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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT2| I HAVE NO MYTHRIL AND I MUST SHOUT

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Never been so lucky
**** Omega Weapon, 800 s/l later and a whole lotta honing of armor breakdown, mental break down, thundaga sword, thundaja, and stops and he finally died. Only lost 1 action. Don't care if I'm sleeping on 50 stamina f that fight



Phase 1: Hope Boomerang (fused for 6 Star)
Phase 2: Wakka Red Ball, Ashe Sword
Phase 3: Tellah Rod (fused to 6 star, now by far my best rod for BLMs and WHMs both outside my limited realm bonuses)
Phase 4: Lulu hairpin, Golbez Axe
Phase 5: skipped (may do a 3 pull tho)

Not bad overall, but getting no SSbs + a couple dupes kinda sucked. Super happy about my new FF10 synergy though, should be covered in 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12 for 5*s now, and I should be able to make a great mage meta team, although I actually have so many now I am not sure who I want to bring. Lulu, hope, Golbez, Tellah, and Ashe all have their SB weapons, and none of them are good summoners either (though i could get Garnet's Rod from that Free 5* thingy). I'd also need a decent breaker (though I have a few of those).

Guess it's a good problem to have though!


I can only use the Memory Crystal Lodes while the event is ongoing, right?
I've only recently started playing so I have no idea who to use them on, I use a crappy party made up of characters I like since I don't have good equipment to base my party around it.
Finally managed to get some accessories though, they're not very good but whatever.


that puzzling face
I'm using the free 5* beginning weapon. Zantsomething. Its the only 5 star melee weapon I have. I do about 5K damage with advance and 1K without.

My biggest problem is my RMs suck for this fight. I don't have a lot of characters well leveled and haven't been grinding for RMs much.

No Auto Haste, Auto Reflect, insta SB, ect.

Yikes, think you probably want to beef up your party if you want to do Ultimates going forward. They're no joke and the more options you have, the better.

Not bad overall, but getting no SSbs + a couple dupes kinda sucked. Super happy about my new FF10 synergy though, should be covered in 4, 6, 7, 10, and 12 for 5*s now, and I should be able to make a great mage meta team, although I actually have so many now I am not sure who I want to bring. Lulu, hope, Golbez, Tellah, and Ashe all have their SB weapons, and none of them are good summoners either (though i could get Garnet's Rod from that Free 5* thingy). I'd also need a decent breaker (though I have a few of those).

Look on the bright side, bringing Lulu will turn anyone else into a good summoner :V


I can only use the Memory Crystal Lodes while the event is ongoing, right?
I've only recently started playing so I have no idea who to use them on, I use a crappy party made up of characters I like since I don't have good equipment to base my party around it.
Finally managed to get some accessories though, they're not very good but whatever.

You can take a look at this site, which has a list of upcoming events and plan ahead. Next banner has Tidus and Yuna, so don't use your lodes on those two.



that puzzling face
Looking at upcoming ultimates, I'm so glad that the fights are tuned well enough that most of them are choreographed so that the first few actions aren't AOE nukes (almost always an Attack or two).

Like, it's obviously still going to be savescum hell if you barely make the 'must be this tall to play' line, but at least it's not compounded by 2/3 of attempts being cut short by the first turn reducing entire party's HP to 1/4 before getting mitigation up. (Hallo Soulcage)

edit: Quick and dirty Yunalesca preview:

3-phase fight, with 3 main gimmicks to the fight:
- Her normal attacks dispel haste/protect/shell
- She uses Hellbiter, AOE physical that applies Sap at the start of Phase 2. Sap gives you immunity to her subsequent single target instant KO Mega Death ability
- Holy is not affected by Magic VIT0s as it's MND-based

