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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


There should be a Jumpstart for newer players, this is just mean.

Well I wasn't new when Mote, torment, and nightmare came out but I hadn't read up on the super details and such on this game. (You know, been playing FF1 since NES release and figured I knew all I needed to know about Atb fights)

That said, that's exactly how I felt when those came out because I was all hyped and was so angry that I couldn't do them, I felt like it was DeNa trying to get me to spend all my mythril.

I know that isn't your cAse but ya.


So, there's such a thing as too much Last Stand lol. In my 220 group that mastered, we only had one LS source.

I actually had more trouble with 160 where we had four different LS sources-- Snow, Edge, Relm, and Eiko. The Edge in particular was so excited about providing Last Stand that he would fire that SSB at every opportunity, even immediately after someone else had, and when it would have more useful to, you know, maybe damage the boss instead. We still mastered but it took forever. Too many healers/supporters can hamstring a group just as much as too few.

ETA: Lol at people on Reddit quitting the game over this event.

What part? All in general or jumpstart or raid or d220 u+ earlier than we should have it?


I hope you like Lightning: https://www.reddit.com/r/FFRecordKe...220_adamanchelid_onechainchallenge_featuring/ No, seriously, watch this. It's amazing.

All done except for the A+ MP raid. Was really close one time but once he hits <25% it's an RNG fest so far even with enough LS + Curaga USBs.

Surprisingly I had less problems with the normal A+ fight than the FT one. Guess I knew what do to. Needed 2 healers. Y'shtola and Selphie with her USB. Y'shtola was also on Wall duty. RW was Lightning's USB + Kain. I love it when he hits 9999 without any realm synergy.

What part? All in general or jumpstart or raid or d220 u+ earlier than we should have it?

I guess people are salty that they miss out on the 5* motes. Although the FT battles will return with the next FF XIII event. (Japan is still waiting for the next one.) So if you can't beat one yet, just wait for its return and you should be good.


This normal 220 XIII fight is the hardest challenge this game has ever offered,much worse than Nemesis.

The bullshit starts right of the bat where he will most likely kill at least one of your character before you can even cast Wall. You basically start the fight casting Wall and Medica and pray.

Then it's a lottery fight hoping his lasers won't focus on one of your healers or Last Stand source. It's a badly designed fight, it's not hard, I have all the tools to beat it and I know everything he is capable of, I'm losing because the RNG decided I should lose and there is nothing I can do about it.

The jump version can be nuked fast enough so I can understand why it works how it works there, but the normal version is straight up broken.
What part? All in general or jumpstart or raid or d220 u+ earlier than we should have it?

From my understanding, Proudclad and Adamanchelid were considered unusually difficult fights, even before we got this event ahead of scheduled power creep. It's gonna be frustrating if you can't beat it, but IMO it's healthier for a game to have actually challenging content that not everyone can beat, than have everybody able to steamroll everything.


I'm glad people actually do the point thing on the Portal App.

We'll be getting 10 mythril and 6 Major Growth Eggs mid july.


From my understanding, Proudclad and Adamanchelid were considered unusually difficult fights, even before we got this event ahead of scheduled power creep. It's gonna be frustrating if you can't beat it, but IMO it's healthier for a game to have actually challenging content that not everyone can beat, than have everybody able to steamroll everything.

Ya. I believe that stuff is hard even when I do it because I may have like a bunch of lightning relics which is all luck unless you brute force it with money on pulls. So like this MP doesn't seem hard at all, cause I did it first try. But I mean shit did go right in our raid and I certainly don't ever build groups for the harder raids.

But only rhif d220 U+ is left for me and I haven't failed enough times to say it is harder than the Levi/Asura fight I didn't finish.

So shrug.


The main problem with Proudclad as I mentioned before is that the stupid bits are untargetable.

It'd be a lot easier if you could debuff them.
As I and others have said...the best way to crush Proudclad is to save ALL your DMG for when it transforms, 70, 80 percent. You should be at 2 bars, at least, LS and Wrathing.

You have to take advantage of his early phase. I was struggling too but then after doing the Jump Start I kinda figured out having all these bars is nice...I'll slow roll the dude to recreate this set up, where I won. If you can beat Jump Start I think you can beat the Ruin 220.


As I and others have said...the best way to crush Proudclad is to save ALL your DMG for when it transforms, 70, 80 percent. You should be at 2 bars, at least, LS and Wrathing.

You have to take advantage of his early phase. I was struggling too but then after doing the Jump Start I kinda figured out having all these bars is nice...I'll slow roll the dude to recreate this set up, where I won. If you can beat Jump Start I think you can beat the Ruin 220.

