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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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that puzzling face
I think they're breaking up the reliance on a certain set of SBs or abilities since it separates the haves from the have-nots.

There's still a gap, but not nearly an insurmountable one since balancing damage and HP numbers assumes you're going to take a few hits without. Same reason the toughest bosses have Break Resist. Breakdowns were too good otherwise and you'd have to tune with the assumption people were going to bring multiple support characters to fully debuff, which would make it outright impossible if you didn't bring them.

As much shit as DeNA gets for the gacha (deservedly so in some respects, like no rolling gacha on global, heh) FFRK is one of the better balanced mobile games out there. The amount of F2P JP players on YouTube STILL going strong is testament to that.

That being said, you -can- get very unlucky despite playing from Day 1 (hi) so I still constantly wish this wasn't a mobile game because it has so many good ideas and the fundamental game design works, even if it's a bit simplistic.


Subete no aware
I guess this is the problem I had before - who do you balance for, the guys with all the end game stuff, the guys in the middle, or new players?


that puzzling face
You balance around Day-1 F2P players, with enough catchup mechanisms that new players can get within spitting distance in a few months. (see: Star Falcon)

Again, the primary problem boils back down to the most power gains being highly dependent on a completely luck-based system. There's only so much you can do to mitigate that, and the biggest step (rolling gacha) hasn't been implemented on Global.

JP, despite still being on gacha (obviously, lol) and despite still being a random distribution is currently in a far more balanced state just from a few months of that feature alone helping bring up the bottom end.
Yeah playing for just under 4 months and I feel pretty caught up - the Orbfests and Lucky Draws (and a bit of luck pulling stuff like Thyrus) were really helpful. Though I do play it every day so I've probably landed on the more 'hardcore' side of the field.
Hopefully they'll keep having these catchup events every couple of months as I think there are benefits for players old and new.


that puzzling face
Short answer you don't

Long answer massive power creep so new stuff vastly outclasses old stuff and is easier to get

I'm not sure I'd call it massive.

People keep looking to what Japan has and forgetting the fact that 6 months is a long time.

Like can you imagine playing the game for another 6 months and the highest end stuff are things like Organix with maybe another 5 ATK.


Reading through threads to try to figure out what the scene for this game is like is making me realize I must have used up all my good luck, already.
Been playing for a tiny bit over a month now, haven't spent a cent of real money, and already have Shear Trigger, Sasuke, Morning Star, Thyrus, two of Locke's SB chakrams, Balthier's gun from the Beginner's Choice, one of Wakka's balls, a Blitz Helm (party protect), a Dragon Armlet (party shell), and then a generous handful of other random 5*s and Shared SB relics.

Gonna start just sitting on all my Mythril so I can do mass pulls on whatever banners pop that grab my interest.
I think I'm in this more to just mess with my favorite characters and listen to the music than to really power-meta, or anything.


Basically for every non 5* you pull the odds of your next pull being a 5* increase
It's worth noting that it's on a banner to banner basis. So if you do an 11-pull on say an FFX banner and get nothing the rolling gacha is only in affect of you do another pull on that same banner. It doesn't carry over to other banners
ExDeath down and mastered!


Wiped 3 times sub 10%:

1 - Bad timing of mitigation
2 - Dispel at a bad time
3 - Double Vacuum Wave killed Krile and Eiko (Protectga wasn't up).

Tense at the end as I was low on abilities and my mitigation was almost worn off. Eiko died at about 5% but didn't affect the medals it seems. Setup I went with in the end:


Some things I found really helpful:

  • Drainga is amazing - thanks Falk for this tip. I'd take another and put it on Krile if I had it.
  • Despite not being vulnerable to it, Diaga and Holy both did 9999 every hit. It helps that I have the Healing Staff (FFV synergy, +20% Holy damage).
  • Managed to get it so when I cast AoE heal with Eiko I can refresh Wall with Y'Shtola on same turn.
  • Faris was on Breakdown and Boon duty.
So what's with them making walls not effective? To compensate for everyone having one?

Pulled a whole bunch last night, did an 11 pull on the FFV banner 2, got bartZ unique soul break. Pulled a three pull on the SSSB wave 5, got Paladin Cecil's SSB.

