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Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age |OT| You Had One Job!


I love Balthier so much lol...."The Ifrit's playing with fire and I'd rather not get burned". Balthier quite possibly has the best dialogue ever, as soon as he makes his entrance you could tell that he is something unique.

Yup. The leading man indeed.
So, weird thing. I just got an email from Amazon with a "preorder bonus" code for this game. Not sure what it's supposed to be, as I don't remember a preorder bonus being detailed, but then I went to enter it and it's not the right character length for PSN. It's 16 characters, not 12. Image of the email below. Anyone got anything like this from Amazon before?

lol I just got this an hour ago.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
Unlocked the second set of jobs last night. It was 2am when I did. I was crippled by choice, so I ended my session for the night. Now I'm really not sure what I'm going to do for my characters...

Is the second job advantage mostly just to expand the skills you have? The squares with gambits or stat upgrades seem to be shared depending on the class. I imagine if I put black mage on my Foebreaker, I would get a bunch of spells + magick potency upgrades + MP upgrades, but it wouldn't share squares with my strength upgrades on Foebreaker. On the other hand, if I go with Uhlan, a lot of the strength upgrades would already be unlocked on the second board. Seems like it would make more sense for me not to put two physical jobs on a character because of the shared upgrade squares on the license board.
Unlocked the second set of jobs last night. It was 2am when I did. I was crippled by choice, so I ended my session for the night. Now I'm really not sure what I'm going to do for my characters...

Is the second job advantage mostly just to expand the skills you have? The squares with gambits or stat upgrades seem to be shared depending on the class. I imagine if I put black mage on my Foebreaker, I would get a bunch of spells + magick potency upgrades + MP upgrades, but it wouldn't share squares with my strength upgrades on Foebreaker. On the other hand, if I go with Uhlan, a lot of the strength upgrades would already be unlocked on the second board. Seems like it would make more sense for me not to put two physical jobs on a character because of the shared upgrade squares on the license board.
No, not just expand. Either or. They're equal... So, e.g. you're just as much a KNI/MNK tank/healer as you are a MNK/KNI DPSer. What I mean is, a KNI that adds MNK could mostly be a KNI tank during the story (benefiting from MNK's extra HP and earlier Curaja, if you make a bee-line for it), but then at the endgame you're just as much a Whale Whisker-wielding DPS MNK (benefiting from KNI's Genji Glove and Heavy Armor).

Easiest way to start probably is look at something like these board pics and try do two things: find syngeries and avoid overlap.

E.g. MNK has great DPS and a top DPS/combo weapon, but no Genji Glove; Uhlan and Knight both get late game strong Holy weapons but no White Robes; a lot of damage Jobs have flaws (no Swiftness 3; no Adrenaline or Focus; no Genji Glove); highest damage spell in the game is fire Ardor on RDM but only BLM has Flame Staff; TBM and MCN are the only 2 jobs with Hastega; WHM, MNK, and KNI can all get Curaja and Bravery late.

So a general rule could be to try find Jobs that complete the 1 or 2 flaws that your main Job has, or to try avoid too much overlap of Battle Lores/Magick Lores or critical healing/buffing Magick so you have 6 optimized characters.

All that said, you could probably through darts at a board and still accidently make 3 good characters... I mean, I'm pretty sure Zodiac Age difficulty is still balanced around IZJS so even if you never ever chose a 2nd Job or gave all 6 characters TBM haha, you'd still be able to beat the entire game lol. So if you either try to min-max or just choose what's fun or fits your headcanon, both fine.
Soft resetting for an hour for Demonsbane and then realizing they changed it in this version


I have a love hate relationship with the game on the PS2, there were so many aspects of the that drew me in the artstyle, the bombastic soundtrack, the promised Matsuno writing, but all of that couldn't keep me playing the game, I found the gameplay system, coupled with the gambits to be a mindless affair, that made me question what was wrong with me, because I couldn't enjoy the game. Anyway, I'm waiting for the remaster to go down in price, to give myself a chance to jump back in, and see wether all of the changes will allow me to stick with the game to the end.


