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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


Just a question on platinuming X-2 for those who've plat'd both games.
Would you say it is
Easier or Harder to plat than X?
Is it grindier? (I ask based on that X plat spending more than equal the time doing post game, compared to the story).


I'm not entirely sure what you mean. You can only hold eight fiends in your party at any one time, so you can't just catch them all as you go and level them up later; you'd need to be cycling them in and out. Likewise, it's much easier to complete fiend tales if you capture the fiends when YRP's levels are as low as possible, so putting the capturing off would only mean more work for you.

What I think you may be getting at has to do with how the fiend tales work. To complete a fiend tale you have to release the fiend. You can recapture it again afterwards, but it won't have any of the ability or stat boosts you may have put on the earlier fiend you released. Thus, it's a good idea to not level up a fiend until after you've completed its fiend tale.
Ok. I just remember reading a guide that said something like "it's better to capture fiends the first time through, since they'll start at Level 1 on NG+."

So basically keep a party of 8 fiends and keep levelling them to unlock Fiend Tales as I go? Does every monster have a fiend tale? Would it make sense then to just use Fiends in a party to level them to keep YRP's level low, then?


Ugh. I think I messed up a bit with my expert sphere grid. I'm not super far into FFX (on the highroad after beating the Goens in blitzball) but I just placed a luck sphere not realizing I had no way to unlock it. How soon will I be able to unlock it? I'm going to hate to backtrack that much to get it :(


Ugh. I think I messed up a bit with my expert sphere grid. I'm not super far into FFX (on the highroad after beating the Goens in blitzball) but I just placed a luck sphere not realizing I had no way to unlock it. How soon will I be able to unlock it? I'm going to hate to backtrack that much to get it :(

Here are the only places to find Fortune Spheres in chests:
* Mi'ihen Highroad - Oldroad, South (Requires a Chocobo to get)
* Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
* Zanarkand Ruins - Overpass
* Gagazet - Submerged Passage (Complete the Second Trial of Gagazet)

After that, you'll have to fight Earth Eater.
Maxed STR, DEF, MDEF, 170 AGI. I'm at a point where I need to grind Luck, but it takes forever. All guides I see recommended spamming Attack Reels, but ugh Blitz. What's the fastest way to get through Blitz and get both Attack Reels and the Celestial? Members to recruit? I have never touched Blitzball outside the story battle so I know nothing about how you get stuff from Blitzball. I know the trick to matches (score 1-0, hide behind goal), but having terrible teammates makes it difficult to pull off.
Some thoughts on FFX:

It's a grind.Somewhere between the 10-15 hour mark the game stops flucuating between cutscenes and gameplay and pretty much becomes battle heavy. The pacing goes wayyyyyyy off and it becomes a real chore to get through the game. Even with knowing the enemy's weakness, using Bio on enemies with large HP counts, and trying to not venture too far from the path so as to reduce the risk of a random battle it still is very tedious.

Also worth noting that random battles occur TOO often. I don't mind random battles in an rpg but at the frequency that they occur in this game it really creates this sense of dread whenever you try to get to a point or treasure chest or whatnot. Not since Skies of Arcadia has a game had such an interesting world that made you hate wandering around it due to random battles. It has this strange effect where i'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop whenever I load into a new area, often just putting the game on standby once a battle begins because im simply too burned out on them.

Also worth mentioning is how many of the design flaws in FFXIII started in FFX. It's incredibly linear, mostly narrow paths with not that much wiggleroom. There isn't really a world map and towns aren't really towns so much as a moment to gather yourself between narrow monster pathways. At least the story in FFX makes sense without having to use the crutch that is an ingame wiki, and the cast of characters is actually likeable, even if they tend to dabble in common tropes from time to time.

I just got to
the Al Bhed Home
and i'm going to at least finish the game, which if i don't mess around with some side stuff i estimate will take me about another 10 hours. I respect the game as a relic of its time and have enjoyed what I've played of it, even if that enjoyment has started to fade as the game cranks up the grind. So much time passed between my first play through at the game's launch and this HD version that besides some of the major plot points it really feels like im playing it for the first time again. I just know now that my goal of playing X and X2 back (never played x2 before so I was really looking forward to it) isn't happening. Going to need a break real bad by the end of this.


