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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!

ohh, I just arrived at zanarkand (scene from the intro) and don't have a save before bevelle :O guess that settles it.

Yeah, save before fighting Sin then just finish the game. You can do all the sidequest stuff later. Really you are so close to the end it isn't worth doing the sidequest stuff before finishing the game.
Is there a reason to keep a save before Bevelle?
Airship access. You get it twice in the game: before Bevelle and before the final battle with Sin. It makes backtracking much, much easier. That is why I said it.

Edit: I am also saying it because I thought you could get it in Calm Lands and the Al Bhed was like "LOL NOPE".


EFF. (FFX-2 Chapter 3 spoilers):

The battle in front of the agency... the very first set of enemies is a Ahriman and an oversoul'd Chimera. I'm using my most powerful Dresspheres and I am continually getting my ass handed to me. This is bullshit. Is this only in the international edition? I don't remember this mission being so damn hard.


Why does everyone grind the normal way? Why not using Dark Ixion and all the weapon + overlimit + double/tripple AP? :eek: you can grind the board in a hour or two like this
Why does everyone grind the normal way? Why not using Dark Ixion and all the weapon + overlimit + double/tripple AP? :eek: you can grind the board in a hour or two like this

Yes, but how do you grind for the dark aeon? I am curious. Also, do you need Yuna to do the Dark Aeon quest? I ask because I am thinking of doing it before Calm Lands.


Why does everyone grind the normal way? Why not using Dark Ixion and all the weapon + overlimit + double/tripple AP? :eek: you can grind the board in a hour or two like this

Well at end game that's what most of us our doing. It's re-writing the board that's the most time-consuming (and filling luck spheres).

And during the game, extra sphere levels are always good to have, so I spend some extra time on the Bevelle bridge and a couple other places.


I'm going to hunt down the people who put detailed butterfly hunt maps on the internet.

Then I'm going to bathe them in the finest chocolate and give a sensual foot massage that transcends physical boundaries. Any sexual wishes will also be fulfilled.

i was _this_ close to hating butterflies forever

Huh, butterfly hunting? I gave up on that after the first try, it just got me my first game over screen, I was kinda pissed. Heh, at least I heard the game over music, it's pretty good!

I just realized something... Maechen is more badass than Auron.

And that as they say, is that! ~Maechen

Damn, Maechen is the biggest badass in the game! More badass than Old Snake! ^o^
This thread needs more Maechen love!

To hell with the Bevelle Temple, can anyone help me out with it's Cloister of Trials? I'm following a guide and
try to make everything right with the Destruction Sphere. I got to the Upper Floor with a Bevelle Sphere in my hand and the guide says the following: "When you get to the second floor walk up the stairs and place the Bevelle Sphere in the far wall, where there is a recess for it. The track to the treasure chest will be lit up. Then grab the chest to the right, careful you don’t go too far right, and you’ll get an HP Sphere. Underneath it you’ll find a Glyph Symbol, which you can use to bring the pedestal up to you." So the chest to the right auto-triggers when I go near it and I get a HP Sphere, is that okay or did I mess up? I'm confused o.o

EDIT: I got the Knight Lance so I suppose it went right? :eek:
To hell with the Bevelle Temple, can anyone help me out with it's Cloister of Trials? I'm following a guide

My guide says this...

Take the DS and get back on the platform. Ride it off the end to start over from the beginning. Ride the path to the 2nd to last glyph and turn right again. That long stretch get to the end and then insert the DS. This will open a new path. Then put two Bevelle Spheres on the pedestal and ride the new path to get to the end.
I made the mistake of going right when I did this my first playthrough. I did not realize you could go left to get another item. Oops.

Edit: No, that is the second item. A lance and a sphere. You did it right.


None of the Bevelle items are necessary in the long run (other than the Primer beforehand). Impossible to lock yourself out of (optional aeon)
because of the Bevelle trial, to my knowledge.
None of the Bevelle items are necessary in the long run (other than the Primer beforehand). Impossible to lock yourself out of A---a because of the Bevelle trial, to my knowledge.

I figured since you have to use the DS to get to the end that it would not lock you out of A---a. I just forgot to go left once I finished.

On another topic,
I will say that the BradyGames guide is impressive. Sure it may be a repackage of the older guides, but it is well presented and helpful. It is nice to have a list of items that I get for stealing.
My guide says this...

Take the DS and get back on the platform. Ride it off the end to start over from the beginning. Ride the path to the 2nd to last glyph and turn right again. That long stretch get to the end and then insert the DS. This will open a new path. Then put two Bevelle Spheres on the pedestal and ride the new path to get to the end.
I made the mistake of going right when I did this my first playthrough. I did not realize you could go left to get another item. Oops.

Edit: No, that is the second item. A lance and a sphere. You did it right.

