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Final Fantasy XI 2014 |OT| Kumhau, The Blackthorne Coven, and the Mog Wardrobe.

God I love what they did to skill up gain. Got 100 levels of parry in just over 30 mins. Now capped on RUN. :)

Now I just need to cap sword and I'm good to go.


They previewed it, it was ugly and buggy and is built around mouse and KB controls.

I don't know anyone who plays mouse and KB! Everyone is either controller or KB only...

KB only on this game is perfect. I fell right back into it after 5 years. Such greatness.


Oddly at one point an overhaul was mentioned, before they stopped doing roadmaps. But none has happened yet. Sowwy.

Awww kind of soul crushing, chocobo digging really helped to make the game special for me :(

Thanks for the info, really wanted to know that.
Double capacity points next week for those who are 99. I'll probably set up a party in Dho.

Two Double Campaigns for the Price of One! Enjoy Double Capacity Points and Double Simulacra Segment Drop Rate!

Get ready for some fun, as capacity point gains and simulacra segment drops will be doubled for a limited time starting on Thursday, July 31!

Read on for details about these two events
Damn. Finally beat NNI, got my Thaumas coat. Such a huge upgrade as I had 3 jobs that needed it.

I also just about have enough gil for my Aettir, woot.

Boss Mog

I really like Monstrosity, but I think I'm the only one who plays it, lol.

Reminds me of of myself with the Colosseum; I was so into it. When it first opened the place was packed and you had to wait like 45 minutes to get a match. I loved it, thought it was really fun just watching other peoples fights. I had made a Slime mob that was undefeated; it was so resistant to physical attacks. Anyway after a few weeks the place was completely deserted and I had nobody to fight against.

Damn. Finally beat NNI, got my Thaumas coat. Such a huge upgrade as I had 3 jobs that needed it.
I also just about have enough gil for my Aettir, woot.

I don't recommend using the Thaumas Coat in any high end content you'll be gimping yourself severely by not equipping an iLevel armor (the higher the better). It's basically like you're deleveling yourself. The stats boosts/evasion/magic evasion/magic defense bonus you get from iLevel gear makes a significant difference to the damage you take, particularly in high-end Adoulin content. SE might eventually allow us to upgrade NNI gear to 119 but for now you're way better off wearing a 117 or 119 body. Qaaxo Harness with Rank 15 in path A is very nice and close to what a Thaumas Coat can offer and with 119 stat boosts to boot.

Double capacity points next week for those who are 99. I'll probably set up a party in Dho.

It could be Octuple Capacity Points and it would still be slow as hell, I hope SE, fixes this at some point because it just looks like a ploy to give elite players something to do when not making Mythics.
Boss★Moogle;122570305 said:
Reminds me of of myself with the Colosseum; I was so into it. When it first opened the place was packed and you had to wait like 45 minutes to get a match. I loved it, thought it was really fun just watching other peoples fights. I had made a Slime mob that was undefeated; it was so resistant to physical attacks. Anyway after a few weeks the place was completely deserted and I had nobody to fight against.

I don't recommend using the Thaumas Coat in any high end content you'll be gimping yourself severely by not equipping an iLevel armor (the higher the better). It's basically like you're deleveling yourself. The stats boosts/evasion/magic evasion/magic defense bonus you get from iLevel gear makes a significant difference to the damage you take, particularly in high-end Adoulin content. SE might eventually allow us to upgrade NNI gear to 119 but for now you're way better off wearing a 117 or 119 body. Qaaxo Harness with Rank 15 in path A is very nice and close to what a Thaumas Coat can offer and with 119 stat boosts to boot.

It could be Octuple Capacity Points and it would still be slow as hell, I hope SE, fixes this at some point because it just looks like a ploy to give elite players something to do when not making Mythics.

Have you actually tried a dho or woh gates party yet? It's not bad. I got like 4 jp and 20+ merits in a couple hours last time with the vocational ring in woh.
Yeah I don't plan to use T. Coat on RUN. What I meant was that I needed it for COR and PUP and their TP sets when ACC is capped or near capped, RUN can use it but it would only be for low level content. I would never ever ever ever tank in it.

I mentioned Aettir because it's my next big thing I'm working on.

Also gearswap makes using all sorts of gear viable.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
That's great and all Boss, but thing is I don't have anything but Bayld body piece. Plus I don't even DO high end shit right now. It's all rem's tales BCs, farming Dyna and walk of echoes. That's pretty much all I do. In those cases I dunno why I wouldn't wear T. Coat. Not to mention it's relatively very very easy to get these days and is still a nice stepping stone body piece.

