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Final Fantasy The 4 Heroes of Light |OT| - GAF Members limited to only 15 posts!


What I want to know is how did I hear nothing about this game until release. Literally nothing.

And it sounds like the most appealing FF to me since XII :/


blu said:
So I took that boss entirely on the reinforcements' sole Air magic offense, and a lot of perseverance. Of course, the first thing that my other 'stray' party bought in Liberte was a water tome, diligently stashed in the warehouse, for when the other timeline resumes.

Whoa, kudos to you!
I found the water tome and I still had to restart twice!

I'm really unsure what I make of this game so far. Random battles are annoying, and there seems to be too many of them. I do like the battle mechanics though.
Upgraded my first 'crown' and noticed that it didn't upgrade the other characters' crown for that class, which I find really annoying.
Loving the visuals though, definitely one of my favourite looking games on the DS.
Well, I finally got the

Every time I get to the point where I can fly around to every location in classic JRPGs I get lost! Especially in this game where it doesn't keep a journal on what you should do next.

Also, here's a tip to those who gets lost a lot in this game.
Once you can turn into a animal, talking to the fox companion next to the save guy will give you hints on what to do next.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I think I'm past the point now where the real game begins (AKA the feline marker, AKA the return to the original timeline), and all I have to say is that good game is good. On a FF3DS scale, that'd be 500%+.

Neil said:
Whoa, kudos to you!
I found the water tome and I still had to restart twice!
Thanks. The funny thing is, I did not even intend to beat the sucker. I just meant to see how it responded to all I had in my arsenal, as I expected a quick death, after all those 'OMG, get a water tome, dude!', and my noncompliance. But once I got the right pattern of heal & boost, the rest was just patience and refraining from doing anything stupid. In contrast, Drake was a much tougher nut to crack. Again, I got him in a rather non-standard way (basically not using mage hats, and not using vulnerabilities to elements, but using something else instead), but the pattern was much tougher to get right. Anyway, sucker costed me quite a few gems, including 3 of the second-best gems (the equivalent of 6K in cash), as I did not bother to restart after those failed attempts.


How expansive is the world in this game? And how much 'stuff' is there to do?

For reference, I got bored with DQ9 pretty quickly :(


Victrix said:
How expansive is the world in this game? And how much 'stuff' is there to do?

For reference, I got bored with DQ9 pretty quickly :(

Eight items to find in every city, a few little sidequests (that really help you achieve your main goal) to run off and complete, several mini-games, some little optional things.

The world is more tightly packed than DQ9's; there's much less traveling, I feel.


I love how the crowns seem to be coming at the perfect times. You get the Wayfarer after your first big adventure, you get the Black and White Mage crowns after learning how to properly use magic against weaknesses (...okay, stretched), you get the Bandit and Bard crowns after saving an artsy town from pirates... and then my idea dies off. Meh. It's cool that after you get the Bandit crown to play with (and of course you're going to play with it and steal everything), you get access to the "sell off all that junk you've been hoarding in your storage but will never use!" minigame.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
I know people have been asking about the weapon system, so here are my impressions of it so far (at the time in and around Urbeth):

The implied weapon wight affects your attack turn in battles (surprise-surprise).

  • Daggers, as lightest, go first, and really pay-off if they have some side-effect. E.g. fire dagger inflicting confusion early on during the turn = good stuff. Then come..
  • Swords
  • Spears (can hit back rows)
  • Axes. In case you wondered why you started getting so much beating after you equipped that awesome axe ; )

Using (1) elemental attacks that your enemy is not resistant against, and (2) using defensive gear with the alignment of your enemy, seems to be more efficient than using attack alignments your enemy is vulnerable against, and no properly aligned defensive gear.


Neo Member
I've been playing this game way too
much and i'm at the travel around the world for quests/extra goodies section =\ the game has been interesting so far but I've Bern getting slightly burnout.

I never bothered about the weapons issue because I hardly use them, the only thing that is really important is that your white Mage goes first before the boss.

