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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Holy crap Rikku's SSB fist at lv 20 is suddenly the strongest weapon I have, even stronger than the three BSSB swords (ogre, IX light bringer, twin Lance) I have.
Oh yeah just had a look at the official site.Unsurprisingly, newest gear tends to be most powerful of any weapon type (if you broadly split them into melee, ranged, magic, mind) except OSB are a tier above SB/SSB/BSSB (due to being 6* relics).

If we look at swords when the game first released unique SB weapons were 126 attack maxed (7*), at the time of first SSB weapons this had increased to 132, when the BSSB first came along this standard was now 140 and today it is 148 with Rikku's fist and Auron's BSSB leading the charge. So what is that slightly more than 1 point per month.

Melee weapons thankfully have parity these days (remember the dark ages when Jofef's giants gloves were not only a terrible SB but had 116 attack at 7* because monks have stronger attack so fists should suck or something).

Reforge throws some funny twists too. The good old FFXII Danjuro (my first 5* relic) is now outclassed in the FFXII relm by a 4*+++ Platinum Dagger.
Ba'Gamnan and company are vulnerable to Stop, so tonight's fight was a piece of cake. Recorded the encounter. As mentioned above, they've extended the duration for these banners, so now my mind wanders towards pulling again. I really ought to hold on to my Mythril, though. Let's see how well I resist the urge.

Golden Arena: Bad Boy Brawl


The game is always constantly challenging for me because I always do CM's.

Which is fantastic. Who wants to keep using the same characters and abilities over and over again?


I was going to do an 11 pull on the bad boy banner anyway in the hopes of getting the keepers tome, but looking at it, there is nothing on that banner that I don't want lol.

Tidus BSB, awesome.
Tyro BSB, want so bad
Galuf SSB, a fist, better than the hammer I have for him. Great soul break.
Vincent SSB, I have no good black mage for the FF7 realm
Zell SSB, already use Zell and love him
Kuja SSB, have that rod at 6* (pulled a second one on the 100 gem pull this morning) so would like a third one
Garland's Dark Plate, same situation, have it at 6* and would love another.

Watch me get an off banner relic now lol


100 gems pull on Bad Boy banner got 3* trash.

Gonna do an 11 pull because it doesn't have any possible dupes for me, which is rare these days, and I would be happy to get every relic on the banner except Kuja's rod, though even that wouldn't be bad.

Tidus' BSB would be great since i already record dived him due to having his SSB
Keeper's Tome just for the stat boost for Tyro (already have SG, but would be nice to use KT as well sometimes)
Galuf's fist for God Mode
Vincent's En-fire SSB would be great because i'm lacking in mage SB's that do damage (only have Shantotto's SSB), and because I have a Red Hat (IX) with Fire dmg boost
Zell's SSB is awesome for insta-cast and a unique self-buff
Garland's Imperil Dark (to go with Leon's BSB)

Got Galuf's fist (God Mode activate!), Vincent's SSB, and an off-banner Shark (VII).


Finally beat that ff2 mote boss.

Got lucky toward the end, last ogre standing started using blind, sleep, etc. Really helped since I accidentally put 2 magic blinks down at once, wasting one, then missing laying another by curing instead of Rosa ssb.

Allowed me to almost complete Beatrix record spheres.


Mastered Daedalus by making some key switches.

Dropped Rosa in favor of Penelo with her bsb which may have been the deciding factor. 10k damage + 3k party heal, then 12k damage or 1.5k party heal every turn after. Worked much better than rosa's magic blink and no damage.

Then brough Bartz, Auron, Gilgamesh and Ramza. Wall roaming warrior. Auron died about mid-way through the fight, bartz, gilg and penelo cleaned up last bit. Had 1 magic blink RM on gilgamesh which might have saved the day. Right near the end a piercing darkra missed him because of it, allowing another saint's cross to go off, then a hit from penelo's bsb holy command killed him.

Edit: Still chuckle from time to time. Wasn't a couple months ago I could only clear 140 difficulty ultimates. I get Platinum sword then boom, can clear 180s. All those major orbs tied behind shout.
100 gems got me Zell's SSB 2.

For single target bosses, I'd say this seems like this is an upgrade from Shadow's SSB for super quick burst damage. Both are Instacast 7.68x damage with Zell getting a +30% ATK/DEF/RES buff vs Shadow's 2x Blink. Blink is certainly nice, but if that buff is unique/stackable then Zell comes out on top for burst DPS. Plus, Zell can unlock Celerity 5 via Record Spheres to do Power Charge if need be.

