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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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I can't beat the II U+ with my physical team. I guess it's time to see what kind of magic hones I have and what soul breaks I have for my mages.
I'm surprised they haven't fixed Firion yet, usually they are more on top of that stuff.
It's probably more that the Samurai 6* sphere was uploaded early as opposed to them forgetting to give him Sam 5*. It was probably always scheduled to drop with the next maintenance update.

I now have almost a full team of BSB users.
And now Vaan.
Wasn't gonna pull on this banner, but since we're getting a bunch of Mythril from the Halloween campaign, I went for it.

Punisher is a dupe, but I do need more FFXIII melee weapons that aren't fists, and the other two relics will be very useful. I'm satisfied.

(Still really want a relic for Cait Sith...)


Pulled and only got Green Megaphone for Cait Sith which is cool since I didn't have anything for him yet.

Glad we're getting that 25 from the Halloween event.


that puzzling face







edit: rereading my post im not entirely sure who was captain and whether it was 1 or 2 people speaking


Tyro is captain. Killing blow and more importantly, he's in the middle of the party composition. This is important.

Edit: Fuck this fight, this CM and FF2.



Very happy with my discounted pull! Got four 5-stars, all new

- FFT- Coral sword
- IX- Partisan
- XIV- Sphairai
- VIII- Ulysees
My lucky draw was Delita's Dagger and Zidane's Exploda (both just unique SB), with the rest 3*

Slightly disappointed.

Finally finished off the FF2 Ultimate battles too. Tried to physical my way through Lamia was pretty annoying, but too lazy to change to a mage meta setup. U++ w/ PCecil BSB, Garnet BSB, and Ramza BSB RW wrecked face
Lucky Draw. Fran's Traitors Bow. Now quick full breakdown question. How do I use it? Does Fran have two breakdowns now (as they're not going to use full break when full breakdown is in effect) and if so for RM do I go with; Mako might, Ace Striker (to get full breakdown in sooner) or stick with Secrets of the Qu?

It bothers me that the VIP program exists. It just further amplifies the whale issue in these Japanese gambling games.
It's really nebulous. Some players who spend a lot are not included and nobody will tell them why. One theory is you have to play more than FFRK.
Lucky Draw. Fran's Traitors Bow. Now quick full breakdown question. How do I use it? Does Fran have two breakdowns now (as they're not going to use full break when full breakdown is in effect) and if so for RM do I go with; Mako might, Ace Striker (to get full breakdown in sooner) or stick with Secrets of the Qu?

Kinda depends on when you need it. I usually run her as a second support w/ Tyro+Full Break, so ever since I got it I've just given her Secrets of the Qu. Before then, it was Ace Striker, since she's only gonna cycle through her breakdowns anyway.

You're Mist Overload would replace Full Break. They share the same ID. You can still stack it with breakdowns and atk and mag or def and res debuffs.


That's not what he's asking
FF2 banner 1: Got Leon's BSB and Minwu's SSB
Lucky Debuff banner: Got Faris's BSB, Fang SB and Rikku SB. Faris's was probably the one I wanted most on that banner so I'm very pleased.

I now have BSBs for Faris, Vaan, Leon, P.Cecil, Gilgamesh, Aeristh and Eiko. Really want a mage BSB. Also, the game seriously wants me to use knights.


When is augment added?

My traitors bow is 134 attack then a +19 to the side. Is it 134 or 153 attack?

Edit: I see its 153 when I pick it setting up. It's mah strongest weapon lol.
I feel like I need to wait to see the relics on the World of Final Fantasy banner on Sunday before I decide to pull or not on XII banner 1 on Thursday... I was soooo ready to pull for Ashe model.
Finally cleared the FFIX U++ CM. That was a nightmare doing that with just the 3+++ rod for offence. Kept dying to AOE bio with at the 20% health mark. Wish I'd made and brought Meltdown.

edit: Pulled Heroic Scarf and my second Kaiser Shield on the lucky banner. Will probably keep the shields separate to give multiple characters a +lightning boost.


Lucky Draw got me 3 new relics, Rikku's Flexible Arm, Barret's Assault Gun, and Irvine's Ulysses. The SB's aren't too special, but I didn't have anything for Rikku or Barret before and Irvine only had his weak first relic, so they're all upgrades. Also my first fist relic for X and first gun/gun-arm relic for VII, so yay new weapon types for RS.


World of Final Fantasy just got an announcement of Sora DLC to use as a champion summon

I know Kingdom Hearts fits well in WoFF, but do you ever think Kingdom Hearts will ever make it into FFRK?

Maybe as a collaboration when the new one comes out for the PS4


Lucky Draw got me WoL's Blank Blade, which I really wanted from that Mobius crossover event, so that's exciting. Also picked up Zidane's SSB dagger and Fran's bow, which is now my best option for when I need to make a full ranged party (for Pally Cecil).

I pulled 2 11x on the FF2 banner since I had almost zero synergy, and I love Firion as a character, but didn't get his relic. Might do a 3x pull after tomorrow's login mythril. All I got were a few of those 5* bracers and something for Leon.