So not terrible and two unique soul breaks! Better than my last few 11 pulls on different banners. At 10 mythril now, saving for the next great banner


Neo Member
Did 100-gem pulls for the SB Phase 5 and FFV Phase 2... ended up getting a second 5* Gaia Gear and a Genji Helm, so now my FFV Synergy is insanely good.

Going to hoard Mythril for a long time now, possibly until the next big SSB event, given how kind the SB Fest and random 100-gem pulls have been to me in the last few weeks.


Took about an hour and 20 S/L's but I finally beat Ex-Death Ultimate. Vivi kicked the bucket towards the end after an AOE dispel, two magic attacks and a counter hurricane. The AOE dispel is super rough. Still mastered though.


Star of the show was Lenna. Diaga did about 9k damage and I really couldn't have done the fight without her AOE heal and regen.

In retrospect, I would've brought Power Breakdown rather than Magic. Rinoa was doing fuck all damage in comparison to everyone else (5.5k vs 7-9k), but to be honest my 4* hones really need to be better.

No idea how I'll fare in the future fights. This was super rough and it gets worse from here.


Should note, I do have SG and used Boon as RW.


that puzzling face
ExDeath down and mastered!

For someone who started in September that's kinda ludicrous, even with the Batman-esque preparation Global is afforded.


doing this without a Wall is rough

Yeh, I worked out the maths and I actually would need to bring additional mitigation without wall, since I'd be using Wall as a friend summon so no Boon, meaning the fight lasts longer vs mitigation durations. May still do it after Festive Fantasy etc is over just to prove it can be done, though you need at least some other baselines.

These are all really helpful for Ultimates, although some are diminished by individual boss mechanics on a case by case basis:
- A wall
- A hastega (pref that also gives Protect or Shell)
- AOE heal(s)
- Some form of party-wide damage buff (Hastega aside)
- SSBs for pure damage - a shorter fight is an easier one

The more of those bullet points you have, the better, though remember they aren't straight out free passes- you still need the SB gauge to use them, and in many cases they lock you to bringing a certain character over lv80 or Record Synergy ones. After doing Ex Death and looking forward to future Ultimates, I'd say that they're gonna be a huge RNGfest if you do not personally own two of the 5 bullet points.

No idea how I'll fare in the future fights. This was super rough and it gets worse from here.

Actually Ultimates pretty much hover around this level, but with different/more elaborate mechanics. Some are objectively easier, and some favor a physical-based party, etc.

edit: Hopefully you have access to Sap, because a bunch of bonus battles, Ultimate or otherwise, have it as a medal req.
Thanks! I'd like to try it again with a Physical party but its 60 stamina that I should really be spending on Elites and daily dungeons. Regardless, looking forward to the next one.

I am Batman


that puzzling face
There's a shitty Ninja ability that saps 1/4 of the time.

(Well, shitty in that it has the same multiplier as the other scrolls but no element, so expect 2.5k IF you have something like an Enhancer but eats up 4* orbs)

Also welcome to more RNG


edit: My bad, physical, not magical. According to official site, at least.

https://ffrkstrategy.gamematome.jp/game/951/wiki/Ability_Rarity 4_Shadowsteel

If it really is a 2.1 physical ability for 4*, that's not so bad. Decent damage for opportunity cost, in line with the Support class abilities, at the very least. (Busters are 3* and 1.7, Breakdowns are 4* and 2.1)


Any tips on Omega.

I'm a pretty new player so I don't exactly have well honed 4* and 5* skills (I don't have 5* skills at all) or high select of characters.

So my only real option is advantilate.

I tried a

Cecil 54(Double hit, esuna)
Vaan 62(Double hit, Boost)
Vanille 63(Stop, Dispel)
Ashe 65(Stop, Curaga)
Cloud 80(Relatiate, Tempo Fury)

RW- Advance

My issue is stop. a stop last a little bit more than half a turn so if I ever miss a top with both Vanille and Ashe spamming or spam Vanille and Ashe too close to each other. Omega gets a turn. Omega does the same three things at the start blind, reflect, super death ray.