So yeah. I appreciate the tips though.

If I ever actually get a group to do Delve with I'll actually consider my ilvl. But I don't see it happening any time soon. Not utnil I get more reforged done.

To be honest I'd suggest to anyone who hasn't done a lot of Delve by this point, to save up some gil and try and get a win merc'd for you by some higher level players. The difference in difficulty between 6 and 7 man runs is pretty negligible for a good group and chances are they will have been capped out on gear for months by this point.

It shouldn't cost you much - frankly a mil or two is more than adequate provided they lock the upgrade mats - and you should potentially be able to grab a ton of drops.

Better yet, try and make friends with people in ls's that still farm Delve, to them all the gear is just going to hit the floor anyway... its just inventory-1 once you have everything.

Similar thing applies to high level BC's. A lot of groups will do runs to get specific pieces of armour and mats, which can take awhile often resulting in lots of nice gear simply getting thrown because noone in the party needs it, and you can't npc/ah it.

Some will sell (Divinator and the 119 Summoner sachet go for decent gil), but if you're lucky -or a friend- they'll just give you stuff if you are hanging at the zone after a run.
I suppose mercing would probably be the wiser thing to do. I've never been a huge fan of that though, but perhaps it's too late in this stage of the game to get caught up without mercing. *shrugs*

I just feel like it cheapens the whole experience of everything.


Great to see this thread always bumped. For all the crap SE gets, they do a remarkable job updating a 11 year old game with new content every month.

Go PUP baby!


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I suppose mercing would probably be the wiser thing to do. I've never been a huge fan of that though, but perhaps it's too late in this stage of the game to get caught up without mercing. *shrugs*

I just feel like it cheapens the whole experience of everything.

Its a good way to get your "foot in the door" so to speak. For example, awhile back I found myself in a position where I couldn't get into Morimar boss-runs on my otherwise perfectly geared monk because I didn't have Oatixur. And of course the only way to get Oats was to win a Mori boss delve! So I was basically cock-blocked by the playerbase' risk aversion!

I paid a lot (20 frickin mil back then) for the win and the drop, which was pretty outrageous but ultimately it allowed me to get in more PUG's, which got me better gear, which got me in a good ls, which since then has allowed me not only to get pretty much everything I want for all of my jobs, but also to help out many other players down the same road.

Long term, it was the best investment I could've made, because although I leeched one win, as a result it subsequently facilitated countless legit wins often against tougher opponents.
Its a good way to get your "foot in the door" so to speak. For example, awhile back I found myself in a position where I couldn't get into Morimar boss-runs on my otherwise perfectly geared monk because I didn't have Oatixur. And of course the only way to get Oats was to win a Mori boss delve! So I was basically cock-blocked by the playerbase' risk aversion!

I paid a lot (20 frickin mil back then) for the win and the drop, which was pretty outrageous but ultimately it allowed me to get in more PUG's, which got me better gear, which got me in a good ls, which since then has allowed me not only to get pretty much everything I want for all of my jobs, but also to help out many other players down the same road.

Long term, it was the best investment I could've made, because although I leeched one win, as a result it subsequently facilitated countless legit wins often against tougher opponents.
Hehe, you would've had that all if you had that one win regardless of how you managed to get it. I understand your point though, I'll keep it in mind.

Also all this time I thought Delve was the next step and Skirmish was endgame, but it's the other way around. Oops?

Are Skirmishes soloable at all?
On mercing:

I personally feel that unless you can contribute absolutely nothing to an event, and need to be carried 100%, you probably can avoid paying to enter a party.

On some events there is definitely a degree of "must be this tall to ride" but delve 1 isn't one of them at this point.

If you're getting denied delve 1 parties, you can do a couple things to break in without hitting the "must have beaten delve to do delve" paradox.
- Read up on the various NMs in your target fracture. Knowing what to do goes a long way.
- Just ask what you need / what the person making the group is actually looking for specifically. Maybe you don't have oats, but you can hit the same accuracy values without them by using high quality food and an accuracy set.
- Clear some outside NMs with a party to get some gear that way. Tinhaspa that drops from delve II is actually better than oats for acc and damage. It's also experience on what you'll be fighting inside. If you can do it outside, you'll have a better time inside.
- Create a 119 JSE weapon with the NPC Oboro. Sometimes people are just looking for any 119 weapon, and the requirements are not that steep to make one. Better off spending gil there than on a merced win.
. Make your own party. If you kill NMs outside, you can get beads, lock out a few troublesome nms, and fight the megaboss with your own group.