Decided I kind of want this game now. Is it still possible to get the steelbook edition from Amazon or Best Buy? Will it ever come back in stock? Or should I just get it from Gamestop for full price.
Amazon just updated their listing saying they will re-stock on the 21st. Just got my pre-order in.


Hail, peons, for I have come as ambassador from the great and bountiful Blueberry Butt Explosion
No, not just expand. Either or. They're equal... So, e.g. you're just as much a KNI/MNK tank/healer as you are a MNK/KNI DPSer. What I mean is, a KNI that adds MNK could mostly be a KNI tank during the story (benefiting from MNK's extra HP and earlier Curaja, if you make a bee-line for it), but then at the endgame you're just as much a Whale Whisker-wielding DPS MNK (benefiting from KNI's Genji Glove and Heavy Armor).

Easiest way to start probably is look at something like these board pics and try do two things: find syngeries and avoid overlap.

E.g. MNK has great DPS and a top DPS/combo weapon, but no Genji Glove; Uhlan and Knight both get late game strong Holy weapons but no White Robes; a lot of damage Jobs have flaws (no Swiftness 3; no Adrenaline or Focus; no Genji Glove); highest damage spell in the game is fire Ardor on RDM but only BLM has Flame Staff; TBM and MCN are the only 2 jobs with Hastega; WHM, MNK, and KNI can all get Curaja and Bravery late.

So a general rule could be to try find Jobs that complete the 1 or 2 flaws that your main Job has, or to try avoid too much overlap of Battle Lores/Magick Lores or critical healing/buffing Magick so you have 6 optimized characters.

All that said, you could probably through darts at a board and still accidently make 3 good characters... I mean, I'm pretty sure Zodiac Age difficulty is still balanced around IZJS so even if you never ever chose a 2nd Job or gave all 6 characters TBM haha, you'd still be able to beat the entire game lol. So if you either try to min-max or just choose what's fun or fits your headcanon, both fine.

Yeah, as long as there are no "stupid" options (you know, like speccing into swimming in Deus Ex), I'll probably just pick what sounds fun. That said, I'll definitely check out that link. I'd like some idea of what kinds of synergies exist.
i got the guide code from amazon, when i tried it on my account , it said "The code you entered is incorrect or is no longer valid."
anyone got the same issue ?
Yeah I was just about to ask this! Do you input this on PSN or somewhere else cause it told me to do so on PSN but the code is too long anyways. It's 16 digits instead of 12.
Even the sometimes maligned TBMs and MCNs ain't no Swimming haha.

In fact, I think once everyone has their 'perfect' All-Jobs-Used games complete, a lot of people are going to try FF5 and FFT style 1-Job Runs.

Going all TBMs/MCNs just prove the haters wrong or all no-2nd-Job Red Mages sounds fun :D
There's a five dollar off coupon on Amazon too. Got my guide today, highly recommend it!
Believe me I'd buy it right now if I could! But money has been really tight lately.

Otherwise I would have been able to keep my CE of the game from the Square Enix Store. But nope they cancelled it. I'm still really upset I didn't get it.

Once I get money I'll buy the guide (hopefully the code still works) and I really hope that the CE of the game is still available.

If not then eBay it is. I just really want that steelbook.


So... when does the second job becomes available?

I am in the
Ogir Yensa
, great place to lvl up/starting a chain.

Game is as good as I remember. Not the best when it comes to chars/story, but the world is great and same goes for the battle system. I am still in love with Fran(s voice).


So I finally got around to playing this tonight (Been busy with Zelda). And wow....how did I never play this game?

The world and music is so fantastic after the boring confusion of FF15 that I barely recognize that they are from the same line of games....

Also I decided just to free pick my classes and not be all concerned with what is best. I figure it's better that way, too much stress otherwise. I went with Monk for Vaan.


Is fires of war worth getting on Balthier as a machinist? I've read that some quickening lock others out.

