I have a problem with people saying the story does not making any sense. It does. Sorry, but it does.
No one reads Goethes "Faust" and goes like "well this didn't make any bloody sense!"
And yes I am using Goethe here, because they use some of the very same techniques as him and I had to analyze it back in school, so I could make that connection.
People who looked at all the bread crumps that the devs left in Remake saw this ending a mile away, month after Remakes release. You can trace it back in older YouTube videos. They use a lot of symbolism and references (as many Japanese storytellers do) to tell their story. It is coherent if you meet the story on its level. It might not be instantly understandable, but dumbing down everything so even a 5 year old can understand it, is not the only way to tell a story.
I dont get where this desire for simple story comes from. Is it a Disneyfication of society? Again, the story might not be straight forward, but it is coherent to its own rules and it is possible to analyze it. Which makes it much more mature than any plain old simple story, specially one that has already been told anyway. Why retell it. There is nothing to gain.
And I applaud the devs for sticking to their guns. Because even though people on the internet found out what the reunion is, how the different universes work, what Aerith is probably going to do, what Sephiroth is up to, they didn't change the story just to surprise people again, you know like some other TV shows might do (and then things don't make any sense anymore). They also don't build up a mystery without knowing the conclusion to it. Like....some TV shows have done.
This is a story worthy of exploration and analysis. Not getting it, does not mean its bad, it just means you don't get it, because you have put in no effort to understand it. And I dont blame you, I'm too stupid for it as well. I have to watch people explain that shit to me. But then it clicks and I can play the game again and be amazed by how many clues there were all along and I just didn't see them (the use of colors, the use of flowers, the use of verbal references, the use of music, the decoration of rooms, there is so much stuff if you really get into it).
This is more about people not wanting to engage in a more complex type of story and story telling. Which is fine, but please don't tell me it doesn't make sense when you haven't even tried.
Here is a YouTube Channel that dives real deep into the lore of Remake
Share your videos with friends, family, and the world
And I do understand if you don't have the time or energy to engage the game on that level, but still, this does not make the story bad or non sensical. Its just a different kind of story that requires a bit more user input to be appreciated.