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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


What happens if you have either Last Stand or reraise and your doom couner runs out? Are you still alive?

I almost found that out today. Wondered too but not enough to ask or google.

Finished FF13 CM Mote. I tried Ahriman CM Mote, but don't think I have the DPS for it before RW runs out.

Nabaat is 80 now. So all leveling done again until Mog MC3 tonight or tomorrow.
Omniscient A+, got some good rng (no back to back AOE!) and got him down solo. Tried doing it in multiplayer, but that just wan't going happen this event. Wall/Burst on Tyro, Burst for Y'shtola/Matoya, OSB on Terra and Edea's haste/mag up SB. RW was Onion knight.

I didn't find the Full Throttle boss to be terribly easy. Maybe it's just getting used to having 3 bars right off the bat, but after losing 3 times I finally just went all in with imperils lightning / dark followed up by 2 bars of lightning / dark OSBs.

Basically, Focused Bolts (Lightning BSB) + Sacrifice Pawn (Nabaat BSB) and then Thunderfall x2 (Lightning OSB) + Shattered Dreams x2 (Cid Raines OSB).

If I didn't have those OSBs or imperils it would have been pretty hard. I also forgot to lower his defense, so I only got Expert, but since the mastery reward is 4* Bravery Motes and I'm sitting on like 400 of them, I don't think I'll use the stamina to try again. I got the 5* motes which is all that matters.
The raid is not as difficult as I thought it would be. Last Stand is absolutely necessary. My level 80 Snow was doing crap damage, even hitting the ice weakness, but his BSB entry saved our butts so many times.


Beat jump start first try, didn't come close to dying. Lightning OSB, Auron with large attack and defense down, ok with full break and power break and bsb. Snow bsb with meteor crush and vanille bsb.

Right at the end i realized I never used my second rw wall so the hits were pretty hard but whatever.


Ok so:

100gem pull was trash

d140 and d180 both done.

Both raids done. As said Last Stand is a must. I brought phys Blink, arise, and last stand x2.

Tried d220 and got him to 40% going to need Tyro or Alphinaud instead of both Lenna and Relm.

Haven't tried Jump start yet.
2 hours and a half to beat both adamanchelid fights.

This is by far my shittiest MP experience ever, next to Zidane Ultimate as shittiest single player fight.

I wanted to be on the DPS side since I pulled Edea's en-ice BSB. It's like people entering my room go full stupid. It's ok, don't cast wall or last stand, debuffs? we don't need that, we can take def piercing attacks just fine, both healers with shellga? no problem, don't equip protectga and so on even on reddit's room 7891...


Subete no aware
I know that I know the answer to this, but since Cid Raines is apparently never come back in a banner, is it worth chasing the BSB?

For some stupid reason the game gave me his OSB instead...

(I assume the answer is NOOOOO lol).
CM'ed Barthandelus on the first try. Not too bad.

Now Proudclad... this is a tough nut to crack. Ultimate Retaliatory Strike keeps killing someone, even when I've got Protectga/Sentinel Grimoire/Raines BSB/Ramza BSB all up. so my defense should be jacked through the roof. Maybe I need more debuffs on him.
And mastered. Switching out Vanille for Y'shtola (Wrath -> bubble shield was needed) and using Army of One as RW did the trick. Now on to Jump Start!

Not sure what kind of crack you're smokin, d220 is hard as shit

I dunno mang. Maybe I just had a good group.

Two catgirls for healing, only one source of Last Stand which was me, my Tyro mostly used Keeper's Tome for a little extra debuffing since the other Tyro was hitting SG. Although we lost Onion Knight and Faris at the end there because dudeman was a little slow on the refresh. Not sure why the top guy brought Vaan to this fight but I guess it worked out. Also, moderate/major earth resist accessories were a big help here.
Raid was pretty easy, depends on group.
Was pulling my weight.

Snow BSB
OK BSB affliction break.

Other key players, Selphie Ultra with LS. Ramza History's Truth. A couple of Squalls, 1 with BSB other with OSB.


This Jump boss was hitting way harder than I expected, then when I barely killed him I only got expert. All made sense when I realized Vaan actually breaks MAG and not ATK, lol.

