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Final Fantasy: Record Keeper |OT3| When having no onions makes you cry


I guess the 250 torment dungeon is a little too much. I think I could do it if RNG is on my side but they take sooooo long.

In other news Zidane and Vivi are getting two great BSBs in Japan. My inner FF IX fanboy is screaming. <3

I just had a look. Vivi's BSB2 is basically Raines but trades in Instant Cast CMD1 spam for tri element. Pretty sure it'll work with his LM2 as well (Trance Doublecast Black).

I need it. Right now.

And Zidane is basically Luneth BSB entry with pretty unique commands (2 hit stacking Mug Power with the ability to buff the party with the stolen stats!)


Vivi BSB2 is not that great. At that point we will be so full of mag buffs that one more is whatever(his buff is competing with Rapha BSB that is better). And the commands are ye olde dark bargain command 2 and command 1 with 4 hits simmilar to existing burst like Quistis but behind Maria or Potato. It would be broken if realesed now on global but in Japan is like whatever good but not gamebreaking.

Zidane tho...thats interesting. Lets see how are the values on command 2 so it doesnt end being another Ramza BSB.


Beat the 250 torment dungeon but forgot to use a Water attack and didn't get mastery because of it. -.-

I changed my team a little bit and ran a hybrid team with Zidane, Alphinaud, Garnet, Tyro and Y'shtola. Screw you pure mage meta! Chose OK as a RW.
Zidane could buff himself with his BSB steal commands, his EnWind SSB and dealt some damage with Dash & Slash, which is pretty great!
Thanks to hitting weakness Alphinaud got enough SB gauge to use Deployment Tactics at the end of the fight, which also dealt some damage and I could use the buff since OK ran out.
Garnet was pretty decent with her new SSB and works well in combination with Y'shtola's BSB. Also did some damage because I used her to cast OK RW.
Tyro for wall and FB duty.
Fancy finish with Zidane's OSB for around 35k damage. Just because I could do it and I wanted to finish the fight asap. I was so nervous when I hit the weak phase. lol
I wonder if they'll balance Overflow SBs by just increasing the DEF/RES of enemies to the point that you aren't ever going that far over cap anyway.

Damage formula is already non-linear, so I don't think it would be that hard to make this kind of tweak. The video we saw of course each hit was doing like 90k, but this wasn't on a current endgame boss, so it had horrible stats, on a reasonable boss the damage probably would have been much lower.

In parallel with this, they could start releasing more multi-hit SBs that have very high number of hits (hell, even 20+) but with low multipliers. This would mean it's going to be really really hard to get these SBs to break the damage cap, so you would never benefit from using an overflow on it, but at the same time you would be doing comparable damage to someone who is using an overflow (because they are doing fewer hits, but more damage each hit).

One thing that doesn't change though, is that bosses are going to get stronger.


Just before X (Seymour!) launches...

Where the Heart Lies U+ CM

Cid Raines meta. Vivi RW's turn one with Kuja MM'ing before doing exactly the same next turn. This battle lasted less than 30 secs. Beatrix managed to get one Climhazard off, but it didn't matter because it was right at the end and she was one spell away from getting blasted into oblivion.


Where the Heart Lies U++

I thought about bringing Mug Bloodlust, but I was worried about longevity if I brought that + Full Break. Turns out Zidane is made of paper and there is no issues of hones whatsoever. His damage output is super high though.

I thought about bringing Mug Bloodlust, but I was worried about longevity if I brought that + Full Break. Turns out Zidane is made of paper and there is no issues of hones whatsoever. His damage output is super high though.

Started replaying a month ago, so not entirely sure of all those skills there, but I have pretty much the same team. (except Terra for Alphinaud)

What's the basic rundown in this fight ?
Just spam that RW and spells ?
(I don't have Meltdown and those skills Alphinaud is using)


Started replaying a month ago, so not entirely sure of all those skills there, but I have pretty much the same team. (except Terra for Alphinaud)

What's the basic rundown in this fight ?
Just spam that RW and spells ?
(I don't have Meltdown and those skills Alphinaud is using)

Alphinaud is using R4 Bahamut/Tiamat. Tiamat gets the full 3 hits easily with this party, due to how much +mag is stacked.

The basic gist of the fight is laying down too much DPS will get you killed super fast, as Zidane has specific HP thresholds of using his SB's on you (he's super fragile, low HP and defenses, so you will burn his life down quickly). His first 3 actions is ALWAYS Steal, so for those who are having trouble with this fight, you can exploit this by doing Hit and Run and building SB gauge. Use Hastega after 2nd steal. Heal up between each SB and if you think someone might die before you push his HP down and he does another SB, use the Defend command if needed!

Bring someone with Haste (I chose OK), because Zidane will periodically use Steal/Mug throughout the fight, and being Slowed is the worst thing to be in this fight.

Zidane needs to be mitigated ASAP. Steal gives him +40 Atk/Def while reducing a character of yours and the only way to truly reduce this is with the same effect of your own (Mug Bloodlust or otherwise).

