Sounds good to me. Just need someone to bring Wall and at least one more healer, and a Support.
I can bring Tyro + SG and Alph + Deployment tactics and can spec them out for healing or support or whatever.
Sounds good to me. Just need someone to bring Wall and at least one more healer, and a Support.
What's the GAF discord link?
In my one successful D200 run the OK forgot to use Full Break so we got novice.
Ill try bart 200 when I come home fron work. Seems that it will be fun in pugs^^.
In other news tried to get Cid BSB but got snow SSB, Serah SSB and Hope OSB. Ill take it.
Getting something from 100 gems pull. My 2nd 5* from 100 pulls (about 10 done total of those 100 gem pulls from different banners).
Is this good weapon for someone else than Snow?
This is my party now. I have one MC2, I guess it goes to Y'shtola and the next one I get is for Greg?
After party is max leveled, I guess its time to start leveling other units.
I have 3 Omnirods, should I combine one Or to another. 2 Omnirods & 1 Thyrus is enough?
Also got 2 Hauberks (the one that Luneth has), but prolly better to keep them separate so long that I get more stuff.
Nice 100 gem pull! As a general rule, the majority of 5* pulled gear is useful to anyone who can equip it by virtue of having higher stats than a combined 3++ piece of gear (and obviously when used in the XIII realms, the stats skyrocket for anyone that equips it). Fists are the general weapons of Monks, all of them can use it, but you can slap it on someone like Gilgamesh and bring him to fight in the XIII event with high attack stats.
As for your Omnirods, I'd leave them uncombined if you don't have any other offensive Mage gear. Running 3 of those will give your mages something to equip offrealm until you start building your armoury of realm synergy.
A week ago I decided to quit ffrk if I didn't pull yshtolas bssb. I pulled it, still been playing. I still really wanted to quit. Now today I said, if I don't pull the cid bssb I quit. Guess what I pulled? Wtf is going on, I'm in to deep, I'll never quit you ffrk.
Thank you. I leave Omnirods alone and wait for the future. My plan is now to collect Mythrils for that anniversary (which I did read from this thread) that is coming in few(?) months time.
Lightning U+ is, for me. The hardest U+ CM to date. Bartz is a joke in comparison. Her insane speed and insane stats makes for a brutal fight. She even trolls you with aoe waterga so you cant bring gigas armlet. It was super hard and thats me having excellent XIII synergy(Hope OSB, Light and Vanille BSBs).
This is the first U+ battle that I felt wall was necesary so if you have native hastega and boostga and can bring wall the thing becomes more easy.
Really good idea. FFRK's Global Anniversary is at the end of March so expect ~250+ mithril from now until that time from logins and events (more if you have story dungeons to complete!).
The 2nd Anniversary Fest is stacked with 3 different Lucky Banners (half price, 1 time pull of x11) back to back, an "Ultros Selection" banner where the community decides what relics to put on a banner (and the first pull is FREE) in addition to the standard 5 Fest Banners we see during a normal Fest!
Really good idea. FFRK's Global Anniversary is at the end of March so expect ~250+ mithril from now until that time from logins and events (more if you have story dungeons to complete!).
The 2nd Anniversary Fest is stacked with 3 different Lucky Banners (half price, 1 time pull of x11) back to back, an "Ultros Selection" banner where the community decides what relics to put on a banner (and the first pull is FREE) in addition to the standard 5 Fest Banners we see during a normal Fest!
Really good idea. FFRK's Global Anniversary is at the end of March so expect ~250+ mithril from now until that time from logins and events (more if you have story dungeons to complete!).
The 2nd Anniversary Fest is stacked with 3 different Lucky Banners (half price, 1 time pull of x11) back to back, an "Ultros Selection" banner where the community decides what relics to put on a banner (and the first pull is FREE) in addition to the standard 5 Fest Banners we see during a normal Fest!
So much stuffStop scaring me with CM's!lol
Oh man, this and Switch coming out...
RIP my wallet
Good thing my birthday is in March, good excuse to treat myself!
Holy shit, so chances are the community will obviously choose Cid's BSB and OSb to be on that banner right? Now I'm reconsidering my actions...
I can guess TG Cid's OSB, but probably not BSB, due to other characters that are popular as well...
In fact, none of Cid's relics were in JP ultros banner either
Probably because JP 2nd anniversary came out before the FFT event with Cid? I wouldn't know
If I already have Maria and Alphinaud's BSBs, how much do I need/not need Cid Raines'?
(I've pretty much already decided not to pull for it, mostly looking for justification...)
It depends on the buffs you have. If you dont have OK BSB I would pull for it. If you have it then you can perfectly RW it.
I don't think I'll be able to master the two last fights, I would have to dedicate the RW to an unit that can interrupt and that would fuck up my team.
Oh sorry for the double post.
I don't think I'll be able to master the two last fights, I would have to dedicate the RW to an unit that can interrupt and that would fuck up my team.
Oh sorry for the double post.
i told you threatening to quit works
Yeah the fight is actually not bad. It's getting wall back up/full break/magic break after he dispels you that is the trickiest part of the fight.Im 3/3 vs Apocalypse Bart...its not that bad. Reading reddit it seemed worst than torment. He has one gimmick. Play around it pack mitigation and go to town. For me easier than Gilgamesh. Is worst if you take into account that the people needs to know what they are doing and that can be quite challenging on pugs.
Yeah the fight is actually not bad. It's getting wall back up/full break/magic break after he dispels you that is the trickiest part of the fight.
I might be misunderstanding something, but I thought Dispel did not affect wall. I thought it only dispelled Protectga and Shellga. Also getting dispelled shouldn't necessitate getting Full Break / Magic Break back up right? It will still be on him after he dispels you (but obviously you shouldn't neglect getting it back up as you normally would)
I have only done the Barthandelus 160 so far, intense! Will try 200 tonight.