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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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that puzzling face
I find it hilarious that this person puts their name all over such an insignificant achievement. Got to get those fat dollar bills for having the most twitter followers.

Actually what gets me is the one at the bottom right




Geez mastering kuja is tough.

Lost 2 metals on damage and 1 on action 3 times already with shout/ssb meta.

I have 0 rs(not even 4*).

Got wall and grand cross but even then I can't lose less than 2 medals on damage.

Any tips?

Should I run a ssb (i have Cecil and agrias ssb) knight with magic lure and reflect. Probably do 2x damage than exdeath while reflecting like 30-40 k damage back.
With Kuja, losing a speed medal pretty much guarantees you'll lose damage medals because of his group-damage spamming nature. I would concentrate on not losing that speed medal, so yes to SSB and yes to Boostga/Faithga SBs. The only way to not miss medals at all is to have excessive damage -and- extra mitigation layers (dual breakdown SB, +RES SB), but that usually costs lots of money. I didn't get much mileage out of Lure Magic/Reflect because Kuja was really fond of lightning and flare star, but others have used it successfully. Plus, I think you'd get more mileage out of Grand Cross-fueled Dark Zones. I did it with only one SSB, but my Drunk Cecil is basically using an SB every turn with 16-20k Sanguine Crosses anyway.


Mastered Ultimate Steiner today. That was a lot easier than I thought it would be. I only had to S/L once. The first try, he hit Squall twice in a row and killed him before I could get mitigation up. The second time, I was able to get Sentinel's Grimoire, Protectga, and Shellga up before he killed anyone. All his AoEs kept Tryo and Relm's Soul Break gauges filled most of the fight. That helped a lot.


I'm no expert at it but:
  • Retire that black mage and white mage asap, they have crap stats. Use Vivi as a BLM, use Garnet as WHM.
  • Cloud is a safe bet, it's the favourite of DeNa and he will always get the new shinny stuff first.
  • I'd personally retire Tyro too, unless you get his SB Sentine'ls Grimoire he has not any use for a newbie.
  • Now what kind of team you want? I usally tell new guys to try a mixed team 1 whm 1 blm 1 melee 1 support 1 whatever is your favourite. From this point on doing dungeons and events + the 5* you'll get from banners will mostly push to towards one style or other. Maybe you get a lot of mage weapons from a few pulls, in that case it might be wise to bring another BLM as your 5th or maybe a summoner, etc..
  • Be aware that levels are not as important as your abilities. If you have a full 80 team and you still use crap abilities you WILL have a hard time, hone those and learn to love breaks.
  • About the third slot that's for accesories mostly if not only avaliable through events, i know that fat chocobo in JP sells accesories, dunno if it is implemented here yet tho.

Don't drop Tyro. Storm Lance Grimoire carried me for so long in this game. I recently got SG, but I still use SLG as a finisher
I personally didn't find magic lure + reflect to be worth it since it meant either take a lot of AOE damage to get any decent amount of damage reflected back or stack tons of mitigation to keep my team afloat and nerf the reflected damage so low so as to not be worth the ability slot. That said, I have access to Agrias' -MAG/ATK SB so I didn't try too hard to make it work since I had other avenues to go down.

Given that you have grand cross, I would think that that would be a much better strategy as you would be able to continually spam Dark Zone. If your MM + DZ is well honed enough I could maybe see using Magic Lure + Lionheart RM on another knight to build SB for an SSB, letting you put Lifesiphon + Ace Striker/Battleforged on your other SB/SSB characters.

In terms of mitigation, Celes' default SB boosts party RES 50% and stacks with everything else... I don't know that it would be enough to keep from losing that second medal though, especially if fitting her in means lowering your DPS and exposing yourself to more AOEs at the end of the fight.

edit: I tried a similar party with a knight using magic lure to mitigate and build SB gauge, but Kuja's defense is way too high. You end up burning through the 2nd ability very quickly leaving your knight with little else to do. Maybe if you used it with r5 lifesiphon and ditched the dark mage in favour of another physical team member since without a record synergy rod the mage's damage output is pretty low. I think I'm out of ideas here though lol.


60+ MDO's to play with and I'm still unsure on Sanguine Cross/Dark Zone.