I basically have the best mage party for quite a while, which basically involves spamming everyone's Quickcast commands on their BSB's.
Did 2x 11-pull. I got 3x Braska SSB (yay 8* with enfire), 1x Kimahri SSB (yay magic-blink) and 1x Seymour BSB (yay BSB with dark imperil). Was hoping for Yuna's BSB but this'll have to do, because I'm not doing more than 2 pulls on this banner. Seymour's would have gone much better if I also had Raines', so I'll have to pull hard for it the next time it comes back.


This banner is awful, but I finally got another 5* from the 100 gem pull.

Seymour's Robes. Won't ever get used, this piece of shit lol.
This banner is awful, but I finally got another 5* from the 100 gem pull.

Seymour's Robes. Won't ever get used, this piece of shit lol.

Err, this banner isn't that terrible. Yuna's BSB is great, Imperils are always desired for elemental mage teams, en-elements are equally desired, and so are magic blinks.


Err, this banner isn't that terrible. Yuna's BSB is great, Imperils are always desired for elemental mage teams, en-elements are equally desired, and so are magic blinks.
I have better ens/imperils and magic blink already, so it's quite useless for me. There are way to many better units than Yuna too, so whatever.



Not sure if I want to pull on the Summon Nightmare banner or not since it's full price. Assuming this list of relics in the pool is accurate (it assumes the pool is going to be SSB+ which is probably a fair assumption) I'll already have 9/40:

Elder Staff (Arc SSB)
Mystic Whip (Rydia SSB)
Maduin Horn (Terra SSB)
Tiara (Terra SSB)
Blood Sword (Terra OSB)
Dagger of Resolve (Garnet BSB)
Fairy Flute (Eiko SSB)
Hawkeye (Hope SSB)
Ashe's Defiance (Ashe BSB)

On the other hand I'm severely lacking in mage/medica stuff in multiple of the realms here; I have absolutely nothing for Krile, Aerith, Rinoa, Braska, Seymour or Alph. I have zero mage/medica relics in FF7/10/14, and I'm weak in FF5/8 (Exdeath's SSB and Quistis' BSB only). So I'll probably pull because I'm a sucker, but I have a bad feeling I'm going to get another Mystic Whip or something dumb :(.


3 star junk for me. Knew this small streak of 5star from a 100 gem pull wouldn't last. (Streak was at 2.)

Got a Ripper, I mean, I've pulled it so many times, that this 3star piece of junk I instantly recognize and know it's already at 3++ in my inventory. I bet you I've pulled that over 10 times now, no exaggeration.

That and that Horse-head shield, I forget which FF that's from.

I have Yuna's BSB, Tiny Bee right? Without me googling it, can someone tell me why it's so awesome? I've had it for about a month, but haven't paid too much attention to it.


3 star junk for me. Knew this small streak of 5star from a 100 gem pull wouldn't last. (Streak was at 2.)

Got a Ripper, I mean, I've pulled it so many times, that this 3star piece of junk I instantly recognize and know it's already at 3++ in my inventory. I bet you I've pulled that over 10 times now, no exaggeration.

That and that Horse-head shield, I forget which FF that's from.

I have Yuna's BSB, Tiny Bee right? Without me googling it, can someone tell me why it's so awesome? I've had it for about a month, but haven't paid too much attention to it.
The one on this banner is new and introduces the Summoning mechanic.
I have Yuna's BSB, Tiny Bee right? Without me googling it, can someone tell me why it's so awesome? I've had it for about a month, but haven't paid too much attention to it.

Above i was referring to Yuna bsb2 which is introduced on this banner so you definitely don't have it :)


Everyone decides for him/herself what is terrible. Tbh no future Banner is really terrible. They all have their uses. Some are better than others that's true but people pull for various reasons. Mostly because they like a game/character, need synergy in that relm or because of a certain relic which screams power creep.

You know what I would like the most of the upcoming FFT banner? The Kaiser Shield just for the extra 20% lightning damage for my Kain. I would take a 1/11 on this.


Pretty much worst possible scenario for my lucky draw. Dupe burst for Zidane and a fairy flute. I have exactly 1 relic for each 8 and tactics.

2/11. Wish I could get the luck of every other player and get those 5/11 pulls. 3 is my max, ever. In near 2 years.


Everyone decides for him/herself what is terrible. Tbh no future Banner is really terrible. They all have their uses. Some are better than others that's true but people pull for various reasons. Mostly because they like a game/character, need synergy in that relm or because of a certain relic which screams power creep.

Pretty much. FFX banners are probably largely being overshadowed by being right after the 14 and 13 banners and right before FFT with Anniversary coming up. My FFX RS is such garbage that I would 100% pull on it if it wasn't for FFT and the LD (only have like 82 mythril heading into the FFX event). I'd have to double check but I think literally the only FFX SB relics I have (other than the Shared stuff) is some ancient shitty ball of Wakkas and Yuna's HotF. HotF was my first Medica and got me through a ton of the early game/first several months for me, but that kinda doesn't cut it now lol.


I forgot about KC3, anyone have a link to what's supposed to be on that or what was in the JP version? I'm having a weirdly hard time finding anything on it.


Is the Keeper's Choice banners the same as JP or do they switch things around like fest banners?

