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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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3* FFV Helmet from the 100-gem draw on SSB Banner 5, 4* FFXIII armlet from the 100-gem draw on FFV Banner 2 which isn't fantastic but is at least usable/decent. My FFV Banner 2 11-pull more or less made up for my shit luck this whole SSBfest with a caveat:


I'm torn because I really can't complain about getting 4 goddamn relics in one pull. On the other hand all I goddamn wanted was the Staff for Lenna who I actively use in my party :/. The Brave Blade is actually the strongest sword I have now (previous best was the Blitz Blade, Brave Blade is 14 higher attack), but other than that I'm clueless on if any of these are any good? I'm not currently using Bartz either :/.

I have enough for a 3 pull but not sure if I want to further tempt fate on this banner again or not.


Goddam, I got 4 FFV items!!!


Thank you RNGod.

I'm torn because I really can't complain about getting 4 goddamn relics in one pull. On the other hand all I goddamn wanted was the Staff for Lenna who I actively use in my party :/. The Brave Blade is actually the strongest sword I have now (previous best was the Blitz Blade, Brave Blade is 14 higher attack), but other than that I'm clueless on if any of these are any good? I'm not currently using Bartz either :/.

I have enough for a 3 pull but not sure if I want to further tempt fate on this banner again or not.

That Gaia Gear seems great -- shared AoE cure (?) and adds +20% damage to earth damage. Light armors are always good defense, amazing with record synergy. And Brave Blade is a FFV 5* sword, which is always good to have as many 5* from different realms as possible.


In my anger and disappointment I did a pull on the FFV banner as I have zero 5* FFV equipment. I'm shocked:


I now have both Yuna's and Lenna's Healing SBs as well as Lenna's first staff :p I also have both Cyan's and Gilgamesh's Kotetsus lol. I was really after Bartz' new relic but I'm pleasantly surprised!
I really didn't want to mage meta, but every pull I make the game seems to say "no mage meta is your only choice" -.-

11 pull on FFV banner, 2 5*, both the same ffv light gear :|

Fuck yoooou


can't grow facial hair
In my anger and disappointment I did a pull on the FFV banner as I have zero 5* FFV equipment. I'm shocked:


I now have both Yuna's and Lenna's Healing SBs as well as Lenna's first staff :p I also have both Cyan's and Gilgamesh's Kotetsus lol. I was really after Bartz' new relic but I'm pleasantly surprised!

I have done Five 11 pulls on banner 2 and I haven't gotten Lenna's or Bartz's relics. I have to double check but I might have all the other relics.
did a 3 pull on the second V banner and got the Lilith Rod. So now I have an RS rod in V, which is nice. Still wanting an rs retaliate weapon, will likely pull again a few times as I gather mythril through the rest of the holidays.
Got the 5 star unique soul break Tifa gloves on my daily common relic pull today, then got Cecil's SSB weapon from a $1 pull on the Phase 5 Soul Breakfast banner. Feeling pretty good. Might even make up for not getting a single 5 star on my last three consecutive 11-pulls.


I have 4 mc crystals to use..who would be some good options?
WOL, Maria, Leon, Gordon, Ricard, Josef, Luneth, Tellah, Golbez, Shadow, Zack, Auron, Balthier, Hope, Spellblade, Redmage, Summoner, Dragoon, Dark Knoght, Ranger, Ninga, Gladiator.

Thanks for the help guys...don't want to miss out on anything good.


can't grow facial hair
Just a update, after another 11-pull...I got Brave Blade. First it was Yuna's Medica and now Lenna's Medica evading me. At least I shouldn't have to pull on FFV banners for a very long time.


Spent literally the exact last of my mythril on another 3 pull on the FFV banner, got the goddamn Kaiser Knuckles.