Here are the only places to find Fortune Spheres in chests:
* Mi'ihen Highroad - Oldroad, South (Requires a Chocobo to get)
* Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
* Zanarkand Ruins - Overpass
* Gagazet - Submerged Passage (Complete the Second Trial of Gagazet)

After that, you'll have to fight Earth Eater.

Crap. Maybe I should just reload my last save. It's about an hour and a half of grinding and story on the highroad and probably the damn Valefor vs ifrit fight again. Ugh.

Are luck spheres that rare?


Crap. Maybe I should just reload my last save. It's about an hour and a half of grinding and story on the highroad and probably the damn Valefor vs ifrit fight again. Ugh.

Are luck spheres that rare?

Yeah, you'll only find a few of them through the story. The rest are from fighting Greater Sphere in the Arena.
Can someone please explain to me why
Sin is able to travel in and out of dream Zanarkand, and take Tidus to Spira?
I've beaten this game like 10 times and that always eludes me.


Crap. Maybe I should just reload my last save. It's about an hour and a half of grinding and story on the highroad and probably the damn Valefor vs ifrit fight again. Ugh.

Are luck spheres that rare?

Don't worry about it too much.
Unless you plan on maxing stats, in which you would be farming for them anyway, either way you're fine just continuing on.

Luck isn't particularly important during the story.
SLVs are super easy to get later on. Even without setup you can get 10-15 SLvs every 5 mins. With the correct setup you get 99 in the same amount time. No need to worry about backtracking.


Don't worry about it too much.
Unless you plan on maxing stats, in which you would be farming for them anyway, either way you're fine just continuing on.

Luck isn't particularly important during the story.

SLVs are super easy to get later on. Even without setup you can get 10-15 SLvs every 5 mins. With the correct setup you get 99 in the same amount time. No need to worry about backtracking.

Cool. Thanks guys. I know it's a small amount of time but I really hate replaying significant chunks of gameplay. I'll roll with it. Will just have to remember where I put it lol


Maxed STR, DEF, MDEF, 170 AGI. I'm at a point where I need to grind Luck, but it takes forever. All guides I see recommended spamming Attack Reels, but ugh Blitz. What's the fastest way to get through Blitz and get both Attack Reels and the Celestial? Members to recruit? I have never touched Blitzball outside the story battle so I know nothing about how you get stuff from Blitzball. I know the trick to matches (score 1-0, hide behind goal), but having terrible teammates makes it difficult to pull off.

You'll have to win 2 Tournaments and 2 Leagues. For Wakka's reels make sure he participated in at least 450 fights.

Get Jecht Shot for Tidus.

The most important part is that you recruit an amazing goalkeeper. The best one is usually contracted by the Al-Bhed. That's why you'll want to recruit Jumal. There are a couple of good players spread around Luca. People like Wedge (for defense), also make sure to recruit Brother on the airship.

As far as the Tournaments are concerned - you can reset the prizes by exiting the Blitzball menu 3 times. League, on the other hand, you'll need to Reset Data if you don't want to play through 2 additional Leagues.

Have in mind that when you do Reset Data you'll have to recruit everyone all over again.

Make sure to level Tidus at the start of your first match as much as possible. Level 3 is a must, otherwise you won't be able to use Jecht shot. However, the Al-Bhed team will give you problems - especially if your Tidus is low-leveled (He won't be able to score a goal even with Jecht shot because Nimrook is op :().

Basically - Brother can outrun most teams. You pass the ball to him and make the opposing team chase him. He then passes the ball to Tidus who shouldn't have anyone near him (even if he does - Jecht shot ignores 2 players) and he scores.

That's basically the gist of it.
Some thoughts on FFX:

It's a grind.Somewhere between the 10-15 hour mark the game stops flucuating between cutscenes and gameplay and pretty much becomes battle heavy. The pacing goes wayyyyyyy off and it becomes a real chore to get through the game. Even with knowing the enemy's weakness, using Bio on enemies with large HP counts, and trying to not venture too far from the path so as to reduce the risk of a random battle it still is very tedious.

