Random Painted HIghway
Cecil's sword and vanilles wyrmfang from my 50 pull. Quitting while I'm ahead with this banner, was prepared to pull twice.
This is eerily close to my pull.Well, I guess I'm going to get hit by a bus. I got two of the items I wanted most and I'm not mad at all about that Heroic Scarf. Did this on my first pull too, so I have three more I can spread around if needed. I plan to do at least one more pull on Banner 3, and if I get something good on my first pull then I'll do another on Banner 4. While I can do a fourth pull, I'd rather hold on to that mythril for some upcoming events.
So Urm, how much of a damage boost is holy damage up (weapon), holy damage up (shield) and Enholy?
With all the great pulls I'm seeing here I'm all but guaranteed to have a no 5* pull.
One-shotted Kefka Ultimate - he was really easy and did not hit that hard. Against Mog's advice I brought Beatrix anyway for SC - was doing 18k per use, was worth dealing with the counter.
Reporting bias is through the roof on here and Reddit or the planets all aligned and most people have crazy good pulls. It sends me the same message as you, if I pull I get 0 5*. Grats to all the great pulls here and sorry for the few who had bad luck, I might join the club as usual if I decide to pull. Still leaning toward saving my Banner 1 pulls for Rydia 1 since I already have Excalibur VI and Thunder Gloves.
Look at this from Reddit, haha!
Of course you're right - I think I'm trying to convince myself not to pull. I really should wait for Rydia's banner - but I have all this mythril burning a hole in my pocket!
How many?
Not only did I get the two worst five stars on the banner, they both have almost the exact same soul break. One has ATK/MAG down by 40% and the other is ATK/MAG down by 50%.
Pulled Light-chan's SSB and Kefka's haste cloak. Neither seems to be enough to push them into my party.
It is nice to get another good ranged weapon and another good FFXIII weapon though.
what's so special about rydia's banner anyway?
what's so special about rydia's banner anyway?
Went all in with my current mythril and did 3 pulls, all I got was fucking Kefka's cloak. I'd have to go back and check but I'm 99% sure I am 1/77 right now. Fuck this.
Indeed.didn't realize non-SB relics were in this
This is eerily close to my pull.
- To a lesser extent, Dark Cecil SSB is also good with Boostga + 35% damage (Cid's Mission and Dark Cecil can do some pretty amazing thing with Dark abilities).
Souleater is one of Drunk Cecil's normal SBs, not an SSB. It does pretty solid damage and the +35% Boostga is pretty great. I combine it with Apocalypse Shield (+30% ATK/DEF) instead of running a Shout RW. I run my Drunk Cecil with Sanguine Cross and Dark Bargain, and he's my highest steady DPS. I also have his Dark Sword and the +20% bonus on it puts him just a little behind a Powerchain + Full Charge combo, as long as Sanguine Cross isn't capping (which it frequently is... wish it did three hits instead of two).
I have the exact same Relm medica with Yuna already
Look at this shit. Look at this fucking shit.
Yeah, just saw. And just pulled again... and got the worst relic of the bunch (Beatrix). Rip. lolThey're not the same. Relm's is approximately Curaga potency, while Yuna's is Cura. This will matter more as max HP continues to go up.
Did one 11-pull ....
Pecil's Excalibur, Relm's Brush, Bea's Thunder Gloves (dupe), and an Adamant Bangle (VII). My first BSSB!
Also, I haven't spent a single Rosetta Stone yet. Should I pimp out my Excalibur? Or hold them for later?
Yeah, just saw. And just pulled again... and got the worst relic of the bunch (Beatrix). Rip. lol