I'm on a good streak for $1 pulls. Balthier's BSB, 4* X Light Armor that I was able to then Reforge, and now this. :D


It took me a long while to notice Maser Eye was not magical.

Was wondering how it was dealing 3k+ even with SG and shellga

I feel stupid


Eurghhh are we ever getting this Halloween mythril. I wanna pull already. I thought it would be given out with the daily login stuff

Edit: wait, 23:59 PST.. That's fucking tomorrow for me

Why the hell has it taken so long?
Eurghhh are we ever getting this Halloween mythril. I wanna pull already. I thought it would be given out with the daily login stuff

Edit: wait, 23:59 PST.. That's fucking tomorrow for me

Why the hell has it taken so long?
They probably had to go through the data of every account to figure out who got the gifts and who didn't so some people don't get double.


Between the X and Guy banners, I ended up getting:

Keeper's Tome
Dark Plate x2
Chaos Rod+
Riot Blade+
Force Knuckles

Also, thinking of switching up my main party to:
Tidus with OSB
Vaan with BSB
Tyro with BSB
Rikku with Atk/Res Steal SSB
Yuna with Chaos Rod

With all the specials and taking Full Break and Power Breakdown, each stat (besides resistance) will get debuffed 4 times, so at that point, I shouldn't need SG anymore.
I spotted this untranslated icon a few days ago but I'll just steal an image from reddit:
This just makes me wonder how long that has been there for.

As for Daedalus. I did one attempt (well one party at least and my best was getting to about 35%...might have gone further had Vanille not been slowed and unable to get her medica off before most the party got KOd) and decided I couldn't be bothered. I did get to see all the problems my proposed team had (I kinda forget about elemental resistance...even so under en-water Tidus could still do 15k with his SSB) but mechanically I just don't see it being worth my time (I don't care about 6* abilities and it requires a lot of things to go right when many things can go wrong). Yeah I don't have one of those "broken" teams with Native SG, Keepers Tome, Shout and en-Holy BSSBs :p
I think I'm giving up on this U++; I might be approaching it the wrong way but if I'm having trouble with a "Cheat Mode" team, it's probably not worth my time.
I think I'm giving up on this U++; I might be approaching it the wrong way but if I'm having trouble with a "Cheat Mode" team, it's probably not worth my time.
I'm hitting the same roadblock. At 1/4, Daedalus goes into aoe spam mode. My healer can't keep up. I'm bringing two healers!
I'm hitting the same roadblock. At 1/4, Daedalus goes into aoe spam mode. My healer can't keep up. I'm bringing two healers!

I brought one main healer but two white mages. My offensive, Holy-spamming white mage had a clutch group cura to use when needed. I find this preferable to two dedicated healers when I can manage, and is the reason I've become such a fan of Yuffie's Clear Tranquil. Similarly, I chose to snag Black-4 from Selphie's sphere grid just so she can drop 9-10k -aja spells versus weakness while supercharging her group curaga/magic blink.
Forget it. This fight is so stupid. All his attacks are aoe until you die when he's low. Going back to leveling my characters than waste more time just dying over and over. The 2nd healer kept me up, but eventually the damage just overwhelms my Selphie.


that puzzling face
It's one of those awkward fights where buffs/SG are running out at the 1/4 mark, and you're dpsing too fast to build a 2nd charge bar before he goes nuts.
It's one of those awkward fights where buffs/SG are running out at the 1/4 mark, and you're dpsing too fast to build a 2nd charge bar before he goes nuts.

Yeah its why I wait till turn 2-3 to cast everything while the super boss is still in their easy form. It usually ends up being just enough to push me over the edge.
It's one of those awkward fights where buffs/SG are running out at the 1/4 mark, and you're dpsing too fast to build a 2nd charge bar before he goes nuts.

You shouldn't have any trouble maintaining a native wall, considering both Tyro and Y'shtola have access to soul-generators in the form of Wrath and Lifesiphon, and both have access to holy elemental damage for extra meter as well. Under Haste, full uptime for wall is narrowly impossible with regular abilities, but is easily managed with just the holy edge.


that puzzling face
Eh, their problem is stop healing = splat.

Thankfully spamming Curada buys enough time to get SG off :V

It's also compounded by needing to recast shout, protectga/shellga/etc. when every turn should be going into burning the boss ASAP. You just want to be able to get everything up just before the halfway mark and not worry about it.

fwiw I just cheapo'd it by maxing LB gauges, spending a Mythril and nuking him down in one SG.
Eh, their problem is stop healing = splat.