Also worth noting that random battles occur TOO often. I don't mind random battles in an rpg but at the frequency that they occur in this game it really creates this sense of dread whenever you try to get to a point or treasure chest or whatnot. Not since Skies of Arcadia has a game had such an interesting world that made you hate wandering around it due to random battles. It has this strange effect where i'm always waiting for the other shoe to drop whenever I load into a new area, often just putting the game on standby once a battle begins because im simply too burned out on .

I agree that random battles can occur a bit too often, but a grind? I dunno about that. You just have to walk across one or two short, linear, maps fighting the battles before you get to the next story section, and only twice so far have I had to actually grind to level up a bit.
Reading everything people are saying about X-2 - that game sounds like a totally different game to what I remember. The international content must have added so much because I barely recognise what everybody is talking about from when I played it years ago.


Can someone please explain to me why
Sin is able to travel in and out of dream Zanarkand, and take Tidus to Spira?
I've beaten this game like 10 times and that always eludes me.

Sin is technically just a big ass aeon, right? If it's a summoned being just like the dream Zanarkand then it's not too weird for the two to be able to interact.

I'm sure others have a more artful explanation.


Reading everything people are saying about X-2 - that game sounds like a totally different game to what I remember. The international content must have added so much because I barely recognise what everybody is talking about from when I played it years ago.

Mainly 2 Dressphere's and a Creature Creator, and they nerfed the Cat-Nip accessory. That's about it outside of the addition of LAST MISSION which is a separate beast all in itself.


Man, Dark Aeons placement is really shitty. This is my first time playing the International version, but trying to backtrack and get stuff and freaking Dark Aeons show up along the way.

I missed the Sun Sigil in the Yunalesca battle area and going back to get for the Celestial Weapon stuff and ambushed by Dark Bahamut.

It's just terrible design. I try to stay away from guides, but it seems like I should've used one so I didn't miss anything.

It's annoying.


Can someone please explain to me why
Sin is able to travel in and out of dream Zanarkand, and take Tidus to Spira?
I've beaten this game like 10 times and that always eludes me.

I didn't totally get it on previous playthroughs, either. But way earlier in this thread, some people mentioned that it's because
Dream Zanarkand is actually a physical place -- similar to how summoned Aeons are corporeal -- somewhere near Baaj Temple (where Tidus washes up). One of Sin's goals (its primary goal?) is to keep Spiran society from getting too technologically advanced and finding DZ.
If you plan on Zanmatoing the rest (like I did) you only need to get your main party up to 50 luck. Once you're done fighting Dark Yojimbo you can clear all the luck spheres off the grid since you won't be needing them anymore. Means less Earth Eater grinding for you

I'm not sure if your Accuracy needs to be maxed out but it couldn't hurt :lol All of my stats besides Magic, Luck, HP/MP (were at 10k/1k) were maxed out by the time I bought Dark Yojimbo.

I don't know where this 50 luck thing comes from.

Base luck is fine. Aim (x5) + Luck(x5) gives a >50% hit ratio against Yojimbo with base luck.

It'll take more turns and more time to kill Yojimbo, but no where near the amount of time it will take to farm Earth Eater for Fortune spheres.
For Penance, it wasn't too bad. Getting STR/DEF/AGI/MDEF to 255 isn't that bad. Keep HP at 9999. I got Luck to about 120 just for the hell of it - that was the pain, but it's not TERRIBLE.

Can I get to those stats on the expert grid without using clear spheres? Grinding for Luck and all those other spheres will be a pain, but that I can handle if I don't have to essentially overwrite the progress I already have.


Speaking of which:
Is there a record anywhere how much stats are on the base expert grid? Would be usefull to plan on how much stat spheres I actually have to grind.

