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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Guaranteed 5*s on 11 pulls start with Cloud's Overflow Soul Break banner (#190), which also changed the pool setup to 2 BSB (or 1 OSB/1 BSB), 4 SSB, 1 SB.

Banner Pool Timeline:

Current Global: 2 SSB (or 1 BSB, 1 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Japan's BSB Fest was: 1 BSB, 3 SSB, 5 SB for 3 of the banners / 2 BSB, 2 SSB, 5 SB for 2 of the banners.
Starting w/ Banner 149 (Sephiroth BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Starting w/ Banner 153 (Rinoa BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 1 Generic. [Zidane and Garnet's banner is an outlier with 2 BSBs (theirs), 1 SSB (Freya's)]
Japan's Double BSB Fest (Banners 171-176) was: 2 BSB, 5 SSB + an All SSB Medica bonus banner
Starting w/ Banner 177 (Gilgamesh BSB event): 1 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB, 1 Generic. [The actual Gilga BSB banner actually has 2 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB]

Banner Listings:
Never like rolling gacha. /s (Don't bookmark this again, Falk. :D)

I know you're joking but this is a scary thought.

I booted my Japanese game after a while (not far at all, have around 50 stamina) and saw that there was a lucky draw going around. The fact that I got Fenrir (first BSB in any version) + two other SB *5 was so satisfying but what was most refreshing was the fact that the ACT of drawing is so much more relaxing. You KNOW you're gonna get something. Even if it's a generic, you're gonna get that burst animation no matter what and whatever you get will be useful in some way, even if you meld it with an existing *5 you have.

If for anything, I am dying for such a feeling on global, where your draws turn into a thing of anticipation instead of dread.


that puzzling face
Banner Pool Timeline:

Current Global: 2 SSB (or 1 BSB, 1 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Japan's BSB Fest was: 1 BSB, 3 SSB, 5 SB for 3 of the banners / 2 BSB, 2 SSB, 5 SB for 2 of the banners.
Starting w/ Banner 149 (Sephiroth BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Starting w/ Banner 153 (Rinoa BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 1 Generic. [Zidane and Garnet's banner is an outlier with both of 2 BSBs (theirs), 1 SSB (Freya's)]
Japan's Double BSB Fest (Banners 171-176) was: 2 BSB, 5 SSB + an All SSB Medica bonus banner
Starting w/ Banner 177 (Gilgamesh BSB event): 1 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB, 1 Generic. [The actual Gilga BSB banner actually has 2 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB]

My head hurts :(
Knowing what you have, I would do just that. Can even do some pulls here and there if you have favorite characters coming up in banners.

Pulling is addicting and I just need to stop and let the mythril accumulate for a while. It's not like we have multi parties a la ffvi or what have you.

Same here, maybe pull for Sentinel Grimoire just go give my team some extra options so y'sholta isn't a 100% main stay for hard content.

Yeah, I pulled the sg in he last festival, so I have both. Gives for a great deal of flexibility.
Pulling is addicting and I just need to stop and let the mythril accumulate for a while. It's not like we have multi parties a la ffvi or what have you.

Yea, depends on how you deal with the addiction. If a 3 pulls once in a while on the banner of a favorite character is enough to scratch the itch while you accumulate then you can still stack them up. Still, I understand that it can be easier to accumulate by not pulling at all until a certain given point.

I think about only doing a 3 pulls for Beatrix SSB and I if I do it, I am waiting until 2 minutes before the banner ends to do it. That way if I don't get anything I won't be able to keep pulling because the banner will be gone. Hurray for tricks to battle bad self-control!
My party is so op at this point I'm tempted to hold mythril for the guaranteed pulls other than lucky pulls and orb festival refreshes.

Thinking about doing something similar myself as my team is slowly coming together and am depleting the story dungeons more and more. Currently accumulating stuff for the BSB fest (whenever it may grace us) but after that I'm probably going on an "Ultra Power Saving Mode" as far as mythril goes.

Meaning essentially close to no pulls until we get either guaranteed *5 and/or OSBs.
Looking at the coming events, the absolute biggest problem will be the Auron banner for me as he's my MVP and absolute favorite character in FFRK. Banishing Blade looks so damn sexy.

The one thing holding me back is that Japan currently has an Auron BSB going on which is just drool worthy and really, really worth waiting for.


Man, Serah's event is just around the corner, and that means Lightning's BSB! I thought I'd have more mythril saved up for it, but now i'll be lucky to get to 150....argh decisions decisions.