Running out of jewels already and gonna need to go grind for them soon...


blu said:
  • Daggers, as lightest, go first, and really pay-off if they have some side-effect. E.g. fire dagger inflicting confusion early on during the turn = good stuff. Then come..
  • Swords
  • Spears (can hit back rows)
  • Axes. In case you wondered why you started getting so much beating after you equipped that awesome axe ; )

Good to know, and makes sense.

sundrenched: Have a character act as a Merchant for normal fights.


I've been ultra busy so I've only been playing this for about a half hour every night. Progressionwise I've made it past the initial desert scenario and the story has shifted to the other two members of the party in the seaside town.

I've equipped one of my party members as a mage and she's kicking ass. Only one AP for fire? Alright!

So far I'm really enjoying the game, and I was about to post that this is maybe the most criminally underrated game in a long while, but I've noticed that the Gamepro review singles out the late game as an area where the game falls apart. I guess I gotta hold off judgement and keep playing. So far at least it's good.

Many reviews mention the toughness or oldschoolness of the game in general, but I don't see it, or I haven't gotten to the point where the difficulty spikes yet. I haven't grinded at all for example. I have had more single party member deaths than many recent non-hardcore JRPGs. It hasn't been an issue though, since the game gives out Phoenix downs liberally. I've even had two full party wipeouts but it hasn't been that big of a deal. I mean if I explore way out through a cave, into a new area, shouldn't I be expecting to maybe find some uber more powerful baddie?

Yes the sudden leaving of party members could hypothetically be a pain, but I think it's a minor issue. Equip your best weapons to only members of your 4 heroes and roll with the punches. I don't think it's a big deal if someone leaves with some good book of spells. Just buy another one in town. It is an oversight, but I feel like I've been much more frustrated by other games' oversights and it seems like a minor thing to me. Likewise the 15 item limit so far hasn't bothered me at all. I've been using items as I need them and selling old armour and I haven't had to throw anything away yet. If you're into collecting 99x Genji Gloves you'll be irked, but I'm not.


Tiktaalik, what's your take on the battle system? Especially in regards to not being able to target specific enemies/party members? I'll admit, that's the thing that bothers me most from what I've heard about the game.


Hobbun said:
Tiktaalik, what's your take on the battle system? Especially in regards to not being able to target specific enemies/party members? I'll admit, that's the thing that bothers me most from what I've heard about the game.

I haven't had any issues with it so far. I think it's workable since it's consistent. For example if you equip someone with a long range weapon they'll always attack the back row. If you cast heal it'll always heal the weakest person. The restrictions just add another layer of something to think about when deciding on your upcoming turn.

It was posted earlier that there's a hierarchy in terms of weapon speed, but I'm not sure if it's that clear cut. I feel like there's been instances where an axe attacked before something else, so maybe hats come into play? Maybe I'll have to pay more attention and do some experimenting.

So far I think it works out ok since the game is very stripped down. I haven't really felt like I've badly wanted to target some baddie. Of course I've only just passed the second boss, so maybe I'm too early into the game to feel the negative effects of this more constrained battle system.


8 hours in and I'm pleasantly surprised with this game after hearing mixed reviews when it released in Japan. I was most worried about 15 item limit and no targeting in battles but so far neither has been an issue.

I keep the inventories of my party members as clean as possible and make sure to drop things off I don't currently need in Item Storage (thank god this exists or it would be a lot worse). Targetting seems to work just fine. My characters seem to attack things intelligently as well as healing. I have seen some odd heals once in a while but have yet to die because of one.

Crowns (Hats/classes whatever lol) are a really cool system so far. There are a bunch of different gems that drop off enemies and each Crown has a pattern you have to fill in order to level it up and gain a new ability. Apparently each Crown has 3 levels so you can get 3 new abilities through this method. Of course, the 2nd and 3rd upgrades are a lot more complex and require more gems. Speaking of which, you don't get money from battles at all (well so far at least), so gems are the way I have made mine. A little farming in a dungeon and I've got enough to updgrade my people - cool system, and later I think you use gems to upgrade weapons and armor, making decisions even more hazy in regards with what to do with your gems. Also, when you get new Crowns, everyone can use them, but you have to upgrade them for each individual. I was surprised to see this, but I guess it ties back into the whole gem mini-game as I like to call it (always deciding what to do with which ones).