23 Strength Spheres 13 Agility Spheres
30 Defense Spheres 56 Luck Spheres
27 Magic Spheres
34 Magic Defense Spheres

I think that will get you
255 Strength 170 Agility
255 Defense 30 Evasion
255 Magic Doesn't Matter Accuracy
255 Magic Defense 255 Luck


23 Strength Spheres 13 Agility Spheres
30 Defense Spheres 56 Luck Spheres
27 Magic Spheres
34 Magic Defense Spheres

I think that will get you
255 Strength 170 Agility
255 Defense 30 Evasion
255 Magic Doesn't Matter Accuracy
255 Magic Defense 255 Luck

I meant what is already on the grid, including +1, +2 and +3 Stats. As I won't bother with Magic, won't get the Luck to high, and won't go over 9,999HP, I wnat to see if I could leave these <+4 stats on the grid and spare myself a lot of stat spheres to grind.
What you posted is the number of +4 stats already on the grid (taken I guess from this awesome FAQ ).
But thanks anyway. Deleting old nodes is not that bad if I recall correctly, as long as you start with strength and Yuna's/Lulu's/Rikku's path.


I meant what is already on the grid, including +1, +2 and +3 Stats. As I won't bother with Magic, won't get the Luck to high, and won't go over 9,999HP, I wnat to see if I could leave these <+4 stats on the grid and spare myself a lot of stat spheres to grind.
What you posted is the number of +4 stats already on the grid (taken I guess from this awesome FAQ ).
But thanks anyway. Deleting old nodes is not that bad if I recall correctly, as long as you start with strength and Yuna's/Lulu's/Rikku's path.
Yeah. I should have clarified. That's the amount of spheres you would need. But those are without clearing ANY spaces. The only reason you'd need to clear spaces is to get your HP to 99999, which is unnecessary.

I platinum'ed the game without clearing a single original node from the grid.


Yeah. I should have clarified. That's the amount of spheres you would need. But those are without clearing ANY spaces.

Oh wait, so I misunderstood you, that was EXACTLY what I wanted to know, thanks!
(funny enough: you apparently need as many Strength +4 spheres as there already are Strength +4 spheres on the grind, hence why I thought you misunderstood what I wanted to know).


Oh wait, so I misunderstood you, that was EXACTLY what I wanted to know, thanks!
(funny enough: you apparently need as many Strength +4 spheres as there already are Strength +4 spheres on the grind, hence why I thought you misunderstood what I wanted to know).
I didn't really count when I did it. I just used Tidus to lay down all of the spheres and stopped when he hit 255 (or whatever) for that stat.


I don't know where this 50 luck thing comes from.

Base luck is fine. Aim (x5) + Luck(x5) gives a >50% hit ratio against Yojimbo with base luck.

It'll take more turns and more time to kill Yojimbo, but no where near the amount of time it will take to farm Earth Eater for Fortune spheres.

With 50 luck you'll hit pretty much 100% of the time along with Aim 5x. Although this sounds like a quicker way to do it so I wish I had done this :(
I don't know where this 50 luck thing comes from.

Base luck is fine. Aim (x5) + Luck(x5) gives a >50% hit ratio against Yojimbo with base luck.

It'll take more turns and more time to kill Yojimbo, but no where near the amount of time it will take to farm Earth Eater for Fortune spheres.

It takes a shitload of turns to get off Aim x5 and Luck x5 though, and you're gonna lose all your effort as soon as he Wakizashi's you. Even with 70 luck I was having a hard time hitting him. I didn't start hitting him consistently until I had 100 luck.

It only took me about an hour to farm enough fortune spheres to get my 3 mains up to 100 luck.


Ok. I just remember reading a guide that said something like "it's better to capture fiends the first time through, since they'll start at Level 1 on NG+."

So basically keep a party of 8 fiends and keep levelling them to unlock Fiend Tales as I go? Does every monster have a fiend tale? Would it make sense then to just use Fiends in a party to level them to keep YRP's level low, then?

If you want to unlock all the fiend tales, it's best to capture fiends as they become available, get their fiend tale levels up in the arena, and release them. Once you want to build up a fiend team to fight in the arena, just go and recapture the fiends you want whose fiend tales you've already finished and keep them in your group, though you'll want to leave at least some room for fiends whose fiend tales you haven't finished.