Man, Serah's event is just around the corner, and that means Lightning's BSB! I thought I'd have more mythril saved up for it, but now i'll be lucky to get to 150....argh decisions decisions.

I'm sitting at 155... Not pulling on anything until the next fest.
Can you stay in a stage after it expires.

Need to champ Kuja but busy until past expiration time.

Get your setup ready, start the battle, and then close the app. You can play the battle itself as much as you want, including spending Mythril (if you need) to get boosts. Just select "continue" as if you were normally S/Ling. What you can't do is idle in the stage after it expires.


Man, Serah's event is just around the corner, and that means Lightning's BSB! I thought I'd have more mythril saved up for it, but now i'll be lucky to get to 150....argh decisions decisions.

Out of all the
important (sorry I,II, III)
realms, my XIII synergy is clearly the worst:

New Years Gun

So a piss weak gun for Sazh/Lightning (but really it's going to Sazh because FB/Breakdowns are more important, and FC/FS ain't there for Lightning yet), a Tyro weapon and a mage weapon (which is useless since I run Shout meta).

Oh shit.
Out of all the
important (sorry I,II, III)
realms, my XIII synergy is clearly the worst:

New Years Gun

So a piss weak gun for Sazh/Lightning (but really it's going to Sazh because FB/Breakdowns are more important, and FC/FS ain't there for Lightning yet), a Tyro weapon and a mage weapon (which is useless since I run Shout meta).

Oh shit.

I continue to get far too much mileage out of the Pumpkin and the one SB item I drew ... Lightning's shitty Enthunder armor. I think the game just knows the vehemence I hold for XIII and refuses to reward me.
I've been thinking of saving all of my Mythril for Wall chances + Lucky Draws over the next 5-6 months, as a number of the banners since the Cloud OSW one look great and having guaranteed 5*s is going to be huge. I don't have TIP TOP tier SBs like Wall, Shout, Shadow's SSB, any ___ Blinks, any BSBs, etc... However, I still have a damn solid roster of SSB users (Cecil, Locke, Celes, Tidus, Agrias, Garnet) + utility SBs (Yuffie's Medica, Fran's Whip Kick, Zack's Helicopter Thingie, Basch's Shield, Galuf's Invincibility Fist, Galuf/Decil/Tifa's Boostga, Aerith's original Medica).

My current pull temptation is that I use Yuffie for physical teams w/ Garnet as WM and tried out a RW with Yuffie's SSB. I absolutely loved it and often end up with extra SB bars on her. But pulling for a 1% item is never a good plan. Not to mention that I don't even have 50 mythril on my account and she can't run Lifesiphon either (I usually run R2 Thief's Revenge and R4 Dismissal / R5 Tempo Flurry). :/


Wait, did we know we were getting this Dungeon update today? I was down to grinding out the last 5 RM's I was missing. WHY CAN I NEVER GET FULLY CAUGHT UP??? Also a bunch of other stuff, not seeing a reddit post on most of this yet:

-Final Fantasy Record Anthology campaign is running from 6/3 to 7/7 to celebrate all 14 FF's being in the game now, log in once per day to get a mythril from this campaign up to a total of 14.

-Accessories from all 14 FF's are currently available from Fat Chocobo from 6/3 to 7/7.

-Double Green drops again for the weekend of 6/4-6/5 and 6/11-6/12

-Keeper's Quiz is going to be running again from 6/23 to 6/27, maximum reward for all 6 correct answers will a total of 100,000 gil, 5 mythril and 3 Major Growth Eggs.

-Final Fantasy Record Keeper medley music will be playing on the home screen from 6/3 to 6/26.

-Secrets of the Qu Record Materia (Quina) has been added (only drops in FF9 realms, boooo)
Oh my god, the old XI main screen song when opening the realm, I get shivers and I want to cry. I spent so many years in that world, I made so many long lasting relationships, went through very hard moments while playing this game, I even met my wife there...


Yeah, I thought were were specifically done with the realm-specific RM drops which is why I pointed that one out. It's not even a realm that has a super low stamina dungeon either :(


Oh my god, the old XI main screen song when opening the realm, I get shivers and I want to cry. I spent so many years in that world, I made so many long lasting relationships, went through very hard moments while playing this game, I even met my wife there...

If you haven't played XI in a while, they made a vocal version of the song that they used for Final Fantasy XI's ending theme, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.

man, IX specific drop again, what bullshit. its one thing in the pre-greens era, but now the opportunity cost is much higher until the next IX event. wtf dena, coudln't have dropped in yesterday?


