I'm genuinely impressed that people can beat these so easily. I thought I had that VII one in the bag with all my synergy and a few BSB's, shout, SG, etc.
I guess I need to look at my strategy and work on hones.
I've gotten him down to 10%-20% a couple tries but the casters run out of the nukes and he's not in the front row long enough for consistent damage to finish him off.
Any tips? Any statuses I should be targetting?
Show us your team so we can get a better look.
Here's my "A" team that I use on all challenging content, along with the synergy I can equip for FFIX
I know I can Egg Jecht along if need be, and some of my hones are not where they should be, so those two things I already plan on fixing. Cecil is pretty much my healer/supplemental damage, and then I always take a healer friend summon, usually Dreamstage or now Aeris' BSB.
As far as SBs, I have Jecht and Tyro's BSB's, Pecil and Locke's SSBs, along with Mirage Drive, SG, Shout, Tailwind, Stone Throw. I have a ton of other character SSB's, and Hope's BSB but I never use mages in any of my parties. I also have a few healer SSB's, but I feel like a true healer is often a waste of a spot in a party.
For reference, i pull about 2k heals on Pecil with Curaja.
Any tips are greatly appreciated (other than pull more on IX banners, lol)
Something like this:Show us your team so we can get a better look.
If your issue is that Amarant doesn't stay in the front row long enough to damage, then why do you insist on such a melee heavy party? Grab some magic and ranged weapons.
I'm confused. What encounter is this party for, and why would you roll into U+ or harder without a primary healer?
Here's my "A" team that I use on all challenging content, along with the synergy I can equip for FFIX
Something like this:
Is there a reason to pick Keepers Choice 2 over 1 for an 11 pull? Is it that a 5* guaranteed in addition to the pick you get or am I misreading that?
And if so, should I select based on realm or is there any clear winners/losers in the selections?
Definitely switch someone out for a dedicated healer. It's great for extra buff stacks and keeping your team steady. A healer, especially one with party heal, is incredibly important when bosses use group attacks that do large amounts of damage. You have Shout, SG and a tank with Cecil, Tyro and Ramza so maybe think of kicking out Locke or Jecht. Since you already have Shout and SG I would recommend either use a healer RW or a damage dealer like Cloud's OSB.Here's my "A" team that I use on all challenging content, along with the synergy I can equip for FFIX
I know I can Egg Jecht along if need be, and some of my hones are not where they should be, so those two things I already plan on fixing. Cecil is pretty much my healer/supplemental damage, and then I always take a healer friend summon, usually Dreamstage or now Aeris' BSB.
As far as SBs, I have Jecht and Tyro's BSB's, Pecil and Locke's SSBs, along with Mirage Drive, SG, Shout, Tailwind, Stone Throw. I have a ton of other character SSB's, and Hope's BSB but I never use mages in any of my parties. I also have a few healer SSB's, but I feel like a true healer is often a waste of a spot in a party.
For reference, i pull about 2k heals on Pecil with Curaja.
Any tips are greatly appreciated (other than pull more on IX banners, lol)
That happen to me too. I also killed the wrong tentacle and got blinded.Arrrghh!!! I spent the whole Kraken fight half-blind because I read the description wrong....ㅠㅠ. It's HIS left..not my left. My Right...His/her left. I killed the wrong tentacle...ㅠㅠ
That happen to me too. I also killed the wrong tentacle and got blinded.
Well, that poison and aoe Ultimate Meteor spam is real. Meltigemini (Ultimate++) rekt me. I brought two healers too. Hmm. His Meteor ignore RES and his Wings ignore DEF. Gonna try again with Shellga on my Selphie. His Bio freaking hurts. I just pray he doesn't aoe spam me again over and over.
After honing chain blizzaga to R3, it's going to be a very long time until I have enough orbs to do anything with chain firaga. Poopie! Totally worth it though.
I also honed Chain Blizzaga to R3, but I did have enough to also bring Chain Firaga to R2 as well. My Major Non-Elemental Orbs are completely dried up now, though, which sucks.
Those are the exact orbs I'm missing! I've got enough fire and the other kind, it's those non-elemental orbs that are holding me back. Wish I could break firaja for some, but it looks like that would be pointless.
Thankfully, I'm patient (and all my -aja spells are honed to R3).
I'm having a senior moment: do we get a lucky banner/anything special banner tonight with the release of the Curada dungeon?
Edit: Spoke too soon!
Now I can't remember, are these 1/2 price or full 50 mythril?
"DeNA dissolves Western subsidiary DeNA Global, Inc., closes San Francisco offices". It's a topic on FFRK Reddit. Look it up if you want to know more. Effects on the global version are unclear, some says it will shut down by the second anniversary. Don't have time to write more, sorry!
Money not well spent. I haven't added it all up, but over the course of my time with Record Keeper I probably spend about $800-$1000. Now it can all go away. Maybe this the day I finally quit.
Anyone going to bother pulling on White Nightmare 2?
Anyone going to bother pulling on White Nightmare 2?
The first banner of the next FFT event is stacked with Ovelia relics, and it's the same banner with all of Orlandeau's stuff.No unless you could garuntee me an Ovelia relic I have 2 curaga level medicas.
Their western developed games weren't turning a profit, hence the closure.DeNA is closing it's western offices? I guess they aren't doing well outside of Japan?
Anyway, I was going to ask who people used the MC3 on or if I should just save them.
Anyone going to bother pulling on White Nightmare 2?
The first banner of the next FFT event is stacked with Ovelia relics, and it's the same banner with all of Orlandeau's stuff.
I'm amused at how they so artfully transformed nightmare banners from no-brainier pulls to complete crap.