The problem with that is you will still eat a bunch of damage while you're burning him and it can come down to getting lucky about who gets targeted.

I have a very strong lightning team to the point where burning 300k of his HP took maybe a collective 7-8 actions and even that got a bit hairy.


You could try tossing some mythril down the drain known as Keeper's Choice Vol. 2... ;)

Are you serious...

oh wait, it's not a choice relic. I got all excited thinking like I just needed to go do my pull and I could pick it personally. I'm going to have to start giving you shit like I do cpp.

I've posted about my tears about native wall probably 4 or 5 different times. I remember someone telling me the rates there were horrific or something? Actually I think it was Syn trying to tell me not to fret too much since eventually it will be obsolete.


The problem with that is you will still eat a bunch of damage while you're burning him and it can come down to getting lucky about who gets targeted.

I have a very strong lightning team to the point where burning 300k of his HP took maybe a collective 7-8 actions and even that got a bit hairy.

I agree with what they said, and what you said.

I was setup great for Jumpstart, and I used that whole turtle-start plan, and once I made sure to not hold back on anything including using a RW a second time before transformation, it then simply became a RNG fest the last 3-5 tries. I changed nothing and won.

Kinda like an MP raid.
That's my main problem with the game now, fights that are too RNG dependent are driving me crazy really fast. I just can't do it anymore I think. I find myself thinking long and hard right now about if I even attempt the XIII harder stuff. I was thinking of not doing the BS fights that will frustrate me, but then I am left with my other complain, shit is boring until the hard fights. What else there is to do but quit then?

I always thought the greatest ressource for FFRK was time and patience, I still have the time but no Mythrils or credit card will buy me patience. I really want to still have fun playing this, I started day 0 during pre-launch in Canada and I am sadden that I feel this way. I don't think a break would do, I will be too bothered by the content missed and I will just move on. Will give myself a few days and see how it goes, event ends Sunday after all.


That's my main problem with the game now, fights that are too RNG dependent are driving me crazy really fast. I just can't do it anymore I think. I find myself thinking long and hard right now about if I even attempt the XIII harder stuff. I was thinking of not doing the BS fights that will frustrate me, but then I am left with my other complain, shit is boring until the hard fights. What else there is to do but quit then?

I always thought the greatest ressource for FFRK was time and patience, I still have the time but no Mythrils or credit card will buy me patience. I really want to still have fun playing this, I started day 0 during pre-launch in Canada and I am sadden that I feel this way. I don't think a break would do, I will be too bothered by the content missed and I will just move on. Will give myself a few days and see how it goes, event ends Sunday after all.

Sounds a lot like MMO burnout.

The first thing everybody always says (to that) is maybe time to take a break. 99 out of 100, you do feel refreshed, you don't feel too bad about what you missed because in MMOs and games like this, the newer stuff quickly replaces the old stuff you missed.
Sounds a lot like MMO burnout.

The first thing everybody always says (to that) is maybe time to take a break. 99 out of 100, you do feel refreshed, you don't feel too bad about what you missed because in MMOs and games like this, the newer stuff quickly replaces the old stuff you missed.

Yea same feeling I had a few times throughout the decade I played FFXI. For this is missing the Mythrils that would bother me.


Finally done it, couldn't master because I simply don't have the thunder tools to kill him before I'm attacked with that shitty attack 4 times.


Finally done it, couldn't master because I simply don't have the thunder tools to kill him before I'm attacked with that shitty attack 4 times.

I need to know how you really feel, I am still confused.i think maybe you weren't descriptive enough? Additional curse worlds could help clarify.


Fuck that motherfucking piece of shit. Our server is not ready for this type of fight yet.

Funny that all 3 Gatcha Fantasy's right now have accelerated events that are well above the power curve that each game is at right now.

Record Keeper has Proudclad from XIII. (I haven't tried this yet, waiting for Tuesdaily to do the event).

Brave Exvius has Titan XIV trial.

Mobius has Ultima Weapon from XIV (fuck this one in particular).
Damn, almost had 220 raid. Think we would have easily had it had the second squall been a second Snow. His osb was doing 15k.

Yikes. I was able to hit 99999 with Squall's OSB but it wasn't easy. Had en-Ice + Burst Mode from Squall BSB2. Also had a bunch of breaks on, as well as an Atk buff from Sazh. with no buffs or en-ice it was about 25k.


Funny that all 3 Gatcha Fantasy's right now have accelerated events that are well above the power curve that each game is at right now.