- This is a shorter fight than Ex Death slugging match. Her defensive stats are lower, and she uses Osmose often and has a berserk timer in the form of using Holy All after X turns in Phase 3 (which incidentally you want to beat before as a medal requirement)
- Because of the burn-or-die mechanics of the fight and her overall lower damage output compared to Ex Death, offensive Hastega RW is preferable to Wall. You still want both Shell and Protect, as well as Power Break/down for Hellbiter
- Gilgamesh (lol) can completely nullify the first mechanic with taunt/retaliate, so Boon/LH remain top-tier in this fight. Note that this will also make him skip out on eating Hellbiter for Sap, meaning if Mega Death hits him, it's savescum time.
- Shell is a must to survive her Holy attack as you cannot VIT0 her MND stat. (It should hit for ~2500 with Shell)
- Because of Osmose, Retaliate meta actually is convenient since it's got a much lower hone requirement and you can keep doing damage with Retaliate when everyone is at 0 casts left.
- No Renewing Cure, no Hymn of the Fayth. With Sap applied to your team every turn she uses Mega Death is a free pass since it does nothing. Also thankfully, unlike the original FFX fight, you can heal yourself unlike Zombie status.
- Remember that it's hard to build SB gauge with Retaliate meta.
- Not sure if Magic Break is worth it. She has an AOE magic attack that also applies Confuse, but most of the clear videos I'm seeing don't have it. Might be a low-enough-chance-that-assume-none-and-savescum thing. Absorb appears to be Physical.
- Not sure if Magic Lure affects Holy. Would make Paladin Cecil an awesome addition with Magic Lure since he has a shit ton of HP at lv80 and he can carry Protectga/Shellga (His offensive capability is irrelevant with retaliate meta)
Well at least we don't need to worry about being Zombied! Lady Yunalesca was one of my favourite fights in FFX though.
Gilgamesh (lol) can completely nullify the first mechanic with taunt/retaliate, so Boon/LH remain top-tier in this fight. Note that this will also make him skip out on eating Hellbiter for Sap, meaning if Mega Death hits him, it's savescum time.
Would Ricards RM get around this?


that puzzling face
It lasts 40sec

For comparison, typically Haste lasts 20, Wall lasts 25 and Protect/Shell lasts 35

I don't think there's a better RM for a retaliate bot anyway, and 40sec is quite a duration for a burn boss.
It lasts 40sec

For comparison, typically Haste lasts 20, Wall lasts 25 and Protect/Shell lasts 35

I don't think there's a better RM for a retaliate bot anyway, and 40sec is quite a duration for a burn boss.

Is 40 seconds independent of the battle speed or is 40 seconds assuming battle speed 3?


Think I spent ~200 mythril doing relic draws these last two weeks across multiple banners, not just soul breakfast. What I have to show for it are:

Thyrus (XIV)
Defense Veil (X)
Cutting Trigger (VIII)
Turks Suit (VII)
Golden Spear (VI)
Organyx (VI)

Six 5* out of ~40 draws is better than the expected probability and I got Thyrus, so I shouldn't be disappointed...

I just always feel late to the party. It took me 2 months to get my first 5*, 3 months for my first unique soul break, 6 months for my first mage weapon and I just got Thyros 9 months after playing. When I (if ever) get my first SSB, everyone will already be using Ultra Burst Super Master Soul Breaks or something. lol

Anyway, I haven't touched the elite part of the Faris/Krille event yet. Collecting upgrade materials until its over. And there could still be a New Year Fest dungeon (if we're getting the same as Japan). Exdeath gonna have to wait.


Was looking to do a physical attempt at exdeath and try to burn during the second phase with soul breaks but all I have are Shear trigger and Demon Axe(lol, need that MC). Guess I'll still try it as I know I don't have the hones for mage-meta.

I'm looking at:

Squall - ele spellblades
Tyro - Armor Breakdown, Magic Breakdown
Vanille - Protectga, Curaga (has Oerba's boon + deprotega)
Aerith - Carbuncle, Renewing Cure (Planet Protector)
Galuf? - Pound, Power Break (have Unyielding fist)

RW: Boon

I'm not sure it'll work, but I figure I should have enough to rebuff Planet Protector and Deprotega in phase 2. Use whatever charges of Squalls SB I have and pray I get lucky.


that puzzling face
Are you putting SB+ RMs on Aerith and Vanille?

As long as you keep spamming as soon as their ATBs come up with Haste, and get moderately lucky with Ex Death using a couple of low-damage AOEs you should have enough SB to recast.

Problem I'm seeing might be Ex Death dealing a little too much damage, but with enough savescumming you'll get a run where he doesn't Dispel, and spends most of his turns reflecting single target double casts at himself.

p.s Armor Breakdown doesn't stact with Deprotega, which actually applies a higher break % (25% vs 20% with boss resist)

Shear Trigger with Deprot and PP will easily do 40k a pop.


Are you putting SB+ RMs on Aerith and Vanille?