I'll try again with Fran in his place, should be much easier now that I'll actually break his ATK.
I'm on probably my 20th attempt of the raid. Tried tons of different stuff, at the moment I'm settling on squall with bsb2 + osb and selphie with usb, but no team I find can beat it


My 13 syngery isn't too gud and this guy gets spam happy really quick. After over a dozen soft resets I said f it and brought Beatrix and Hope with their OSBs and layered some Holy weakness so Hope did 99999x2 after using his BSB1 for the attach Holy. Beatrix only did ~60k but between that and Ysh spamming Asylum/ Onion Knight doing Extra Slice > Full Charge, and Setzer BSB he went down when he didn't spam 2-3 lasers on the same character for ~30 seconds.

One of the situations where I am glad I had a few OSBs, especially ones that matched up with an Imperil, I would have had a much rougher time otherwise.


Making 2 of the 3 enemies in this boss fight untargetable was a questionable decision but I still mastered it after some effort.


Subete no aware
Man, that slight chance of lightning attacks doubling applies to burst commands... I wonder if the actual burst can trigger twice? lol


Man, that slight chance of lightning attacks doubling applies to burst commands... I wonder if the actual burst can trigger twice? lol

Yeah dualcast has always worked with Burst Commands. I've had moments when Vanille has done x2 command medica for 2k heals each.

It's also the reason why Squall's BSB2 is absolute bullshit. Potential triple Draw and Junction for max hits in one turn, then potential 21 hit CMD2 afterwards.

Never will work for SB entry.


Just did the raid on first try, the real challenge was actually finding a group that didn't kick me. Joke is on you motherfuckers.

Vaan + Vanille kept everything under control and the rest of the group was very competent as well with OK, Vanille, Serah, Y'shtola, Minfillia's and Tyro.
Tons of exciting stuff just announced for the JPN version. Whew.

You weren't kidding!

- 5* and 6* ability rebalancing
- Crystal farming from Dailies
- Mote Dungeons revamped to give more 4*s
- Party slots increased from 20 to 60 w/ a labelling system
- Gil, EXP and Upgrade Materials dungeons open every day

DeNA, fast track these over here please!

Oh and I guess FFTA is super popular in Japan, because it won a vote for the most wanted new series and is getting an event soon.


I know that I know the answer to this, but since Cid Raines is apparently never come back in a banner, is it worth chasing the BSB?

For some stupid reason the game gave me his OSB instead...

(I assume the answer is NOOOOO lol).

I believe there wasn't a FF XIII event in Japan so far so we don't know. But Cid Raines BSB was on one of the banners for the upcoming festival. Though this can change. Oh and don't chase a single relic!

Tons of exciting stuff just announced for the JPN version. Whew.

YES. Hyped about TA and IX. Hope Garnet gets an awesome USB.
This won't happen


Cool on new stuff. 4star motes probably coolest thing to me and making the Mote dungeons useful again.

I already got rid of rank 2 flare but I kept my Holy. My Meateor is rank 4. It's awesome.

Raid was first try for me cpp. I was the Arise and Last Stand guy.

Now Proudclad for u+ or Jumpstart, those I haven't beat yet. Only 1 try each.
Took me hours but finally beat the 220 raid.

Offense was 2 snow bans, a Raines bsb (not much offense there, meltdown did 2700 damage) ramza w shout and USB. So not much at all. What we did have was three healers and tyro (me)

The slowness allowed lots of wrathing by me and sb uses, wall and his USB. Our connection nearly died. It wa sridiculous.
Jump Start. Three lightning OSBs, two of which could be combo'd from en-element. Goodbye! Still took a few tries because it's pretty much up to RNG whether he chooses to let everyone survive to the second turn.

You could definitely feel that we jumped a few weeks in front of normal power creep with this event.



This fight is fun and on third try I had him down to 5%. I got this since imperial Fran and burst Ashe and burst Rapha but the RNG at beginning is a little too much I think.

Next attempt I am not going to take him down to limiter mode or whatever until full break applied and 3 imperil
Mastered Jump Start. Proudclad regular is a fucking joke though. No way I can keep up with heals without a burst. 3 fucking breaks on the guy too. Might have to sacrifice a break for more heals.


