OK, so I managed to have some really good pulls on the FFII banner, so I am trying to get my first MC3 and really break into Ultimates for the first time. I cleared the 140 without too much trouble with my setup, but the 160 is not off to a good start. My current set up is like this.
Firion Level 80 - Tempo Flurry R3, Lifesiphon R2, RM Zeal, BSB Weaponsmaster
Maria Level 66 - Firaja R3, Blizzaja R3, RM Blood of Espers, SSB Thunder XVI
Leon Level 68 - Banishing Strike R3, Saint Cross R1, RM Thief's Code, BSB Dark Knight's Charge, SSB Darkborn Blade, SB Hand of the Emperor
Tyro Level 80 - Full Break R2, Esuna R3, RM Dr. Mog's Teachings, SB Sentinel's Grimoire
Minwu Level 68 - Curaja R4, Protectga R2, RM Master in White, SSB Will of the White Mage
Roaming Warrior - Shout
I've only recently been breaking into the higher difficulties, so I don't have a lot of major orbs and currently can't hone any of my 5* abilities that I do have any higher than they currently are. I do not have any 6* abilities yet. Equipment synergy is good, all 5 characters have weapon synergy, Firion and Maria have armor synergy, and Maria, Leon, and Tyro have accessory synergy. Any advice you could give me on possible abilities to hone, etc would be greatly appreciated. I do have a few other BSB's that I could potentially bring, Squall, Terra, and Locke. I really want to clear this, but it seems pretty clear that my current setup isn't quite cutting it in terms of damage output, and keeping up with all the status effects is proving rough to deal with.