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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


My first thought after seeing the TG Cid w/ Cloud RW vid was "lul, new players can just RW through everything now"

Like... all the strategies fleshed out to tackle on challenges especially CM's that make playing FFRK a satisfying feel of nostalgia/old-school in a modern era...

...went out the window, lol. It's essentially "search online for a friend code, 1HKO, win!"

Curious if it will be the mainstay as an introduction to the next tier of power creep or be nerfed into oblivion.

That sound about right?


They've never nerfed a relic after it was released, don't think they'll start now. Welcome to the new tier of power creep.

Pretty much this. They will start losing whales FAST if they start nerfing stuff people have sometimes spend stupid amounts of money to get.


I've been meaning to ask, how did the term whale get coined anyway?

I had never heard of it until this thread.

Edit: And what is the criteria? Anybody who spends money on a game, or the people who buy until they get what they want?
Late to the party but finally managed Barthandelus raid. After loads of non success with Celes+Vanille I switched out Celes for good old Minfilia and happened to run into loads of Celes :p

We managed to beat Apocalypse difficulty without Magic Breakdown or a hastega (well technically Minfilia's burst had the former but we had no attack booster so I always had to use the SSB instead). Plus the 4th party member was Tidus+Wakka the latter with Armour Breakdown and entrust. Former had helpful BSB and OSB combo (but managed to use one use of the OSB when attack boost had expired prolonging the fight somewhat...still the 3 OSB uses did well over 140k damage). My last stand managed to save us.

Now for Ultimate+ :( It's a frustrating fight because you spend several minutes on it and it could be game over quickly because the dispel part feels like luck (with multiplayer lag). I happened to shellga right after it came up (was only user and you need it or you die) and thanks to last stand I could burst entry next turn.

I've been meaning to ask, how did the term whale get coined anyway?

I had never heard of it until this thread.

Edit: And what is the criteria? Anybody who spends money on a game, or the people who buy until they get what they want?
The term whale comes from the casino and gambling industry. It is a term for the biggest spenders who are totally pay to win. I class anyone who spends a little bit as being pay to play.
I've been meaning to ask, how did the term whale get coined anyway?

I had never heard of it until this thread.

Edit: And what is the criteria? Anybody who spends money on a game, or the people who buy until they get what they want?

Whale are people who spend A LOT. There's no clearly defined boundary, but basically whales are people who account for the vast majority of the game's income. It's used in every game, not just this one.

it's not just anyone who spends money on a game. Recently I've seen people referred to as dolphins, those are people who, for example, might buy the occasional 11 pull, but are not in the "big leagues", so to speak.
Still stupid, because they will have to balance the content around it and we will have to always pick this specific RW. This trivializes any multi-hitting skill in the game and makes it OHKO on every single boss.

I have no idea what they were thinking when this was released.

Edit: they could make all "complete the stage" rewards useless and make standard mastery rewards as "can't use USB". I don't know, they put themselves in a weird situation.

I don't see how it's much different than when they made the jump from regular SBs to OSBs. The jump from SB to OSB is no different than the jump from OSB to Overflow. It's just another damage cap that has now been broken. They balanced it then and they will balance it now. If I had to guess, they will make it so that Overflows aren't the be-all end-all of DPS, just like how BSBs are often preferred over OSBs.
Late to the party but finally managed Barthandelus raid. After loads of non success with Celes+Vanille I switched out Celes for good old Minfilia and happened to run into loads of Celes :p

This was me exactly. We needed last stand to survive that Dispel and to time my Vanille instant heal. I think this brought my team to victory.


that puzzling face
I like it, although I feel that progression is getting somewhat needlessly convoluted.

Between Record Materia, diving vs nightmares for certain 6* unlocks, Mote Dungeons, SSB stat bonuses, reforging, fat chocobo and memory crystal turn-ins, BSSBs, OSB/ESBs, and now additional tiers of Materia and Record Diving, I'm feeling like there's a whole bunch of superficial systems all designed to add complexity but end up being needlessly obtuse.

In other words, as we hit the 2 year mark the game feels like "awesome thing of the month" continuously tacked on top of everything prior over and over again*, rather than a set of satisfyingly deep systems that can be explained to a complete newbie in the span of an hour or two.

*I take it back, it doesn't just feel like it. It literally is. Just like how Bonus battles became + and then ++ and then they realized they'd run out of awesomeness redefined names and then went on to name higher tiers Death/Ultimate, and then U+ and U++ and we're doing this whole song and dance all over again.


In another 18 months we'll have twice as much terminology all tacked on top of each other.

I mean Dena adding poorly throught out mechanics that jank up the game is fairly common see wall.

At the very least things that are outright unintended broken have been changed (e.g. VIT0) so at least it's not like the chicken's completely flown the coop.
I struggled against the Lightning CM, so I decided to do a Cid BSB banner pull.


Big mistake.