I like how I got basically everything out of the banner EXCEPT the two items I actually wanted lol


Like I said yesterday, or the day before, I don't remember, I didn't know which banner I'd end up pulling on. Well I thought long and hard about it (5 minutes) and decided I'd stick to my plan, and pull on the phase 5 banner like I told myself I would, at least once. I literally said I believe in the heart of the cards and pulled this.

I'm happy AF. All I wanted was Cecil's sword from the banner. I know the sword and SSB ain't shit in comparison to the others but IDGAF, he's one of my favorite characters in FF and I pulled on that reason alone. Edward's harp is cool, too, but I don't know if he will get his MC anytime soon. Is the hairpin anything special?


Did an 11-pull on the 2nd FFV banner and SSB Phase 5. Got the Earthgear from FFV banner and Some Golden Shield 5* / Edward's Harp from Phase 5. Kinda bummed but can't complain I guess.

So I got 150 mythril left. Are there any other good events coming up, or is it finally time to start saving for the FFT event?
Did an 11-pull on the 2nd FFV banner and SSB Phase 5. Got the Earthgear from FFV banner and Some Golden Shield 5* / Edward's Harp from Phase 5. Kinda bummed but can't complain I guess.

So I got 150 mythril left. Are there any other good events coming up, or is it finally time to start saving for the FFT event?

Outside of realms you need gear in and don't presently have something better looks like FFT is the next big thing


Did an 11-pull on the 2nd FFV banner and SSB Phase 5. Got the Earthgear from FFV banner and Some Golden Shield 5* / Edward's Harp from Phase 5. Kinda bummed but can't complain I guess.

So I got 150 mythril left. Are there any other good events coming up, or is it finally time to start saving for the FFT event?
Lightning's SSB gun, Peacemaker, arrives in four events or so. It's really, really good - especially for people like me who still don't have a gun. Other than that I'd wait for SSSB celebration in March or the amazing Tactics banners.

Kefka's cape (Hastega + 20% MAG up for the party) and Cloud's BSSB are also great upcoming banners (coming in just before the SSSSB celebration)


that puzzling face
Total tally:

Phase 1) Thyrus XIV (WALL!)
Phase 2) Tiger's Claw VII and Esthar Bracer VIII (AOE HEAL!)
Phase 3) skip
Phase 4) Lullaby Rod X (AOE HEAL!!), Adamant Bangle VII, Rune Axe IV
Phase 5) Assassin Blade VI

What a haul compared to Orbfest.

And I'm out till SSSB/FFT. Easily can do 400+ Mythril by then.
I mean in the end I got like 12 5* and I still have like 172 mythril in the bank so I guess I did well. No ffv or ffiv weapon but I fixed my ffx realm weakness and am now stacked for ffviii


Knew my luck had to run out eventually. 100 gem pulls on both the new banners, both 3*. 11 pull on FFV banner 2, 9 3* and 2 4*, and even one of the 4* is vendor trash for me. Was gonna pull on the Phase 5 banner, but after that last 11 pull i'm hesitant. I'm also not sure i really want to pull on that banner, the only item it has that really interests me is Pecil's sword.

What does Lightning's Peacemaker do?


Here's what I got in total:

Phase 1: Cardinal VIII, Flame Shield VI, Variable Steel X
Phase 2: Not a damn thing
Phase 3: Cypress Pile IX
Phase 4: Not a damn thing
Phase 5: Not a damn thing

FFV banner 2: Sage's Staff V, Kotetsu V, Crystal Helm V, Oath Veil VI
My last two pulls.

I got A LOT of 5★, no Supers, but I can't complain.

I have way too much stuff for IV and VII now, which, I guess is probably a good thing here.

I have also weird luck with 4★ items, I've pulled like four items SIX TIMES each (two are in my Circlet draw), haha. Meanwhile, I could REALLY use another one of those X armband things.



Here's what I got from the event - did a single 11-pull on each phase.

