Final Fantasy VII Rebirth breaks the franchise's single-player game record on Steam


Gold Member
In its debut week, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth managed to reach a peak of 40,564 players, which means it has become the single-player game in the franchise with the highest number in Steam's history.

Not bad but less than half than stuff like Metaphor or Granblue Fantasy.

Maybe Square will grow slowly like Sega did on PC, but they are not even close yet


Not even half of Veilguards numbers (89,418).
Sure, the game came out ~11 months after the PS5 version, but it is pretty low in my eyes.
That is what happens when game is ps5 timed exclusive, same thing happens when games are EGS exclusives too, compare it to most sony exclusives that debuted later on steam and u will notice they didnt have big ccu peak either.
Helldivers was only one big outlier coz it debuted on steam same time it launched on ps5 too, all other sony timed exclusives had similar or lower ccu peaks, even top2 so gow 2018 only had 73k ccu peak, still well below terrible DA:V, as its proof of delayed steam launch will affect steam sales/ccu peak even if game is top notch :)
Have to say that the game not costing £70 on its own, costing alot less in a bundle (cdkeys had the bundle of Remake and Rebirth for about £42) had to have helped.

Charging £70 for remake was fucking gross. Glad the damage to their wallets made them see sense. Not that the games have mean anything to me personally, but seems obvious that not being greedy cunts with inflated sales goals might have helped.


No epic exclusiv, fastest port in the franchise and steep launch discount on steam and key stores. Yea its not bad but it's not great either.

Square has has historically super high hopes so I highly doubt they are pleased.

I expected above 100k peak tho.


Gold Member
>completely kill any hype PC-Gamers could have for this game by releasing it an eternity earlier exclusive to another Platform
>how come the numbers are so low??

Look, I'm hugely interested in playing this game, but it doesn't really matter to me whether I play it a year after initial release (read: now) or down the line when there's a sale for 10 bucks or something. The ball has been already dropped.

Square brought this on themselves. Obviously they're not going to acknowledge that, but rather blame it on Single Player being dead, or PC not being into JRPGs, or Piracy boogeymen or whatever.
Weak numbers.

Square can continue being disappointed.
I have no idea what they aim to achieve with these releases on Steam/Xbox. These will do pathetic numbers compared to the PS numbers and will most likely be far below their expectations. Why waste port money? Sony should also stop releasing their single player games on Steam period. The audience is extra cheap and seems to take absurd offence at something as simple as a 3rd party login. Stuff like HD2 is fine. Similarly, SQEX would probably have better luck peddling their Splatoon ripoff to the Steam crowd.


I guess this is your way of telling us you're having financial difficulties, then congratulations?

Emmm no I bought and finished the game on PS5 last year.
This is my way to say that the game is an obvious flop on PC, if SE wasn't happy about 2-3m units they made on PS5 certainly they can't be happy for an extra 100k minus the porting costs. I'm also reading reports on different gaming websites that a lot of people are pirating the game.

Better luck with Switch 2?


Gold Member
I have no idea what they aim to achieve with these releases on Steam/Xbox. These will do pathetic numbers compared to the PS numbers and will most likely be far below their expectations. Why waste port money? Sony should also stop releasing their single player games on Steam period. The audience is extra cheap and seems to take absurd offence at something as simple as a 3rd party login. Stuff like HD2 is fine. Similarly, SQEX would probably have better luck peddling their Splatoon ripoff to the Steam crowd.
How is that console gatekeeping going for ya?


If PS5 gets 2 million sales
And if Steam/Epic hit (eventually) 1 million sales
And if maybe Switch 2 hits 1-2 million sales

I *THINK* that Square would think that multiplatforming is a good idea.

And yes, I know.

Too many 'ifs'.


Gold Member

The comparison is a bit lacking for a few reasons:
1. Rockstar are the outliners in pretty much everything.
2. Completely different target audience. GTA and RDR skew MUCH more casual friendly
3. While GTA and RDR2 certainly have a strong emphasis on the narrative and on the story, they're also MUCH heavier on the gameplay. You play GTA or RDR like 40-50% for the gameplay, and 60-50% for the story, or something in that ballpark (with online this obviously goes to like 100% gameplay and 0% story). With FF7, it's like 80% story and 20% gameplay. So if the story has been already out for over a year, there's much less incentive to catch up with it now.


40k player online (maybe 80k buyers), 200K pirating them (screenshot found on 4chan/Reddit,IconEra)

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So what? You think these 200k would've bought the game? FF16 had denuvo (so no pirating) and it didn't do great either. Please don't fall for this retarded narrative

So what that people are pirating the game more than there are concurrent users?
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So the player counts have been pretty consistent morning, afternoon, evening which implies it's selling pretty evenly across a few different regions, rather than being frontloaded in one terrtiory. So I'd say for a 1yr later release it's doing decently, whilst also driving sales down into part 1.

