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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!


Dot Hacked
Wait wait the Al Bhed named their home... Home? Wow. ~_~;

I did not see the twist coming about Yuna dying after beating the final boss! Mostly cause X2 exists. But ya know even w/o X2 this is anime so unlike Aeris I woulda figured fate'd be changed somehow an she'd be spared. The giant flying worm game over'd me on first go but I won the rematch somehow! Then lol'd at the party rail grinding off the airship. Then almost cried when a pair of flamethrower guys nearly game over'd me x_x

Since people are taught that machina are super outlawed and bad and crap just what the heck do summoners go make their way through Belville cloister think about how crazy that place is?? No one ever questioned it or mentioned the place in public? That place sucked cause I am super bad at button pressing timing. Also cause you get sent into the abyss alot. Why not make the railway loop instead of that? Now that I finally got Yuna back I better do some grinding to make up for her long absence!

The rest of the supporting cast is bland and forgettable.
Its my first time to so I can get what you're saying about. Cause so far the games not done much of anything ta develop anyone outside Tidus/Yuna. Normally rpgs got party member sidequests or important stops along the way related to 'em but this ones got nothing. Wouldn't say they're not memorable but they sure dun got alot going for 'em so far.


You maybe want to add Spoiler Tags in there?

Yeah, pretty terrible since I explicitly said it was my first time through the game and I haven't beat it LOL. He/she just ruined a major plot point for me. Looks like I better avoid this thread until I finish.


Pretty sure I put in no more than 60-65 total considering how busy I was. Clocked showed 400+ because I leave my PS3 on. For what it's worth I had a start-to-end gameplan weeks before the game came out NA, though.

So did I. I played the game numerous times back in the day and knew it inside out. I did everything insanely time efficiently, NEVER just leaving console on with the game and still was just barely under 102 hours.


How long is FFX-2 if I'm planning to 100% it? Will it take more than 100+ hours?

Depend what you mean with 100%.
If it's story-wise (get the counter to 100%), certainly not.
If you mean platinum the game, that could come close to 100h, when I look at the trophies like that (but I haven't done it).


that puzzling face
So did I. I played the game numerous times back in the day and knew it inside out. I did everything insanely time efficiently, NEVER just leaving console on with the game and still was just barely under 102 hours.

How long did your story take?


I've just defeated the Sperimorph in the Macalania Woods. So far, I really don't get the story.

  • Tidus and Auron were transported to the future, but Auron somehow arrived a few years earlier?
  • Auron looks the same as back then in Zanarkand, however, in the 10 year flashback he was young?
  • Jecht was still human after defeating Sin, as evidenced by his sphere - so he somehow became Sin afterwards?
  • If Jecht is Sin, what or whom did he defeat? My guess is that it's some kind of cycle. Whoever defeats Sin will become the next Sin.
But no answers, please. Please just tell me if all of this will make sense to me in the end.
And why are people able to breathe underwater?
There are MASSIVE spoilers in some posts above. Avoid them.

As for your question, they're all answered as you play, but I think you're just confused with point 2? The game never implied that the Auron in your party is a different than the one Tidus sees at the beginning of the game. Exact same old Auron. Naturally, Auron is young in the flashbacks. I answered that part since it should be clear from the beginning, and doesn't get any clearer as you play.

As for breathing... kinda somewhat sorta explained in the Calm video thingy which you should watch only after beating the game.

Also before you take an extra step, you might want to consider backtracking to Besaid, but it takes almost 2 hours roundtrip. You can pickup a new Overdrive there. You can also pickup spheres which count toward another Overdrive while getting plenty of backstory.


There are MASSIVE spoilers in some posts above. Avoid them.

Thanks. Luckily, so far I've remained completely unspoiled.

As for your question, they're all answered as you play, but I think you're just confused with point 2? The game never implied that the Auron in your party is a different than the one Tidus sees at the beginning of the game. Exact same old Auron. Naturally, Auron is young in the flashbacks. I answered that part since it should be clear from the beginning, and doesn't get any clearer as you play.

Surely I am just misunderstanding something. This scene right here - that's from Braska's pilgrimage 10 years ago, right? And Auron is young. But a thousand years before this event, he was as old as he is in the present time?

As for breathing... kinda somewhat sorta explained in the Calm video thingy which you should watch only after beating the game.

Will do!

Also before you take an extra step, you might want to consider backtracking to Besaid, but it takes almost 2 hours roundtrip. You can pickup a new Overdrive there. You can also pickup spheres which count toward another Overdrive while getting plenty of backstory.