I really would like another shot at that Celes BSB
Hmmmm... I have Light's BSB, Shout, Tyro's Wall and Basch's Shield so that's 4/9 dupe possibilities. However, the other 5 are all desirable and I kinda want to pull just to get Squall's Jacket from the selection. I just pulled his Ice OSB, so En-Ice is highly desirable and +17 ATK on a Light Armor is great too.

I won't have the mythril for it for a while though, so it's probably best to wait for his Axis Blade to show up and try for that. If I can't get the BSB2 then I can always get the Jacket from KC3.


Got Braska's robes with the 100 gem pull. This SSB sounds super cool: quick cast, high regen and Mag 30%. Mage meta, activate.


The banners are terrible so easy skip. The best relic is Yuna BSB2 and that is a mid tier white mage BSB. The actual best relic for me is Braska faithga. Not worth the effort.

Hmmmm... I have Light's BSB, Shout, Tyro's Wall and Basch's Shield so that's 4/9 dupe possibilities. However, the other 5 are all desirable and I kinda want to pull just to get Squall's Jacket from the selection. I just pulled his Ice OSB, so En-Ice is highly desirable and +17 ATK on a Light Armor is great too.

I won't have the mythril for it for a while though, so it's probably best to wait for his Axis Blade to show up and try for that. If I can't get the BSB2 then I can always get the Jacket from KC3.

You have to think big and pull for Squall BSB2 for the enice.
You have to think big and pull for Squall BSB2 for the enice.

That is quite true but should one fail to do that you always have TS3 to fall on. In one case getting the BSB is not 100% guaranteed. Getting the en-ice SB is. If you have Squall's OSB, any kind of en-ice benefits him and elevates him.

Whatever the case, unless one is swimming in Mythril (or is a whale) I think the best course of action is skipping the selection banner until after Anniversary if you already have stuff on it. Personally, I already have SG, Rosa's Medica and Lightning BSB so I'm kind of fine not pulling yet, despite wanting "baaa" and Squall's Jacket.


I had a S/L that was exactly like that. It was Zidane casting his BSB on his last second when that happened to me. I flipped the table.


This is probably obvious for some of you but between reading how OP a relic is and actually using it is so much different.

Since I have Alphinaud's and Kuja's BSBs now, I did some research regarding mage meta setups and how many faithgas you need to hit the soft cap/3-hit threshold for Tiamat and all I think is how much faster and better it is to just RW Cid Raines if it isn't a fight that takes to long. lol
You can use Wall/Faithga right at the beginning of the fight with MM/DMT, use wrath to get Y'shtola ready for her BSB and RWing Cid Raines gives you another Faithga that stacks + his 2nd cmd. You get 3x 30% buffs without problems + the 20% buff because of the Burst mode. It's so easy to hit the soft cap.
Oh and OK(+BSB) is also pretty good for Wrath/Entrust shenanigans to fill up gauges.


While mastering my SBs, I noticed Yuffie's Gauntlet SSB only takes 9999 points to master, and not 30000, like other SSBs.

Also, while some of my characters never dropped their RM, even though I leveled then until their caps *coughFariscough*, Wakka FFX realm-only RM dropped on the very first round of the event..

I love the RNG of this game


This is probably obvious for some of you but between reading how OP a relic is and actually using it is so much difference.

Since I have Alphinaud's and Kuja's BSBs now, I did some research regarding mage meta setups and how many faithgas you need to hit the soft cap/3-hit threshold for Tiamat and all I think is how much faster and better it is to just RW Cid Raines if it isn't a fight that takes to long. lol
You can use Wall/Faithga right at the beginning of the fight with MM/DMT, use wrath to get Y'shtola ready for her BSB and RWing Cid Raines gives you another Faithga that stacks + his 2nd cmd. You get 3x 30% buffs without problems + the 20% buff because of the Burst mode. It's so easy to hit the soft cap.
Oh and OK(+BSB) is also pretty good for Wrath/Entrust shenanigans to fill up gauges.

That why I'm cautious about going for Mage BSSBs. I guess torment fights are where its needed.

Raines RW Meta is too good (Actually general weakness BSSB RW Meta is too good) and I'm just not sure if its even worth it to get specific BSSBs.

I have a pretty good team for this too.

Highest Magic Characterm Usually Terra (enfire SSB) (Fire Skills)
Krille (Sheep Mode) (Some skills)
Ysho (BSSB) (Some Skill with Wraith)
Tyro (Wall) (Debuffs)
Flex (Another Faithga or Debuff or Defense or Healer, Usually Gordon since I have his stackable SSB)

Pretty much been steamrolling content with this team.


Tried the Torment CM and while the trash is fairly easy I just don't have the damage (or magic mitigation, really) for the boss.

Think I'll do one pull on the second Seymour banner. My FFX synergy isn't great and most of the stuff on there would round out my weaknesses in it pretty well.

Haven't failed a CM at first opportunity yet, so hoping to keep that streak going.


Gotta stay strong, I was tempted to pull on the X banner to get better synergy for the Torment CM, but I'm going all in on the FFT banner, at least 4 pulls on the first banner - but maybe less if I get lucky.
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