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Final Fantasy X|X-2 HD Remaster |OT| G - A - F in position, it's showtime gurlz!

So I just completed the Sphere Grids for all characters but no trophy.
WHAT THE HELL? Urgh, hope it's not a bug and I missed something somewhere.
The SNES trilogy wasn't too bad in this regard.

they were, but just in a different way. FF4 had the Pink Tail, for example. It definitely started getting out of hand after the advent of the internet, however. Probably due to the ease of information spreading.

So I just completed the Sphere Grids for all characters but no trophy.
WHAT THE HELL? Urgh, hope it's not a bug and I missed something somewhere.

Use a Master Sphere on each person's grid. Well don't actually *use* it, but click it once. It will automatically move your cursor to an empty node. If the grid is truly complete, Master Sphere will be greyed out in the spheere selection dialog. If it's greyed out for every character, click a purple sphere like a Luck Sphere that fills empty nodes. And then see if that goes anywhere. If so, you need to fill that node. Finally, if that still doesn't work, look for key sphere nodes that you didn't unlock.
they were, but just in a different way. FF4 had the Pink Tail, for example. It definitely started getting out of hand after the advent of the internet, however. Probably due to the ease of information spreading.

Use a Master Sphere on each person's grid. Well don't actually *use* it, but click it once. It will automatically move your cursor to an empty node. If the grid is truly complete, Master Sphere will be greyed out in the spheere selection dialog. If it's greyed out for every character, click a purple sphere like a Luck Sphere that fills empty nodes. And then see if that goes anywhere. If so, you need to fill that node. Finally, if that still doesn't work, look for key sphere nodes that you didn't unlock.

I didn't have a master sphere so I bribed a Maelstrom for an Attribute Sphere, that did it though, the Platinum is mine!

Took me "only" 102h. What a ride. amazing game


Junior Member
I'm listening to the weather channel, and some music is playing that sounds suspiciously like Someday the Dream Will End.
Got Yojimbo and im looking to very quickly wrap up the end of the game. If im looking to get a high probability of zanmato I just need to pay him 1024 every attack and make certain he doesn't die, right?


How can you control if his dog attacks? Do i soft reset if the dog attacks? I was reading a FAQ specifically about Yojimbo and found it to be a bit convoluted so I'd figure i'd ask about him here.
Just do a couple of easy fights with him, pay him 1024 GIL until all enemies are dead and you should get to a point where he will never summon his dog unless you KO him or don't pay him.
Demonolith - Level 3 Key Sphere x40 for 900,000 gil

Thanks, I was on mobile at the time so it was awkward for me to find and copy/paste that here. But yes, that's exactly what I did. It might seem like a lot of gil, but it's only a short time of farming one eye for Triple Ap weapons
Until last night, there was a part of me that kept saying "You will never platinum this game. You're going to finally get fed up with the Chocobo race and give up." And then last night happened. I freaking got it. When 37 seconds, 14 balloons, and 1 bird popped up on the screen, I couldn't believe my eyes. Just Lulu's and Wakka's left. I've got an unbeatable Blitz team, so Wakka's is just a matter of time. Lulu's made me nervous, but after reading about the crater trick and getting almost 50 in a row on my first try, I'm feeling pretty good about it, too.

I have very real hope that this game will be my first platinum.

I used this guide for the Chocobo race and found it helped immensely, if anyone reading this is having trouble.
Until last night, there was a part of me that kept saying "You will never platinum this game. You're going to finally get fed up with the Chocobo race and give up." And then last night happened. I freaking got it. When 37 seconds, 14 balloons, and 1 bird popped up on the screen, I couldn't believe my eyes. Just Lulu's and Wakka's left. I've got an unbeatable Blitz team, so Wakka's is just a matter of time. Lulu's made me nervous, but after reading about the crater trick and getting almost 50 in a row on my first try, I'm feeling pretty good about it, too.

I have very real hope that this game will be my first platinum.

I used this guide for the Chocobo race and found it helped immensely, if anyone reading this is having trouble.

fyi, you don't need Wakka's for the platinum trophy. His ultimate weapon is nice, but if you just want to get the game over with, skip it.


Ok this is good. I leveled Yuna up a bit through the Dark Ixion method and now the Magus Sisters 1 shot Kottos!