Oh, it's possible to backtrack that far? That's unexpected. But almost 2 hours? Ugh. Not sure about that. But I'd appreciate some backstory.

What do you mean?
As far as I recall,
the Jecht spheres were shot by Jecht during Braska's pelgrinage, before he defeated Sin.

Yes, that's correct. I just rewatched the cutscene. I have no idea why I assumed it was shot after the fight, sorry.


Surely I am just misunderstanding something. This scene right here - that's from Braska's pilgrimage 10 years ago, right? And Auron is young. But a thousand years before this event, he was as old as he is in the present time?

Keep playing, you'll understand in due time (well, somewhat, that's one of the point that isn't so well explained).

And don't expect to much for the "breathing under water thing", there is no sound explanation.


Chapter 2, where all the min-games start to appear.
Beat the first level of Gunner's Gauntlet and calibrated all 10 lightning towers. Rikku's third tower took the majority of the time.

much envy

back in the day I had problem only with last couple of towers, now I can't even do Rikku's because I can't see some of the buttons in time to press them., especially those that are on objects. Really... what 10 years can do, it's horrible


Shit, I screwed up. After the fight against
the Al Bhed Crawler
, which was pretty hard, I was looking for a save point. But I somehow missed it and therefore had to fight
with a half-dead party. I managed to do the first two parts of the battle (needed to use a dozen potions and Phoenix Downs, though), but he destroyed me in the final part. At least not that much progress is lost, but the doing the boss fight again will be a pain in the ass.

By the way, Wakka is a moron.


Keep playing, you'll understand in due time (well, somewhat, that's one of the point that isn't so well explained).

And don't expect to much for the "breathing under water thing", there is no sound explanation.

you are very wrong on this one, it's fully explained
About the endgame... Once I go to the final airship destination, is there a point of no return?
What happens after I beat the final boss and see the ending, I just load up from the last save point, jump on the airship and finish the sidequests?

In the final area I went down a slide and can no longer get back up it and I missed a chest I think.


About the endgame... Once I go to the final airship destination, is there a point of no return?
What happens after I beat the final boss and see the ending, I just load up from the last save point, jump on the airship and finish the sidequests?

In the final area I went down a slide and can no longer get back up it and I missed a chest I think.
You can go to the last save point and always leave. Just don't go into the next room. As for that slide, there's a way back.

As for me...took a break to finish my low-level FF8 run (level 8! Woo!), now back to finishing up Ch1 of FFX-2...


About the endgame... Once I go to the final airship destination, is there a point of no return?
What happens after I beat the final boss and see the ending, I just load up from the last save point, jump on the airship and finish the sidequests?

In the final area I went down a slide and can no longer get back up it and I missed a chest I think.

Yep, you reload your save. The save point is just before the point of no return so you don't have to worry.


you are very wrong on this one, it's fully explained

I didn't say it wasn't explained, I said it wasn't well explained.
The part with Auron is pretty clear, but there's still no satisfactory official explanation in the game I know of that explains if the "Dream Zanarkand" physically exist, and if not how the hell Sin appears in it without messing it up completely (he does destroy it when Tidus is still there, while is whole purpose is to protect it)


Experiencing the Chocobo race for the first time.... fuck... this. lol.

My best is 5 seconds. Managed once or twice to hit 12~14 balloons, but I've not once been able to do a run without being hit by a bird.

edit: LOL, rage on GAF, go and almost instantly win the Sun Sigil (had a break inbetween posting and trying again).


34.? seconds, 12 balloons, no birds hit. Done it in less than an hour, phew.
Is there a penalty if I ignore all that Blitzball non sense? I don't want to learn that game, I'm not interested. I want to play the RPG part of the game. That's it. Period.
Surely I am just misunderstanding something. This scene right here - that's from Braska's pilgrimage 10 years ago, right? And Auron is young. But a thousand years before this event, he was as old as he is in the present time?.

Basically, at the beginning the game shows you that Auron and Tidus were dragged to Spira because of Sin. When Tidus met Auron in Spira early in the game (back at Lucca?), Auron knew what Tidus was blabbering about, so it's definitely the same Auron.

As for backtracking, you should buy Sonic Steel for Tidus. It packs Initiative, which nearly guarantees Tidus gets a turn before others while preventing ambushes. You just keep using Flee to speed things up. Now is just the best time to backtrack for those item/spheres since it gets much harder to do if you do it any later.

Also more massive spoilers between your post and mine though it's tagged. Probably should avoid this thread from now on.


