Finished the event.
CM Barthandelus was pretty easy, party was:
Raines - Dispel, Wrath, bsb
Hope - Slowga, Alexander, osb
Vanille - Shellga, Ultra Cure, bsb
Sazh - FB, MBD, boostga sb
Noel - Steal Power, Life Siphon, ssb (instacast dmg+auto-interrupt)
Had Hope use RW, then Slowga, then spam cmd2. The rest put up buffs/debuffs, then built SB gauge. Raines used bsb when it was ready, then used Dispel after Bart buffed himself, then cmd 2 then spam cmd1. Hope used 2nd RW after Apoptosis or whatever it's called. Shortly after this Noel had an almost full SB gauge and i finally had him unleash his ssb. The constant interrupts kept Bart from using Apoptosis again, and the dps from Raines and Hope made short work of him. Used Hope's osb to finish him with 99999 dmg.
When i pulled Noel's ssb from a Lucky recently i thought i would never use it. Glad they made Bart vulnerable to interrupt, i hope they continue to let some bosses be vulnerable to it.
Proudclad Jump Start was also fairly easy, only had to SL once. Used:
Raines - Chain Thundaga, Wrath, bsb
OK - Power Chain, Thundaja, bsb, osb x2
Vanille - Protectga, Curaja, bsb
Setzer - PBD, Tempest Snipe, bsb
Tyro - FB, Lightning Dive, Wall
RW Braska's faithga
I didn't even get to use the Lightning abilities on Setzer and Tyro as they were too busy with Breaks and mitigation. Raines and OK opened with their bsb's and spammed cmds until the boss removed its Limits, then OK used Power Chain > osb twice and Raines used bsb > cmd 1> bsb> cmd1 spam. Boss melted.
Proudclad regular was a bit trickier. I realized that Setzer bsb wasn't a great idea since it had no effect on the Bits, so I switched him out for Sabin with both his 100% DEF boost medica and his pblink ssb. I beat the boss with no special strategy but missed mastery due to him using that attack too many times. I felt i was pretty close to mastery though so i went at it again.
Second time around i used the early part of the fight to build SB gauges (brought Life Siphon on OK this time). Once I got the boss low I started using OK osb and Raines bsb like in the Jump Start fight and got mastery easily.