Now that you mention that is there a good guide for which quickenings to get or not to get? Or do we want to post in here our team set up/set ups to be so GAF can sound off on which quickenings to get or not?

Vaan - Shikari / Foebreaker
Penelo - Black Mage / Monk
Balthier - Machinist / White Mage
Fran - Archer / Red Mage
Basch - Knight / Bushi
Ashe - Time Battlemage / Uhlan

I'm doing this, and so far haven't gotten to unlocking my sub classes.
Picked this up since I never played FF12 (>PS2 >in 2006)

And wowza, this game actually feels alive, with NPCs that interact with battles and organic Monster Infighting.

Why can't we have more FF games like this?


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Picked this up since I never played FF12 (>PS2 >in 2006)

And wowza, this game actually feels alive, with NPCs that interact with battles and organic Monster Infighting.

Why can't we have more FF games like this?

We can barely have mainline FF games period now. They take years and years and years to make. XII itself took forever to be pumped out.
Incidentally, as much as I love FFXII the troubled development surrounding it fucked up the Final Fantasy team for a good amount of years.

Worse, its troubled history and belated arrival led to a cascade effect throughout subsequent Final Fantasy titles. Because it shipped so far behind schedule and appeared at the tail end of PS2's life, Final Fantasy 13's creators had to abandon plans to bring that game to PS2 and instead target next-generation HD hardware — a disruption with an impact on the franchise the company is only now beginning to get under control.
We can barely have mainline FF games period now. They take years and years and years to make. XII itself took forever to be pumped out.

We can thank the glorious Square-Enix HD-Engine Syndrome for that. So infectious it's even spread to Eidos judging by Mankind Divided. More like "Making a 3D Engine instead of just using Unreal or Unity like everyone else"-Syndrome, but w/e

Perhaps I mean less-so FF and more-so JRPGs in general. Why can't we have more cRPG-inspired JRPGs? I mean Xenoblade was somewhat there, but if I've interpreted Xenoblade 2's gameplay footage correctly even Xenoblade is moving away from it.

Like, it feels so euphoric to me playing a JRPG that plays like a Real-Time With-Pause cRPG.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Incidentally, as much as I love FFXII the troubled development surrounding it fucked up the Final Fantasy team for a good amount of years.

That's one way to look at it, but in retrospect, it doesn't seem like XII's development was some unique anomaly that started all their problems.

That might have been how Square thought of it in 2006-2009, a one-off bad experience, but then XIII also had troubled development. And then Versus/XV also had troubled development. We may even be seeing early signs that VIIR is facing troubled development!

What really happened is that a company which cut its teeth on 1-2 year dev cycle NES, SNES and PS1 games (and probably really believed its own bullshit about the sanctity of their workflow methods at the end of the 90s) started to have to make open world PS2 games, and then HD games, and their process just isn't set up properly to deliver these in a reasonable timeframe. XII was considered massively delayed in its day. Now? A 4 year timeframe for a Square game is expected. "Massively delayed" by the old standards, is the new normal.

XII's development was just the canary in the coal mine revealing that Square's development mindset doesn't work so well making demanding post-2000s games. They were clever in how they scoped out FFX at the dawn of this era, leaning on cutscenes and linear level design, but you can only do that so many times in the modern age before gamers reject it (XIII anyone?).
Holy shit I didn't know the steelbook would be so hard to find. SE store is out. All my local stores are out and the nearest GameStop that has it in stock is about an hour away. Gonna call in the AM and see if they can hold me one.
We can thank the glorious Square-Enix HD-Engine Syndrome for that. So infectious it's even spread to Eidos judging by Mankind Divided. More like "Making a 3D Engine instead of just using Unreal or Unity like everyone else"-Syndrome, but w/e

Perhaps I mean less-so FF and more-so JRPGs in general. Why can't we have more cRPG-inspired JRPGs? I mean Xenoblade was somewhat there, but if I've interpreted Xenoblade 2's gameplay footage correctly even Xenoblade is moving away from it.

