There's really not terribly much difference between the full on ATB and XII system and I don't think some of us naysayers would mind what that difference is. You seem to be saying if enemies and your party can attack at once, then it's command based? If so, then that's a change that I think is fine. I'm not entirely sure I separated that from ATB. It's an evolution of ATB. To me XII and XIII are evolutions of ATB. XV is an ARPG.
What I'm trying to say is that we should keep the terms we use for discussion stringent to avoid misunderstanding.
The discussion of real-time vs turn-based is about whether the different sides in a battle take turns to EXECUTE their commands or not.
Then there is a separate discussion about input where we're talking action-based vs command-based. In action-based RPGs, button presses directly lead to your character performing an action (dodge button, block button, attack button(s) and so on). In command-based RPGs there is another layer of abstraction in that every move is selected from a list of commands.
A lot of people jumble up these terms and believe that the discussion is about action-based vs turn-based, which is nonsense.
You can have
1. turn-based command RPGs (FFI to FFX, most Dragon Quest games, etc.)
2. real-time action RPGs (Kingdom Hearts, FFXV, Souls games)
3. real-time command RPGs (FFX-2, FFXII, FFXIII)
4. even turn-based action-RPGs (Valkyrie Profile)
So. I enjoy games from groups 2, 3 and 4, and occasionally well-designed games from group 1 (FFX)
From what you have said, it seems that you enjoy games from groups 1 and 3, but not really from group 2 (at least not as far as Final Fantasy is concerned)
In other words, you don't really seem to have a preference for turn-based over real-time but you do seem to have a preference for command-based over action-based