Phew alright thanks! :)


Why does everyone grind the normal way? Why not using Dark Ixion and all the weapon + overlimit + double/tripple AP? :eek: you can grind the board in a hour or two like this
What's the point of this? What does Dark Ixion have that Dark Yojimbo does not?
Saw this preowned for Vita. Then saw that X-2 is download only!

Cheaper to just buy it off PSN!

It is pretty much the same price digitally and physical. The problem is the physical will probably go up in price due to S-E not producing a whole lot of them. Heck, even Fire Emblem got more shipments. So yeah, it will be cheaper digitally. Just need the space to fit the games because they are both around 7 GB of data.


It took me slightly less than two hours to get back to Besaid, collecting all Jecht spheres on the way and to get back, and I understood that except few small locations, encounters are literally two or three steps, depends on location (><)
And even if I obtained better Auron's special attacks, he still does more or less the same damage with his regular attacks, I don't understand this...
It took me slightly less than two hours to get back to Besaid, collecting all Jecht spheres on the way and to get back, and I understood that except few small locations, encounters are literally two or three steps, depends on location (><)
And even if I obtained better Auron's special attacks, he still does more or less the same damage with his regular attacks, I don't understand this...

Auron's special attacks aren't for damage, they're for utility. Unless you're talking about his Overdrives, in which case I dunno what to tell you.
It took me slightly less than two hours to get back to Besaid, collecting all Jecht spheres on the way and to get back, and I understood that except few small locations, encounters are literally two or three steps, depends on location (><)
And even if I obtained better Auron's special attacks, he still does more or less the same damage with his regular attacks, I don't understand this...

They usually have additional effects. His second OD kicks an enemy out of the battle (essentially instadeath on non bosses). His third OD gives the mob Full Break, which is great for bosses.


Auron's special attacks aren't for damage, they're for utility. Unless you're talking about his Overdrives, in which case I dunno what to tell you.

ya, I mean overdrives of course. I just used to call them special attacks, bad habit, I know. And special attacks are skills, lol.

They usually have additional effects. His second OD kicks an enemy out of the battle (essentially instadeath on non bosses). His third OD gives the mob Full Break, which is great for bosses.

I forgot that about added effects, but still shouldn't they do more damage than regular attacks? That seems somehow wrong.


We got Solid Wakka, now need Solid Maechen as well in this thread!

Maechen is too awesome for this thread, as I said earlier, every game needs Maechen, every with any kind of lore at least and then we can have megathread called Maechen the great.


I want to know when inside sin you have to collect these crystals... what is the meaning behind that? All these years of playing I never understood why.


Got the Sun Sigil... I failed to realize it was related to a trophy so glad I didn't quit when I was getting frustrated.
RNG is the bane of my gaming existence.
YES! I got 0: 0.0 in the Calm Lands chocobo race! Also, I got 5 chests and won in the Champion Chocobo race! Finally! It was annoying because prior to getting 0 in the Calm Lands one I had gotten a record of 0.2. I sat in front of my screen for two minutes just staring. I just felt dead. As for the Remiem Temple one, I had gotten 5 chests and won, but hit 2 poles and still got a trophy. I would assume they would make the trophy for 5 chests + winning + 0 poles hit, but I tried again right after and did it without hitting any poles anyway.

I tried at the lightning bolts, but got to 75 and slipped up. I might try again some other time.
For the first time in the history of my FFX playthroughs (of which have been around 7-8 of them since the game released), I beat the Luca Goers in the required Blitzball game! First try, too! xD It helps to actually pay attention to the tutorial and some of the suggestions on here helped a lot, so thanks for that whoever posted that one message about like.. passing the ball in the first half to level up a lot.

Also, I just got to the now infamous laughing scene. You know, I never hated this scene as much as others (even though it is kind of awkward). I always understood what they were going for, but yeah, still very awkward. However, this time, I actually really liked it. I thought it was kind of touching (the music helps).
It's still a bit odd, but I liked what they were trying to do.
I love the line
"I want my journey to be filled with laughter."
That line always made me a bit sad
considering what is supposed to happen to Yuna later.


I actually got Tidus's ultimate weapon. It took about 3 hours and about 60-70 attempts to win that fucking race.

I don't know who designed that "game", but I hope they suffer from anal fissures now.
Got to the Macalania Lake. There is no way I'll backtrack all the way to Beaid just to get that 1 Jecht sphere :lol. I'll deal with DValefor without Auron's last overdrive then.


Just Zanamto'd Dark Bahamut lol
And he dropped an Auto-Protect with Ribbon armor for Lulu with 2 blank spots. Woot!




I don't think I am ever going to recover from this


Anyone else saw seymour's necklace as a zipper?
Its 2 parallel lines going down on the middle of his body, until the cg cutscene at miihen i was half expecting him to pull it down and step out of his body. <.<

Also x-2 is pretty good now that ive actually completed X before it. First time i played it i havent played x before so all the characters and places were new. No wonder i only played for 2 hours that time...
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