Basically I can't let omega have more than 1 turn or I lose. Blind I can sure with esuna, but reflect I need to dispel and that waste a stoppers turn which in turn means super death ray.

Even when I have a perfect run Advance doesn't last long enough for me to kill Omega.

My cloud actions usually go.

Tempo Fury
Tempo Fury
Tempo Furry

Is there a better way?


I found using an all-mage team worked best for Omega. I was so tired of it blnding everyone every time I hit it with a physical attack. I would probably recommend some form of Hastega RW to get more actions in before Stop runs out
I used an Advance tactic for Omega. You can get around the reflect issue by giving one of your characters the auto-reflect RM and bouncing the Stops off them. It wont last the whole fight though so you'll need to reapply it.

The main issue is that if Stop misses as it often did for me you will need to pray he doesn't annihilate you.


that puzzling face
What weapon are you using i.e. how much are you hitting for prior to Advance?

Due to the upkeep inherent to retaliate meta, going from Advance to a Hastega isn't nearly as big a DPS throughput loss as it seems at a glance, as you can squeeze in more actions before needing to refresh stuff. (Retaliate lasts 3 'turns' with hastega as opposed to two, Boost needs to be applied less, etc) It'll require more hones on your Stops, but get you in a more stable upkeep state.

I'd also swap out Tempo Flurry for Armor Break, since there's no vulnerability to Slow.
I used an Advance tactic for Omega. You can get around the reflect issue by giving one of your characters the auto-reflect RM and bouncing the Stops off them. It wont last the whole fight though so you'll need to reapply it.

The main issue is that if Stop misses as it often did for me you will need to pray he doesn't annihilate you.

I need more level 65 blms.


Beat Exdeath ultimate after at least 10 tries with this group:
Cloud (tempo flurry, blizzaga strike)
Yshtola (curaja, shellga)
Vivi (firaja, thundaja)
Faris (full break, magic breakdown)
Eiko (curaga, diaga)

Having more hones on a few spells would have helped a lot, but luck played a big role. I wiped numerous times with under 10% to go. This time, Yshtola, Vivi, and Eiko all died with about 1% left. If Exdeath had gotten off one more attack, I would have wiped. He is very tough at the end. Even with two healers with AOE heals ready to go, the timing of his double attacks can still wipe you before your heals can go off. It might be worth considering having one healer always skip turns near the end to be ready to immediately heal after Exdeath's big nukes go off. Otherwise, if he catches you with your timers in a bad spot, it could be all over.


that puzzling face
Again, why Tempo Flurry over another break? Resist or not, a debuff is a debuff, and Tempo Flurry does 1.8 vs a break's 1.7 in terms of damage.

Also Tempo Flurry results in two possible counters.


Do you need Protectga for Exdeath?

What sucks is that If I bring wall RW, I miss hastega. If I bring Boon, I miss wall. Fuck.


that puzzling face
He uses Vacuum Wave just enough that Protectga helps.

If you're OK with either eating it harder or simply just savescumming a little more, he uses magic way more, so magic mitigation is a priority if ability slots are scarce.

edit: Ooooh, didn't realize TFMurphy had AI up. Thought it'd come only after Festive Fantasy was done


More notes:

- Wait till after 2nd turn to blow Boon/LH because of 1/3 chance of dispel on his second move.
- Vacuum Wave is used 22.7% of the time after Turn 2 in phase 1, and 5% chance in phase 2 which is the hard part. Physical mitigation importance --

Vacuum Wave is a long range physical attack, so you'll need at least some physical mitigation to keep it from eating your mages.

I was running only Wall and Full Break for physical mitigation. It hit for 3 digits and crit for 4 digits. Gear was generally either 5* non-RS or 3++ RS hats.

*yes I realize, "only" wall, heh. Quiet you :(


Vacuum Wave is a long range physical attack, so you'll need at least some physical mitigation to keep it from eating your mages.

I was running only Wall and Full Break for physical mitigation. It hit for 3 digits and crit for 4 digits. Gear was generally either 5* non-RS or 3++ RS hats.