Like, it feels so euphoric to me playing a JRPG that plays like a Real-Time With-Pause cRPG.
Yeah, hubris played a huge part. Simply speaking they were left behind in terms of tech because they tried to apply their old dev pipeline in HD games.

So while western Devs managed to get open world RPGs running FFXII was bogged down by them refusing to cut corners in terms of graphical details. You can kinda understand how they couldn't get HD towns going when it was revealed a barrel in FFXIV has the same amount of poly as an NPC.

Also to be fair, Unreal Engine's Japanese support was horrendous back then.


Picked this up since I never played FF12 (>PS2 >in 2006)

And wowza, this game actually feels alive, with NPCs that interact with battles and organic Monster Infighting.

Why can't we have more FF games like this?

It got a lot of hate from many FF fans at release because it was so different at that time and it was the second worst selling modern FF (though partly due to the late release). SE probably just looked at all that and thought that this is not what people want. So they locked Ito to a cellar without realizing that he is probably the only talented director they have left.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It got a lot of hate from many FF fans at release because it was so different at that time and it was the second worst selling modern FF (though partly due to the late release). SE probably just looked at all that and thought that this is not what people want. So they locked Ito to a cellar without realizing that he is probably the only talented director they have left.

Meanwhile they seem to be patting themselves on the back for "turning the FF brand around" with XV :p

The wrong lessons.....
That's one way to look at it, but in retrospect, it doesn't seem like XII's development was some unique anomaly that started all their problems.

That might have been how Square thought of it in 2006-2009, a one-off bad experience, but then XIII also had troubled development. And then Versus/XV also had troubled development. We may even be seeing early signs that VIIR is facing troubled development!

What really happened is that a company which cut its teeth on 1-2 year dev cycle NES, SNES and PS1 games (and probably really believed its own bullshit about the sanctity of their workflow methods at the end of the 90s) started to have to make open world PS2 games, and then HD games, and their process just isn't set up properly to deliver these in a reasonable timeframe. XII was considered massively delayed in its day. Now? A 4 year timeframe for a Square game is expected. "Massively delayed" by the old standards, is the new normal.

XII's development was just the canary in the coal mine revealing that Square's development mindset doesn't work so well making demanding post-2000s games. They were clever in how they scoped out FFX at the dawn of this era, leaning on cutscenes and linear level design, but you can only do that so many times in the modern age before gamers reject it (XIII anyone?).
Yeah I agree with all those points.

Didn't help the FFXIII team for having to go into the HD gen unprepared though!

Meanwhile they seem to be patting themselves on the back for "turning the FF brand around" with XV :p

The wrong lessons.....

They have, actually. There's still problems storywise but that happens when your pre production work is a clusterfuck.

Techwise, and gameplay? Nearly there.
Yeah, hubris played a huge part. Simply speaking they were left behind in terms of tech because they tried to apply their old dev pipeline in HD games.

So while western Devs managed to get open world RPGs running FFXII was bogged down by them refusing to cut corners in terms of graphical details. You can kinda understand how they couldn't get HD towns going when it was revealed a barrel in FFXIV has the same amount of poly as an NPC.

Also to be fair, Unreal Engine's Japanese support was horrendous back then.

What. Are you serious? That is insane. No wonder it takes them so long to launch games.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
They have, actually. There's still problems storywise but that happens when your pre production work is a clusterfuck.

Techwise, and gameplay? Nearly there.

Hmm. I see your point.

I guess we won't really know until XVI.

If they fuck up the story again..... :(
I hated this game on its original release but so far it's been a much better experience. Not sure if it's just that I'm older or what but I've just got the full set of 6 members and that's further than I ever got before

I don't get the love for Balthier though. I think he sucks. Is way too smarmy and I think he looks dumb. And his leading man shit just reminds me of snows hero shit.

