Relics you can draw. But since japan has one guaranteed 5* item it's pretty good. And you can pull 3 times on that banner, not just once. The items you can select should be announced later.
Whoa. When do we get guarenteed 5* items?
Relics you can draw. But since japan has one guaranteed 5* item it's pretty good. And you can pull 3 times on that banner, not just once. The items you can select should be announced later.
I thought they were already announced. I saw a list that included Ramza's Armor (was this just the vol 1 selections).
Whoa. When do we get guarenteed 5* items?
(Don't bookmark this again, Falk.)
Never like rolling gacha. /s (Don't bookmark this again, Falk.)
Global and JP are 2 different games, please understand.Whoa. When do we get guarenteed 5* items?
Banner Pool Timeline:
Current Global: 2 SSB (or 1 BSB, 1 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Japan's BSB Fest was: 1 BSB, 3 SSB, 5 SB for 3 of the banners / 2 BSB, 2 SSB, 5 SB for 2 of the banners.
Starting w/ Banner 149 (Sephiroth BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 2 Generic.
Starting w/ Banner 153 (Rinoa BSB event): 3 SSB (or 1 BSB, 2 SSB), 3 SB, 1 Generic. [Zidane and Garnet's banner is an outlier with both of 2 BSBs (theirs), 1 SSB (Freya's)]
Japan's Double BSB Fest (Banners 171-176) was: 2 BSB, 5 SSB + an All SSB Medica bonus banner
Starting w/ Banner 177 (Gilgamesh BSB event): 1 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB, 1 Generic. [The actual Gilga BSB banner actually has 2 BSB, 4 SSB, 1 SB]
My head hurts![]()
My party is so op at this point I'm tempted to hold mythril for the guaranteed pulls other than lucky pulls and orb festival refreshes.
My party is so op at this point I'm tempted to hold mythril for the guaranteed pulls other than lucky pulls and orb festival refreshes.
Knowing what you have, I would do just that. Can even do some pulls here and there if you have favorite characters coming up in banners.
Same here, maybe pull for Sentinel Grimoire just go give my team some extra options so y'sholta isn't a 100% main stay for hard content.
Pulling is addicting and I just need to stop and let the mythril accumulate for a while. It's not like we have multi parties a la ffvi or what have you.
My party is so op at this point I'm tempted to hold mythril for the guaranteed pulls other than lucky pulls and orb festival refreshes.
Man, Serah's event is just around the corner, and that means Lightning's BSB! I thought I'd have more mythril saved up for it, but now i'll be lucky to get to 150....argh decisions decisions.
Can you stay in a stage after it expires.
Need to champ Kuja but busy until past expiration time.
Man, Serah's event is just around the corner, and that means Lightning's BSB! I thought I'd have more mythril saved up for it, but now i'll be lucky to get to 150....argh decisions decisions.
Out of all therealms, my XIII synergy is clearly the worst:important (sorry I,II, III)
New Years Gun
So a piss weak gun for Sazh/Lightning (but really it's going to Sazh because FB/Breakdowns are more important, and FC/FS ain't there for Lightning yet), a Tyro weapon and a mage weapon (which is useless since I run Shout meta).
Oh shit.
Wait, did we know we were getting this Dungeon update today?
-Secrets of the Qu Record Materia (Quina) has been added (only drops in FF9 realms, boooo)
Oh for fucks sake.
Oh my god, the old XI main screen song when opening the realm, I get shivers and I want to cry. I spent so many years in that world, I made so many long lasting relationships, went through very hard moments while playing this game, I even met my wife there...
That's low...
Oh for fucks sake.
If you haven't played XI in a while, they made a vocal version of the song that they used for Final Fantasy XI's ending theme, Rhapsodies of Vana'diel.
-Secrets of the Qu Record Materia (Quina) has been added (only drops in FF9 realms, boooo)
Do you have to break both memory crystals?
Do you have to break both memory crystals?
Well, XI dungeon was rather lackluster... At least, XIV had a cool boss fight.
Boy these XI dungeons are infuriating. Easy as hell but take for god damned ever because they put 5 enemies in each round. Yay, he took 3 seconds to hit me for 20 damage.
Are those worth the greens considering we'll probably get those as event rewards eventually?
FFXI doesn't really have bosses short of big raid encounters.
What are your relics?
Some of them are unreleased (mainly XIV and XI) and others are re-issues including a few past Ultimate battle rewards (sadly no Vossler Gauntlet or Cloud's Goggles...for the latter I'll be missing Big Bridge which is where I could have gotten itAre those worth the greens considering we'll probably get those as event rewards eventually?
Gosh I very much love Yuffie's SSB.