Shit, I screwed up. After the fight against
the Al Bhed Crawler
, which was pretty hard, I was looking for a save point. But I somehow missed it and therefore had to fight
with a half-dead party. I managed to do the first two parts of the battle (needed to use a dozen potions and Phoenix Downs, though), but he destroyed me in the final part. At least not that much progress is lost, but the doing the boss fight again will be a pain in the ass.

By the way, Wakka is a moron.

Seymour casts spells in a pattern, which you can see with Sensor. By using the proper Nul- spell with Yuna each turn, he can't hurt your party. Poison and Slow him and summon an Aeon against Anima.


Dot Hacked
Wow I just caught up to the intro! I did not even think that would be a thing!

btw what happened to the game opening up after you get the airship? that things been MIA for quite awhile an here I am on the outskirts of Zankarland which I imagine is super close to the end??

You maybe want to add Spoiler Tags in there?
Yeah, pretty terrible since I explicitly said it was my first time through the game and I haven't beat it LOL. He/she just ruined a major plot point for me. Looks like I better avoid this thread until I finish.
Its my first time to and I haven't beaten it yet either >_> I didn't know spoiler laws held up 10+ years after the fact! But thats no excuse for being lazy an moreso just thoughtless so I'm sorrys! Avoiding OTs until you've beaten a games is pretty much the right idea though, usually I do the same!


Wow I just caught up to the intro! I did not even think that would be a thing!

btw what happened to the game opening up after you get the airship? that things been MIA for quite awhile an here I am on the outskirts of Zankarland which I imagine is super close to the end??

You will receive the airship after you finish Zanarkand.


Dot Hacked
You will receive the airship after you finish Zanarkand.
Ohh okay thats weird. Maybe theres alot more left to the game sans backtracking then I thought. On another note I spent all my money on Yojimbo and a weapon for Lulu. I'm like sub-10k moneys. Thats never happened to me in an rpg before! So weird!
Just for fun I booted up X-2, even though I haven't finished X yet. And wow, serious upgrade to graphics, animations and battle system. Now I really wanna finish X.


Its my first time to and I haven't beaten it yet either >_> I didn't know spoiler laws held up 10+ years after the fact! But thats no excuse for being lazy an moreso just thoughtless so I'm sorrys! Avoiding OTs until you've beaten a games is pretty much the right idea though, usually I do the same!

Well, if you'd ask me I would even spoiler tag 20 year old games, but yeah back to topic.
As of yesterday the game is out of stock on Amazon in Germany (i.e. only available through third parties), I hope that is indicative of the sales numbers and not due to low stock.
Edit: The PS3-version that is.
Yeah, even though X got the bulk of the re-master love, X-2 did look surprisingly good.

Really? I'm shocked because from the 10 mins I played of X-2, everything looks so much sharper, cleaner. The animations looks great in battle, and during cutscenes not so stilted as in X. Also, facial animations and characters look better. Rikku and Yuna look much better too.


Well what I mean is that for X they "improved" the faces and reworked the whole soundtrack where X-2 didn't see such tweaks, and maybe for the better.

It does look really good though. I dunno the exactly timeline or specifics but the full-motion scenes (not cgi, but the fully animated in game scenes) are very reminiscent of Kingdom Hearts, only lip matched to japanese so that's a little jarring but understandable.


that puzzling face
Really? I'm shocked because from the 10 mins I played of X-2, everything looks so much sharper, cleaner. The animations looks great in battle, and during cutscenes not so stilted as in X. Also, facial animations and characters look better. Rikku and Yuna look much better too.

Keep in mind X was Square's first PS2 game. Obviously all else being equal X-2 would have had the benefit of all they'd learnt in the intervening year(s?).


I am near the end of FFX
Just got the airship back
and I suddenly find myself losing all motivation for the side content when this entire time I'd been looking forward to doing it since I never have before. The celestial weapons and monster arena especially seem very tedious.


I am near the end of FFX
Just got the airship back
and I suddenly find myself losing all motivation for the side content when this entire time I'd been looking forward to doing it since I never have before. The celestial weapons and monster arena especially seem very tedious.

Yup, I will never understand what kind of sadists had to work at square to include such tedious sidequests. And it's not only one shitty sidequest, literally all of them are taking so fucking long.


I am near the end of FFX
Just got the airship back
and I suddenly find myself losing all motivation for the side content when this entire time I'd been looking forward to doing it since I never have before. The celestial weapons and monster arena especially seem very tedious.