Couple questions:
1. Is there a way to reorganize the party? I'd like to put my top 3 first, even though I'm switching around some

2. What's the actual way to assign a new party leader? I just drop everyone until the one I want has the flag.

3. Does shikari start at shields 2? Couldn't find shields 1 to save my life

4. I should get the quickening that's in front on ninja sword 1, right? Read some that it's worth it, kind of no matter what
What levels did you guys reach Raithwall at? Just got here and I'm level 15 across the board. Currently trying to cheese demon wall a bit with mist quickenings. I can get him down to about a 3rd health, I feel like I could beat him but he always swallows one of my DPS, so I need some good luck.
That's one way to look at it, but in retrospect, it doesn't seem like XII's development was some unique anomaly that started all their problems.

That might have been how Square thought of it in 2006-2009, a one-off bad experience, but then XIII also had troubled development. And then Versus/XV also had troubled development. We may even be seeing early signs that VIIR is facing troubled development!

What really happened is that a company which cut its teeth on 1-2 year dev cycle NES, SNES and PS1 games (and probably really believed its own bullshit about the sanctity of their workflow methods at the end of the 90s) started to have to make open world PS2 games, and then HD games, and their process just isn't set up properly to deliver these in a reasonable timeframe. XII was considered massively delayed in its day. Now? A 4 year timeframe for a Square game is expected. "Massively delayed" by the old standards, is the new normal.

XII's development was just the canary in the coal mine revealing that Square's development mindset doesn't work so well making demanding post-2000s games. They were clever in how they scoped out FFX at the dawn of this era, leaning on cutscenes and linear level design, but you can only do that so many times in the modern age before gamers reject it (XIII anyone?).
Great post
FFVII remake's troubled development is what happens when you assigned the director who had the worst FF development case in history to two HD projects simultaneously.


What levels did you guys reach Raithwall at? Just got here and I'm level 15 across the board. Currently trying to cheese demon wall a bit with mist quickenings. I can get him down to about a 3rd health, I feel like I could beat him but he always swallows one of my DPS, so I need some good luck.

15-20 is about normal I'd think. You don't need to beat the first demon wall. You don't really get anything worthwhile for it. But if you really want to beat him you can cast reflect on all your party members and spam aero on them.


I am somewhat miffed that quickenings can lock you out of licenses now.. My initial thought when I saw there were 4 of them, was that the final one would give another charge on the Mist Bar, allowing for easier chaining or something to that effect.
Now my Shikari can't get the Yagyu Darkblade license and I'm near the Stillshrine of Miriam, not going to reset just for that.

So wait, once I open the chest once it is what it is, no sense in resetting? No way to get it guaranteed anywhere?

You can now find it in a chest in the water just outside the north shore village in the Estersand.
Otherwise you can purchase it in Eruyt Village.


The whole Archades / Draklor Laboratory sections were incredibly boring, definetely the worst stretch of the entire game. I'm so glad I'm done with that.
OK, I've been digging this game so-far, but I think I may have encountered a bug or issue that has basically killed my save file.

I just got to the Phon Coast when, for some reason, Balthier suddenly can't hit accurately, like, at all. Turns out Fran can't either, since on a hunch I decided to try her too. I went from both (utilizing a crossbow and a bow, for reference) having normal accuracy to suddenly both being essentially useless.

Here's the thing though - When I'm in an indoor or cave environment, they both go straight back to normal, as though nothing is wrong.

In any case, it has definitely left me very sour, but I figured I'd just throw this out there, as it seems fairly game breaking, depending on who you tend to utilize in your party. No idea what caused it, but it certainly can't be normal.

At least, I've never heard of it being a problem until literally an hour ago when it happened to me.

EDIT: OK, I may have fixed the issue. I went back to an earlier save file that was exhibiting the issue I was having, ran to the nearest teleport crystal while holding the flee button, went back to Ozmone Plain, and I'm assuming the problem just fixed itself? Something went wacky, but I guess it's ok now.

Still, if anyone else comes across this issue, by all means quote this for reference.
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