Hell. This deserves a separate post.
I beat it, finally. I'll tell you, after about 10 different strategies, what finally got it. But first, the pics:
Look at this, I think Alphi was on his very last turn of Air BSB. He had already done 5-6 rounds. Also, it seemed to last forever? I guess Alphi has high mind or something?
Look at how so very dead I am. There was no last stand left, people started dropping.
Well, ya, I hit all the requirements, but that is not Golden Trophy work right there..
-I ended Up focusing on Alphi since Summons don't trigger Cure.
-Then I proceeded to stack as many MAG buffs as possible for him.
-The Strategy of RW Deployment Tactics, and then use it once on my Alphi, followed by two Air BSB was really on to something.
-But having Braska wasn't worth the MAG buff, he wasn't doing enough. So then Penelo. Her medica and 4hit holy burst cmd 1 (with like 500 mind and +holy dmg) was working, but still it stalled at 1500x4.
-So then I looked for what could bring more damage, but not lose Penelo's mag buff, multibreak, or utility in general.
-Enter Ramza! So he joined a bunch of mages, but his job was simple. USB atk/MAG/def buff, Full Break, and Mental Breakdown.
Things started going real good at this point. Bringing in Mental Breakdown was a huge boost, and Ramza did about 7500 a hit on Support abilities, so this outdid Penelo's 1500x4 burst.
In the end the damage values with all the MAG buffs was:
Rapha cmd1 3300x4 a cast. (and a heal!)
O Knight cmd 2 3200x4 a cast.
Ramza 7500-7600 a support hit.
Relm - Kept people alive.
Alphi did back up heals with occasional Drainga.
Once into weak phase:
3 full bars of Alphi, no RW DeployTactics left, Ramza, O Knight, Relm, and Rapha all have 1 SB left.
Alphi was doing 6500x(how many hits?) on entry. Then his Windblade was doing 5900x4 a cast with no counter heal. When the first Air BSB was running out, I threw up deployment tactics one last time and followed it with Air BSB.
Air BSB kept doing 22-24k at first, but as the mag buffs wore off, it wittled down to 1600x4. But when this happened he was at 5%. With no counter heals, it was working. Also, since I used bursts to get to this point, O Knight, Relm, and Rapha had a bunch of normal heals left, so deployment tactics is what ultimately killed Bahamut. Especially as buffs were wearing off and his Megaflare would hit me 3-5k x5 reflected back on him.
MAG/RES - Rapha
ATK/MAG - O Knight and Alphi, but also a hastega and radiant shield
Last Stand/Medica cmd 2 - Relm (I should mention with mind well equipped and "heal much more" RM, her cmd 2 medica was healing everybody for 1764 a cast. Quite a bit more than the standard 1100-1300 without buffs or RM.
I got the CM-1, since had O Knight. I could maybe try to switch out Ramza for Ingus, since Ingus can break and I have his Prot/Hastega. But I dont know if I even want to try since I'd lose the MAG buff, and more importantly, I'm so done with this fight.