Boy these XI dungeons are infuriating. Easy as hell but take for god damned ever because they put 5 enemies in each round. Yay, he took 3 seconds to hit me for 20 damage.


Are those worth the greens considering we'll probably get those as event rewards eventually?

Wondering this as well; I'm sure someone will put together a post or something on reddit if nothing else, but IIRC one (maybe more?) of the accessories being sold here was never available any other way and so far hasn't resurfaced yet in Japan. I know some/most of these have already been event rewards, so I guess it's a question of did you miss it before (I know I did on some of them) and/or do you want a second one? I've got enough greens to buy all of them I think, but I don't know that some of them are worth it (ex. earth resistance etc).

For anyone who follows JP more closely than I do, have they ever done another accessory sale or any other type of limited offering through Fat Chocobo there? Thought I saw someone on reddit say they only did this accessory thing once and so far that's been it even there outside of the weekly/monthly orbs/lodes that we're already getting. If this hasn't popped up again even in global I might grab everything (or at least the 5*'s) just in case.

Edit: Speak of the devil lol:https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKeeper/comments/4mcvfn/accessories_for_exchange/

It's 132k for everything, but the straight stat 4* stuff is probably easily skippable for most players unless you're brand new. I've got 145k right now (already bought the 10k shards, and I'm not really buying any orbs except MSO as they rotate in) so I'll probably grab the moderate resist 4*'s and then most/all of the 5*s. I missed a ton of the 5*'s as they came out, and even on the few I have duplicates would still be solid to have. This will also let me clear out a bunch of older accessories I already have anyway.


FFXI doesn't really have bosses short of big raid encounters.

Ah, skipped that game because I wasn't into the World of Warcraft thing everyone was into at the time.

I got +150K Gyshals stored away because I was saving to buy all 5 of the Stamina Shards in one go...

Which ones should I get...? Hmmmmmm... I think Gigas Armlet II is a no-brainer with its multi-resistence. Also, all the 30 Stat items too. There's also Cursed Ring V (20/10 stats) and the Brutal Earring XI (20/10 stats) which would add up with synergy. Although is there even a XI event in existence?

edit: Dropped 48K for Gigas Armlet, Cursed Ring, Cerberus Relief, Squall's Necklace, Brutal Earring, Doctor Cid's Glasses.


Hey all -- still fairly new, trying to make my way and find a decent team. I've been running the following team:

- Tidus
- Tyro (the avatar) with stormlance grimoire
- Cloud - hits hard, and I just got one of his level crystals (sorry, bad termanology)
- Amarant - hits hard
- Beatrix as a kind of white mage

I'm basically at a loss on what a good team makeup is. All those are currently level 30, and I've got the following characters in the wing. Wondering if I should change my setup a bit (maybe for Rydia?). Any help would be appreciated!

- Aerith
- Barret
- Cait Sith
- Cyan
- Garnet
- Josef
- Kain
- Kujia
- Rydia
- Tifa
- Vivi
- Wakka
- Yuffle
- Zidane

I also have 1 soul of a hero, which looks like I can get almost anyone

EDIT: Someone on reddit (when I asked) said to invest in Gilgamesh, Celes, or Terra, but where do I find them?


What are your relics?

Sorry, forgot those are important! Here are my 4 and 5 stars. I've only even done the first 10+1 pull, with 62 mythril in the bank currently

5* Gungnir (XII)
5* Dragon's Claw (IX0 - Amarant
5* Rune Staff - White Mage
5* Stormlance Grimoire
5* Dragon Armlet (VII) -- I have 2 of these
4* Wind Sword (II)
4* Light Rod (III) - Black Mage
4* Light Staff (III) - White Mage
4* Thornlet (V)
4* White Robe (IV)
4* Ocichalcum Dirk (V)

I also only have 1 Cloud and 1 Aerith Memory Crystal
Are those worth the greens considering we'll probably get those as event rewards eventually?
Some of them are unreleased (mainly XIV and XI) and others are re-issues including a few past Ultimate battle rewards (sadly no Vossler Gauntlet or Cloud's Goggles...for the latter I'll be missing Big Bridge which is where I could have gotten it :( ).

This is probably the more useful subreddit thread as it gives an evaluation of them:

At the end of the day we have a whole month so if one wanted they probably could get enough greens starting from 0.


Subete no aware
So are people deleting 3++ items? With these new accessories, I'm running out of inventory space again.

I have lots of 3* and 4* items that I'm keeping since I'm sure I'll get dupes whenever I do a draw, but right now they're not doing anything other than taking up space.
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