Managing equipment on characters is a bit cumbersome. There are too many button/stylus presses to get into the screens for equipping and moving items around between party members. You will also find that you NEED to equip certain accessories or weapons with effect at different times so you will have to change to the new stuff and place your other things in storage. Then later, you have to go change it all back out and equip again when you are done with the circumstance-specific things. This isn't a dealbreaker for me but it definitely could have been handled better.

Music is wonderful! It changes dynamically at night and in battle when you are low on health. The tracks are a bit on the short side but have been really catchy. Day/Night cycle is INSANELY fast. I mean, walking around on the overworld it's seconds from night time to morning. This is a bit jarring in the beginning too but something else I got used to.

I would say to anyone that has been on the fence because of the inventory limit to go ahead and pick up the game. Even targetting is fine. I also hear the game falls apart in the later hours but it has been a blast in just 8 hours and already worth the purchase for me.


Putting it in perspective, Mass Effect's inventory system was about 1000 times worse than this game and everyone still slogged through that. :lol

Another thing I like about this game is that the stylus controls are really good. DQ9 stylus controls in comparison were awful and tacked on and I never used it. This game uses the Zelda style stylus " hold where you want to go" style of movement, and clicking on people will have your character auto move toward them. As well the game makes use of drag and drop inventory (to an extent) which is nice. The inventory and menus are bigger and easier for the stylus as well.

After a marathon coding session the other day my left hand actually was hurting and so I was playing this game exclusively with the stylus. It worked really well.


I have only used Stylus a couple times because I'm so used to the traditional method being superior in most games....I'll have to try this tonight and see how it works!
Not used the touch screen much but it's useful for quickly paging through your deposited items when you've built up your inventory. Not sure why they didn't add L & R support for that but never mind.

Very enjoyable game from the 25+ hours I've played so far. I have discovered
so I should have checked the exact time...

Only complaint is it sometimes feels like you're prompted to go to a certain dungeon, only to travel through the dungeon and find there's an empty room waiting for you at the end because you didn't fully trigger the event.

I've not done any grinding apart from when this happened in a fire dungeon, and I seemed to be wandering around behind some lava switches with no way out when I tried to return. Eventually I collected a dragon wing... only to find my inventory was full so I couldn't collect it :lol.
I cleared out some items and turned 3 of my party into bandits, and eventually got hold of another dragon wing to escape with. Now I think about it I should have just saved my game, turned everyone into Freelancers and died in a random battle, as I had been so intent on not losing any gems!


I walked into the wifi section and a guy was there who was asking for points for armor/books. How do you get more points, and do the books offer permanent stat increases or just of they are equipped. Oh and one more question, should I buy any of the armor I can buy or wait for a certain item?


This game is awesome!!

Question: When do I get to play with all 4 guys in one party? That's all I want in this game right now... I'm in the pirate cave early on.


Dechaios said:
This game is awesome!!

Question: When do I get to play with all 4 guys in one party? That's all I want in this game right now... I'm in the pirate cave early on.

At what I believe is the halfway point. It was 14 hrs into the game for me, Although i'm sure it's possible to get there much quicker.


Crazetex said:
Have you fought the bear? If not, follow the NPCs' directions to the western patch of forest. It's right up against the mountains to the southwest. If you have done that, go to the fairy cave north of Guera.

I've done all this. The fairy cave is still an endless hallway and I have the faerie map and wings item. wtf am I missing. I've talked with everyone in Guera and they drop hints about needing the map and stuff and yo I have that...


Tiktaalik said:
I've done all this. The fairy cave is still an endless hallway and I have the faerie map and wings item. wtf am I missing. I've talked with everyone in Guera and they drop hints about needing the map and stuff and yo I have that...