Record Keeper has Proudclad from XIII. (I haven't tried this yet, waiting for Tuesdaily to do the event).

Brave Exvius has Titan XIV trial.

Mobius has Ultima Weapon from XIV (fuck this one in particular).
Brave Exvius will be fun if they keep delaying WoL and Rikku.


I brought double healer to he A+. Relm and Y'shtola BSB's with Ramza doing shout while double Cid did all the damage. I don't know how Cid Raines managed to do 20k more damage than TGC with his OSB, but boy I'm sure glad he did.

I tried to use Irvine before with his BSB, but it wasn't worth it with the bits being unaffected. Double healer was the best route for me for sure.


Got the d220 u+. Probably 10 tries total.

Had different setup and plan from my jumpstart.

Ramza, USB and Breaks
Lenna, USB
Edge, Dismissal and Last Stand
Ashe, en element lightning godly BSB plus cmd 1 32k a hit with self curaga
Alphinaud with back up heal and Deployment Tactics.

RW Wall. Deploy tactics was just chipping away but hitting back for 10-12 k when he did retaliatory strike was gratifying.

I got master but really I didn't care and would have not gone back for the Rosetta stones.

So event completely done. Fun fun. Wish the raid had guaranteed 4star motes.


This normal D220 was something else. It feels like we haven't had a challenge like this in a long time... if ever.

I like it! makes it interesting to adapt and keep trying... instead of steamrolling everything.


Finished the event.

CM Barthandelus was pretty easy, party was:

Raines - Dispel, Wrath, bsb
Hope - Slowga, Alexander, osb
Vanille - Shellga, Ultra Cure, bsb
Sazh - FB, MBD, boostga sb
Noel - Steal Power, Life Siphon, ssb (instacast dmg+auto-interrupt)


Had Hope use RW, then Slowga, then spam cmd2. The rest put up buffs/debuffs, then built SB gauge. Raines used bsb when it was ready, then used Dispel after Bart buffed himself, then cmd 2 then spam cmd1. Hope used 2nd RW after Apoptosis or whatever it's called. Shortly after this Noel had an almost full SB gauge and i finally had him unleash his ssb. The constant interrupts kept Bart from using Apoptosis again, and the dps from Raines and Hope made short work of him. Used Hope's osb to finish him with 99999 dmg.

When i pulled Noel's ssb from a Lucky recently i thought i would never use it. Glad they made Bart vulnerable to interrupt, i hope they continue to let some bosses be vulnerable to it.

Proudclad Jump Start was also fairly easy, only had to SL once. Used:

Raines - Chain Thundaga, Wrath, bsb
OK - Power Chain, Thundaja, bsb, osb x2
Vanille - Protectga, Curaja, bsb
Setzer - PBD, Tempest Snipe, bsb
Tyro - FB, Lightning Dive, Wall

RW Braska's faithga

I didn't even get to use the Lightning abilities on Setzer and Tyro as they were too busy with Breaks and mitigation. Raines and OK opened with their bsb's and spammed cmds until the boss removed its Limits, then OK used Power Chain > osb twice and Raines used bsb > cmd 1> bsb> cmd1 spam. Boss melted.

Proudclad regular was a bit trickier. I realized that Setzer bsb wasn't a great idea since it had no effect on the Bits, so I switched him out for Sabin with both his 100% DEF boost medica and his pblink ssb. I beat the boss with no special strategy but missed mastery due to him using that attack too many times. I felt i was pretty close to mastery though so i went at it again.

Second time around i used the early part of the fight to build SB gauges (brought Life Siphon on OK this time). Once I got the boss low I started using OK osb and Raines bsb like in the Jump Start fight and got mastery easily.


In for Squall BSB2, I'll have to take my chances to get it in evey opportunity. I have all the other top tier relics there, so that apart, this banner is awful for me.


Proudclad mastered.

I was so focused in doing this with a mediocre mage team (Raines, Ashe, OK, Vanille, Y'shtola), that I forgot I had a God tier lighting PHY team (Orlandu, Kain, OK, Vanille, Y'shtola).

This was so quick and almost effortless LOL. I build up the bars in the beginning and just wrecked the fuck out of him after the threshold.

Kain was hitting for 10k per hit with his BSB combo and Orlandu was hitting for 55k with his OSB + around 45k with his BSB. I just had to make sure to break the boss occasionally with OK so he wouldn't wipe anyone with his retaliate attack.

The event is still bonkers but thank God I remembered I had and even more bonkers team.