Phase 1: Cardinal VIII, Magistral Rod X, Shear Trigger VIII, Gladius XII
Phase 2: Rune Blade VI, Zack's Buster Sword VII,
Phase 3: Golem's Flute IX
Phase 4: Rune Axe IV, Thief Blade X, Thief Blade X
Phase 5: Golden Shield VI, Fabled Harp IV

FF5 Banner 2: Gaia Gear V


Pure damage, meh. Good, i can skip that banner easily.

It's one of the better SSBs since lightning vulnerability is so common.

The second banner in that event has her armor with Enthunder which is also kinda interesting (makes Attack lightning elemental and increases lightning ability damage for the duration).


that puzzling face



... Of course.

edit: Thoughts:
- Reflect is completely not worth it considering you want Magic Breakdown on him or his AOEs blow you up, so reflected damage is really a drop in the bucket compared to his HP pool. Better to be able to heal your guys.
- Either I'm high, or Vacuum Wave is an AOE, not a <physical attack with chance for another attack> as per guides. Also it can sap. Also it can crit. GOD
- His counters seem really, really rare but a counter Hurricane can mess you up
- His AOE dispel seems really rare and you can plan a loadout around assuming you'll just savescum if he AOE dispels. (Boon/LH/Hastega stronk). Also for what it's worth, his AOE dispel is the normal one and not the mega Dispel that removes all buffs including walls.
- This was a complete steamroll - SHOULD be doable with a wall RW if you have the means to unload damage.
- Drainga is amazing for bosses that dish out nonstop AOE damage like this. I'm gonna be bringing a second Drainga and Drain Strike to r4.
- In my case, Witch's Hat was overkill. Was already hitting 9999 with just Full Break's RES portion debuff. (Krile had Devotion and 20% bonus Ice damage, Rinoa had 20% bonus Lightning damage and is lv80, Yuna had a 5* RS rod and Eidolon's Bond)
- Just noticed that there is no medal req for 'don't get KO'd', meaning with the more lax default medals where you can lose 1 person and still get 3 KO stars, you can lose one person and still get Mastery for this fight.
I haven't spent any Mythril yet, but I did 100 Gem pulls on both new banners. Nothing for V banner, but I got Rinoa's Rising Sun. I really wanted her SSB from Phase 1, since she was already a mainstay on my Mage Team (having Valkryie and her MC2). While I didn't get the SSB, I at least have her Angel Wing Bolt and Angel Wing Quake.


It has two SSBs on it which is one more than most, but the other character relics are a mixed bag.

You're probably better of waiting for an event in a realm where you're lacking in synergy.


Subete no aware
Firehawk just save your Mythril for your bae's gun later.

The tragedy of wasting 150 mythril to get a set of 5* fists still makes me salty.

It has two SSBs on it which is one more than most, but the other character relics are a mixed bag.

You're probably better of waiting for an event in a realm where you're lacking in synergy.
I haven't really checked what I'm missing since I just retameta everything. lol But I'll take a look.


Did 3 pulls this morning, a 100 gem pull each on the soul fest and FFV banner, netting me Edward's Fabled Harp and a crappy FFXII dagger. Then I did a single pull on the FFV banner and got the Lilith Rod, which is handy since my FFV synergy sucks.

Clearly I used up all my luck for the morning because then the ticket machine stopped working as my tram was approaching on the way to work, sigh whatever.

Edward and Sazh's souk breaks together will be amazing. Shell + Protect + Haste + Heavy Regen, yum
Here is my summary, not much to show for 230 mythril but I think it is about the average?
Phase 1: Nothing (3 pull)
Phase 2: Rune Blade Celes
Phase 3: Tidus SSB, Organyx *sigh*, Edincoat
Phase 4: Nothing (11 pull)
Phase 5: Nothing (3 pull)
FF5 Banner 2: Ninja suit

In hindsight my pulling strategies should have swapped phase 1 and 3 (I wanted golem flute more than SS) and I missed the error on phase 1.

ExDeath will be keeping his cursed ring. Thanks gacha. I really feel pulls will be more salty from now on as I'm at the point where I don't need random RS or SB but a few specific relics.