As long as you keep spamming as soon as their ATBs come up with Haste, and get moderately lucky with Ex Death using a couple of low-damage AOEs you should have enough SB to recast.

Problem I'm seeing might be Ex Death dealing a little too much damage, but with enough savescumming you'll get a run where he doesn't Dispel, and spends most of his turns reflecting single target double casts at himself.

p.s Armor Breakdown doesn't stact with Deprotega, which actually applies a higher break % (25% vs 20% with boss resist)

Shear Trigger with Deprot and PP will easily do 40k a pop.

Oops, I thought they did. Guess I'll switch that out.

And yea, Vanille and Aerith will be running with soul break RM.

I'll give it a shot after work.


Spent my last 5 mythril for this banner since I won't be playing anymore today and I hot this:


I really wanted the Cutting Trigger but this is not bad, I guess. Now I just have to recruit Rinoa through her Elite Dungeon.


Finally just beat Omega! Didn't master it but that's OK.

Squall 70 - R4 thundaga strike R4 blindna RM reflect
Cloud 69 - R3 thundaja strike R4 thunder strike RM attunement I
Sephiroth 69 - R3 pound R3 launch RM heroic stance
Selfie 55 - R4 stop R1 reflect RM one filled SB at start
Vivi 55 - R4 thundaga R4 thundaga RM attunement II

I have Selfies mass heal which was used when I ran out of stop abilities. Sephiroth has SSB which did most damage. None of my attacks did over 5k damage so took some time. RW was boon. Cloud was only one to die.

So happy I was finally able to pull it off!!!


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Record Materia (RM) is a passive enhancement that is unlocked when breaking a characters level cap. Each character that can be level broken has a unique Record Materia to unlock, some have several such as Cloud. You aren't restricted to equipping the Materia unlocked by that character either - for example Squall could equip Clouds RM provided he has broken the lv.50 cap.

Beyond the default Soul Breaks (SB), there are Unique and Shared SBs which are associated with Relic drops (5* relics only, exception being a couple 4* pieces which give the Core Characters like Knight and White Mage a Soul Break).
So for example, if you have Clouds Buster Sword, Cloud will be able to use Braver. The XP bar for the weapon is the SB Mastery - once Mastered you will be able to use Braver without needing to equip the Buster Sword.

There isn't really a be all, end all Meta. There are several approaches you can take but IMO its worth being versatile as one strategy doesn't necessarily work against everything. Your current party sounds pretty good although might be worth considering a support character - the latest event unlocks Faris from FFV and she is pretty awesome! There is also another event about to end called Vale of Memories which is a good catchup event as you can earn and unlock some of the characters and their Memory Crystals (MC) that you have missed. MC are required to break the level cap and unlock Record Materia so they are pretty high priority acquisitions.

Thanks for the advice. Using the VoM event I unlocked a few characters I've heard are top tier (Terra), and unlocked the memory crystals for my party of 5, so they're on their way up to 65 - mid 50s for now. I wasn't strong enough to complete the 110 difficulty dungeons to get the second memory crystals in VoM.

I also unlocked each character and each MC1 from the FFV event. But won't be able to get the MC2.

Some more Qs for you (or anyone else) -

- What is the Trinity? 3 Relics that provide 3 key SBs, right?

- Any real strategy for when to pull for Relics? I'd saved up 100+ Mythril from way back when, and dumped all if it into this Holiday event, because even though I didn't know what I was doing, I know a good time to pull gear when I see one. I got a bunch of 5*s. This early on, when I'm lacking Relics from most of the FFs, is it best to just pull whenever? Or should I be looking for something specific?

- Are there key RMs worth pumping a character up to 50 to unlock for someone else? I'm using Vivi for example, but it seems like his would be great for any Black Magic user. Wondering if I have others locked away I should unlock for someone else.

- Does leveling up only provide the small stat bump, or is there also a system where characters are ineffective against bosses too many levels above them? (ie is it really that important to get to 65?)

- What are augments? They seem to function like the Cotton Candy in OPTC (small stat buffs applied to a single item), but there doesn't seem to be any easy way to get additional augments on a piece of gear. Are augment-granting items handed out in special events or something?

- I actually have a LOT of characters and MC1s (50+ party members), because whenever I would fire up the game, I would run the current event dungeon for Mythril. That's why I have a lot of characters but I'm so far behind on story dungeons - I'd play once a week and get the new characters. So is Faris the best support character? Who are other top-tier supports? I'm open to gearing one up to slot in place of one of my 3 melee users.