Not every monster has a fiend tale, but the vast majority of them do. Likewise, the availability of fiends varies by location and by the current chapter. Here is a helpful guide for where and when fiends are available to capture. Generally, you should try to capture the fiends available in the earlier chapters before they become unavailable in their normal locations, since they become much harder to capture afterword when they're only available in Luca.
Ok I'm saved right before the final boss and I'm kinda underleveled. I beat the last 5+ bosses simply by going into all the fights with all my aeons in overdrive and unleashing them, works great. I did almost no farming at all and I just played the story, where should I grind for some sphere levels to get the story done already? I need to move onto FFX-2 and Tales of Symphonia before I come back to do my plat trophy :D


Ok I'm saved right before the final boss and I'm kinda underleveled. I beat the last 5+ bosses simply by going into all the fights with all my aeons in overdrive and unleashing them, works great. I did almost no farming at all and I just played the story, where should I grind for some sphere levels to get the story done already? I need to move onto FFX-2 and Tales of Symphonia before I come back to do my plat trophy :D

You have a couple of options really. You can grind inside Sin - once you get powerful enough you can even use capture weapons to make your platinum less of a hassle later on.

You could do the cactuar mini-game on Bikanel Island and just farm them - they give you a decent amount of AP.

Or, the toughest option, Omega Ruins - just stay near the save point and save often.


Ok I'm saved right before the final boss and I'm kinda underleveled. I beat the last 5+ bosses simply by going into all the fights with all my aeons in overdrive and unleashing them, works great. I did almost no farming at all and I just played the story, where should I grind for some sphere levels to get the story done already? I need to move onto FFX-2 and Tales of Symphonia before I come back to do my plat trophy :D

You could probably beat him with your current levels, but if you want an easy win and no grinding...

Win the Remiem Temple chocobo race while opening three chests to receive 30 Wings to Discovery. Mix them with Rikku's Overdrive to get Trio of 9999.

Then just toss elemental gems, use multi-hit Overdrives, ect.


For those who got Wakka's Celestial Weapon, did you reset your team data?

I did that and I lost my recruits. I was using a guide and it recommended that.


I've got a theory.

if you are a blitzball player you then become able to TALK and BREATH underwater. if you notice, the only ones that do that in the party are Tidus and Wakka, the game also makes you fight with JUST THEM some bosses in the water (Rikku was an exception). the rest are probably scared of the water or can't swim at all, rip.
seems legit.

anyway, the laughing scene wasn't as bad or retarded as I thought. Rikku 'joining your party' scene though was 10 times more retarded. unless I'm missing something that will be explained later.

so far I'm enjoying the game, some locations are really cool (that place where souls go - forgot the name - , DAMN if it was fucking NICE), nice HD.
You could probably beat him with your current levels, but if you want an easy win and no grinding...

Win the Remiem Temple chocobo race while opening three chests to receive 30 Wings to Discovery. Mix them with Rikku's Overdrive to get Trio of 9999.

Then just toss elemental gems, use multi-hit Overdrives, ect.

Thanks, this method make me lol when I did it. It took 3 tries to win the race with the 3 chests then I just used Rikku's OD and spammed water\fire gems for 40k each on both forms. :D


Dot Hacked
Where/when do I get more ability spheres?? I'm all out an refuse ta progress any further in the sphere grids until I get more an use the ones I'm closest to!

This Seymour guy seems pretty nice but I bet he'll like kill the old man to take his place and try to abuct and love on Yuna or somethin'. The blitzball tutorial has alot to try an comprehend. Which means I'm boned. Theres a boss named Oblitzerator? puns! But if machines are weak to thunder why does it heal a crane??

I like how Tidus goads Kimahri into a fight then causes him to get sucker punched lol. Pretty sure Tidus' role is just to fuck with anyone and everyone.

Off to try an win some turn-based soccer game! Assuming it is possible to win this one maybe I ought look up some pro-strats beforehand!
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