking up your inventory space. Wow.I've done over 100 combined pulls now on the Balthier, Selphie and Lightning events which are all banners I've been waiting for, as well as doing a 100 gem pull every time there is a new banner. and I haven't gotten what I wanted a single time out of any of them. The last item I got that I wanted was way back during RInoa's event when I got the Valkyrie (and even that was after about 12 pulls) ever since then it has been nothing but disappointment with the exception of Locke's Rising Sun which I got out of a random pull.
I mean, I have done 7 50 mythril pulls so I have a page full of 4* equipment. I have a lot of duplicates either in weapon types or in realm types, so when I have one 5* FF6 sword (the freebee they give you when you start the game) and the game gives me 4 other FF6 swords, I don't know why I need to level those up.!!!
I sure hope you didn't do this. You can combine them and make them 5 stars. Even though they might be weaker than usual 5 stars the record synergy still makes them powerful.
This time I actually got a new 5* item, but for a character I have zero interest in ever playing. So instead of feeling happy because of the rare item, all I am is completely disappointed because I saved 150 mythril literally for nothing. It's like the feeling of being 12 again, when you save your allowance to buy that 80 dollar copy that amazing NES game you kept reading about in Nintendo Power only to find out that it's a terrible game.