Yup, I will never understand what kind of sadists had to work at square to include such tedious sidequests. And it's not only one shitty sidequest, literally all of them are taking so fucking long.

After managing to luck my way through the Chocobo race it's the catch 10 of all monsters I cannot be bothered with. Such a time sink. Bit worried about the lightning bolt dodging as well, I'm really going to struggle to keep focussed for 200.


After managing to luck my way through the Chocobo race it's the catch 10 of all monsters I cannot be bothered with. Such a time sink. Bit worried about the lightning bolt dodging as well, I'm really going to struggle to keep focussed for 200.

I got all the Celestial Weapons only to stick with my ridiculously overpowered 3-man party for the endgame.
Made to Chapter 3.Completed the Gunner's Gauntlet in chapter 2, along with the other available side quests/mini-games. Time for the second set of side-quest/mini-games to begin.

I had almost forgotten how quickly the story moves if you ignore all the optional areas.


Made to Chapter 3.Completed the Gunner's Gauntlet in chapter 2, along with the other available side quests/mini-games. Time for the second set of side-quest/mini-games to begin.

I had almost forgotten how quickly the story moves if you ignore all the optional areas.

I somehow manage to run out of time in Gunner's Gauntlet, I thought it takes seconds to get to the mean guy, but it seems I forgotten or am slower now. Do you remember how long does it take (average) to get to the guy after leaving waterfalls?

I didn't say it wasn't explained, I said it wasn't well explained.
The part with Auron is pretty clear, but there's still no satisfactory official explanation in the game I know of that explains if the "Dream Zanarkand" physically exist, and if not how the hell Sin appears in it without messing it up completely (he does destroy it when Tidus is still there, while is whole purpose is to protect it)

There is official explanation: last living people of Zanarkand turned into fayths to dream their destroyed city, with the lead of Yu Yevon, and sin is his armour and weapon, that's why he can enter it and destroy too, as sin still has his own will partly, but he doesn't control himself fully, he is still a weapon and an armour. In FFX universe, anything is made of pyreflies and anything made that way is real, that's why undead can continue living if they feel strong need. Tidus is real, Zanarkand is real, Jecht is real. Only being really real, and dream of fayth real, are different realities and it's really not explained in the game. But I think we can understand why it is different to be one sustained by "frozen" mind and being sustained by nature or natural way of things.
So anyone have a hypothesis for why Rikku and her dad are both perfectly bilingual and her Brother is not? It just seems kinda weird...


I might give up on getting the FFX platinum.

It's just so grindy. Blitzball, Monster collecting--damn low encounter rate monsters!--Chocobo racing.


I might give up on getting the FFX platinum.

It's just so grindy. Blitzball, Monster collecting--damn low encounter rate monsters!--Chocobo racing.

Yup, I just came to that same conclusion. I've done the same Chocobo races over 1,000 times and I'm just done... so stupid


There is official explanation: last living people of Zanarkand turned into fayths to dream their destroyed city, with the lead of Yu Yevon, and sin is his armour and weapon, that's why he can enter it and destroy too, as sin still has his own will partly, but he doesn't control himself fully, he is still a weapon and an armour. In FFX universe, anything is made of pyreflies and anything made that way is real, that's why undead can continue living if they feel strong need. Tidus is real, Zanarkand is real, Jecht is real. Only being really real, and dream of fayth real, are different realities and it's really not explained in the game. But I think we can understand why it is different to be one sustained by "frozen" mind and being sustained by nature or natural way of things.

Just to show how unclear this is: even you apparently mix up both explenation for Zanarkand:
"and sin is his armour and weapon, that's why he can enter it and destroy too"
>Implying Zarnakand is rather a dream (you have to have a link to it to be able to see it)
"Zanarkand is real,"
> Implying Zarnakand physicaly exists, so anyone can see it (contradicting the former point).

I'd say the latter is the more sound explenation, the Fayth just "reconstruct" Zarnakand once destroyed by Sin. But it is in no way cristal clear in the game.
That would also beg the question if the fayth rebuild Zarnakand with Tidus and Jecht, and if yes, how the hell that works with Jecht being Sin.


I got it twice in three tries.
It's skill.
And mainly absurd luck, yeah

Don't get me wrong I think there's things you can do to try and give yourself better odds, but balloon placement and sometimes the way in which birds are just chucked at you really is luck...

You're basically counting on the "perfect" layout coming up at the same time you manage to nail controlling the bird with a mind of it's own "perfectly". If one side lets the other down you're screwed.
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