I always make Ashe a Bushi cause of how they animated katana for her
Anyone else miss the art from the bestiary?
Just got to the part where Penelo joins. Hardest part of the game, as I know have to seriously think about job distribution. I mean, Vaan as a Shikari was a pretty straightforward choice. But now I feel like I'm in way over my head, as I haven't got a clue what each job's characteristics are (I'm talking about strengths, weaknesses, party roles, compatibility with other jobs, etc.).
Maybe I should just pick what feels right for each character and not worry about min/maxing and all that stuff. All I know right now is that I want both Penelo and Fran in a melee role, so I'm thinking of going with Monk and Breaker for them, respectively. Guess I'll worry about the others (and everybody's second jobs...) when I get there.
I keep forgetting to steal from bosses, but if I use a gambit, then they never stop stealing. I'm in a predicament.
Yup I wish there was an option to choose between the two. I like having the 3d models but the art was great.
this has probably been asked 2348924 times. But why not 60 FPS...
this has probably been asked 2348924 times. But why not 60 FPS...
I thought it would be fun to write a small guide --
"The treaty would be signed with steel... and writ with royal blood."
Still gives me chills.
One of the thing that annoys me about this game is how other characters who aren't in battle don't gain exp. Means either stick with 3 characters or grind them all equally.
Does anyone else try to keep everyone levels up to date?
Thanks so much for this, it was a really, really helpful - I'd previously been using the old guide you linked to, along with other guides, and kept going around in circles. I'd been thinking of Balthier as a Shikari/Foebreaker and Basch as a Bushi/Unhlan, but was worried the class combos weren't right. I'd also been considering swapping them around (Basch=hammer time!), which looks like it should be fine.
...and now for the Esper sorting hell! I'm actually planning on starting the game at some damn point...
(I spent a few minutes listening to title screen music, and like other people have mentioned, I was sad when the old menu trailer didn't begin to play. I guess it wasn't worth re-editing together, but boo.)
I'm not looking for a guide on what jobs to pick, I'd like to decide that for myself. But it can be hard to make meaningful decisions with such a lack of knowledge.
How do weapons scale in damage? For instance, I saw in the game's own primer that katanas scale with magic. But then I read online in passing that katanas actually scale with BOTH strength and magic. The game also says that polearms are defended by magic defense without telling me what polearms actually scale with. Is there a good reference for weapon class info?
I see on each license board that there are spaces that are not connected to the main board. These spaces often have technicks/magicks that are wholly unrelated to the job I'm looking at. What does that mean?
Thanks, will do.I wouldnt stress out over job assignments too much guys
Game isnt going to kick your teeth in to the point you can't devise a solution to every fight with what you have
Just have fun with it
I choose jobs based on who looks cool doing what
Absolutely. Loved reading the descriptions in the original combined with the artwork. It was like reading a book actually in the game--old, used, the pages yellow and a bit faded... The 3D-models lessen that experience somewhat.Anyone else miss the art from the bestiary?
note to self, dont make stealing a top rank gambit, and drop to 2x when battling multiple enemies
Is Knight/Black Mage a good setup for Fran? (I already made her a Knight, I'm debating my final setup for an all-girl team)
This version adds the ability to two. It's new!
Probably this have been answer a lot but there is an ultimate guide about jobs per character?
What is the optimal job for each character?
I'm in the beginning with vaan.
Is steal that useful? I always completely ignore this skill regardless of the RPG I'm playing.I just had Vaan Enemy HP = 100% > Steal.
It generally works fine because Vaan starts Steal while everyone is getting ready to tag the leader's target.
Vanilla FFXII really sucks, like one of my major gripes is the license board because the characters can end up similar.
This game sounds so damn good with headphones
So, loot. Sell it all? Some of it has descriptions like it is useful for item creation in the beginning of the game.
You must also hate FF6 and FF10, huh.
I am actually taken aback by how shit the textures look. Like, this almost never happens to me, but it's reached the point where I find the game really, really unpleasant to look at. The FFX remaster was perfect - they repainted the textures at a higher resolution. What the fuck happened here? It looks like they took the old textures, added a quick paintbrush filter in photoshop, then on top of the now still-blurry-as-fuck-but-with-a-PS-filter-on-them textures, added a layer of...other textures. In towns and cities it just looks like some blurry ass PS2 textures (why do they seem uglier than in the original game?) painted on oddly, distractingly detailed concrete/stone/wood/etc. It looks so awful and I almost never complain about this stuff. Whoever did this remaster should have done it properly by re-painting the textures, like in FFX/FFX-2 HD. What a fucking mess. At least the gameplay is improved this time around.
Everything but teleport stones.