On Skirmish:
Technically you can enter solo now, but you might have trouble with the secondary objectives using only trusts. Bringing 3-4 others and maybe using a trust bard or something wouldn't be out of the question though. I prefer to bring a party of 6.


Yeah, how soloable skirmish is will depend on how well geared you are, and on what job(s). Of course, also, which skirmish you're talking about. Rala and especially Cirdas are probably not bad at all with sparks gear and lower tier simulacrum torsos.

With that said, I'm also of the opinion that the more the merrier for Skirmish. If you share the expense, the overall cost per run is less, and even if you don't, you'll easily be able to get more drops in your personal loot pool than you could solo. For the shared stuff, anyone who's geared up at this point probably isn't going to need much either.


- Create a 119 JSE weapon with the NPC Oboro. Sometimes people are just looking for any 119 weapon, and the requirements are not that steep to make one. Better off spending gil there than on a merced win.

Yeah i did like 10 tojil runs with Oboro weapon and no one was complaining, at least not in front of me :p


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Obviously things have changed somewhat from when I got Tojil merc'd (at that time delve was the only source for 119 gear, so it was a real sticking point), but I'd still stress that with so much good surplus gear from new events, a smorgasbord of goodies just gets junked every day by most veteran groups.

If they aren't being dickish about it*, its a win-win situation for both sides. They get to make some gil for their members/party-mates and you get a quick boost.

*Always a risk sadly :(


No quick boost is worth 20 mil.

Nope, sorry that's 200 HMPs, IF I find them that cheap/have friends who will sell them to me for that cheap.

And yes, I think of everything in the game in terms of HMPs and I haaaaaaate it.
Obviously things have changed somewhat from when I got Tojil merc'd (at that time delve was the only source for 119 gear, so it was a real sticking point), but I'd still stress that with so much good surplus gear from new events, a smorgasbord of goodies just gets junked every day by most veteran groups.

If they aren't being dickish about it*, its a win-win situation for both sides. They get to make some gil for their members/party-mates and you get a quick boost.

*Always a risk sadly :(

Honestly even when people were asking for oats only, if you had rigors and a decent head on your shoulders you could talk your way into a group.

In my case, I was lucky enough to already have a well geared scholar from neo nyzul, so I did some serious work on my stun set, got battlemod, and learned to stun properly (manually, no shenanigans) for delve. I also leveled and geared geomancer for when scholar was not an option, or a group was uncomfortable with a pug scholar.

While my main LS was trying to figure things, I cut my teeth on pugs and such until I got good at my roles, even got invited to a second ls because I made myself competent where not a lot of people were. Helped get a nice foothold on the new content.

There's always a way to "get in" if you're dedicated to doing it. It's not always easy to get the resources to do so of course, and my situation was definitely one of "right place right time" but you also have to remember it's not that important to be first at everything. You'll stress out a lot less if you work on a few small goals at a time and build up towards stuff rather than rush to the newest thing like it's going out of style.


If I had the gil, I'd buy Delve clears. That's the only way I'll ever do them.

Edit: I was just looking up job specific weapons. I didn't know those existed. I wish I hadn't bought a Razorfury a couple weeks ago. I could used that money toward a Minos. It's going to take over two million to buy all the stuff.


Just so people know what not to miss!

Currently going on and ending soon!

Mog Bonanza Collection Period - if you still have any marbles - turn them in by July 29 at 1:00 AM PDT - or forfeit your prize!

Campaign Festa - Sylph did pretty damn well for itself, and got Fiat Lux open for two weeks. Right now all three of the special Beastman BCNMs are open and they require a MUCH lower Campaign Medal, so if you want to spam them, you have till July 29 at 1:00 AM PDT as well.

Summer Alter Ego Extravaganza - Where you can pick up four new and four returning Alter Egos - ending July 31 7:59 AM PDT

Going on right now...

Skirmish Treasure Coffer Campaign - a weekend event that started last night, offering potentially higher quality skirmish stones - ending July 27 11 PM PDT

Double Salvage Plan Drop Campaign - I have done Salvage a grand total of five times and have never tried Salvage II, but those that do report the plan drop rate is awesome during this event. So if you are after Skadi +1 feet or similar, this campaign goes through August 3 11 PM PDT.

JULY LOGIN CAMPAIGN - Keep racking up those points through August 2 at 7 AM PDT. (If you haven't missed a day, and even if you have, you should have enough points to get Star Sybil and two Kyuka Uchiwa if you like.) Points redemption comes to a screeching halt on August 9 at around 7 AM PDT.

Starting Soon!

