dismissal + thiefs revenge
until i can make those what filler abilities should i use?
dismissal + thiefs revenge
recommended abilites for Yuffie?
until i can make those what filler abilities should i use?
- Ninja Scrolls (situational; Yuffie does have the best Magic among Ninjas though)
she HAD the best magic.
All hail our new Ramza Overlord.
Ramza has to be level 71 or so to have higher magic than Yuffie at 65. He also has instrument instead of thrown so your ninja magic choice will largely be dictated by what kind of weapons you have.
Thats a pretty solid team, are you RWing wall right?.
Yeah, will be RWing wall. Which is what I wanted anyway as I'd want every character on the team to have the ability to pop it.
I didnt know you have to keep your Ramza at 65 to use it as mage...he has more magic, Im not lying, and including equipment in this is bold since Ramza has way better equip options than yuffie. and magic thrown are as rare as instrument.
None of the ninja (save Tyro, naturally) have good equipment selection for magic purposes since they are all reliant on having a small class of 5* items to get an appreciable magic bonus. Like I said, it depends on the +magic item you have:
Katana: Edge (because the only magic katana has Edge's SB on it)
Sword/Flute: Ramza (former: Thancred)
Thrown: Yuffie (soon: Shadow)
It's a real niche thing due to the low item availability. Thrown is the most common but still rare.
My team is pretty solid:
Sephiroth (SSB)
Yuna (HoTF/BSSB)
Zidane (SSB)
Support (Tyro/SLG or Sazh/Boon)
Flex (typically Luneth for Advance)
God I hate Sazh's equipment selection though; I really hope I get a Hastega on a better character soon. Doesn't Ingus have one?
yeah, Ingus gets a Hastega + Protectga SB on Luneth event.
That banner is also supergood, so its worth pulling, it has Luneth SSB (Bartz SSB clone) and Arc SSB (shell, heavy regen, magic blink).
I was thinking of pulling on it for Luneth's SSB, but Arc's SSB and Ingus' SB just sealed the deal for me. Do you know about how far it is away?
Ramza can equip Magic Swords (Terra, Ashe), and Armors (Golbez), he has better options.
But as I say, talking about equipment is useless, best magic ninja if we take equip in consideration is Tyro by far.
Yeah, but Tyro's stats are so bad that he'll lose if you have literally any of the specialized items.
There are actually more +mag light armors (Kefka, Vincent) than heavy, but armor is thankfully not an issue since everyone can equip hats and bracers. Except Exdeath, who hasn't picked up on Irvine's multiple-hat skills.
There are also other, even less common item types with like 1-2 +mag relics:
Axe (Ramza)
Bow (Yuffie)
One of the more recent JP events even has a +mag fist weapon. Past that I think it's just Palom's dagger for ninja purposes.
EDIT: All this roster scoping has convinced me that they need to add Type-0 so we can have Seven as a ninja with whip access.
I guess my team for most content will be
Ramza SSB
Auron SSB
Y'Sholta with both SB's
Vivi or Rinoa with SSB
Beatrix with SB (was gonna be Agrais curse you tactics banner :[)
Maybe swap in Zidane since I also have his ssb
Beatriz SSB is way better than Agrias...so thats that. And its on a good banner.
Sephiroth /SSB
Lightning /SSB
Agrias /SSB
Ramza /SSB
Yuna/Minwu/Y'shtola Medica
Cloud w/ SSB & BSSB
Lightning w/ SSB
Ramza w/ SSB
Paladin Cecil w/ SSB
Selphie w/ SSB
Sephiroth (SSB)
Yuna (HoTF/BSSB)
Zidane (SSB)
Support (Tyro/SLG or Sazh/Boon)
Flex (typically Luneth for Advance)
Ramza SSB
Auron SSB
Y'Sholta with both SB's
Vivi or Rinoa with SSB
Beatrix with SB (was gonna be Agrais curse you tactics banner :[)
Quick look at the subreddit show me poor DeNA is getting some angry e-mails :x
I understand the frustration but gacha is a lottery.
Yeah, saw something similar yesterday with too much off-banner relics, who knows, maybe DeNA cheated us.The real point of contention seems to be that, unlike previous banners (specifically since the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Event), items with Character specific Soul Breaks (Grand Armor, Kaiser Shield, Nu Khai Armband) have a 1% chance of dropping, instead of 2%. More info there.
Yeah, saw something similar yesterday with too much off-banner relics, who knows, maybe DeNA cheated us.
The lack of 2% might be understandable since this banner has more items that regular ones.
I see, thanks.The problem is Japan got 2% for Agrias shield and Ramza's Armor and Arm-band (Rates in Japan are known because gacha laws exist there).
Here is 1% for every single relic and the rest was push into off banner relics, there are people pulling 12 5* and 7 being off banner, literally insane. I got 1 off banner on my only pull of 2 relics.
The real point of contention seems to be that, unlike previous banners (specifically since the Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Event), items with Character specific Soul Breaks (Grand Armor, Kaiser Shield, Nu Khai Armband) have a 1% chance of dropping, instead of 2%, and off-banner items are much more likely to drop. This seems to be an exclusive change for the NA/EU version of the game, whereas the JP version had the "normal" drop rates (reminder: drop rates are actually visible for the JP version of the game, as they are obligated by law to reveal them there). More info there.
The problem is Japan got 2% for Agrias shield and Ramza's Armor and Arm-band (Rates in Japan are known because gacha laws exist there).
Here is 1% for every single relic and the rest was push into off banner relics, there are people pulling 12 5* and 7 being off banner, literally insane. I got 1 off banner on my only pull of 2 relics.
I see, thanks.
I knew about the rates showing up in JP since I played it a bit + in global the little box showing it exist but is blank.
with heal and natural shout you can RW wall, thats how Im doing it, you shouldnt need more than 2 cast for most fights.
Yeah I think you're right! Just have to be sensible on those fights with Mass Dispel...
Been seeing that thrown around for those three items.
Where's the source on that?
Because according to this which I previously linked a-la Reddit of last month, as well as that other Gacha simulator, all relics on banner are (edit: assumed to be) 1%.
Some old discussion on JP both cite 1% and 2%. If there was a screenshot of the rates screen, that'd put the matter to rest.
In fact I did a 3 pull for funsies right now, and I pulled an off banner blitz sword that makes 2/3 off banner for me.
DeNA made a dick move, moving the good stuff of SSB Fest to banner 5 and then just after it finished drop Tactics, maximize profit.
I think that spreadsheet shows chance for 9 item banners like SSB Fest where each banner its a character relic, Tactics was its own thing, theres a reddit thread that analized that long ago, but cant find it now. but you only have to go to the relic pull and see people's pull, then compare with japan megathread for the same event. Theres no way that pulls with so many off banners are normal.
Or Dena is running a scam to try to extract money out of people.tldr stay the fuck away from the FFT banner because its cursed