Man Called Aerodynamics
Pulled Running Fire from the new banner... Pretty cool I guess. I already had Ras Algethi as my go-to gun but now I guess I can use Balthier and Irvine at the same time.
"To Slay an 11 Pull"Y'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Y'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Y'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Gods in His heavenY'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Y'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Dumb question - is it worth upgrading the flail to 5* or having two at 4*?
I can't hate you because I'm really just amazed at how your love for FFVIII controls the gacha like fucking Neo controls the Matrix
Not much, 4 star wise I have the aformentioned light rod, the flail, and the mythril rod. I have the Thunder Rod and Stardust Rod at 3 star, so I really don't have much unfortunately. It seemed nice to have another 4* rod, but I guess if it's not that good anyway...I think it's best to combine it. The flail as a weapon category is kind of lackluster for pure MAG stat to begin with. What other caster weapons do you have atm? (Everyone has a Light Rod too)
Y'all gonna fucking hate me for the pull I just did.
I only did one 11 pull and saw heaven.
Not much, 4 star wise I have the aformentioned light rod, the flail, and the mythril rod. I have the Thunder Rod and Stardust Rod at 3 star, so I really don't have much unfortunately. It seemed nice to have another 4* rod, but I guess if it's not that good anyway...
Not much, 4 star wise I have the aformentioned light rod, the flail, and the mythril rod. I have the Thunder Rod and Stardust Rod at 3 star, so I really don't have much unfortunately. It seemed nice to have another 4* rod, but I guess if it's not that good anyway...
My 100 gem pull got me a shitty 3* rod I already have a ++ version of. Did a three pull and got the Sheepskin Coat (awesome!) and my THIRD freaking Minotaur Plate. Combined one so I have a 5+ and a 5*. Not bad I guess
I just wanted a decent gun or throwing weapon"not bad"
And Edgar's new Drill (Spear type weapon) has +20 DEF stat in Japan. I think it's the first weapon to do such.
3*+ flail is 98 MAG in FFVIII realm. It's not bad, but near nowhere near as useful without realm synergy. With your other stuff right now, I think beefing up overall (hence a 3++) rather than just in FFVIII is the wiser choice but it's a hard decision.
My best rod is still Light Rod, so, at least until I assess the ex boss fights, I'm gonna keep the Flail separated just in case I need two mages nuking the Rinoa event.
Hrm, maybe I'll just keep them separated for now. What is the chance that they'd repeat the Quistis/Selphie event and toss in another two Flails down the line?
Random, they added a new monk skill in Japan, which is the worst class in the game... But it's a 5* skill lol Like that's gonna make people rush to use monks.
The next viii event is something like 11 events down the line and focused on squall seifer and zell, so I doubt it has the flail included.
If I were you id combine them, it is not a weapon that has utility outside of rs viii even as a fully combined rod. The sacrifice of mag to atk is what kills it, the free ix stardust rod at only 3+ has the same mag in non rs realms as the 3++ flail. Further, the various farmable or event 2++ rods are stronger with rs than the flail in their own realms. So I'd max one and keep the other in case someday there are more provided, at least until you land a couple five star rods. Fwiw, the maxed flail has more mag in viii than my only five star rod, the guard stick, but that only was reached when it was fully maxed.
I downloaded FFRK on another device so that I can transfer my main account to it. I had to go through the tutorial in order to get to the menu and the first pull I get is a friggin 5* Blitz Sword (VIII). I don't have a 5* sword in my main account. Now I'm hesitant to override this new account lol
I'm hoping to avoid having to hone a third Biora for Seifer & Co.
Why would you need 3?!
Haha, no problem. Sounds like it will be a big help in the EX++ fightWell, one of my mutual follower from NeoGAF already equipped the AoE-Sleep armor.
MicH, I like you man.
Haha, no problem. Sounds like it will be a big help in the EX++ fight
I didn't know what stats influence that type of SBs do I just put up Selphie with some mind accessory
I have it bookmarkedGot lucky on a 5-mythril pull and got the sleep armor.
Is there still a spreadsheet maintained for friend codes? I know there was one but I'm honestly to scared about reading through ~200 pages to find itOtherwise I'll just edit it in this post, apparently it's going to be "quite useful for the EX++ this event", didn't lookup the details.
I have it bookmarked
Quote to reveal
I added a new line for you to put your new relicedit: should I message you for an update ?
I just threw 180 mythril and $60 for five 11 pulls to finally get Rinoa's weapon. I complained about the absurd pricing preventing impulse buying but goddamn I really wanted Rinoa's unique. It doesn't even feel satisfying anymore having it after spending that much on it.
I just threw 180 mythril and $60 for five 11 pulls to finally get Rinoa's weapon. I complained about the absurd pricing preventing impulse buying but goddamn I really wanted Rinoa's unique. It doesn't even feel satisfying anymore having it after spending that much on it.