Since I got new toys for my mages I need some team building advice. (especially for the torment dungeons. Maybe a mixed team if it would be better?)
What do I have:
Offensive: (notes for mixed teams)
Alphinaud's BSB (also have Imperil wind on Zidane's BSB + his OSB/EnWind SSB)
Kuja's BSB: Imperil Dark BSB, commands do more damage with Doom, cmd1: 4 hits, cmd2: 2 AoE hits + his EnDark SB
Vivi's BSB: Standard mage BSB: Enfire cmd1: 4x ST hits cmd2: 2x AoE hits (also Imperil fire on Steiner's SSB + his BSB)
Y'shtola's BSB
Selphie's Dreamstage: magic blink medica
Rosa's magic blink medica
Alphinaud's SSB (30% Attack/Magic + reflects damage)
Papalymo's SSB (30% Magic + Haste + reduces casting time)
Selphie's BSB (30% Magic/Mind)
Garnet's SSB (30%Magic/DEF + 3000 stock HP)
Kefka's SB (20%Magic? + Haste)
(Ramza's Shout for mixed teams?)
(Minfillia's Boostga + Last Stand for mixed teams?)
Mog's SB (50% Attack/Magic reduction)
Tyro's Wall
Y'shtola's Wall
Y'shtola's SSB (Protect + Shell + Major regen)
This is what I would use for a complete mage meta team:
Healer: Y'shtola Wraith + Shellga/Protectga
Support: Should I run Tyro for wall + breaks? Use Mog, dances and Y'shtola to setup Wall? Or maybe it is better to RW wall?
Faithga: Papalymo with Shellga + BLK spell or Garnet with Shellga + Healing or Summon and OK as a RW for Haste?
DD (damage dealer): Alphinaud with Meltdown(or other spell?) + summon?
DD: Kuja (or Vivi) + Memento Mori + I don't know
Furthermore what should I hone for Alphinaud? Tiamat because of EnWind? Ultima Weapon? Titan? I guess just one use isn't enough even if I can refill it.
I already suggested some RWs I could use but if there is something better (like Cid Raines BSB) just say it.
So many questions. I hope I didn't forget anything. v.v
Also thanks to Sseklebeast! He already helped me a bit without knowing it.