Thankfully spamming Curada buys enough time to get SG off :V

It's also compounded by needing to recast shout, protectga/shellga/etc. when every turn should be going into burning the boss ASAP. You just want to be able to get everything up just before the halfway mark and not worry about it.

fwiw I just cheapo'd it by maxing LB gauges, spending a Mythril and nuking him down in one SG.

Don't use them as your primary healer, then. Tyro can fit into any team structure, and Y'shtola is a DPS candidate against any holy-vulnerable boss.


The only problem i had with Daedalus was when he cast his super Darkra after SG had gone down and Tyro was in the middle of re-casting it. 9999 damage to whoever it hit.

Other than that he wasn't too much trouble, but then i had a strong team for fighting him with Beatrix BSB, Pecil BSB, Tyro SG, Sabin SSB (party blink), and Eiko BSB (command 1 single target heal + blink).
Do you guys bother keeping around the 1-3* abilities? Especially the BLM/WHM ones? I'm getting low on ability space and I haven't used those spells since the first few months of launch. But my OCD hasn't let me get rid of them yet. Thinking of just shattering them as I go along as funds allow.

Also my 100 gem pull luck has been ridiculous lately.

Do you guys bother keeping around the 1-3* abilities? Especially the BLM/WHM ones? I'm getting low on ability space and I haven't used those spells since the first few months of launch. But my OCD hasn't let me get rid of them yet. Thinking of just shattering them as I go along as funds allow.

Also my 100 gem pull luck has been ridiculous lately.

I've kept every ability because I'm a bit of a collector (only except is 6* abilities, which are still too cost prohibitive to craft just for collection's sake). I was really hoping that the vault feature would let us store abilities, but unfortunately it does not. So, I just raise my cap every month, such that I'm up to 260 right now.

Bonus battles were pretty easy. I was a bit overaggressive and got people killed. The U+ has nastier physical attacks than I expected, so Protectga or Power Breakdown would've made it a bit smoother. Once again, I've recorded the encounters because I'm a narcissist. Tonight's Rosetta Stone was also th final augment for my 5+ Excalibur (Celes), so I am happy to have that done... now I just need a third one to get my first 5+++... Tonights Major Holy Orbs also means I can upgrade Saint Cross to Rank 4, though I will probably do that when it's needed rather than straight away (which I imagine happening sooner than later).

Sweet Slumber (Ultimate)
Sunken Ruins (Ultimate +) - Cid Mission
Fiend of the Ruins (Ultimate ++)


Man, I thought my lvl 99 Buttz with Excalibur, Buttz Coat and Ragnarok+sphere grid complete was a Fujin, wind-God destroyer but I just pulled Apocalypse X for Tidus and at lvl 99 without sphere grid has 600atk with synergy, that's insane. Now I just need his BSSB for enWater to make energy rain trully broken :D


I'm aiming to get 200 mythril(hopefully even more) by the time Squall OSB comes around. Working on X event currently and then need to check other options for saving mythril.


I did a pull on the X banner because I hate having mythril lol and I got Auron's banishing blade and Tidus' weird blitzball equipment. That SB is so weird on Tidus, basically you just change Powerchain to Lifesiphon, then go SB -> PC-> PC -> LS -> LS -> SB -> PC...

Banishing blade is supposed to be good, right? I have Zidane and Delita's SSB, so that makes three -Attack SBs, though I think Auron's stacks with basically everything.


Is it the whack a monster reward? because that one I thought was November 9th.
Nah, the 25 mythril and Halloween equips we were supposed to get on the 31st. They said we were getting it at midnight on the 6th, which passed 25 minutes ago, they also deleted the announcement about us getting the mythril today


Nah, the 25 mythril and Halloween equips we were supposed to get on the 31st. They said we were getting it at midnight on the 6th, which passed 25 minutes ago, they also deleted the announcement about us getting the mythril today
Ah right forgot about those. I hope we get them soon because losing out on 25 mythril is bullshit.
Hot of the reddit press here is what's up with the Halloween items:
I guess the news post was just going to auto delete at the time is was supposed to be delivered (as it isn't really relevant after that). I'm thinking at this point just giving some people double rewards would have been a lot easier.

As for gameplay. I love how they just made all these FFX bonus battles weak to water as incentive to have Energy Rain (which I don't have) and also to play with all the shooter abilities. I do have the Tidus BSSB and SSB though so I get a meaty combo to use.

I'll have a crack at the ++ battle later. So much AoE magic but at least it doesn't have a random super strong physical thrown in there.

Also finished the Bad Boy battle. With two casts of halting ramba I managed to inflict stop on every enemy except the one with the medal condition.


Finally free of double greens and I still can't do the X event or the Colosseum.

Need to maximise orb gains. Hurry up Thursdaily.
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