Maybe I'll just craft Bahamut. Unless there's a new 5* in the future that uses Dark.
Would love a Chocobracelet from the banner tonight. Mid Regen shared sb is great!

Edit: Meh, no luck. Looks like it's not coming back either (Bantha made an error by putting them on Seph bsb banners).


I have a thing for FFVII banners... almost did a 11 pull but resisted. I need the mythril for future Tyro weapons.

Did a 100 Gem pull instead and got my Yuffie's Crystal Cross! And I get to Level her to Lv.80!
$1 netted me Tifa's Platinum Fist. :D

I'm already stacked with FF7 relics (Zack's Gloves, Zack's Buster Sword, Sephiroth's Masamune, Cid's Trident, Butterfly Edge, Gold Sword+, Aerith's Guard Stick, Yuffie's Headband x2). However, a 5.0x/2 Ranged w/ 35% Boostaga SB should be useful for future Cid U+ missions. It is also only 1 point under Zack's Gloves for the highest ATK w/ RS.


Did the 100 gem pulls on both IX banners and VII. Zidane IX banner and VII one gave me a 3* but the Beatrix banner gave me Zidanes Exploda. I think that's the best 100 gem pull I've ever done because usually it's crap.

Also I'm super late to these events so I guess I'll be spending next two days catching up. XIV mgp event plus Tactics Ogre is taking away a lot of my time. :(


Contrary to most people my VII synergy is shit (I have two Zack's gloves and a Masamune, that's it) so I doubt I can even do the Ultimate, but I'll try for shits and giggles xD

That U+ seems exhausting with all those fights in a row, looks like it requires a fuckton of hones. If by some miracle I can do the Ultimate I'll try it for fun, but I'm not doing a S/L fest like with Kuja, that's for sure.

Did the 100 gem pulls on both IX banners and VII. Zidane IX banner and VII one gave me a 3* but the Beatrix banner gave me Zidanes Exploda. I think that's the best 100 gem pull I've ever done because usually it's crap.

Also I'm super late to these events so I guess I'll be spending next two days catching up. XIV mgp event plus Tactics Ogre is taking away a lot of my time. :(

Good taste there.


that puzzling face
Corneo Hall elite rewards you a Pearl Necklace (VII)


I lost it at the (VII)


My 8 last 100 gems pulls got me only 3*, I think I'm done doing it.

Yeah, I think my last 7 or so 100 gem pulls were 3*'s. I'm up to 72 100-gem pulls and I've gotten 8 5*'s which is a solid ratio, but 6 of those 8 5*s were total garbage that I've either never equipped or are incredibly situational (STILL SALTY ABOUT MULTIPLE FUCKING PINWHEELS). Only good things I've ever gotten are a Hawkeye, Ebon Armor, and Maduin's Horn although I already had a Horn. And then I've gotten 15 4*'s which is also a solid ratio, but all except maybe 3 of them have been garbage (tons of duplicate 4* hammers and axes whyyyyyy).

I'll probably keep doing the 100-gem pulls for now, but after the next fest's banners I'm thinking I'll probably stop and only do them on orbfest banners unless I get an incredible turnaround of luck between now and then.

Anyway I'm finally caught up on dungeons again, and excluding Cait Sith I'm down to only 5 missing RM's (other than the 5 I'm missing due to MC2's I don't have) so that's pretty exciting for me actually. The RM grinding is incredibly tedious, want to be done with it so I can just easily/quickly burn my Stamina on dailies.


that puzzling face
I stopped doing 100gem pulls a while back. Despite crud-ish gear I'm in a good spot and I haven't felt compelled to spend any more on the game than I already have, at least till OSSB and something new happens to the story in general.


My FF7 synergy isn't great but this ultimate+ seems to be more of a home test than anything else.

I kinda want to pull on the first Serah banner for Lightning's BSSB I feel like that's a poor allocation of mythril with the festival coming up.