- It seems like Protectga and Shellga are pretty key to most of the late-game stuff, but I don't have either because of a lack of orbs. There's no trick there, right? Just grind out the daily dungeons, and certain story bosses? I've specifically never really seen a high-level Earth orb, which is required for Shellga.

Edit: Just got one MC2 by cheesing Cecil - my first. Who to use it on? I have Cloud and Tidus in my party atm.


I'm tapping out to the Omega Weapon challenge. I don't have that much patience to land stop eight times in a row before the reflect cast. Met my goal of obtaining all four MC2s so it's all good.


I wasn't hyped for Fearsiphon at all. Then I rolled the Brave Blade.

R4 Fearsiphon will be mine.

Word on the street is that the New Years gun is FF13 synergy. Nice.
I'm tapping out to the Omega Weapon challenge. I don't have that much patience to land stop eight times in a row before the reflect cast. Met my goal of obtaining all four MC2s so it's all good.
The fight is all about physical, in case you didn't know.

I took two x8 Thundara Strikes and Planet Protector for Roaming Warrior, it was fairly easy (9999/8000+ each go).

Clod was just Thundaga/Thundara Strike (he summoned the Roaming first).

Squawk had Pound, so he could deal some damage until cured of blind, then Thundara Strike.

Sazh started with Boon, then alternated Armor/Mental Breakdown (Silver Glasses prevented blinding). Full Haste is an obvious advantage, but you could sub in another good Soul Break and do fine, I think.

Terra healed Clod's blind, then Squawk's, then cast Thudaja since was otherwise not needed.

Aerith started with reflect and was 90% Stop until halfway through and put up another Reflect.

If Mastery mattered, I would've done it again without Mental Breakdown/Thundaja and created a second well honed Stop to prevent damage from misses (and not having to "eat one" from redoing Reflect). I *think* I missed throwing up a second Boon too, so that was dumb.
Omega never got reflect up in the attempt I beat him, that didn't stop me from putting up a new reflect and casting all spells off the reflect. I got scared when I miss clicked and stopped Cloud who still bad 4 thundaga strikes left :X
I know it's zero hour, but thinking about it again, Haste is probably pretty important for the Omega battle.

So if you don't have your own, I would stick with that for a Roaming Warrior and take Boost or Rallying Etude for the physical bump. Eiko's Haste Soul Break might be nice, since you will want to keep Omega locked, the Regen might top you back off in case of a miss. Shell might be better by pure numbers, but since Omega has some physical and gravity attacks mixed in, you're relying on luck for a second attack.

Two words: Swift Bolt.
Assignable Heroes: Shadow, Thancred, Tyro, Ninja.

That might have been nice with my Sentinel's Grimoire, but otherwise seems fairly specialized.

What's the damage like? Unless you can do 7000+ a hit, I don't know.


I wasn't hyped for Fearsiphon at all. Then I rolled the Brave Blade.

R4 Fearsiphon will be mine.

Word on the street is that the New Years gun is FF13 synergy. Nice.
A 5* gun?! Depending on how much it sucks that may change my plans regarding pulling for Lightning's SSB


Reddit says 81 atk, 155 with RS at level 20. Not bad for a freebie. Pretty similar to the Christmas weapons aside from this one not having a shared Soul Break.


Assignable Heroes: Shadow, Thancred, Tyro, Ninja.

That might have been nice with my Sentinel's Grimoire, but otherwise seems fairly specialized.

What's the damage like? Unless you can do 7000+ a hit, I don't know.

Thancred was doing about 6k after buffs.

I was mostly kidding. I have Terra's Enhancer and ninja spells really aren't going to be viable without a similar mage weapon for the ninja (i.e. a sword or thrown).

That said, we'll be getting more ninja abilities along with Edge and Yuffie pretty soon so it'll be a fun little niche.


Ouch. Went into Melusine with water spells on my mage and High Tide instead of Boon. Somehow managed to brute force a mastery.


So JP version kinda is going nuts with the New Year celebration. Aside from the usual Orb dungeon and New Year's gifts. They did Big Bridge battle event which is basically a boss rush. Nice loot and tough battles from it, lol. A 13-2 event just started today too, I think.