Sunbreeze Festival and Fantastic Fraulein Mumor Superheroine Stage Show! - AKA Pan's favorite time of year. Witness, insane dancing inanity! Suffer, though mini-games that will make you throw your keyboard! Purchase, swimsuits and yukata from years past for all your mules! Marvel, at dancing Tarus and nightly fireworks! Cry, as something goes wrong and after four attempts you still haven't gotten this year's clothing much less the Mumor Trust Cipher!

ANYWAY - Sunbreeze will start July 29 at 1 AM PDT (huh that looks familiar) and will end August 19 at 1 AM PDT, giving you three weeks to get sick of the music.

Double Capacity Point Campaign - exactly what it says on the tin. Yes I know, double of zero is still... This one is a weekend-long event going from July 31 at 11 PM PDT to August 3 11 PM PDT

Double Simulacra Segment Campaign - in which you get double the chance at these pieces when you do reives. Running from July 31 11 PM PDT to August 11 11 PM PDT.

Saph, just how bored ARE you?

Very very very bored. Expect an August Login Campaign to start possibly on August 10 - it has been confirmed it will include the Uka Trust Cipher.


Well im looking forward to August Login Campaign, need more +2 empy items

Meh these days i login only to do Dyna and salvage II for the Gjallarhorn quest and /shutdown
My first impression of seeing that I have more space with Wardrobe/Case/Satchel? "AWESOME! Never running out of space!"

3 weeks later I have inventory issues again.

EDIT: The biggest issue really is automaton oils... I would really like an "oil case" or some such item that spits out a stack of oils.
My first impression of seeing that I have more space with Wardrobe/Case/Satchel? "AWESOME! Never running out of space!"

3 weeks later I have inventory issues again.

EDIT: The biggest issue really is automaton oils... I would really like an "oil case" or some such item that spits out a stack of oils.

I never keep more than a stack or 2 of +3s on me, how many do you have o_O.
I never keep more than a stack or 2 of +3s on me, how many do you have o_O.
Like 12 stacks, it's an old habit from before the HP warp system. I never liked the annoyance of traveling to Aht Urghan. lol

On another subject. I decided to wait on Aettir and get Deathlocke instead. My reasoning is that my COR is more likely to get PT invites than my RUN, despite Aettir being a far better weapon. It's not an amazing gun, but it seems to be a nice stepping stone until I can finish one of the better guns. Vanir and Phflanazasses I think?

And it was just like 4m, which is nothing.


Any of you dude bros on Fenrir? The Mrs. and myself have been playing since the forever, and have really been ramping up our play times as of late. Specifically I'd love to do some Wildskeeper Reives, but I'm scared... /blush

Edit: Gyar... nevermind, just checked the Player Directory in the OT.
Any of you dude bros on Fenrir? The Mrs. and myself have been playing since the forever, and have really been ramping up our play times as of late. Specifically I'd love to do some Wildskeeper Reives, but I'm scared... /blush

Edit: Gyar... nevermind, just checked the Player Directory in the OT.

You're welcome to come join us on sylph if you're not tied to a current group. Bring friends if you are, even.


What are good campaign ops to do to earn better ribbons. I just used all seven ops credits I had doing Crystal Fist and it wasn't enough to pass an evaluation.
What are good campaign ops to do to earn better ribbons. I just used all seven ops credits I had doing Crystal Fist and it wasn't enough to pass an evaluation.

Mostly the offensive and defensive ones where you go do actual campaign. The rest are garbage and should only be done if you're looking for completion.
So, tomorrow I'm gonna start shouting for Skirmish groups (after getting the warps of course).

Can anyone give me a run down on how things like pop costs and drops work for pug groups? Also what tiers should I aim for with Yorcia?

I looked all over reddit and bg, and while I can find guides on the Skirmishes themselves, I can't find anything about the general rule of thumb for Skirmishing with randoms. Seeing as how it costs money/time to enter.
So, tomorrow I'm gonna start shouting for Skirmish groups (after getting the warps of course).

Can anyone give me a run down on how things like pop costs and drops work for pug groups? Also what tiers should I aim for with Yorcia?

I looked all over reddit and bg, and while I can find guides on the Skirmishes themselves, I can't find anything about the general rule of thumb for Skirmishing with randoms. Seeing as how it costs money/time to enter.

Can discuss with the group and either split cost or have everyone buy a pop if you're gonna 6x. Can also put the info in the shout and see if you get bites based on that.


New trusts announced and adjustments to old ones.

Ooh, the new batch can make for some interesting pairings I hope have dialogues together when summoned - except for the double Excenmille:
* Klara + Zeid
* Rainemard + Curilla
* Romaa + Nanaa
or Lehko
More update news. Job adjustments this time


A new thread has been created in the Updates section of the official forums.