Gah! You have to check Guera at night to proceed... The fox hints at this saying that you should rest in Guera but I thought that meant staying a night at the inn.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Whoever said the harps were overpowered was right on the money.
I've started playing this last night. Got all 4 members. Distributed 2 firebooks amongst them. Party splits up after bossfight. I lose my firebooks.

Also, it's pretty though. I think I need lots of grinding...


whoaaaaaahhhh Abaroc just utterly annihilated my party.



Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Decided to try my chances with this and it's pretty fun so far, the game oozes charm. For some reason I was expecting the main characters to be mutes but I love it that they all talk and have personalities. I haven't played that much yet but I think I've heard enough about auto-aim, limited inventory, people running off with items and all the other gameplay aspects that I'll be prepared when I hit any of the supposed walls of annoyance.


At level 20, got the best items available and still Abaroc demolishes my party. It might take some good ol' fashioned grinding to get by this.

The game really spiked in difficulty here. It was trivial before this.


Tiktaalik said:
At level 20, got the best items available and still Abaroc demolishes my party. It might take some good ol' fashioned grinding to get by this.

The game really spiked in difficulty here. It was trivial before this.
I was able to tackle him at level 18/19, one person as White Mage to use the multiheal, the other two just attacking (mostly just the one since the guest character didn't last more than a couple turns).


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Beaten Trollud, I had a Dragon Wing but decided to walk back to Liberte anyway for some extra XP. While I was strolling with no space in my bags the damn Aspidochelon decides to drop a Turtle Shell. I'm loving the recently acquired Hunting Horn, because of it I didn't think twice about grinding turtles until one of them dropped it again. :lol


I finally beat Abaroc last night. I was about level 20/21. The winning strategy involved moving over some of the buff spells to the guest character so that I could buff up a bit in parallel at the beginning of the battle and have the white mage near completely devote to healing instead of healing and buffing.

Multiheal super necessary. I upgraded the white mage hat to get the slightly more powerful version.

I think I had a bit of trouble earlier because I forgot that one of my characters had no shield(!?!) and one just had a wooden shield, but even after equipping them with the best it was still one of the most difficult RPG battles I've fought in a while.
I'm thinking of starting this up soon. Dunno if I can finish it before Golden Sun, but now that I finally have some free time who knows!


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
After weeks of not playing I got to Urbeth and did all the things to get money there for
the sorcerer to "dispel" the cat curse
. I was annoyed that the save dude was nowhere to be seen after the town
goes bananas with the monster puppets and I couldn't last minutes against the dark spell of the Demon boss. Fortunately I decided to check the shops again and got the darksteel shields so the fight was a breeze after that. Had to stop before getting the boat but damn Jusqua for leaving Yunita behind, I don't want a single man party anymore
Started this two days ago and enjoying it immensely thus far. It certainly has its faults and would benefit a LOT from the removal of a few elements, but I don't see J-GAF's impressions holding up for me.


HiddenWings said:
It's not actually the deal of the day, but there are a lot of games half off as a prelude to Black Friday.

Also on that note, Amazon apparently thinks Black Friday should be a week long and seems to be starting sales on Monday.

Yup its that time of the year again. I think im gonna hold off on any new game purchases until I see whats up with Amazon.
Been putting in a few hours here and there when I've had time lately and I'm about 20 hours in now. Gotta say that I've really enjoyed this despite the huge spike in difficulty after
getting everyone back together for Spelvia

I really haven't had any issues with the limited inventory system. Absolutely none. Maybe it would be better to have a bag like DQ rather than the banks in cities, but it forces you to think a little bit ahead in terms of what you need to bring along or whether or not you want to just go picking up every measly potion that drops off an enemy. The only time it becomes frustrating is trekking back to town for elemental shields, etc. But you can make a good guess at the element of the upcoming boss just from the area of the world you are in.

The biggest disappointment is most definitely the targeting, but I can only give one scenario where it would've made the difference between life and death on a particularly frustrating boss. Individual item use seems kind of "dumb" in that every character chooses their target before the turn begins and will all use their items on the same person regardless of their current status. Salve-Maker is pretty much there to circumvent this however.