/me looks at his Mythril count and cries.
I retooled my setup and was able to defeat the CM! I even used the new Cid SSB, so it wasn't a total waste of a pull...


SBs used: Snow - Shared Protectga x2, Cid SSB, Lightning BSB, Vanille BSB x2.

I probably could have won without Cid's SSB and with a shared Medica on Vanille, but having both sped up the battle. Cid's doom timer ran out just seconds before I landed the final blow.

Snow was the MVP. Turn 1 he used Shared Protectga, T2 he used Gaia Cross, T3 he used Magic Lure and then he mostly defended / refreshed draws. He was getting hit so much that I he had 3 SB bars by the end of the fight, lol.

Vanille used her BSB twice + contributed solid damage with her Comand 1 when I didn't need any healing.


Got 60 sta max, after some tries with random parties, managed to get good random party for 160 U+ raid.


It was close call but fun. Rewards were shit as expected 4x 4* GEggs. Mastery rewards were nice tho :).
That XIII Cid mission was annoying. Instant burst medica meant I wasn't in much danger (anyone having to use a shared medica could be in for a bad time though or basically has to defend during the physical phase) but getting dismissal to actually proc...now that took several S/Ls. As far as punishment medal conditions go (where you have to waste ability slots on something) I'd have preferred Lightning to be vulnerable to slow...

Now for Ultimate+ :( It's a frustrating fight because you spend several minutes on it and it could be game over quickly because the dispel part feels like luck (with multiplayer lag). I happened to shellga right after it came up (was only user and you need it or you die) and thanks to last stand I could burst entry next turn.
Had a lucky run. So there was a Tyro and Ysholta in the room and both of them decided to cast SG and Stoneskin II when we were nowhere near the HP bar being at the dispel point. There was also a Refia burst entry which managed to take the boss to the weak point, SG went off...then dispel happens, then Stoneskin II...I used an Incredible stamp another party member used a well played stamp.


Whale are people who spend A LOT. There's no clearly defined boundary, but basically whales are people who account for the vast majority of the game's income. It's used in every game, not just this one.

it's not just anyone who spends money on a game. Recently I've seen people referred to as dolphins, those are people who, for example, might buy the occasional 11 pull, but are not in the "big leagues", so to speak.

I would probably now be just "pay to play" and probably about a year ago was a "dolphin".

I've spent around $700 on the game, but the majority, about $550 was during 2015. Now the most I will do is 100 gem pulls. As stated before, it's hard to justify spending money when I've got hundreds of relics and the 3's and 4's are all duplicates I have no use for. The only thing I can use at this point is a 5 star. I did flips the other night when I got Kuja's gloves. They're not even anything special, but at least it wasn't a duplicate.


I don't see how it's much different than when they made the jump from regular SBs to OSBs. The jump from SB to OSB is no different than the jump from OSB to Overflow. It's just another damage cap that has now been broken. They balanced it then and they will balance it now. If I had to guess, they will make it so that Overflows aren't the be-all end-all of DPS, just like how BSBs are often preferred over OSBs.
OSB are irrelevant against CMs and Torrent level dungeons, which are what matter. If you don't have a well thought team with a good strategy you won't clear shit.

With this new USB, I could create a new account, find an ID online and beat the entire game with some honed skills.

There are some buffs in play, I'll give you that. But hey, on my very first day playing this game I've got those very same buffs, so I could replicate that if we had USB in December.


that puzzling face
That's kinda like grabbing an SSB and nuking a ++ fight. Except a year and a half later.

Power creep happens.
OSB are irrelevant against CMs and Torrent level dungeons, which are what matter. If you don't have a well thought team with a good strategy you won't clear shit.

With this new USB, I could create a new account, find an ID online and beat the entire game with some honed skills.

There are some buffs in play, I'll give you that. But hey, on my very first day playing this game I've got those very same buffs, so I could replicate that if we had USB in December.

I'm not following. You can't take this USB into the hardest fights in the game on JP today and one-button kill the bosses. It sounds like you're saying if we had JP's USB in Global today, you could trivially kill today's U+++ bosses such as the Warmech in the current XIII event. If so, then yea. Just like you could take an OSB in Global today and one-button kill the hardest bosses in Global from 8 months ago. But here we are today, and the bosses are still hard.

It's just regular power creep, I don't see what makes this any different.
Historially cloud gets a shiny new thing first which initially seems crazy op then a few months later we look back and realize Cloud's thing in usually average at best in its class of sb.
Kinda seems like the natural progression anyway. When I first came back and heard of OSBs the first thing I thought was "cool, it can break the damage cap. Wonder if there are e-peen competitions to see who can get the biggest damage". Then I found out "oh, it's still capped, just with an extra 9".

Was kinda disappointing, it's always fun to see how absurd you can get your numbers, then you can have like all time highest damage competitions and stuff. Or challenges on individual bosses and whatnot. I was hoping the next level of power-creep would be to remove the 99999 damage cap, but another option that I thought was just as likely were multi-hit OSBs where each hit can break the damage cap. Just seems like the logical next step. Ultimately what they did is pretty similar, but rather it's a buff where any ability can break the damage cap.