The biggest surprise though is that they've basically released a total of 6 new weapons that each have Burst modes. (Paladin Cecil, Lightning, Bartz, Terra, Deshi/Tyro, Tidus). They released 3 or so since I restarted in October so releasing 6 all of a sudden is kinda crazy because the new Burst mode is really buff.


that puzzling face
The biggest surprise though is that they've basically released a total of 6 new weapons that each have Burst modes. (Paladin Cecil, Lightning, Bartz, Terra, Deshi/Tyro, Tidus). They released 3 or so since I restarted in October so releasing 6 all of a sudden is kinda crazy because the new Burst mode is really buff.

It's akin to having 3 SSBs -> SSBfest though. Just a tier above in power creep.


that puzzling face
It's a pretty big jump in power creep is the thing, lol.

SB -> SSB was big but this is even more ridiculous.

Think about it though, SSBs are anywhere from 3x to 5x (hi Terra etc) above SBs.

BSSBs are ~3-5x above SSBs counting the attack/def command changes.

In absolute numbers, yeah, ~10k -> ~40k net is dwarfed by ~40k -> ~150k net (spread out across a few turns), but the relative ratio is similar.

edit: Speaking on power creep, despite a lot of abilities (most recently summons) going multi-hit to bypass the damage cap, I'm still reasonably confident that Break Damage Limit is going to hit FFRK at some point or another.

Yes, it completely changes the balance between abilities, and completely changes the dynamics between physical and magical, and it's going to make current bosses disintegrate, but it's honestly the only way (alongside retuning endgame content going forward) to reduce granularity we're seeing now, where damage is essentially calculated by how many 9999 hits each SB/etc does with all the crazy party-wide ATK/MAG buffs available. By resetting the damage cap to something only achievable by the highest multiplier abilities (99,999) you bring back at least more leeway in interesting mathcrafting.

Otherwise, the inevitable tier above BSSB (my prediction is at the 18th month mark, in the form of 6* gear) is just going to go from X number of 9999 hits to X * 4 number of 9999 hits, spiraling all the way to hilarity.


On discussion of the new years gun, remember that it probably won't be FFXIII synergy for us, it's only XIII synergy because they have a XIII event starting today.
It's like with the Halloween freebies, they were X synergy in japan because an X event was just starting for them, and XIII synergy for us because we were about to get a XIII event.

This time it will likely be the opposite and be X synergy, since the Rikku event is starting soon.

Anyway, I sincerely hope that these time limited giveaway events don't become a regular thing. I'd have to stay up until 5am to get all the rewards. They always completely shaft the European players with stuff like this.
Note to self: When trying to get RM to drop it helps if you first break the level caps of the characters :(

Anyway, I sincerely hope that these time limited giveaway events don't become a regular thing. I'd have to stay up until 5am to get all the rewards. They always completely shaft the European players with stuff like this.
My reading of it was that I had until 7:59am to boot the game (which is 6:59 for CEST) and would get the 2am one at the same time. We shall see. I'm not staying up for 2 mythril in any case.


My reading of it was that I had until 7:59am to boot the game (which is 6:59 for CEST) and would get the 2am one at the same time. We shall see. I'm not staying up for 2 mythril in any case.
That's the way I read it too, but it's still pretty sucky haha. I'll see if I can wake up at 7am but if I can't then.. eh.
So JP version kinda is going nuts with the New Year celebration. Aside from the usual Orb dungeon and New Year's gifts. They did Big Bridge battle event which is basically a boss rush. Nice loot and tough battles from it, lol. A 13-2 event just started today too, I think.

The biggest surprise though is that they've basically released a total of 6 new weapons that each have Burst modes. (Paladin Cecil, Lightning, Bartz, Terra, Deshi/Tyro, Tidus). They released 3 or so since I restarted in October so releasing 6 all of a sudden is kinda crazy because the new Burst mode is really buff.

Yeah, it's pretty crazy. Ive saved up 150 mythril in the last week or so for the Bart's tyro banner!
I just found out on reddit that Rikku's Guardian Targe doesn't actually apply a +ATK/RES buff, but 2 separate buffs, so it won't stack with Planet Protector. That totally kills my hype for it - I was planning on doing at least a couple of 11-pulls for it before I found this out. It'd still be great to have if you have Leon's Golden Armor though; +69% ATK boost, +30% DEF and +50% RES.
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