On that note, the crowns are initially a little disappointing in terms of depth and some just not being particularly useful, but there's quite a good deal of strategy in forming a party for a particular boss as the game progresses. For instance, the Mysterio spell and elemental absorb of the Elementalist is almost crucial for any strong caster bosses. It can make you almost invincible with the right items for backup rezzing. Not to mention that it's rather to simple to completely swap a characters classes around and still have a strong group. I really like this compared to other Job Systems that require "career planning" to really be effective.

Despite any small frustrations (and they are small), I've really enjoyed the game so far. Maybe even more than I did FFXIII. It most certainly retains the old school feeling while trying to branch out and try some different things as well. I doubt we'll get the chance, but I'd really love to see Matrix give this system another shot. There's a lot of potential here.
Finished this two days ago. What I said above more or less still sticks. The Crown "Class Model" definitely feels shallow on the surface, but there's a good bit of depth if you play with various combinations.

I doubt we see a sequel, but I'd buy one.
I've been slowly playing through this for the last month and I've been enjoying it quite a bit. Probably about 4/5ths of the way through at this point. It's a shame the game was ignored, because it's actually a very nice oldschool RPG with a fun class system and pretty graphics. I love how the game doesn't tell you exactly where to go and what to do all the time. And the last half has become deliciously difficult, requiring a good amount of strategy to take down the bosses. I really like combat system too. The game has it's annoyances like the inventory (which really isn't as bad as people make it out to be), but overall it's a really nice package.
It was definitely worth what I paid for it and I had a great time with it. With all the sales going on, there's no reason not to try it out.

For what it's worth, I had an easier time playing this than Dark Dawn. I'm not really a proponent of overly difficult games (this isn't), but I certainly didn't feel like a group of demigods swatting away flies like I always do with the Golden Sun games :(.


Received this game for Christmas and started playing it over the weekend. I'm really enjoying it so far, though I have to say it's rather annoying that characters seem to up and leave your party without much warning -- which means regular saving (esp. before/after boss battles) is a must. Other than that, though, some of the annoyances mentioned here -- such as the auto-aiming during battles and forced item management -- haven't bothered me much.
I'm just about to finish this but I figured I'd leave some preemptive thoughts in lieu of Tokyo Game Show and the likelihood of a sequel being announced.

Awesome, AWESOME, underrated game, this is. I don't think I've really enjoyed a turn-based RPG as much as this that wasn't called Dragon Quest in a VERY long time. Pretty much everything about the game clicked right for me. The main complaints I've seen lobbied at it seem to bother people at a conceptual level, as none of them really seemed to hinder the game any (to me, at least). The only really niggling factor to say, the inventory system, is that you can't equip new items during a battle. I put myself into some bad situations given the reliance on elements properties but that's really more my fault for not having a secondary option (like a spell) or having every character using the same type of weapon.

Either way, I suspect the sequel (if there is one) will change the inventory and targeting systems to coddle the complainers. Although I certainly wouldn't mind if those "fixes" were exclusive to some kind of "easy mode" or something.

The only real complaint I think I can lobby at the game is that I'm not feeling to compelled to go after the optional content. I just got the master key and attempted one of the four towers and died. After that I just decided that since the reward is (I'm assuming) the other crowns I'm missing, I didn't care since I already haven't used many of the new crowns I've gotten (and would there be much of a point seeing as I'm at the end of the game?).
The main complaints I've seen lobbied at it seem to bother people at a conceptual level, as none of them really seemed to hinder the game any (to me, at least)

I agree, it is a great little game, but some of the bosses were a bit unbalanced (forcing the player to return to town and buy the correct elemental weapons and shields). Another thing I really disliked was how they did the four optional towers. Every now and then you'd get to a floor that was just too big, and trying to find the little staircase to proceed with such a limited field of view made it extremely tedious. I felt like a rat in a maze.

I wouldn't mind a sequel, but I'm hoping Matrix is developing a remake of FF5 soon.
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