Now seeing as I normally charge up the aeons overdrives in the Guadosalam fiend info section, I'm guessing you can't do that with the Sisters, what's an easy way to charge up Yuna's for Grand Summon?
Ok this is good. I leveled Yuna up a bit through the Dark Ixion method and now the Magus Sisters 1 shot Kottos!

Now seeing as I normally charge up the aeons overdrives in the Guadosalam fiend info section, I'm guessing you can't do that with the Sisters, what's an easy way to charge up Yuna's for Grand Summon?

Set her Overdrive Mode to Victor, then use the monster arena to fight the first enemy from Besaid twice. Try to spend all your spheres on a single character fro now, because you want to get to the point where you can kill Kottos with just regular attacks.


Set her Overdrive Mode to Victor, then use the monster arena to fight the first enemy from Besaid twice. Try to spend all your spheres on a single character fro now, because you want to get to the point where you can kill Kottos with just regular attacks.

Alright will do! Thanks for the help.


is it long to set up weapons in order to do the Don Tomberry 'trick'?

also fuck the mini-games in this game, seriously, fuck that shit.


is it long to set up weapons in order to do the Don Tomberry 'trick'?

also fuck the mini-games in this game, seriously, fuck that shit.

Not really. You can get Triple AP weapons as drops from One-Eye. After that, you should have the materials from capturing enemies to make
7x Overdrive->AP,
3x Triple OD, and
3x Double OD

The last character you'll have to bribe/steal enough for one more Triple/Double OD.


Not really. You can get Triple AP weapons as drops from One-Eye. After that, you should have the materials from capturing enemies to make
7x Overdrive->AP,
3x Triple OD, and
3x Double OD

The last character you'll have to bribe/steal enough for one more Triple/Double OD.

Or defeat Ultima Buster. He drops weapons with all three:OD->AP, Triple AP and Triple OD.


Or defeat Ultima Buster. He drops weapons with all three:OD->AP, Triple AP and Triple OD.
Right, but you need to capture a ton just to unlock him, so you might as well use the materials given to you.

I guess for the 7th weapon, eh. The double OD isn't too bad to get.


Dot Hacked
Farplane wasn't as cool as it was hyped up ta be. I wanted to be in space and see forever! Thunder Plains was annoying! Getting knocked backwards by lightning just made me wanna get through the area quicker! I liked Rikku's tragic backstory even though it was more funny then sad and butterfly catching was fun. But then Seymour wiped my party by casting like 10 spells in one turn -_- so for the second try I saved Shiva's overdrive and used it to one shot him mwahaha!

edit! oh crap ice sliding puzzzzzlllleee!


Got Yojimbo and im looking to very quickly wrap up the end of the game. If im looking to get a high probability of zanmato I just need to pay him 1024 every attack and make certain he doesn't die, right?

Don't bother grinding affection. Just make sure his OD is full when you're trying to get him to Zanmato; that will affect the calculation more than anything else. Pay him 16384 or 32768 gil, as returns diminish pretty sharply after that.


I was pretty excited when Final Fantasy X HD was announced for Vita. Considering FFX is my favourite Final Fantasy it was an obligatory Day0-title. And boy was I not disappointed.
Whenever the topic FFX comes up, people seem to dislike the story and the characters.
While Tidus really does start off as an unlikable douche, this was never something that bothered me. I think it is actually really great how he is portrayed as a happy go lucky guy at the beginning, in contrast to the earnest setting and the people of Spira, who are always concerned about Sin's next attack.
Furthermore Tidus becomes more and more likeable, as he gets used to the spiran (?) way of life.
While I can at least understand the problems people have with the characters, I can not relate to anyone, who is displeased with the story. To me Spira is the best setting the Final-Fantasy-franchise has to offer to date. The whole backstory plays out very well, be it the overarching backstory of the
zanarkand summoners vs. Bevelle machina war
or the integration of the
summons into the story
everything seems well thought out. I never found myself confused and unable to comprehend what was happening storywise.
The greatest thing though is that FFX manages to introduce the player to the story fully by cutscenes and gameplay, not once do you have to read boring datalogs like in FFXIII (a game, I still really enjoy by the way) to keep in touch with what is happening.
The conclusion to the story is also very enjoyable in my opinion, even though it is bittersweet to me now, because I am still mad at Squeenix fpr fucking up the story with the sequel(s).
I did start X-2 for the 3rd time with the HD remaster and like the first two times on the PS2 I stopped playing after a few hours. I can not get into the game for the hell of it. Even though I am a sucker for changeable costumes (I am really looking forward to play LR in that respect once it has dropped in price, though most of its costumes are fugly)