I've been playing the game for three or four days, is it wrong for me to expect to have all kinds of stuff already? I mean, I'm blazing through the storyline dungeons with no problems, some of the recent bosses were even kind of fun, but for example I don't have a single accessory or a unique character item and I feel like I've done a bunch of pulls already. Is it too early to expect stuff like that? The only 5* gear I have besides the free stuff are Sanctum Gloves which seem like a nice armor, and Metal Knuckles, a crappy (?) weapon. I just really want the Cutting Trigger. :( Also, where can I get some accessories?


I've been playing the game for three or four days, is it wrong for me to expect to have all kinds of stuff already? I mean, I'm blazing through the storyline dungeons with no problems, some of the recent bosses were even kind of fun, but for example I don't have a single accessory or a unique character item and I feel like I've done a bunch of pulls already. Is it too early to expect stuff like that? The only 5* gear I have besides the free stuff are Sanctum Gloves which seem like a nice armor, and Metal Knuckles, a crappy (?) weapon. I just really want the Cutting Trigger. :( Also, where can I get some accessories?

In my first 5 months of play I drew one unique item...don't have those hopes too high. Accessories are normally won in event dungeons, not story dungeons or sometimes given as rewards.
Forgot to take Lenna to Melusine... serves me right for playing before i've even had a coffee.

Edit: Went full physical party for her second time around as juggling magic vulnerabilities was kinda annoying. Was pretty easy, she doesn't hit too hard and can just put Sleep Buster on Galuf to fulfill medal conditions. ExDeath time!


Subete no aware
So I kind of don't want to go into the Exdeath Ultimate fight blind because it costs so much stamina, but I'm wondering what I should bring if I'm just going to use retameta.

Just your standard mitigation/breaks and then pray?


Beat Melusine. I just went full mage on her, worked like a charm (once Sleep hits, that is).

Now Ultimate ExDeath... Yeah, not sure I'm going to bother with it. I gave up on Ultima Weapon (too frustrating, honestly), not sure I want to S/L ad nauseum another fight. Though, well, retameta is always an option I guess (sadly, I don't own anything decent except a 4* Giant Axe, and I would need to check if Gilga with that axe or Cloud with a 3*++ has the higher ATK).


that puzzling face
He has quite a bit more HP so depending on your ret weapon, mitigation may not last the entire fight. If so, you'll want to fire it off at 90 or 80% because he can deal an absurd amount of damage post 50%.

Also if you don't have a wall, going Advance over SG/SSII is a very risky proposition.
He has quite a bit more HP so depending on your ret weapon, mitigation may not last the entire fight. If so, you'll want to fire it off at 90 or 80% because he can deal an absurd amount of damage post 50%.

Also if you don't have a wall, going Advance over SG/SSII is a very risky proposition.

Even if you do have a wall, getting another sb charge when the wall falls is risky as well, especially if your wall character is your primary healer.


that puzzling face
Actually that's exactly what I did. Y'shtola healing with Mako Might and wall.

Granted, I had Boon rather than Advance so extra turns help build the bar, but Ex Death is one of those fights where he consistently casts enough AOE (two chances per turn post 50%) that getting that second charge isn't really an issue.

edit: I steamrolled the fight due to the SBs I have access to plus Boon FS, but closed and restarted multiple times at 10% just to get a better feel for Ultimate difficulty since 60 stam a pop is expensive. So I'm basing this around about 7-8 full attempts, not one.

edit2: Other Ultimate fights will outright dispel wall, so it's not a one-size fits all answer.


Subete no aware
I'd be going Tyro for SG and white mage for party heal, so I think I'd be okay. I don't think I have a FFV sword better than Cloud's sword, but I should check rather than leaving it up to the auto optimize.


that puzzling face
I'm tempted to retry this with Gilgamesh and Rune Axe++

But 60stam a pop for Major Dark Orbs.

... nah.
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