How hard is the 160 difficulty fight for the FF2 event? I really want to get a few MC3s, but I was not able to do the past 2. I'm a little worried because I still don't have much in the way of synergy for FF2.
Ugh, 1/11 for the lucky banner. Pulled Yoshimitsu for Thancred, which is probably one of the worst things I could have gotten on the banner.

Girlfriend, however, was 6/11 on the banner. Pulled all kinds of crazyness that I was pretty jealous about.


It could be possible.

I feel like Sora in the Dissidia arcade game is more likely then KH world in RK but fingers crossed.

FFXIV collab is a given since they had FFXIII lightning and FFXI shanotto quest cameo, probably get the FFXV minion with a car mount in that game. I could see KH getting into FFXIV at some point.

KH for FFRK is up in the air due to the rights/licensing from Disney, but is FFXV already confirmed?
Pulled two 11 pulls.

First was: Wizard Bracelet (Off banner crappy SB, VII) Gagranth's Hauberk, Stoneblade.

Second was: Fire Fang (No SB, VII), Gagranth's Hauberk, Aldebaran and Orichalcum Dirk (so happy about that one!).

My first Fire Imperil and the Dirk of all Dirk. I was pulling for Ashe Model but Orichalcum was the required "second prize" for me not to be disappointed! Her BSB comes back, Vaan not so sure. At least all my XII characters have a form of SB now, it's my favorite after VI.


Went 2/11 with Gabranth's Armor and Ashe's SSB.

Still no burst but way better than the crap luck I've had in my last handful of draws.


1 multi-pull and and 1 3-pull later I have every relic on the banner EXCEPT Ashe's Defiance! ㅜㅜ Gah! I can't justify trying to gather enough mythril for another pull when I got all the other relics....sigh. No Ashe BSB for me...:/

Grats to anyone that pulled her BSB :)


my highest score in whack a monster is 8700 now, grand champion I think is 9k+ points

depends on both skill and luck since some games I've seen way more cactuars and sometimes I had mog's early the game slowing me down

gonna keep trying for 9k lol
100 gems = 3* Trash.

I can't really complain though, seeing as how I've received a number of $1 5*s the past few months: Dagger's Burst, Squall's SSB, Red's Unique Boostga, Barret's SSB Bracers, Josef's 40% Medica. They all played huge roles in me beating a CM / U++ and buffed up my gear options nicely.

I only have 20 Mythril right now and my plan is to use the Halloween Myth for the Lucky Draw before rebuilding my Mythril Bank. I'll likely do a multi-pull on Kain's BSB banner and Onion Knight's BSB banner. Then save up again; probably for a Fest or Orlandu's banner. However, who knows if something will throw a monkey wrench into things... WoFF? Grandmasters? FFXV? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

In the past 2 months I emptied my stash by wasting ~110 Mythril via unsuccessful single pulls in Faris BSB / Sheepsong B1 (I got Faris's BSB in the BSB Fest B3 a month later, >_>), Celes B1 and FFIX B2 with no 5*s to show for it. I need to stick to only doing G5 and $1 pulls.


Finally did the lucky draw and I got... some Fang's spear. This game really hates me when it comes to lucky draws, I think I never got anything of notice off of them xD
Is WoFF event out in Japan yet or are we getting it at the exact same time? I'm curious to see if it follows their power creep or not. That could be one super strong banner for us, if so. I'll need to hold off on my LD until seeing what's in it.
Done with the II mote dungeon, what a pain. Crafted two r5 sleeps and went the Maria bsb rw route. Sleeping with firion and Leon and then once both slept fired off the second rw with a mag geared Leon. Not pretty and Leon bit it via memento Mori doom, but championed none the less. Have Minwus ssb which was very handy. Gordon on full/Magic breakdown.

Why don't these bosses have any drops to farm, missed opportunity.


Is WoFF event out in Japan yet or are we getting it at the exact same time? I'm curious to see if it follows their power creep or not. That could be one super strong banner for us, if so. I'll need to hold off on my LD until seeing what's in it.
It's coming on Sunday in Japan. And the banner is already on reddit. An OSB for Lann (Megamirage Odin) which is 100% death and has a higher damage multiplier if used with Reynn in the party.

Lann BSB which is fire based and physical
Reynn BSB which is ice based and magical
Along with SSB armours for both.

Banner also includes new (for us) relics for Sarah, Faris, Yuna and Lightning


Question - I'm going back to try to wrap up the Nightmare Dungeons I haven't finished (or even touched in a couple of cases), on the Summon one if I haven't touched crafting/honing Summons at all (outside of an r1 Valefor and r2 Carbuncle) is it even worth it to bother crafting and honing several Summons just to beat the Nightmare? I'm a year into playing the game and just haven't been even slightly compelled to bother with summons at all to be honest. In a smiilar boat with the White dungeon IIRC where like the Summon one I can beat the first 4 fights, but I'd have to craft a bunch of Diara's or something to get through it.

I mean I guess at a point I might as well spend all of the Summon and White/Holy orbs I'm sitting on since I'm not doing shit with them anyway (have about 140 MSO/MWO and 110 MHO), but still.
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