TL;DR FFX is one of my favourite games


I'd say that overall the story is pretty decent, characters aren't that bad. not my favourite FF but still a good entry in the series. I enjoyed the ride, if only some things were not so stupidly annoying and time consuming I'd have tried to go for the platinum.

also I didn't remember how amazing the music was, based Uematsu.


that puzzling face
Took me 101h 50m. I feel your pain. People on PS3Trophies were saying they Plat'd it in like 65 hours lol. I don't believe them lol

Pretty sure I put in no more than 60-65 total considering how busy I was. Clocked showed 400+ because I leave my PS3 on. For what it's worth I had a start-to-end gameplan weeks before the game came out NA, though.


I'd say that overall the story is pretty decent, characters aren't that bad. not my favourite FF but still a good entry in the series. I enjoyed the ride, if only some things were not so stupidly annoying and time consuming I'd have tried to go for the platinum.

also I didn't remember how amazing the music was, based Uematsu.

Fair point, when I started off I was sure I would go for platinum too. I did actually manage to go through the tedious sidequests for the celestial weapons, but the
Remiem Temple Chocobo race
broke me and made me rush for the boss instead.
Man I haven't played this in a while. Been kinda busy and tired/lazy. Kinda burned myself out by playing too much blitzball. Maybe i'll try to pick this up again next week. Some story progression I mean.
Pretty sure I put in no more than 60-65 total considering how busy I was. Clocked showed 400+ because I leave my PS3 on. For what it's worth I had a start-to-end gameplan weeks before the game came out NA, though.

I just can't see how it's doable in 65 hours. I had ~40 hours on the story with no grinding. The only sidesteps I took:
a) backtracking from Macalania, with Initiative on Tidus (1.5 hours roundtrip)
b) chocobo game at Calm Lands (3 hours of praying to RNGsus)

I was already at 60 hours when I finished capturing monsters. I'm at 76 hours now, still minmaxing the grid and it's pretty much just for 3 people right now.


I'm not a huge fan of the characters, but I really like the story, and the religious undertones to it. Granted, I haven't finished the game yet.


This final fantasy cast is the most likable IMO how can you not like them???

This is my first time playing the game, so no nostalgia bias here at all.

Tidus is super cheesy and annoying, but I think he serves his purpose. Yuna is cool, I like her.

The rest of the supporting cast is bland and forgettable.

Keep in mind I haven't finished the game yet, though I'm very close. My feelings could change.
Chapter 2, where all the min-games start to appear.
Beat the first level of Gunner's Gauntlet and calibrated all 10 lightning towers. Rikku's third tower took the majority of the time.


that puzzling face
I just can't see how it's doable in 65 hours. I had ~40 hours on the story with no grinding. The only sidesteps I took:
a) backtracking from Macalania, with Initiative on Tidus (1.5 hours roundtrip)
b) chocobo game at Calm Lands (3 hours of praying to RNGsus)

I was already at 60 hours when I finished capturing monsters. I'm at 76 hours now, still minmaxing the grid and it's pretty much just for 3 people right now.

Story took me 22 hours, tops. I could barely devote 2 hours a weekday around the time the game came out, and I did it in slightly over two weeks, not playing on weekends. Only thing I really sat through was cutscenes because I've seen all the other dialogue enough to just mash X through them (thanks but no thanks :V)

People speedrun non-NG+ runs in <15 and that's with PS2 loading times. Granted, those speedruns are bare-essentials to beat the final boss which doesn't help much with going apeshit on the sphere grid and collectibles, but it still serves as a decent benchmark.


I've just got to the Airship, about to fight the boss. I started on the standard grid and have just been taking everyone on their default path. Any characters I just think of moving onto someone else's path? I have a friend and teleport sphere.

For Khimari I went down Rikkus path for steal.


I've just got to the Airship, about to fight the boss. I started on the standard grid and have just been taking everyone on their default path. Any characters I just think of moving onto someone else's path? I have a friend and teleport sphere.

For Khimari I went down Rikkus path for steal.

I'd recommend saving them for when you hit the end of each character's grid and want to branch out.

You could use them to park Yuna in the middle of the -aga spells when they become available, but you should have more than enough Blk Magic Spheres to do that anyway.
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