Still though, I'm hoping they eventually allow you to break 5 9s, want to see what kind of crazy numbers people can dish out.
Finally beat Barth 200. It was looking grim once my healer died since she was our wall. Doom timer at 20. Barth ruinga and two more people die. Four people are dead now. Magic Break + Cleansing Strike + Full Break + Grand Cross spam until it died rofl. Dude, that fight was so freaking close and I still got mastery on it. ExDeath's runic helped us so much.
Our damage wasn't very high, but I'm so glad that it's over.

Now, if only I could beat that stupid Warmech ultimate.


Switch my multiplayer team from



Agrias-cleansing strike

And easily completed that Bart battles.

To many people have full break and wall for tyro and Farsi to be useful. A dupe ysho bssb(or any top tier medica bssb) on the other hand is like immortality in multiplayer. Agrias cleansing strike stacks well.

For l200 we basically had cleansing strike + full break + magic bd + wall + shellga + 2 x ysho bssb going full battle. Battle became a joke.


Ready for tonight's battles.

Will be

Steiner (80)
Eiko (80)
Zidane (99)
Garnet (99)

and either Kuja (80, but have two of his relics including a Rank 8 Punisher)
or Freya (80, for breakdowns)

With my MC3, the next target to break is Tidus. Already have Yuna at 99, so was either him, Auron, or Jecht for the next event.

In other news, at over 30k greens. This event -might- let me get one of those 100,000 stam shards. I think I need just one more for 176. I'm sure the event will be over before I can get them all however since not using any refreshes.
So about 3/4 into a Anavatapta Warmech fight which was pretty rough (barely pulled through in the end*) I figured out I had given myself a handicap. Lightning in Back row equipped with a Spear. To make it worse nearly all the bosses attacks are long range too.

Party was Lightning (Crusting Blow and Stormborn...which helped with the handicap), Bartz (+def SSB), Minfilia (last stand), Alphinaud (radiant shield, not used record spheres to get to 5* black magic) Vanille (instant medica is good here)

*-I would have been wiped were it not for last stand (felt horrible having to stack my source of that with shout because both boost attack but I needed hastega, I could start with the boost and last stand was helpful too)


Party was Lightning (Crusting Blow and Stormborn...which helped with the handicap), Bartz (+def SSB), Minfilia (last stand), Alphinaud (radiant shield, not used record spheres to get to 5* black magic) Vanille (instant medica is good here)

*-I would have been wiped were it not for last stand (felt horrible having to stack my source of that with shout because both boost attack but I needed hastega, I could start with the boost and last stand was helpful too)

RW was shout? why not Sheepsong for faithga on alphinaud for stacked faithga along with hastega and regen to whole team.


OK BSB to give burst commands, OK boostga won't stack because alphinaud's ssb does same thing but 4x attack/nuke command along with hastega is sweet.
My x rs is prettybad at least in the way of sbs.
Jecht bsb, yuna hotf and crappy first gen tidus and auron sbs. Cm not happening unless I pull and hit well on the x banners.

Stat stickmwise I'm ok- ligtning steel, Auron first katana, brotherhood, celebration blade , that free medica rod, two fire armlets and 4 star equips. Justbnomraw damagevsource other than dark jecht


Neo Member
Ugh, I had a hell of a time on the first torment dungeon. I was only able to master it because I have Alphinaud's BSB and Zidane's BSB so I was able to semi spam Tiamat and hit wind weakness.

I do have Tidus' BSB so maybe this one will be easier for me. I'm still not looking forward to it lol.


I finally put RK on my phone since my Tab S wasn't handling the game well anymore. It's crazy how much better it's running on my phone.
Did 2 11 pulls. Got Kuja's Gloves (that makes 3, so I have an 8* now), Quina's hat (woot, shout), Garnet's 620 (yay!) and Freya's 611 BSB (dammmmmn).

Definitely a great pull.


Banner 2 looking solid, but I don't know if it's worth a pull with Tactics coming in less than two weeks.

Fucking 100 gem fucked me for the fourth time in a row.

Edit: Did it anyway, fucking love FFIX. Got Steiner BSB and Eiko BSB.

Banner 2 looking solid, but I don't know if it's worth a pull with Tactics coming in less than two weeks.

Fucking 100 gem fucked me for the fourth time in a row.

Edit: Did it anyway, fucking love FFIX. Got Steiner BSB and Eiko BSB.


I've gotten fucked 6x in a row on the 100 gem :( Still never anything good from it, but imma keep going.
Statistically the average 5* rate on 100 gems should be 1 for every 7 pulls or so.

Yea the way I figure it an 11 pull nets you 2.43 relics on average, at a cost of 3000 gems that's 1234 gems per relic. Whereas the 100 gem pull costs ~700 gems / relic, so it's definitely better.
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