[dev1225] Job Adjustments

[dev1225] Job Adjustments
The maximum amount of enmity accruable by job abilities, magic, and equipment will be increased.

The following jobs will undergo adjustments.

-The job trait “Max HP Boost” will be added.
-Warriors will receive this trait at level 30, with the effect increasing stages at levels 50, 70, and 90.

-The recast time of the job ability “Mug” will be decreased from fifteen minutes to five minutes.

-The job trait “Max HP Boost” will be added.
-Paladins will acquire this trait at level 45, with the effect increasing at level 85.
-The amount of enmity accrued when using the following job abilities will be increased.
Shield Bash / Rampart / Palisade​

Dark Knight
-The casting time of the following spells will be decreased from two seconds to 0.5 seconds.
Absorb-ACC / Absorb-Attri / Absorb-STR / Absorb-DEX / Absorb-VIT / Absorb-AGI / Absorb-INT / Absorb-MND / Absorb-CHR / Absorb-TP​

-The job trait “Max HP Boost” will be added.
-Ninjas will receive this trait at level 20, with the effect increasing stages at levels 40, 60, 80, and 99.

-Wyverns’ defense, magic defense, and subtle blow effects will be increased.

Blue Mage
-The attack power of physical blue magic spells will be increased.
-Job abilities, magic, food, and equipment that affect physical attack will now be reflected in the attack power of physical blue magic spells.
* With regard to those effects that raise physical attacks by a percentage, the attack of physical blue magic spells will vary based on the strength of the weapon wielded in the main hand.​

-Weapon skills used by automatons will undergo the following adjustments.
-The attribute modifiers of the following weapon skills will be increased.
String Clipper / Arcuballista / Slapstick / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crusher / Armor Piercer​
-The TP-related modifiers of the following weapon skills will be increased.
Chimera Ripper / Arcuballista / Cannibal Blade / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crushers / Armor Piercer/ Magic Mortar​
-The damage-related modifiers of the following weapon skills will be increased.
Chimera Ripper / Arcuballista / Slapstick / Daze / Knockout / Bone Crushers​
-The attack-related modifier of String Clipper will be increased.

Rune Fencer
*The job trait “Max HP Boost” will be added.
-Rune fencers will receive this trait at level 20, with the effect increasing stages at levels 40, 60, 80, and 99.

-The potency of the following geomancer spells will be increased.
Indi-Fury / Indi-Barrier / Indi-Wilt / Geo-Fury / Geo-Barrier / Geo-Wilt​
-The effect equipment has on the following geomancy spells will be increased.
Indi-Fury / Indi-Barrier / Indi-Fend / Indi-Precision / Indi-Voidance / Indi-Focus / Indi-Attunement / Indi-Wilt / Indi-Frailty / Indi-Fade / Indi-Malaise / Indi-Slip / Indi-Torpor / Indi-Vex / Indi-Languor / Geo-Fury / Geo-Barrier / Geo-Fend / Geo-Precision / Geo-Voidance / Geo-Focus / Geo-Attunement / Geo-Wilt / Geo-Frailty / Geo-Fade / Geo-Malaise / Geo-Slip / Geo-Torpor / Geo-Vex / Geo-Languor​
Automaton buff, hehehehehehe. Just keep the buffs coming SE. Don't stop.

Wake me up when Mayakov is a trust NPC. Move over Lilsette, let the real belle of the ball shine.

Real post time. Does anyone here use GearSwap? I just got a Zodiac ring and I'm trying to work it into an existing LUA for COR. I was going to just copypaste it ifrom another script, but I'm worried it might interfere with things. I also can't seem to find a script that separates Zodiac ring from obis as they function differently.

It really weirds me out that this script I have now has no obi section. Makes no sense.
There's probably a couple different ways to do it depending on your preference.

You could create a variable that changes based on the presence of weather, then say something like this in your recast

if weathervariable == 1 then equip(sets.precast.JA.quickdrawweather)
else equip(sets.precast.JA.quickdraw)
I can't believe people still play this. I remember wanting to get FFXI so freaking badly in the 7th grade. Maybe I should try to get into it.
I can't believe people still play this. I remember wanting to get FFXI so freaking badly in the 7th grade. Maybe I should try to get into it.

Now is a better time than ever to give it a shot with all the new features they have been adding.. I'll warn you it feels like it has the learning curve of a saga game sometimes, but if you can get over that, you're in for a hell of a ride. Most of us are on Sylph.
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