I think it's important to remember that even if you don't get the "best" relics, you can still do well in this game. There's a bit of an all-or-nothing attitude that surrounds this game sometime, and that's not the most productive way to think.
I wouldn't say that I've had bad luck, but I certainly haven't been as fortunate as some of the other players here, and I've been able to Master all the Ultimates so far. (A few were a bit harrowing, but once I got over the fact I didn't have the latest shiny SSB/BSSB I could still make it work.) Up until just before the SSB fest, I had zero SSBs, one unique Medica (Aerith's first), and no native Hastega or Wall. It required more work, and some extra planning, but it wasn't insurmountable. Now I have a couple SSBs (no melee ones though), another Medica, and a Hastega, and I'm happy about that, but even if I didn't I'd keep going. It sucks to save and save and get nothing, I've been there, but most of us here have enough tools to get the job done even if it doesn't seem like it at first. (And if you have a Wall and/or a BSSB, and you're sufficiently leveled, you're in a pretty good place already, so don't get too stressed out about missing out on Shout if you did. I don't have any of those yet and I'm not sweating it.)
There may come a time when some of us reach a fight that's just too much, but it's not the end of the world. And I don't think anybody here completed the first FFVIII Elite event so none of us have perfect records anyway. (And if you did, great job.)