I've still been doing the 100-gem pulls mostly as a way of "paying" for the game. Both gem and mythril pull wise though I just continue to get more and more stacked in realms I already have great synergy for, and jack shit for the ones I don't. I've pulled a lot on every FF9 banner that has come up for example, and all I have to show for it is three Pinwheels (what) and Vivi's shitty staff that has Doublecast Venom, forget the name of it. It's extra annoying to pull on a say FF9 banner and then get an off-banner relic for a different realm, which has happened a bunch to me. The lack of being able to more specifically target realms/items is why I'm just dumping mythril more into leveling and grinding orbs since I feel like having a full realm synergy party at 80 with skills/hones is a more reliable way of getting things done at this point.

Related, but at this point is it even worth pulling on the Beginner banner? Still haven't done it. First thought is to get Luneth's sword, but I haven't had to use Advance in months and months. There's also that lightning Grimoire for Tyro, but he's got my only natural wall (SG) so I don't know that I'd ever actually use it?
Related, but at this point is it even worth pulling on the Beginner banner? Still haven't done it. First thought is to get Luneth's sword, but I haven't had to use Advance in months and months. There's also that lightning Grimoire for Tyro, but he's got my only natural wall (SG) so I don't know that I'd ever actually use it?

With the FF3 event gone, I'd sit tight on the beginner banner. There's events coming up for low synergy realms, though... there's a 14 event coming up at some point soon, for instance, and you may find you want a 14 relic for that - the banner is a guaranteed way to do that.

The Beginner Banner is nice because you get a SB relic for a certain realm for sure, but all the other boosted stuff on it is mega early-game stuff that's ridiculously outclassed now. I'd say even if you pull on that banner and get lucky and get 3 or 4 five star items, that's still actually less useful than pulling on a newer banner and landing a SSB or BSSB weapon because so many of the ultimate and nightmare dungeons are about DPS and speed, which the big multi-hit SBs are almost required for. All most of those relics' SBs on the beginner banner are good for is doing 9999 damage, basically... but at the late game, that's nothing, you'll be doing that with regular skills.


Sorry, new to this game. What's the festival? From context it sounds like a good chance to pull, but what's it like/when is it? Thanks!


Almost mastered U+, then I got hit with two beam cannons in a row.
Even with all my abilities at rank 4, I was still running low at the end

Edit: Mastered it, new strategy was to just ignore the armor
Mastered u+ without a sl.

My team is basically self sufficient at this point even after abilities are exhausted, the sbs keep mitigation healing and attacks so high that regular attacks are enough.
Bartz-ssb adds heavy physical mitigation. R4 life siphon r4 dismissal
Beatrix-ssb adds magic blink r4 ls r3 Shellga
Ramza-shout and tailwind-perpetual haste and boost with emergency healing r4 ls r3 armor breakdown
Tyro- sentinel grimoire and slg/cg if needing damage or healing at the end r4 ls r2 breakdance
Yuna-hotf+ R5 curaja r3 protecga

Rw was that garnet regen res haste thing, nearly forgot to use the second cast of it.

I was dreadfully close to r5ing 2-3 of the life siphons and r3ing the breakdance, glad I held off!

Beatrix helping each character dodge 4-5-6 magic hits per battle is really overpowered. Holy cow.

Granted, my vii relics are a spear, fist, katana and sword (gold sword) so, decked out offensively for vii synergy.


Got a second Platinum Fist for Tifa from the 100 gem pull. Nice. Considering my FF7 synergy is now ridiculous, if I had to get a relic I'm glad it was a repeat.
Mastered u+ without a sl.

My team is basically self sufficient at this point even after abilities are exhausted, the sbs keep mitigation healing and attacks so high that regular attacks are enough.
Bartz-ssb adds heavy physical mitigation. R4 life siphon r4 dismissal
Beatrix-ssb adds magic blink r4 ls r3 Shellga
Ramza-shout and tailwind-perpetual haste and boost with emergency healing r4 ls r3 armor breakdown
Tyro- sentinel grimoire and slg/cg if needing damage or healing at the end r4 ls r2 breakdance
Yuna-hotf+ R5 curaja r3 protecga

Rw was that garnet regen res haste thing, nearly forgot to use the second cast of it.

I was dreadfully close to r5ing 2-3 of the life siphons and r3ing the breakdance, glad I held off!

Beatrix helping each character dodge 4-5-6 magic hits per battle is really overpowered. Holy cow.