*yes I realize, "only" wall, heh. Quiet you :(

I was trying it without Wall for awhile (had everything else; Protect/Shell, Steal Power, Magic Breakdown, Full Break) and Vacuum Wave was noticeably his most damaging attack overall simply due to lower caster defense.

The worst is when he used it right before his phase transition where he can attack 3 times in a row.


Again, why Tempo Flurry over another break? Resist or not, a debuff is a debuff, and Tempo Flurry does 1.8 vs a break's 1.7 in terms of damage.

Also Tempo Flurry results in two possible counters.

I did tempo flurry because I wasn't sure if he could be slowed. Turns out not, so I should have gone with something else, you're right, but I didn't want to lose the 60 stamina to re-spec.


Do you need Protectga for Exdeath?

What sucks is that If I bring wall RW, I miss hastega. If I bring Boon, I miss wall. Fuck.

I did it without protect, but I really wish I had it. A wall RW is rather useful, to get it back up quickly when dispelled. He dispelled me 1-2 times in each of my tries.


Do you need Protectga for Exdeath?

What sucks is that If I bring wall RW, I miss hastega. If I bring Boon, I miss wall. Fuck.

Worth mentioning that haste is probably the most important thing. Even with it it's possible to eat four attacks between opportunities to heal in his second phase if you only have a single healer.
I'm probably gonna give it one more try before I decide to give up beating Exdeath. Gonna have to switch out Faris for Red XIII just so I can use Hastega.


Oh gosh, I'm scared of Ultimate Exdeath. Just started this account back in October..last day of Zach Event to be exact. I'm gonna give it a go later but mastering it's gonna be rough. I just don't think I'll have the hones necessary to get him down. I did get Galuf's fist off the second banner so maybe I can work him in somehow.
Are any of the ffv characters required for mastery of ultimate exdeath? I've been focused more on elites saving the event stuff till I hit a wall in the elite dungeons or after sunday.


Looks like my best option is to go Steal Power/Magic Breakdown/Full Break with Boon and Protectga then. Rip wall.

It'll be doable but will probably come down to the wire. You'll also likely be completely screwed if he counter dispels late.

Wait until after his second action to buff to get the maximum uptime (he will always use attack on his first turn and either attack or dispel on his second turn).

Are any of the ffv characters required for mastery of ultimate exdeath? I've been focused more on elites saving the event stuff till I hit a wall in the elite dungeons or after sunday.

No, but Faris, Bartz, and Krile are all good choices for the fight given their ability sets.
Beat omega with a mixed setup.

Used some serious gear though. Everyone had full 5* bracers, mages approached 300 mnd or 300 mag depending on role, and I brought Tyro with stormlance grimoire and nin spells (hits for about 5k through reflect). Cloud has a rank 7 murasame with 10 augment rank.

Aeris 65 - stop x 16 casts
Vivi 65 - nukes all day
Tellah 55 - Nuke / reflect
Tyro 53 - Ninja thunder / mana paeon
Cloud 79 - Spellblades

RW - advance

Was able to kill it before haste RM wore off on aeris.


What weapon are you using i.e. how much are you hitting for prior to Advance?

Due to the upkeep inherent to retaliate meta, going from Advance to a Hastega isn't nearly as big a DPS throughput loss as it seems at a glance, as you can squeeze in more actions before needing to refresh stuff. (Retaliate lasts 3 'turns' with hastega as opposed to two, Boost needs to be applied less, etc) It'll require more hones on your Stops, but get you in a more stable upkeep state.

I'd also swap out Tempo Flurry for Armor Break, since there's no vulnerability to Slow.

I'm using the free 5* beginning weapon. Zantsomething. Its the only 5 star melee weapon I have. I do about 5K damage with advance and 1K without.

My biggest problem is my RMs suck for this fight. I don't have a lot of characters well leveled and haven't been grinding for RMs much.

No Auto Haste, Auto Reflect, insta SB, ect.


This upgrade material phase is giving me nothing but adamantite. Like every four or five material I get is armor material. That's really annoying. Might finally five up and go do the Z FFV part 2 dungeons + bonus battles
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