Got the 220 raid finally. Was dicey for a bit lol. I was only one with wall and my cat girl got 99999 stomped then aoed before heal. Took a long ass time to revive and get her to survive long enough to get wall back up lol. Probably died 5 times.
Also mastered the Proudclad without too much trouble. Had to change setup a few times though

Lightning with BSB
Tyro with FB, Exhausting Polka, Wall, Mako Might
Raines with Wrath, BSB, OSB
Shantotto with Sudden Thunder, Chain Thundaga, BSB
Selphie with Curaja, Protectga, USB, Mako Might
RW Shantotto Chain

The real MVP here was Shantotto chain. By the end of the fight i had the chain counter up to 65 and both Shantotto and Lightning BSB commands have reduced delay so i was melting him.

Raines BSB was also a huge help here, since it gives DEF, with Protectga+Wall+FB+EP+Raines BSB i was only taking about 350 from his AoE attacks, and selphie's insta cast USB heal+last stand allowed me to recover from the few piercing attacks.
19/35. Still pulling. The top prizes that I don't have are too good not to risk it.

Also 19/35. I'm missing:

Cecil (Paladin)	SSB Saint's Fall       Lustrous Sword (IV)
Kain            SSB Rising Drive       Wyvern Lance (IV)
Gilgamesh       SSB Faithful Companion Genji Blade (V)
Locke           SSB Valiant Strike     Valiant Knife (VI)
Cloud           SSB Blade Beam         Organics (VII)
Vincent         SSB Cerberus Shell     Shotgun (VII)
Vincent         SSB Bestial Roar       Shortbarrel (VII)
Sephiroth       SSB Black Materia      Yoshiyuki (VII)
Squall          SSB Blasting Zone      Cutting Trigger (VIII)
Orlandeau       SSB Sword of Saints    Chaos Blade (FFT)
Cloud           BSB Fenrir Overdrive   1st Fusion Sword (VII)
Cloud           BSB Cloud Cycle        Ultima Blade (VII)
Sephiroth       BSB Reunion            Masamune-Shinuchi (VII)
Ramza           BSB Unsung Hero        Iga Blade (FFT)
Sephiroth       OSB Heaven's Light     Chirijiraden (VII)
Ramza           USB History's Truth    Sasuke's Blade (FFT)

Only thing from here I really want is Ramza USB and maybe Cloud BSB to pair with his USB, but i'll have another chance at Cloud BSB on the upcoming VII banner which I'm pulling on anyway. So probably a pass for me, nothing else here looks that great.



10/35 for me too. I'm missing:

1 Cecil (Paladin) SSB Saint's Fall Lustrous Sword (IV)
3 Cecil (Paladin) OSB Arc of Light Ragnarok (IV)
5 Kain BSB Dragoon's Pride Abel's Lance (IV)
6 Kain OSB Kain's Lance Dragon Mail (IV)
7 Gilgamesh SSB Faithful Companion Genji Blade (V)
8 Gilgamesh BSB Gilgamesh Morphing Time Masamune (V)
11 Locke BSB Mirage Phoenix Thief's Knife (VI)
12 Locke OSB Miracle of Kohlingen Gladius (VI)
13 Locke SSB Southern Cross Locke's Jacket (VI)

15 Cloud BSB Fenrir Overdrive 1st Fusion Sword (VII)
16 Cloud OSB Finishing Touch Ragnarok (VII)
17 Cloud BSB Cloud Cycle Ultima Blade (VII)
18 Vincent SSB Cerberus Shell Shotgun (VII)
21 Sephiroth SSB Black Materia Yoshiyuki (VII)
22 Sephiroth BSB Reunion Masamune-Shinuchi (VII)
24 Sephiroth OSB Heaven's Light Chirijiraden (VII)
25 Squall SSB Blasting Zone Cutting Trigger (VIII)
27 Squall OSB Sub-Zero Blast Punishment (VIII)
28 Squall BSB Steely Blade Axis Blade (VIII)
29 Ramza SSB Shout Platinum Sword (FFT)
31 Ramza SSB Chant Genji Gloves (FFT)
32 Ramza USB History's Truth Sasuke's Blade (FFT)

33 Orlandeau OSB Thunder God Saintly Excalibur (FFT)
34 Orlandeau BSB Swordplay Orlandeau's Cloak (FFT)
35 Orlandeau SSB Sword of Saints Chaos Blade (FFT)

The bolded are ones I'd really like, the italicized are ones i wouldn't mind getting, the rest is trash. So 6 jackpots, a bunch of okay prizes, a handful of duds, and 10 dupes. Yeah i'm pulling.
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