i'm back up to 35 mythril right now. I think I might forego the last of the Festival xp to try to farm some normal dungeons + elites for mythril for a 11 pull on Tactics. I'm probably a good 40 regular dungeons behind by now.
Through the event I took 7 parties from level 30 to 50+ cap broken, so I feel like I've done a fair share of grinding and improving my teams.
One thing I'm really noticing now though; the Record Materia inventory is a total and utter mess. It takes so long to scroll through it to find the Materia you're looking for. I don't even know how they'd clean it up either. The only thing that mildly helps is switching the display to show the descriptions, but even then it takes forever to find stuff.
Where did you guys get all that Mythril stockpiled from? Did you save it all since the RoR banners, or earlier?
Today's the day boys.
Who's going to be dropping it all on Tactics?
Where did you guys get all that Mythril stockpiled from? Did you save it all since the RoR banners, or earlier?
Wow Banner 5 changed a lot for me. The FF X-2+++ fight was easy. It's the first one I mastered without problems. Using Wall, Hastega + a great SSB really help for these fights. Before I didn't even care and just Advantaliate these fights. Sometimes it worked and sometimes I didn't even try to beat them.
I'm still in a phase where I have to figure out what I should use for my party. Especially Gilgamesh feels a little bit redundant since I already have Garnet's SSB for major regen. So I need a few tips on which characters I should focus. And especially which abilities are the best for these. Right now my party consist of Lightning, Gilgamesh/Wakka (depend on if I need blind or poison), Rinao (mostly for trash and elemental weaknesses), Tyro and Garnet. So mostly my SSBs.
My fights look like this right now: I spam Lifesiphon with Lightning and then use PP or Advance as a RW and use her SSB to kill every boss (which doesn't resist lightning). Tyro for the Wall or Full Break/weakness/extra healing. Gilgamesh for I don't even know for what, he's just there lol. Rinoa does decent damage with her magic spells and Garnet for Hastega and Healing or damage via summons.
This is what I have:
2x Genji Blade (V) - Gilgamesh (I guess I keep them seperate since Katanas are rare and I don't have another good 5* Katana)
Wizard Rod (IX) - Garnet
Cardinal (VIII) - Rinoa
Peacemaker (XIII) - Lightning
Over the top (X) - Wakka
Sentinel's Grimoire - Tyro (I list this under SSB because how ridiculous good this is)
Enhancer (VI) - Terra
2x Rune Blade (VI) - Cecil (don't know if I should combine them)
Brave Blade (V) - Bartz
3x Ultima Sword - Steiner (I should definitely at least make one Ultima Sword+ I think)
2x Thor Hammer - Galuf (guess I should make a Thor Hammer+ from these since the hammer wielding pool is small)
Partisan (VI) - Edgar
Zack's Glove (VII) - Zack lol
Morning Star (VIII) - Selphie
Capella (XII) - Balthier
Gatling Gun (VII) - Barret
Ebon Armor (IV) - Golbez
So yeah It would be great if you could lend me hand to figure out what way I should go.![]()
Pull on the current SSB spectacular banner insteadim wondering if i should even bother with the FFT banner
im a new player and i dont have any of the trinity
should i? or just save up Mythril for later?
Pull on the current SSB spectacular banner instead
Wutai is probably one of the more flexible medicas since you generally want your AOE heal on someone that's not on your healer for simultaneous emegency casts, and stacking two MND characters sometimes limits options.
I mean, maybe you could have gotten Ramza's similar relic, but SSB5 is definitely a better bet since it has all 3 of the trinity plus a lot of useful synergies (as opposed to Tactics which has a practical synergy use of near zero going forward)
i already did
got a couple wutais,ultimas, and a genji for Greg
Oh man, third Ultimate that I've beaten in a row (well, in fact third Ultimate I've beaten, period) and first mastered!
Setup (actual RW was Divine Guardian, I took this screenshot after beating them because I never thought I would make it xD):
As you can see there is nothing exceptional (no medica, no wall, no SSBs, no haste), but it did the trick. I only lost two medals, one in damage and one in actions. It went essentially like this:
- Cast DG and Protectga (don't need more protection than that if everything goes right, really)
- Wait until Leblanc casts Mighty guard then dispel her
- Cast Retaliate
- Ormi casts Draw fire
- Bio blaster, if at least two were not poisoned, S/L
- Yukikaze, then Dark buster/Blind shell on Ormi
- If he was not blinded by then, S/L
- If he was, pummel Leblanc with everything
- Occassionally throw Dark Buster / Blind shell at Logos if he was not blinded
- Cast Avalanche
- Spam Yukikaze like crazy
- Spam Kick
- Spam Tempo Flurry on Leblanc
TF proc'd on her so she got too slow to cast No lost love, so after she died I renewed DG and the rest was easy. Just save your blinding abilities for when Ormi refreshes Draw fire as you'll need it if you want the mastery.
I think the secret is to rush down Leblanc before she casts No lost love, if you can manage that, the fight is done. This is a very rng dependant fight like the last Ultimate, but I think it's a little more fair because you can keep them all more or less controlled with debuffs.
PS: Not going to pull nothing in FFT banner besides all the few mythril I can gather this week. #don'tcareaboutmeta #0mythrillosersclub #toosaltytocare
Are the RES up from Garnet's SSB, Yuna's SSB, Seifer's Bloodfest and Celes's default SB all the same?
None of them stack with each other, but all of them can stack with both Shell and Wall, so max 350% increase, right?
How can I really use Yuffie? Her instant medica is cool but ninjas just seem really mediocre compared to just bringing a real character either offense or mage.
How can I really use Yuffie? Her instant medica is cool but ninjas just seem really mediocre compared to just bringing a real character either offense or mage.
You can use her primarily in three ways: physical skills, ninja scrolls, support.How can I really use Yuffie? Her instant medica is cool but ninjas just seem really mediocre compared to just bringing a real character either offense or mage.
Depends entirely on your hones and relics. Do any of them have character relics?
Unless you need Magic I would probably boot Terra.
If you have Steiner's sword I would work on replacing Cloud with him as well.
so use my hero soul from The Eternal Calm and grab him?
You will want Tidus eventually for his RM3.
I hate this game sometimes.