Rebirth steady player counts with no big drop offs.

Remake 1yr charts shows a spike in sales from the end of Nov which has remained steady and grown.

Once the final game is announced and released you'll likely see the same steady trickle down of interest into the first 2 games.

Launching above XV and Automata is a good sign considering they are titles at around or above 10m sales.

If PS5 gets 2 million sales
And if Steam/Epic hit (eventually) 1 million sales
And if maybe Switch 2 hits 1-2 million sales

I *THINK* that Square would think that multiplatforming is a good idea.

And yes, I know.

Too many 'ifs'.

PS5 was likely at 3m sales in May or there abouts as it was tracking at similar levels to Dragons Dogma 2 (and well ahead in Japan ). Will be firmly over 3m now probably around 4mil mark on PS5.
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So what? You think these 200k would've bought the game?

Why not? I mean, FF7 Rebirth was on sale for 48$/€ (FF16 was 60$/70€) and you can find FF7 Rebirth key at 39$
And even with that people already mass pirating the game. So the narrative "they never bought" still stupid since you let people stealing a game. (and many people).
Most dumb thing is FANTASIAN have denuvo.
But it's this kind of situation that leads to full online games, denuvo or delayed ports.
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I'm sorry that you were unable to understand my point. You may try again:

>You think these 200k would've bought the game? FF16 had denuvo (so no pirating) and it didn't do great either. Please don't fall for this retarded narrative

I think many of them would. FF16 was not as well received as FF7R


Gold Member
I think many of them would. FF16 was not as well received as FF7R

By the way, you do realize these 200k mean nothing, right? A whole bunch of these people pirate it to see if it runs and get bored an hour or so in. That's just how piracy works and ALWAYS worked.

Obviously I'm not denying that they don't lose some people who would otherwise be legit customers to piracy, sure. But bringing up piracy like that would legitimately be a reason for the game not performing as well as it could is either a) company bootlicking or b) being gullible as fuck. Of course there are also the c) dirtbag journos who will make a story out of everything that brings them clicks, regardless of how accurate it is.


Check steam sales numbers/ccu vs total sales of those games, gta5 alltime ccu peak is measly 360k while it sold 205m copies overal

RDR2 ccu steampeak is 86k ccu so even below DA:V(which we know had 1,5m players, which means way less sold copies, coz we those free copies they give are players, but not sold games), while rdr2 total sales numbers are 67m copies
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By the way, you do realize these 200k mean nothing, right? A whole bunch of these people pirate it to see if it runs and get bored an hour or so in. That's just how piracy works and ALWAYS worked.

Obviously I'm not denying that they don't lose some people who would otherwise be legit customers to piracy, sure. But bringing up piracy like that would legitimately be a reason for the game not performing as well as it could is either a) company bootlicking or b) being gullible as fuck. Of course there are also the c) dirtbag journos who will make a story out of everything that brings them clicks, regardless of how accurate it is.

Instead of blaming dirt bag journos, blame dirt bag pc players that pirate games

It’s having a significant impact


Instead of blaming dirt bag journos, blame dirt bag pc players that pirate games

It’s having a significant impact
There is huge %age of pc players who pirate games, but that doesnt mean that all games that were pirated would be bought, most wouldnt either way, or only after few years and big discount only.
Say game sold 1m copies on pc/steam and on top got 1m of pirated copies downloaded, there is a reason its not 2m copies sold, out of those 1m pirated maybe u would get 100k deep down on big discount after few years and that is it :)

There could be many reasons to it but for the most part its price of new games vs salaries in particular countries, can tell u in mine, poland, we make roughly 4-5x less vs US/rich western countries so from our pov its like games dont cost 70usd but around 300usd+ if u convert it to what our salaries look like, ofc if some1 is middle-class or doesnt have kids/family we can still easily afford it as an adult, but lots of ppl keep pirating like 60-70% of games and only buy few of them yearly, if they are younger/poor they even pirate 100% of games they play or/and only play f2p games ;)

Hell i can tell u back when i was teen so psx times, late 90s, i had to pirate xenogears/final fantasy tactics/parasite eve, and those were top quality psx games, my fav genre too, they simply never came out in europe, at all, so i had to pirate them/play ntsc version to simply even have access to those(importing few hundo usd game wasnt the option for poor teenager from eastern europe ofc).

I had many legit games alongside too ofc, some bought at launch, some only after deep discounts/famous playstation platinum games series(game had to sell decently and be few years old to get the "platinum edition" which was at least 2x cheaper vs the standard launch price.

Another story is tekken3 pal version-it had black bars and was 50fps on top it was actually slower, vs full 60fps ntsc version w/o black bars, difference was enourmous even back then w/o digital foundry to tell us, i know coz i had both versions.
Here there are even yt vids with detail explanation about that phenomena:
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