Granted, my vii relics are a spear, fist, katana and sword (gold sword) so, decked out offensively for vii synergy.

I feel overpowered and I have probably less than half your great relics. I can't imagine how easy it must be for you. Doesn't it get boring? Starts to here but I find that when I try other setups it's either too hard or too easy. Good old balanced challenges are getting rare...
I feel overpowered and I have probably less than half your great relics. I can't imagine how easy it must be for you. Doesn't it get boring? Starts to here buy I find that when I try other setups it's either too hard or too easy. Good old balanced challenges are getting rare...

This was the easiest plus battle so far. I just pulled the Beatrix relic, so that really changes things. I have spent a bit of money to get to this point but it seems like diminishing returns are kicking in.

But yes, this was a bit boring frankly. The only challenge is slng the rng to not get decimated round one.


Finishing my last few story dungeon.
Only 9 left, 3 with shards for one last refill and one that I need to redo to master.
By tomorrow, it'll be nothing but dailys for me.
Of course not.
It's does Magic damage, so I thought the SSB would protect her from the attack and refill her abilities. Obviously, it wouldn't make a difference to the rest of the team but would have allowed for some Flare Strike / Thundaga Strike spamming and slightly less damage to worry about.

Oh well, I'll roll with R4 Thundara Strike and R2 Thundaga Strike.
It's does Magic damage, so I thought the SSB would protect her from the attack and refill her abilities. Obviously, it wouldn't make a difference to the rest of the team but would have allowed for some Flare Strike / Thundaga Strike spamming and slightly less damage to worry about.

Oh well, I'll roll with R4 Thundara Strike and R2 Thundaga Strike.

Celes's SSB pretty specifically states that it absorbs BLK and WHT-school abilities. A machine shooting a laserbeam should be the obvious clue.
I guess the whole Buddhist "desire is the root of all suffering" thing comes to full force once again. I was determined to save up for the BSB fest and had a decent 30mythril which I hoped would turn to 100 from events and a ton of story dungeons. But I really wanted to attempt for Beatrix's SSB and maybe Kuja's Gloves.

0/6 with only one *4. gg RNG. gg

Well, it's gonna be a long climb up.
Put in all FF7 team for Cid Mission since I was to lazy to sub only the characters I needed in

Got killed by the hell rider v2 boss since I just let the game auto while doing school work :X


U+ wasn't so bad and my Wall RW ran out during the third boss. Damage wasn't too high so it was pretty manageable without it. I unloaded on the second guy because the freeze is stupid.


U+ wasn't so bad and my Wall RW ran out during the third boss. Damage wasn't too high so it was pretty manageable without it. I unloaded on the second guy because the freeze is stupid.

I don't usually do the U+ because they're too hard and I don't want to spend half hour setting up and another hour resetting until I get a decent run going. But I might try this one because I have FFVII Characters Maxed and Synergy up the Wazoo.

Full medals in the Ultimate+ Arena with this group. Limit breaks: Earth Ward, Dragon Force, Apocalypse Shield, Stoneskin, and Black Materia.

I took close to zero damage in the second and third phases thanks to all of the blinks, and the first phase was completely non-threatening. There was enough HP to knock down that Sephiroth used his SSB four times--the most I've ever used it in a single encounter. I thought I'd have a charge or two of Quetzlcoatl leftover for the last phase, but used it all in the first. I should've given her Maduin instead, since it has higher potency to knock down the Yin & Yang duo more quickly, as Quetz was only doing about 5k damage. Holy was doing 8k anyway, which was enough against Proudclod.
The FF Portal App is doing the points campaign again for June.

Proudclod isn't actually weak to Lightning in this one in case anyone was going to bring abilities for that.
Yeah, that was lame. Still Mastered it but the last half of the final boss was a bit of a slog because of this.


Finally got around to White Nightmare and Kuja U+.

The only thing I honed for Evrae was Phantasm and Swift Bolt, and that was too much. I feel like I wasted precious precious GPO/GBO orbs, could've done it without honing them.

Kuja U+ was a whole heap of fun. Zidane joins Locke as the 2nd Thief's Revenge spamming idiot. Sorry Locke, you're permanently benched.


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