After an hour of retries, I just beat and mastered the Jumpstart. It feels like I shouldn't have to had did all I did lol.

Ramza USB and Breaks
Lenna USB and Prot and Curada
Fran Imperil 3 times and Breaks.
Ashe BSB with EnElement
Rapha for heals until Imperil then BSB

RW - Wall all tries except winning one. Winning one I used Eiko for Insta USB Last Stand

So.. Prot and 2 USB for Def

Two stacked mag buff, Imperil 3 times, en element on one, full break power breakdown and mental breakdown.


Now to go try regular with Similar setup.

Edit: one USB buffs mind the other mag, so shouldn't have said two mag buff stacked
I mastered 220 Prod. Kept in the team I had before. Just didnt start unleashing damage SBs, Kain BSB and Lightning OSB, until after it does the transformation.

Was not expecting to master as Irvine and Arc both fell but lost only 2 medals total, KO and damage. I therefore didnt take a snapshot of boss fading away.

RW wall. Used at start and again at transformation. Had Kain with heavy armor materia and Irvine with Light Armor materia to make up for crap realm synergy. Was using 4 items total, Light sword, Snow coat, blue 4 star bracer, Vanille staff.

Powerchain Lifesiphon on Lightning was pretty huge. Was wacking the dude for 60-70k with OSB.

Just got CM left where I will be making use of Oerba's boon protect as I carry shell and cure on Vanille. Will be an interesting fight. Had double breaker before now I'll be down to one. Couldnt pull off V CM so it would be nice to get back on track.


I knocked out the 220 MP raid first try but it sure took a while lol. We had 4 different healers with various buffs and thus were in no danger of dying (Vanille, Larsa, Ysh, Eiko) but the only real DPS was my OK's BSB commands and a Squall with only his OSB. That must have taken over 20 minutes.
Even in the groups where I had 3+ healers and 3+ Last Stands, towards the end he would just start using Ultimate Roar / Trample back to back in rapid succession, and no amount of healing would even help because you couldn't cast the Last Stands fast enough.

Finally beat him after about 2 hours.


I am going to have to approach this d220 regular differently.

Working in Alphi with deployment tactics is working good but I brought in Fang as well for Synergy, DPS, and RevWall but the Rev wall was stupid with tactics and reg wall.

I will either bring in Relm for a last stand or stick with Fang but use the other Soul Break that is Def/Res but that will be sometime later.


Jump Start was predictably trivial compared to doing the fight normally.

Sure was fun though. Hadn't used that auto-thunder god RM in awhile.
Mastered Jump Start on my first try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Yshtola: Curaga/Power Breakdown - Stoneskin II
Lightning: Powerchain/Full Charge - Crushing Blow
Vanille: Ultracure/Protectga - Transcendent Dream
TGCid: Thundering twinstrike/Hailstorm - OSB
Ramza: Entrust/Fullbreak - Shout/Unsung Hero

RW Lightning's Ultra.

He took 3x99999 TGCid OSB to the face and 1 Crushing Blow and done. Stoneskin II + Ramza's BSB + Protectga + Power break + Full break as mitigation, the key was to zerg rush him at 70% health.
Beat the CM as well. Oerba's boon was useful for once though it heals for junk. Level 69 Sazh was running with AB and FB. AB is an amazing ability. All the others had SBs and were 99 or near.

Event is complete! I could farm gil or vit motes that never wanna drop for me.
Even in the groups where I had 3+ healers and 3+ Last Stands, towards the end he would just start using Ultimate Roar / Trample back to back in rapid succession, and no amount of healing would even help because you couldn't cast the Last Stands fast enough.

So, there's such a thing as too much Last Stand lol. In my 220 group that mastered, we only had one LS source.

I actually had more trouble with 160 where we had four different LS sources-- Snow, Edge, Relm, and Eiko. The Edge in particular was so excited about providing Last Stand that he would fire that SSB at every opportunity, even immediately after someone else had, and when it would have more useful to, you know, maybe damage the boss instead. We still mastered but it took forever. Too many healers/supporters can hamstring a group just as much as too few.

ETA: Lol at people on Reddit quitting the game over this event.
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